blob: c602edf9b2d2314ad8360f1a73d4ffc3678e6dd5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <ostream>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <base/containers/flat_set.h>
#include <base/memory/weak_ptr.h>
#include <dbus/object_path.h>
#include <net-base/ipv4_address.h>
#include <net-base/ipv6_address.h>
#include <shill/dbus-proxies.h>
#include "patchpanel/system.h"
namespace patchpanel {
// Listens for shill signals over dbus in order to:
// - Find which network interface are currently managed by shill and to which
// shill Device they are associated.
// - Figure out which network interface (if any) is being used as the default
// logical service.
// - Invoke callbacks when the IPConfigs of a shill Device has changed.
class ShillClient {
// IPConfig for a shill Device. If the shill Device does not have a valid
// ipv4/ipv6 config, the corresponding fields will be empty or std::nullopt.
// TODO(jiejiang): add the following fields into this struct:
// - IPv4 search domains
// - IPv6 search domains
// - MTU (one only per network)
struct IPConfig {
std::optional<net_base::IPv4CIDR> ipv4_cidr;
std::optional<net_base::IPv4Address> ipv4_gateway;
std::vector<std::string> ipv4_dns_addresses;
// Note due to the limitation of shill, we will only get one IPv6 address
// from it. This address should be the privacy address for device with type
// of ethernet or wifi.
std::optional<net_base::IPv6CIDR> ipv6_cidr;
std::optional<net_base::IPv6Address> ipv6_gateway;
std::vector<std::string> ipv6_dns_addresses;
bool operator==(const IPConfig& b) const {
return ipv4_cidr == b.ipv4_cidr && ipv4_gateway == b.ipv4_gateway &&
ipv4_dns_addresses.end()) ==
b.ipv4_dns_addresses.end()) &&
ipv6_cidr == b.ipv6_cidr && ipv6_gateway == b.ipv6_gateway &&
ipv6_dns_addresses.end()) ==
// Represents the properties of an object of org.chromium.flimflam.Device.
// Only contains the properties we care about.
// TODO(jiejiang): add the following fields into this struct:
// - the connection state of the Service, if possible by translating back to
// the enum shill::Service::ConnectState
struct Device {
// A subset of shill::Technology::Type.
enum class Type {
// Interface name of the shill Device, corresponding to the
// kInterfaceProperty value. b/273741099: The kInterfaceProperty value must
// be tracked separately to ensure that patchpanel can advertise it in its
// virtual NetworkDevice messages in the |phys_ifname| field. This allows
// ARC and dns-proxy to join shill Device information with patchpanel
// virtual NetworkDevice information without knowing explicitly about
// Cellular multiplexed interfaces.
std::string shill_device_interface_property;
// Technology type of this Device.
Type type;
// Interface name of the primary multiplexed interface. Only defined for
// Cellular Devices. For Cellular Device not using multiplexing, this value
// is equivalent to the kInterfaceProperty value.
std::optional<std::string> primary_multiplexed_interface;
// Index of the network interface used for the packet datapath. This is
// always derived from the interface name by querying the kernel directly.
int ifindex;
// Name of the network interface used for the packet datapath. This
// currently corresponds to the shill Device kInterfaceProperty value.
std::string ifname;
// The DBus path of the shill Service currently selected by the shill
// Device, if any.
std::string service_path;
// IP configuration for this shill Device. For multiplexed Cellular Devices
// this corresponds to the IP configuration of the primary network
// interface.
IPConfig ipconfig;
// Return if the device is connected by checking if IPv4 or IPv6 address is
// available.
bool IsConnected() const;
// Return if the device has no IPv4 address and has an IPv6 address.
bool IsIPv6Only() const;
// Client callback for learning when shill default logical and physical
// network change. |new_device| can be null if there is no logical or physical
// network currently. |prev_device| can be null if there was no logical or
// physical network before.
using DefaultDeviceChangeHandler = base::RepeatingCallback<void(
const Device* new_device, const Device* prev_device)>;
// Client callback for learning which shill Devices were created or removed by
// shill.
using DevicesChangeHandler = base::RepeatingCallback<void(
const std::vector<Device>& added, const std::vector<Device>& removed)>;
// Client callback for listening to IPConfig changes on any shill Device with
// interface name |ifname|. Changes to the IP configuration of a VPN
// connection are not taken into account.
using IPConfigsChangeHandler =
base::RepeatingCallback<void(const Device& device)>;
// Client callback for listening to IPv6 network changes on any shill physical
// Device. The changes are identified by IPv6 prefix change. Note that any
// IPv6 prefix change also triggers all IPConfigsChangeHandler registered
// callbacks. Changes to the IPv6 network of a VPN connection are not taken
// into account.
using IPv6NetworkChangeHandler =
base::RepeatingCallback<void(const Device& device)>;
// The DNS-over-HTTPS service providers which are URLs of the secure DNS
// service endpoints. Different from the DNSProxyDOHProviders property in
// shill (see shill/doc/manager-api.doc), this struct does not contain the IPs
// of name servers since they are not used in patchpanel now.
using DoHProviders = base::flat_set<std::string>;
// Client callback for listening to DoH providers change events on the Manager
// object of shill.
using DoHProvidersChangeHandler =
base::RepeatingCallback<void(const DoHProviders& doh_providers)>;
explicit ShillClient(const scoped_refptr<dbus::Bus>& bus, System* system);
ShillClient(const ShillClient&) = delete;
ShillClient& operator=(const ShillClient&) = delete;
virtual ~ShillClient() = default;
// Registers the provided handler for changes in shill default logical or
// physical network.
// The handler will be called once immediately at registration
// with the current default logical or physical network as |new_device| and
// an empty Device as |prev_device|.
void RegisterDefaultLogicalDeviceChangedHandler(
const DefaultDeviceChangeHandler& handler);
void RegisterDefaultPhysicalDeviceChangedHandler(
const DefaultDeviceChangeHandler& handler);
void RegisterDevicesChangedHandler(const DevicesChangeHandler& handler);
void RegisterIPConfigsChangedHandler(const IPConfigsChangeHandler& handler);
void RegisterIPv6NetworkChangedHandler(
const IPv6NetworkChangeHandler& handler);
// Registers the provided handler for changes in DoH provider list. The
// handler will be called once immediately at registration.
void RegisterDoHProvidersChangedHandler(
const DoHProvidersChangeHandler& handler);
void ScanDevices();
// Finds the shill physical or VPN Device whose "Interface" property matches
// |shill_device_interface_property|. This function is meant for associating a
// shill Device to an interface name argument passed directly to patchpanel
// DBus RPCs for DownstreamNetwork and ConnectNamespace.
// TODO(b/273744897): Migrate callers to use the future Network primitive
// directly.
virtual const Device* GetDeviceByShillDeviceName(
const std::string& shill_device_interface_property) const;
// Finds the shill physical or VPN Device whose underlying data interface
// matches the interface index value |ifindex|. For Devices associated to
// Cellular multiplexed interfaces, this is the interface index value of the
// multiplexed interface.
virtual const Device* GetDeviceByIfindex(int ifindex) const;
// Returns the cached default logical shill Device, or nullptr if there is no
// default logical Device defined. Does not initiate a property fetch and does
// not block.
virtual const Device* default_logical_device() const;
// Returns the cached default physical shill Device, or nullptr if there is no
// default physical Device defined. Does not initiate a property fetch and
// does not block.
virtual const Device* default_physical_device() const;
// Returns interface names of all known shill physical Devices.
const std::vector<Device> GetDevices() const;
void OnManagerPropertyChangeRegistration(const std::string& interface,
const std::string& signal_name,
bool success);
void OnManagerPropertyChange(const std::string& property_name,
const brillo::Any& property_value);
void OnDevicePropertyChangeRegistration(
const std::string& dbus_interface_name,
const std::string& signal_name,
bool success);
void OnDevicePropertyChange(const dbus::ObjectPath& device_path,
const std::string& property_name,
const brillo::Any& property_value);
void OnDevicePrimaryMultiplexedInterfaceChange(
const dbus::ObjectPath& device_path,
const std::string& primary_multiplexed_interface);
void OnDeviceIPConfigChange(const dbus::ObjectPath& device_path);
void NotifyIPConfigChangeHandlers(const Device& device);
void NotifyIPv6NetworkChangeHandlers(
const Device& device, const std::optional<net_base::IPv6CIDR>& old_cidr);
// Fetches Device dbus properties via dbus for the shill Device identified
// by |device_path|. Returns false if an error occurs. Note that this method
// will block the current thread.
virtual bool GetDeviceProperties(const dbus::ObjectPath& device_path,
Device* output);
// Updates the current default logical and physical shill Devices for the
// system, and notifies listeners if there was any change.
void UpdateDefaultDevices();
// Returns the DBus paths of all shill Services. Can be overridden for
// testing.
virtual std::vector<dbus::ObjectPath> GetServices();
// Fetches shill Device DBus properties of the shill Device which has selected
// the shill Service with DBus path |service_path|. Returns std::nullopt if an
// error occurs or if the Service is not currently active. Note that this
// method will block the current thread. Can be overridden for testing.
virtual std::optional<Device> GetDeviceFromServicePath(
const dbus::ObjectPath& service_path);
// Updates the list of currently known shill Devices, adding or removing
// Device tracking entries accordingly. Listeners that have registered a
// DevicesChangeHandler callback gets notified about any new or old Device
// change.
void UpdateDevices(const brillo::Any& property_value);
// Sets the internal shill Device variable tracking the system default logical
// network. Calls the registered client handlers if the default logical
// network changed. If a VPN is connected, the logical Device pertains to the
// VPN connection.
void SetDefaultLogicalDevice(const std::optional<Device>& device);
// Sets the internal shill Device variable tracking the system default
// physical network. Calls the registered client handlers if the default
// physical network changed.
void SetDefaultPhysicalDevice(const std::optional<Device>& device);
// Updates |doh_providers_| variable to track the DoH providers from shill.
// Also invokes the handlers if the list changes.
void UpdateDoHProviders(const brillo::Any& property_value);
// Parses the |ipconfig_properties| as the IPConfigs property of the shill
// Device identified by |device_path|, which should be a list of object paths
// of IPConfigs.
IPConfig ParseIPConfigsProperty(const dbus::ObjectPath& device_path,
const brillo::Any& ipconfig_paths);
// Tracks the system default physical network chosen by shill.
std::optional<Device> default_physical_device_;
// Tracks the system default logical network chosen by shill. This corresponds
// to the physical or VPN shill Device associated with the default logical
// network service.
std::optional<Device> default_logical_device_;
// Maps of all current shill physical Devices that are active, indexed by
// shill Device identifier. VPN Devices and inactive Devices are ignored.
std::map<dbus::ObjectPath, Device> devices_;
// Sets of shill Device Dbus object path for all the shill physical Devices
// seen so far. Unlike |devices_|, entries in this set will never be
// removed during the lifetime of this class. We maintain this set mainly for
// keeping track of the shill Device object proxies we have created, to avoid
// registering the handler on the same object twice.
std::set<dbus::ObjectPath> known_device_paths_;
// A map used for remembering the interface name and interface index of a
// shill Device after the underlying network interface has been removed, keyed
// by the shill Device's "Interface" property. This information is necessary
// when cleaning up the state of various subsystems in patchpanel that
// directly references the interface name or the interface index. This
// information can be missing when:
// - After receiving the interface removal event (RTM_DELLINK event or shill
// DBus event), the interface index cannot be retrieved anymore.
// - b/273741099: After the disconnection of the primary Network of a
// Cellular Device, the name of primary multiplexed interface is unknown.
std::map<std::string, std::pair<std::string, int>> datapath_interface_cache_;
// Tracks the DoH providers from the DNSProxyDOHProviders property on shill's
// Manager.
DoHProviders doh_providers_;
// Called when the shill Device used as the default logical network changes.
std::vector<DefaultDeviceChangeHandler> default_logical_device_handlers_;
// Called when the shill Device used as the default physical network changes.
std::vector<DefaultDeviceChangeHandler> default_physical_device_handlers_;
// Called when the list of network interfaces managed by shill changes.
std::vector<DevicesChangeHandler> device_handlers_;
// Called when the IPConfigs of any shill Device changes.
std::vector<IPConfigsChangeHandler> ipconfigs_handlers_;
// Called when the IPv6 network of any shill Device changes.
std::vector<IPv6NetworkChangeHandler> ipv6_network_handlers_;
// Called when the DNSProxyDOHProviders property changes.
std::vector<DoHProvidersChangeHandler> doh_provider_handlers_;
scoped_refptr<dbus::Bus> bus_;
std::unique_ptr<org::chromium::flimflam::ManagerProxy> manager_proxy_;
// Owned by Manager
System* system_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<ShillClient> weak_factory_{this};
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const ShillClient::Device& dev);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream,
const std::optional<ShillClient::Device>& dev);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const ShillClient::Device* dev);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream,
const ShillClient::Device::Type type);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream,
const ShillClient::IPConfig& ipconfig);
} // namespace patchpanel