blob: 907cdf8a6f5fa6dbfd87aefac2269f27d114eae2 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/callback.h>
#include <base/macros.h>
#include "shill/event_dispatcher.h"
namespace shill {
class Config;
class ControlInterface;
class DHCPProvider;
class Error;
class Manager;
class Metrics;
class ProcessManager;
class RoutingTable;
class RTNLHandler;
#if !defined(DISABLE_WIFI)
class NetlinkManager;
#endif // !defined(DISABLE_WIFI)
// DaemonTask contains most of the logic used in ShillDaemon (e.g.
// init/shutdown, start/stop). This class is kept separate from ShillDaemon to
// ensure that it does not inherit brillo::Daemon. This is necessary for
// DaemonTask unit tests to run, since the base::ExitManager inherited from
// brillo::Daemon cannot coexist with the base::ExitManager used by shill's
class DaemonTask {
// Run-time settings retrieved from command line.
struct Settings {
: ignore_unknown_ethernet(false),
use_portal_list(false) {}
std::string accept_hostname_from;
std::string default_technology_order;
std::vector<std::string> devices_blocked;
std::vector<std::string> devices_allowed;
std::vector<std::string> dhcpv6_enabled_devices;
bool ignore_unknown_ethernet;
int minimum_mtu;
bool passive_mode;
std::string portal_list;
std::string prepend_dns_servers;
bool use_portal_list;
DaemonTask(const Settings& settings, Config* config);
DaemonTask(const DaemonTask&) = delete;
DaemonTask& operator=(const DaemonTask&) = delete;
virtual ~DaemonTask();
void Init();
// Starts the termination actions in the manager. Returns true if
// termination actions have completed synchronously, and false
// otherwise. Arranges for |completion_callback| to be invoked after
// all asynchronous work completes, but ignores
// |completion_callback| if no asynchronous work is required.
virtual bool Quit(const base::Closure& completion_callback);
// Break the termination loop started in DaemonTask::OnShutdown. Invoked
// after shill completes its termination tasks during shutdown.
void BreakTerminationLoop();
friend class DaemonTaskTest;
friend class DaemonTaskForTest;
void Start();
// Apply run-time settings to the manager.
void ApplySettings();
// Called when the termination actions are completed.
void TerminationActionsCompleted(const Error& error);
// Calls Stop() and then causes the dispatcher message loop to terminate and
// return to the main function which started the daemon.
void StopAndReturnToMain();
void Stop();
Settings settings_;
Config* config_;
std::unique_ptr<EventDispatcher> dispatcher_;
std::unique_ptr<ControlInterface> control_;
std::unique_ptr<Metrics> metrics_;
RTNLHandler* rtnl_handler_;
RoutingTable* routing_table_;
DHCPProvider* dhcp_provider_;
#if !defined(DISABLE_WIFI)
NetlinkManager* netlink_manager_;
#endif // !defined(DISABLE_WIFI)
ProcessManager* process_manager_;
std::unique_ptr<Manager> manager_;
base::Closure termination_completed_callback_;
} // namespace shill