blob: 2dec7cb4db9a84cd8924cbeda236ad58864ed1fd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <absl/status/statusor.h>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include <base/time/time.h>
#include <sqlite3.h>
namespace federated {
// Example objects stored in corresponding `client_name` tables.
// An example represents a training example of federated computation.
struct ExampleRecord {
// The ID of this example in the client table. Only populated in records
// being retrieved from (c.f. being inserted into) the example database.
int64_t id = -1;
std::string serialized_example;
base::Time timestamp;
// Provides access to example database.
// WARNING: Do not pass strings to these methods (e.g. Init, GetIterator) that
// have not been carefully sanitized. This class does not perform
// string sanitization and is therefore susceptible to SQL code
// injection.
// Example usage:
// Construct and initialize:
// ExampleDatabase db(db_path);
// if(!db.Init(kTestClients) || !db.IsOpen() || !db.CheckIntegrity()) {
// // Error handling.
// }
// Insert an example:
// ExampleRecord example_record;
// example_record.serialized_example = serialized_example;
// example_record.timestamp = base::Time::Now();
// db.InsertExample(client_name, example_record);
// Query examples:
// ExampleDatabase::Iterator it = db.GetIterator("client_1");
// while (true) {
// const absl::StatusOr<ExampleRecord> result = it.Next();
// if (result.ok()) {
// // Do something with *result.
// continue;
// }
// if (absl::IsOutOfRange(result)) {
// // End of iterator.
// } else {
// // Handle error.
// }
// }
// See and for more details.
class ExampleDatabase {
// Handles one read-only iteration through a table.
struct Iterator final {
Iterator(sqlite3* db,
const std::string& client_name,
const base::Time& start_time,
const base::Time& end_time);
Iterator(sqlite3* db, const std::string& client_name);
Iterator(const Iterator& other) = delete;
Iterator& operator=(const Iterator& other) = delete;
Iterator(Iterator&& other);
Iterator& operator=(Iterator&& other);
// Returns the next example, an "out of range" error if the end of the
// iteration has been reached, or any other error if example fetching
// failed.
absl::StatusOr<ExampleRecord> Next();
// Releases sqlite resources / locks.
// Called automatically when the iteration is complete or the iterator is
// destroyed, but must be called manually when iteration is abandoned
// early. The database cannot be closed unless all iterators have been
// closed by one means or another.
void Close();
sqlite3_stmt* stmt_;
// Creates an instance to talk to the database file at `db_path`. Init() must
// be called to establish connection.
explicit ExampleDatabase(const base::FilePath& db_path);
ExampleDatabase(const ExampleDatabase&) = delete;
ExampleDatabase& operator=(const ExampleDatabase&) = delete;
virtual ~ExampleDatabase();
// Initializes database connection. Must be called before any other queries.
// Returns true if no error occurred.
// WARNING: client names are used to construct SQL statements but are not
// sanitized in any way. Therefore this method is susceptible to
// code injection unless the provided names are carefully vetted or
// sanitized.
virtual bool Init(const std::unordered_set<std::string>& clients);
// Returns true if the database connection is open.
virtual bool IsOpen() const;
// Closes database connection. Returns true if no error occurred.
virtual bool Close();
// Runs sqlite built-in integrity check. Returns true if no error is found.
virtual bool CheckIntegrity() const;
// Returns an iterator through the examples for the given client within the
// time range.
// WARNING: client names are used to construct SQL statements but are not
// sanitized in any way. Therefore this method is susceptible to
// code injection unless the provided names are carefully vetted or
// sanitized.
virtual Iterator GetIterator(const std::string& client_name,
const base::Time& start_time,
const base::Time& end_time) const;
// Similar to GetIterator but without time range, returns an iterator through
// all examples for the given client.
virtual Iterator GetIteratorForTesting(const std::string& client_name) const;
// Inserts example into the table matching its client_name. Returns true
// if no error occurred.
// WARNING: client names are used to construct SQL statements but are not
// sanitized in any way. Therefore this method is susceptible to
// code injection unless the provided names are carefully vetted or
// sanitized.
virtual bool InsertExample(const std::string& client_name,
const ExampleRecord& example_record);
// Returns the count of examples in the client's table within the time range.
// WARNING: client names are used to construct SQL statements but are not
// sanitized in any way. Therefore this method is susceptible to
// code injection unless the provided names are carefully vetted or
// sanitized.
virtual int ExampleCount(const std::string& client_name,
const base::Time& start_time,
const base::Time& end_time) const;
// Similar to ExampleCount but without time range, returns the count of all
// examples in the client's table.
virtual int ExampleCountForTesting(const std::string& client_name) const;
// Deletes all examples in the specified client table. We expose only this
// rudimentary functionality since small federated clients typically delete
// all training examples at the end of a training session. More sophiscated
// behavior can be added if it is later needed.
// WARNING: client names are used to construct SQL statements but are not
// sanitized in any way. Therefore this method is susceptible to
// code injection unless the provided names are carefully vetted or
// sanitized.
virtual void DeleteAllExamples(const std::string& client_name);
sqlite3* sqlite3_for_testing() const { return db_.get(); }
// Typedef of sqlite3_exec callback, see sqlite doc:
using SqliteCallback = int (*)(void* /*data*/,
int /*count*/,
char** /*row*/,
char** /*names*/);
// Sqlite error code and error message.
struct ExecResult {
int code;
std::string error_msg;
// Counts the examples in the client's table that match the `where_clause` if
// it's a valid SQL WHERE clause, or counts all the examples if `where_clause`
// is an empty string. Returns 0 if database is closed or `where_clause` is
// invalid.
int ExampleCountInternal(const std::string& client_name,
const std::string& where_clause) const;
// Returns true if the client's table exists.
bool ClientTableExists(const std::string& client_name) const;
// Returns true if the client's table is created without error.
bool CreateClientTable(const std::string& client_name);
// Executes sql.
ExecResult ExecSql(const std::string& sql) const;
ExecResult ExecSql(const std::string& sql,
SqliteCallback callback,
void* data) const;
const base::FilePath db_path_;
std::unique_ptr<sqlite3, decltype(&sqlite3_close)> db_;
} // namespace federated