blob: cdd869bdaf3d5c952e62fb3eb91cfef9380e5901 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "dlcservice/boot/boot_slot.h"
#include <climits>
#include <utility>
#include <base/files/file_util.h>
#include <base/strings/string_number_conversions.h>
#include <base/strings/string_util.h>
#include "dlcservice/boot/boot_device.h"
#include "dlcservice/utils.h"
using std::string;
using std::unique_ptr;
namespace dlcservice {
BootSlot::BootSlot(unique_ptr<BootDeviceInterface> boot_device)
: boot_device_(std::move(boot_device)) {}
BootSlot::~BootSlot() = default;
bool BootSlot::GetCurrentSlot(string* boot_disk_name_out,
Slot* current_slot_out,
bool* is_removable_out) const {
string boot_device = boot_device_->GetBootDevice();
if (boot_device.empty())
return false;
int partition_num;
if (!SplitPartitionName(boot_device, boot_disk_name_out, &partition_num))
return false;
// All installed Chrome OS devices have two slots. We don't update removable
// devices, so we will pretend we have only one slot in that case.
const bool removable = boot_device_->IsRemovableDevice(*boot_disk_name_out);
if (is_removable_out)
*is_removable_out = removable;
if (removable)
<< "Booted from a removable device, pretending we have only one slot.";
// Search through the slots to see which slot has the |partition_num| we
// booted from.
// In Chrome OS, the partition numbers are hard-coded:
// KERNEL-A=2, ROOT-A=3, KERNEL-B=4, ROOT-B=5, ...
// To help compatibility between different casing we accept both lowercase and
// uppercase names in the ChromeOS or Brillo standard names.
// See
switch (partition_num) {
case 2: // KERNEL-A=2
case 3: // ROOT-A=2
*current_slot_out = Slot::A;
return true;
case 4: // KERNEL-B=4
case 5: // ROOT-B=5
*current_slot_out = Slot::B;
return true;
// This should map to one of the existing slots, otherwise something is very
// wrong.
LOG(ERROR) << "Couldn't find the slot number corresponding to the "
"partition "
<< boot_device << ". This device is not updateable.";
return false;
bool BootSlot::SplitPartitionName(string partition_name,
string* disk_name_out,
int* partition_num_out) const {
if (!base::StartsWith(partition_name, "/dev/",
base::CompareCase::SENSITIVE)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid partition device name: " << partition_name;
return false;
// Loop twice if we hit the '_' case to handle NAND block devices.
for (int i = 0; i <= 1; ++i) {
auto nondigit_pos = partition_name.find_last_not_of("0123456789");
if (!isdigit(partition_name.back()) || nondigit_pos == string::npos) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to parse partition device name: " << partition_name;
return false;
switch (partition_name[nondigit_pos]) {
// NAND block devices have weird naming which could be something like
// "/dev/ubiblock2_0". We discard "_0" in such a case.
case '_':
LOG(INFO) << "Shortening partition_name: " << partition_name;
partition_name = partition_name.substr(0, nondigit_pos);
// Special case for MMC devices which have the following naming scheme:
// mmcblk0p2
case 'p':
if (nondigit_pos != 0 && isdigit(partition_name[nondigit_pos - 1])) {
*disk_name_out = partition_name.substr(0, nondigit_pos);
base::StringToInt(partition_name.substr(nondigit_pos + 1),
return true;
*disk_name_out = partition_name.substr(0, nondigit_pos + 1);
base::StringToInt(partition_name.substr(nondigit_pos + 1),
return true;
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to parse partition device name: " << partition_name;
return false;
// static
string BootSlot::ToString(BootSlot::Slot slot) {
return slot == BootSlot::Slot::A ? kDlcDirAName : kDlcDirBName;
} // namespace dlcservice