blob: e2dd45ac071888f744701f1b2624c7cbd88c50ee [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/callback.h>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include <base/macros.h>
#include <base/synchronization/condition_variable.h>
#include <base/synchronization/lock.h>
#include <chromeos/dbus/service_constants.h>
#include "cryptohome/cryptohome_metrics.h"
#include "cryptohome/dircrypto_data_migrator/atomic_flag.h"
#include "cryptohome/migration_type.h"
#include "cryptohome/platform.h"
namespace base {
class Thread;
namespace cryptohome {
namespace dircrypto_data_migrator {
extern const base::FilePath::CharType kMigrationStartedFileName[];
extern const base::FilePath::CharType kSkippedFileListFileName[];
extern const char kSourceURLXattrName[];
extern const char kReferrerURLXattrName[];
// A helper class for migrating files to new file system with small overhead of
// diskspace.
// This class is only designed to migrate data from ecryptfs to ext4 encryption,
// and therefore makes some assumptions about the underlying file systems. In
// particular:
// Sparse files in the source tree are not supported. They will be treated as
// normal files, and therefore cause disk usage to increase after the
// migration.
// Support for sparse files in the destination tree are required. If they are
// not supported a minimum free space equal to the largest single file on disk
// will be required for the migration.
// The destination filesystem needs to support flushing hardware buffers on
// fsync. In the case of Ext4, this means not disabling the barrier mount
// option.
class MigrationHelper {
// Callback for monitoring migration progress. The first parameter is the
// number of bytes migrated so far, and the second parameter is the total
// number of bytes that need to be migrated, including what has already been
// migrated. If status is not DIRCRYPTO_MIGRATION_IN_PROGRESS the values in
// migrated should be ignored as they are undefined.
using ProgressCallback = base::Callback<void(
DircryptoMigrationStatus status, uint64_t migrated, uint64_t total)>;
// Creates a new MigrationHelper for migrating from |from| to |to|.
// Status files will be stored in |status_files_dir|, which should not be in
// the directory tree to be migrated. |max_chunk_size| is treated as a hint
// for the desired size of data to transfer at once, but may be reduced if
// there is not enough free space on disk or the provided max_chunk_size is
// inefficient.
// If |minimal_migration| is true, progress reporting will be omitted and only
// important profile parts will be migrated. Most user data will be wiped.
MigrationHelper(Platform* platform,
const base::FilePath& from,
const base::FilePath& to,
const base::FilePath& status_files_dir,
uint64_t max_chunk_size,
MigrationType migration_type);
virtual ~MigrationHelper();
void set_namespaced_mtime_xattr_name_for_testing(const std::string& name) {
namespaced_mtime_xattr_name_ = name;
void set_namespaced_atime_xattr_name_for_testing(const std::string& name) {
namespaced_atime_xattr_name_ = name;
void set_num_job_threads_for_testing(size_t num_job_threads) {
num_job_threads_ = num_job_threads;
void set_max_job_list_size_for_testing(size_t max_job_list_size) {
max_job_list_size_ = max_job_list_size;
// Moves all files under |from| into |to| specified in the constructor.
// This function copies chunks of a file at a time, requiring minimal free
// space overhead. This method should only ever be called once in the
// lifetime of the object.
// Parameters
// progress_callback - function that will be called regularly to update on
// the progress of the migration. Callback may be executed from one of the
// job processing threads or the caller thread, so long-running callbacks
// may block the migration. May not be null.
bool Migrate(const ProgressCallback& progress_callback);
// Returns true if the migration has been started, but not finished.
bool IsMigrationStarted() const;
// Triggers cancellation of the ongoing migration, and returns without waiting
// for it to happen. Can be called on any thread.
void Cancel();
FRIEND_TEST(MigrationHelperTest, CopyOwnership);
struct Job;
class WorkerPool;
// Calculate the total number of bytes to be migrated, populating
// |total_byte_count_| with the result.
// Returns true when |total_byte_count_| was calculated successfully.
bool CalculateDataToMigrate(const base::FilePath& from);
// Increment the number of bytes migrated, potentially reporting the status if
// its time for a new report.
void IncrementMigratedBytes(uint64_t bytes);
// Call |progress_callback_| with the number of bytes already migrated, the
// total number of bytes to be migrated, and the migration status.
void ReportStatus(DircryptoMigrationStatus status);
// Creates a new directory that is the result of appending |child| to |to|,
// migrating recursively all contents of the source directory.
// Parameters
// child - relative path under the base path to migrate.
bool MigrateDir(const base::FilePath& child,
const FileEnumerator::FileInfo& info);
// Returns true if |child| should be migrated. false means that it will be
// deleted in the old user home, but not copied to the new user home.
bool ShouldMigrateFile(const base::FilePath& child);
// Creates a new link |to_base_path_|/|child| which has the same attributes
// and target as |from_base_path_|/|child|. If the target points to an
// absolute path under |from_base_path_|, it is rewritten to point to the
// same relative path under |to_base_path_|.
bool MigrateLink(const base::FilePath& child,
const FileEnumerator::FileInfo& info);
// Copies data from |from_base_path_|/|child| to |to_base_path_|/|child|.
bool MigrateFile(const base::FilePath& child,
const FileEnumerator::FileInfo& info);
bool CopyAttributes(const base::FilePath& child,
const FileEnumerator::FileInfo& info);
bool FixTimes(const base::FilePath& child);
// Remove the temporary xattrs used to store atime and mtime.
bool RemoveTimeXattrs(const base::FilePath& child);
bool CopyExtendedAttributes(const base::FilePath& child);
bool SetExtendedAttributeIfNotPresent(const base::FilePath& child,
const std::string& xattr,
const char* value,
ssize_t size);
// Record the latest file error happened during the migration.
// |operation| is the type of the operation cause the |error| and
// |child| is the path of migrated file from the root of migration.
// We should record the error immediately after the failed low-level
// file operations (|platform_| methods or base:: functions), not after
// the batched file operation utility to keep the granularity of the stat
// and to avoid unintended duplicated logging.
void RecordFileError(DircryptoMigrationFailedOperationType operation,
const base::FilePath& child,
base::File::Error error);
void RecordFileErrorWithCurrentErrno(
DircryptoMigrationFailedOperationType operation,
const base::FilePath& child);
// Records the fact that the file at |rel_path| was skipped during migration.
void RecordSkippedFile(const base::FilePath& rel_path);
// Processes the job.
// Must be called on a job thread.
bool ProcessJob(const Job& job);
// Increments the child count of the given directory.
// Can be called on any thread.
void IncrementChildCount(const base::FilePath& child);
// Decrements the child count of the given directory. When the direcotry
// becomes empty, deletes the directory and recursively cleans up the parent.
// Can be called on any thread.
bool DecrementChildCountAndDeleteIfNecessary(const base::FilePath& child);
// Calculates the total size of existing xattrs on |path| and reports the sum
// of that total and failed_xattr_size to UMA.
void ReportTotalXattrSize(const base::FilePath& path, int failed_xattr_size);
Platform* platform_;
base::FilePath from_base_path_;
base::FilePath to_base_path_;
ProgressCallback progress_callback_;
const base::FilePath status_files_dir_;
uint64_t max_chunk_size_;
MigrationType migration_type_;
// Whitelisted paths for minimal migration. May contain directories and files.
std::vector<base::FilePath> minimal_migration_paths_;
uint64_t effective_chunk_size_;
uint64_t total_byte_count_;
uint64_t total_directory_byte_count_;
int64_t initial_free_space_bytes_;
int n_files_;
int n_dirs_;
int n_symlinks_;
uint64_t migrated_byte_count_;
base::TimeTicks next_report_;
// Lock for migrated_byte_count_ and next_report_.
base::Lock migrated_byte_count_lock_;
std::string namespaced_mtime_xattr_name_;
std::string namespaced_atime_xattr_name_;
base::FilePath skipped_file_list_path_;
DircryptoMigrationFailedOperationType failed_operation_type_;
DircryptoMigrationFailedPathType failed_path_type_;
base::File::Error failed_error_type_;
// Lock for failed_operation_type_, failed_path_type_, and failed_error_type_.
base::Lock failure_info_lock_;
size_t num_job_threads_;
size_t max_job_list_size_;
std::unique_ptr<WorkerPool> worker_pool_;
std::map<base::FilePath, int> child_counts_; // Child count for directories.
base::Lock child_counts_lock_; // Lock for child_counts_.
AtomicFlag is_cancelled_;
} // namespace dircrypto_data_migrator
} // namespace cryptohome