blob: 4eef1528e0fe76b0b0bfb72964c2b29c73f84453 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/run_loop.h"
#include "re2/re2.h"
#include "croslog/boot_records.h"
#include "croslog/config.h"
#include "croslog/file_change_watcher.h"
#include "croslog/multiplexer.h"
namespace croslog {
class ViewerPlaintext : public Multiplexer::Observer {
explicit ViewerPlaintext(const croslog::Config& config);
// Run the plaintext viewer. This may run the runloop to retrieve update
// events.
bool Run();
FRIEND_TEST(ViewerPlaintextTest, GetBootIdAt);
FRIEND_TEST(ViewerPlaintextTest, ShouldFilterOutEntry);
FRIEND_TEST(ViewerPlaintextTest, ShouldFilterOutEntryWithBootId);
FRIEND_TEST(ViewerPlaintextTest, ShouldFilterOutEntryWithCursor);
enum class CursorMode { UNSPECIFIED, SAME_AND_NEWER, NEWER };
base::RunLoop run_loop_;
base::Closure quit_closure_{run_loop_.QuitWhenIdleClosure()};
const croslog::Config config_;
base::Optional<RE2> config_grep_;
CursorMode config_cursor_mode_ = CursorMode::UNSPECIFIED;
base::Time config_cursor_time_;
bool config_show_cursor_ = false;
base::Optional<BootRecords::BootRange> config_boot_range_;
int cache_boot_range_index_ = -1;
BootRecords boot_records_;
Multiplexer multiplexer_;
// FOR TEST: Initialize with the custom boot logs.
ViewerPlaintext(const croslog::Config& config, BootRecords&& boot_logs);
ViewerPlaintext(const ViewerPlaintext&) = delete;
ViewerPlaintext& operator=(const ViewerPlaintext&) = delete;
void Initialize();
void OnLogFileChanged() override;
bool ShouldFilterOutEntry(const LogEntry& e);
void ReadRemainingLogs();
std::string GetBootIdAt(base::Time time);
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> GenerateKeyValues(
const LogEntry& entry);
void WriteLog(const LogEntry& entry);
void WriteLogInExportFormat(const LogEntry& entry);
void WriteLogInJsonFormat(const LogEntry& entry);
void WriteOutput(const std::string& str);
void WriteOutput(const char* str, size_t size);
} // namespace croslog