blob: 78e06a380b0b78276e01ea228ede211f887a3e3e [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "print_tools/ipp_in_json.h"
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include <base/json/json_writer.h>
#include <base/macros.h>
#include <base/optional.h>
#include <base/values.h>
namespace {
base::Value SaveAsJson(const ipp::Collection* coll);
// It saves a single value (at given index) from the attribute as JSON
// structure. The parameter "attr" cannot be nullptr, "index" must be correct.
base::Value SaveAsJson(const ipp::Attribute* attr, unsigned index) {
CHECK(attr != nullptr);
CHECK(index < attr->GetSize());
using AttrType = ipp::AttrType;
switch (attr->GetType()) {
case AttrType::integer: {
int vi;
attr->GetValue(&vi, index);
return base::Value(vi);
case AttrType::boolean: {
int vb;
attr->GetValue(&vb, index);
return base::Value(static_cast<bool>(vb));
case AttrType::enum_: {
std::string vs;
attr->GetValue(&vs, index);
if (vs.empty()) {
int vi;
attr->GetValue(&vi, index);
return base::Value(vi);
return base::Value(vs);
case AttrType::collection:
return SaveAsJson(attr->GetCollection(index));
case AttrType::text:
case AttrType::name: {
ipp::StringWithLanguage vs;
attr->GetValue(&vs, index);
if (vs.language.empty())
return base::Value(vs.value);
base::Value obj(base::Value::Type::DICTIONARY);
obj.SetStringKey("value", vs.value);
obj.SetStringKey("language", vs.language);
return obj;
case AttrType::dateTime:
case AttrType::resolution:
case AttrType::rangeOfInteger:
case AttrType::octetString:
case AttrType::keyword:
case AttrType::uri:
case AttrType::uriScheme:
case AttrType::charset:
case AttrType::naturalLanguage:
case AttrType::mimeMediaType: {
std::string vs;
attr->GetValue(&vs, index);
return base::Value(vs);
return base::Value(); // not reachable
// It saves all attribute's values as JSON structure.
// The parameter "attr" cannot be nullptr.
base::Value SaveAsJson(const ipp::Attribute* attr) {
CHECK(attr != nullptr);
if (attr->IsASet()) {
base::Value arr(base::Value::Type::LIST);
const unsigned size = attr->GetSize();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < size; ++i)
arr.Append(SaveAsJson(attr, i));
return arr;
} else {
return SaveAsJson(attr, 0);
// It saves a given Collection as JSON object.
// The parameter "coll" cannot be nullptr.
base::Value SaveAsJson(const ipp::Collection* coll) {
CHECK(coll != nullptr);
base::Value obj(base::Value::Type::DICTIONARY);
std::vector<const ipp::Attribute*> attrs = coll->GetAllAttributes();
for (auto a : attrs) {
auto state = a->GetState();
if (state == ipp::AttrState::unset)
if (state == ipp::AttrState::set) {
base::Value obj2(base::Value::Type::DICTIONARY);
obj2.SetStringKey("type", ToString(a->GetType()));
obj2.SetKey("value", SaveAsJson(a));
obj.SetKey(a->GetName(), std::move(obj2));
} else {
obj.SetStringKey(a->GetName(), ToString(state));
return obj;
// It saves all groups from given Package as JSON object.
// The parameter "pkg" cannot be nullptr.
base::Value SaveAsJson(const ipp::Package* pkg) {
CHECK(pkg != nullptr);
base::Value obj(base::Value::Type::DICTIONARY);
std::vector<const ipp::Group*> groups = pkg->GetAllGroups();
for (auto g : groups) {
const size_t size = g->GetSize();
if (size == 0)
if (g->IsASet()) {
base::Value arr(base::Value::Type::LIST);
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
obj.SetKey(ToString(g->GetName()), std::move(arr));
} else {
obj.SetKey(ToString(g->GetName()), SaveAsJson(g->GetCollection()));
return obj;
// Saves given logs as JSON array.
base::Value SaveAsJson(const std::vector<ipp::Log>& log) {
base::Value arr(base::Value::Type::LIST);
for (const auto& l : log) {
base::Value obj(base::Value::Type::DICTIONARY);
obj.SetStringKey("message", l.message);
if (!l.frame_context.empty())
obj.SetStringKey("frame_context", l.frame_context);
if (!l.parser_context.empty())
obj.SetStringKey("parser_context", l.parser_context);
return arr;
} // namespace
bool ConvertToJson(const ipp::Response& response,
const std::vector<ipp::Log>& log,
bool compressed_json,
std::string* json) {
// Build structure.
base::Value doc(base::Value::Type::DICTIONARY);
doc.SetStringKey("status", ipp::ToString(response.StatusCode()));
if (!log.empty()) {
doc.SetKey("parsing_logs", SaveAsJson(log));
doc.SetKey("response", SaveAsJson(&response));
// Convert to JSON.
bool result;
if (compressed_json) {
result = base::JSONWriter::Write(doc, json);
} else {
const int options = base::JSONWriter::OPTIONS_PRETTY_PRINT;
result = base::JSONWriter::WriteWithOptions(doc, options, json);
return result;