blob: a8f91a63d46af8e453d7d17365f574079817542d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
namespace vm_tools {
namespace launcher {
// Manages a limited resource that needs to be assigned to each VM.
// Since multiple instances of launcher can be run at once, this class
// assists in keeping track of allocated resources in a file. fcntl locking
// is used to guarantee that only one instance of launcher may access the
// list of allocated resources at a time.
class PooledResource {
virtual ~PooledResource() = default;
// Set the |release_on_destruction| flag. This will cause the resource to be
// released from the global pool when the object is destructed.
void SetReleaseOnDestruction(bool release_on_destruction);
PooledResource(const base::FilePath& instance_runtime_dir,
bool release_on_destruction);
// Allocates a resource from the pool. Returns true if the allocation
// succeeded, or false otherwise.
bool Allocate();
// Releases a resource back into the pool. Returns true if the release
// succeeded, or false otherwise.
bool Release();
// Load resources for an already running VM. Returns true if the runtime
// data is read successfully, and false otherwise.
bool LoadInstance();
// Returns a name for the resource, which will be used as the filename
// for keeping track of that resource.
virtual const char* GetName() const = 0;
// Returns a string identifier for the resource allocated. For example, for a
// MAC address this could be the EUI-48 representation 01:23:45:67:89:0A.
virtual const std::string GetResourceID() const = 0;
// Parses resources from the given string (originally the contents of the
// associated resource file) so that an allocation can check for which
// resources are available. Returns true if the load succeeded, or false
// otherwise.
virtual bool LoadGlobalResources(const std::string& resources) = 0;
// Persists the in-memory allocated resources back to the resources file.
// Returns a string representing the currently allocated resources, which
// will be written back to the resources file.
virtual std::string PersistGlobalResources() = 0;
// Load the resource allocated to the VM instance in this runtime directory.
virtual bool LoadInstanceResource(const std::string& resource) = 0;
// Persist the resource that was allocated to the VM instance's runtime
// directory.
bool PersistInstanceResource();
// Allocates a resource from the in-memory list of allocated resources.
// A later call to PersistResources will save this to disk.
// Returns true if the allocation succeeded, or false otherwise.
virtual bool AllocateResource() = 0;
// Removes a resource from the in-memory list of allocated resources.
// A later call to PersistResources will save this to disk.
// Returns true if the release succeeded, or false otherwise.
virtual bool ReleaseResource() = 0;
// Returns true if a subclass should call Release() in its destructor.
bool ShouldReleaseOnDestruction();
// The VM instance's runtime directory.
const base::FilePath instance_runtime_dir_;
// Should resources be released when this object's destructor is called?
bool release_on_destruction_;
} // namespace launcher
} // namespace vm_tools