blob: c60ec614a8454a42a1beeb9cb8ecc6cc1dbf6778 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// CrosVM manages a VM's lifecycle and associated resources.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include <base/macros.h>
#include <brillo/process.h>
#include "vm_tools/launcher/mac_address.h"
#include "vm_tools/launcher/subnet.h"
#include "vm_tools/launcher/nfs_export.h"
#include "vm_tools/launcher/vsock_cid.h"
#include "guest.grpc.pb.h" // NOLINT(build/include)
namespace vm_tools {
namespace launcher {
// This manages a VM instance, which consists of the resources allocated
// by the VM, as well as the VM process itself.
// CrosVM instances should be constructed with the factory methods Create (for
// new VM instances) and Load (for existing, running VM instances).
// Instances constructed by Create will by default shut down the VM and free
// all of its resources on destruction. Instances constructed by Load will by
// default leave the VM running. This behavior can be changed with
// SetReleaseOnDestruction, e.g. if a VM process wants to be allowed to run
// after vm_launcher exits.
class CrosVM {
// Create a new CrosVM instance. This will allocate resources as necessary.
// |name| should be unique among running VMs. |vm_kernel| and |vm_rootfs|
// must be valid paths to a VM kernel and VM rootfs. Instances created
// by this factory method are set to release on their destruction
// by default.
static std::unique_ptr<CrosVM> Create(const std::string& name,
const base::FilePath& vm_kernel,
const base::FilePath& vm_rootfs,
const base::FilePath& nfs_path);
// Load an existing CrosVM instance with the given |name|. Instances
// created by this factory method are NOT set to release on their
// destruction.
static std::unique_ptr<CrosVM> Load(const std::string& name);
// Get the VM name for a given VM pid.
static bool GetNameForPid(pid_t target_pid, std::string* vm_name);
// Start a VM asynchronously. This detaches the VM from stdin/stdout/stderr,
// and allows vm_launcher to return immediately. If |ssh| is true, sshd
// will be started in the VM. If a nonempty |container_disk| is supplied,
// it will be attached to the VM If |rw_container| is true, then the disk
// will also be marked as writable.
bool Start(bool ssh, const base::FilePath& container_disk, bool rw_container);
// Run a VM. stdio will be given to the VM for serial console access, and
// this method will block until the VM process exits. If |ssh| is true, sshd
// will be started in the VM. If a nonempty |container_disk| is supplied,
// it will be attached to the VM If |rw_container| is true, then the disk
// will also be marked as writable.
bool Run(bool ssh, const base::FilePath& container_disk, bool rw_container);
// Stop a running VM. This will release any resources associated with the VM.
bool Stop();
CrosVM(const std::string& name,
const base::FilePath& vm_kernel,
const base::FilePath& vm_rootfs,
const base::FilePath& instance_runtime_dir_,
std::unique_ptr<MacAddress> mac_addr,
std::shared_ptr<Subnet> subnet,
std::unique_ptr<VsockCid> cid,
std::unique_ptr<NfsExport> nfs_export,
bool release_on_destruction);
// Save state to the VM instance runtime directory, including the VM pid.
bool SaveProcessState();
// Restore any state associated with the VM process.
bool RestoreProcessState();
// Build the command line for a crosvm process to run.
bool BuildCrosVMCommandLine(const base::FilePath& container_disk,
bool rw_container);
// Initialize a running VM. This includes network setup, starting sshd if
// |ssh| is set, and starting a container if |run_container| is set. The
// container disk will be mounted as writable only if |rw_container| is set.
bool VMInit(bool ssh, bool run_container, bool rw_container);
// Set to true to kill the VM and free all resources when CrosVM is
// destructed. If false, the VM and its resources will be left alive.
void SetReleaseOnDestruction(bool release_on_destruction);
// Teardown this CrosVM instance. If this instance is not set to release on
// destruction, this will leave the VM and its resource intact. Otherwise,
// this will shut down the VM and free all its resources.
bool Teardown();
// RPC calls to maitred.
bool LaunchProcess(const std::vector<std::string>& args,
bool respawn,
bool wait_for_exit);
bool Mount(const std::string& source,
const std::string& target,
const std::string& fstype,
const uint64_t mountflags,
const std::string& options);
bool ConfigureNetwork();
bool Shutdown();
const std::string name_;
const base::FilePath vm_kernel_;
const base::FilePath vm_rootfs_;
const base::FilePath instance_runtime_dir_;
const std::unique_ptr<MacAddress> mac_addr_;
const std::shared_ptr<Subnet> subnet_;
const std::unique_ptr<VsockCid> cid_;
const std::unique_ptr<NfsExport> nfs_export_;
bool release_on_destruction_;
std::unique_ptr<brillo::ProcessImpl> vm_process_;
std::unique_ptr<vm_tools::Maitred::Stub> stub_;
} // namespace launcher
} // namespace vm_tools