blob: 146b71adfbce05bc4ef08d88dad5473fd5c3ccf5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <base/files/scoped_file.h>
#include <base/memory/weak_ptr.h>
#include <patchpanel/proto_bindings/patchpanel_service.pb.h>
#include "patchpanel/address_manager.h"
#include "patchpanel/arc_service.h"
#include "patchpanel/clat_service.h"
#include "patchpanel/counters_service.h"
#include "patchpanel/crostini_service.h"
#include "patchpanel/datapath.h"
#include "patchpanel/dbus_client_notifier.h"
#include "patchpanel/dhcp_server_controller.h"
#include "patchpanel/downstream_network_service.h"
#include "patchpanel/forwarding_service.h"
#include "patchpanel/guest_ipv6_service.h"
#include "patchpanel/multicast_counters_service.h"
#include "patchpanel/multicast_metrics.h"
#include "patchpanel/network_monitor_service.h"
#include "patchpanel/routing_service.h"
#include "patchpanel/rtnl_client.h"
#include "patchpanel/shill_client.h"
#include "patchpanel/subprocess_controller.h"
#include "patchpanel/system.h"
namespace patchpanel {
class QoSService;
// The core implementation of the patchpanel daemon.
class Manager : public ForwardingService {
// The caller should guarantee |system|, |process_manager|, |metrics| and
// |client| variables outlive the created Manager instance.
Manager(const base::FilePath& cmd_path,
System* system,
shill::ProcessManager* process_manager,
MetricsLibraryInterface* metrics,
DbusClientNotifier* dbus_client_notifier,
std::unique_ptr<ShillClient> shill_client,
std::unique_ptr<RTNLClient> rtnl_client);
Manager(const Manager&) = delete;
Manager& operator=(const Manager&) = delete;
virtual ~Manager();
// Queries the list of virtual devices managed by patchpanel.
GetDevicesResponse GetDevices() const;
// Handles notification indicating ARC++ is booting up.
bool ArcStartup(pid_t pid);
// Handles notification indicating ARC++ is spinning down.
void ArcShutdown();
// Handles notification indicating ARCVM is booting up.
std::optional<patchpanel::ArcVmStartupResponse> ArcVmStartup(uint32_t cid);
// Handles notification indicating ARCVM is spinning down.
void ArcVmShutdown(uint32_t cid);
// Handles notification indicating a Termina VM is booting up.
const CrostiniService::CrostiniDevice* const TerminaVmStartup(uint64_t vm_id);
// Handles notification indicating a Termina VM is spinning down.
void TerminaVmShutdown(uint64_t vm_id);
// Handles notification indicating a Parallels VM is booting up.
const CrostiniService::CrostiniDevice* const ParallelsVmStartup(
uint64_t vm_id, uint32_t subnet_index);
// Handles notification indicating a Parallels VM is spinning down.
void ParallelsVmShutdown(uint64_t vm_id);
// Handles notification indicating a Bruschetta VM is booting up.
const CrostiniService::CrostiniDevice* const BruschettaVmStartup(
uint64_t vm_id);
// Handles notification indicating a Bruschetta VM is spinning down.
void BruschettaVmShutdown(uint64_t vm_id);
// Handles notification indicating a Borealis VM is booting up.
const CrostiniService::CrostiniDevice* const BorealisVmStartup(
uint64_t vm_id);
// Handles notification indicating a Borealis VM is spinning down.
void BorealisVmShutdown(uint64_t vm_id);
// Sets a VPN intent fwmark on a socket.
bool SetVpnIntent(SetVpnIntentRequest::VpnRoutingPolicy policy,
const base::ScopedFD& sockfd);
// Connects and routes an existing network namespace created via minijail or
// through rtnetlink RTM_NEWNSID.
ConnectNamespaceResponse ConnectNamespace(
const patchpanel::ConnectNamespaceRequest& request,
const base::ScopedFD& client_fd);
// Queries traffic counters.
std::map<CountersService::CounterKey, CountersService::Counter>
GetTrafficCounters(const std::set<std::string>& shill_devices) const;
// Creates iptables rules requests from permission_broker.
bool ModifyPortRule(const patchpanel::ModifyPortRuleRequest& request);
// Starts or stops VPN lockdown.
void SetVpnLockdown(bool enable_vpn_lockdown);
// Creates iptables rules requests from dns-proxy.
bool SetDnsRedirectionRule(
const patchpanel::SetDnsRedirectionRuleRequest& request,
const base::ScopedFD& client_fd);
// Creates an L3 network on a network interface and tethered to an upstream
// network.
DownstreamNetworkResult CreateTetheredNetwork(
const TetheredNetworkRequest& request, const base::ScopedFD& client_fd);
// Creates a local-only L3 network on a network interface.
DownstreamNetworkResult CreateLocalOnlyNetwork(
const LocalOnlyNetworkRequest& request, const base::ScopedFD& client_fd);
// Provides L3 and DHCP client information about clients connected to a
// network created with CreateTetheredNetwork or CreateLocalOnlyNetwork.
std::pair<DownstreamNetworkInfo, std::vector<DownstreamClientInfo>>>
GetDownstreamNetworkInfo(const std::string& downstream_ifname) const;
// Start/Stop forwarding multicast traffic to ARC when ARC power state
// changes.
// When power state changes into interactive, start forwarding IPv4 and IPv6
// multicast mDNS and SSDP traffic for all non-WiFi interfaces, and for WiFi
// interface only when Android WiFi multicast lock is held by any app in ARC.
// When power state changes into non-interactive, stop forwarding multicast
// traffic for all interfaces if enabled.
void NotifyAndroidInteractiveState(bool is_interactive);
// Start/Stop forwarding WiFi multicast traffic to and from ARC when Android
// WiFi multicast lock held status changes. Start forwarding IPv4 and IPv6
// multicast mDNS and SSDP traffic for WiFi interfaces only when
// device power state is interactive and Android WiFi multicast lock is held
// by any app in ARC, otherwise stop multicast forwarder for ARC WiFi
// interface.
void NotifyAndroidWifiMulticastLockChange(bool is_held);
// Apply changes based on the socket connection event.
// Currently this is only used for ARC socket connections and applies QoS
// setup and resets the QoS setup on connection closed.
void NotifySocketConnectionEvent(
const NotifySocketConnectionEventRequest& request);
// Set feature enabled flag.
bool SetFeatureFlag(patchpanel::SetFeatureFlagRequest::FeatureFlag flag,
bool enabled);
// Returns the CurHopLimit of upstream from sysctl minus 1.
static std::optional<int> CalculateDownstreamCurHopLimit(
System* system, const std::string& upstream_iface);
void StartForwarding(const ShillClient::Device& shill_device,
const std::string& ifname_virtual,
const ForwardingService::ForwardingSet& fs =
{.ipv6 = true, .multicast = true},
std::optional<int> mtu = std::nullopt,
std::optional<int> hop_limit = std::nullopt) override;
void StopForwarding(const ShillClient::Device& shill_device,
const std::string& ifname_virtual,
const ForwardingService::ForwardingSet& fs = {
.ipv6 = true, .multicast = true}) override;
friend class ManagerTest;
// Callbacks from |shill_client_|.
void OnShillDefaultLogicalDeviceChanged(
const ShillClient::Device* new_device,
const ShillClient::Device* prev_device);
void OnShillDefaultPhysicalDeviceChanged(
const ShillClient::Device* new_device,
const ShillClient::Device* prev_device);
void OnShillDevicesChanged(const std::vector<ShillClient::Device>& added,
const std::vector<ShillClient::Device>& removed);
void OnIPConfigsChanged(const ShillClient::Device& shill_device);
void OnIPv6NetworkChanged(const ShillClient::Device& shill_device);
void OnDoHProvidersChanged(const ShillClient::DoHProviders& doh_providers);
// Callback from |network_monitor_svc_|.
void OnNeighborReachabilityEvent(
int ifindex,
const net_base::IPAddress& ip_addr,
NeighborLinkMonitor::NeighborRole role,
NeighborReachabilityEventSignal::EventType event_type);
// Helper functions for tracking DBus request lifetime with file descriptors
// provided by DBus clients. Returns a duplicate wrapped in base::ScopedFD of
// |dbus_fd|. The duplicate is added to the list of file descriptors watched
// for invalidation. Returns an invalid ScopedFD object if it fails.
base::ScopedFD AddLifelineFd(const base::ScopedFD& dbus_fd);
bool DeleteLifelineFd(int dbus_fd);
// Detects if any file descriptor committed in patchpanel's DBus API has been
// invalidated by the caller. Calls OnLifelineFdClosed for any invalid fd
// found.
void OnLifelineFdClosed(int client_fd);
const CrostiniService::CrostiniDevice* StartCrosVm(
uint64_t vm_id,
CrostiniService::VMType vm_type,
uint32_t subnet_index = kAnySubnetIndex);
void StopCrosVm(uint64_t vm_id, CrostiniService::VMType vm_type);
// Checks the validaty of a CreateTetheredNetwork or CreatedLocalOnlyNetwork
// DBus request.
bool ValidateDownstreamNetworkRequest(const DownstreamNetworkInfo& info);
// Creates a downstream L3 network on the network interface specified by the
// |info|. If successful, |client_fd| is monitored and triggers the teardown
// of the network setup when closed.
DownstreamNetworkResult HandleDownstreamNetworkInfo(
const base::ScopedFD& client_fd, const DownstreamNetworkInfo& info);
std::vector<DownstreamClientInfo> GetDownstreamClientInfo(
const std::string& downstream_ifname) const;
// Disable and re-enable IPv6 inside a namespace.
void RestartIPv6(const std::string& netns_name);
// Dispatch |msg| to child processes.
void SendGuestMessage(const GuestMessage& msg);
// b/294287313: Temporary solution to support tethering with a multiplexed PDN
// brought up specifically for tethering and with no associated shill Device.
// This method creates a fake ShillClient::Device and creates the minimal
// Datapath setup to support CreateTetheredNetwork() pointing at
// |upstream_ifname| as the upstream network.
std::optional<ShillClient::Device> StartTetheringUpstreamNetwork(
const TetheredNetworkRequest& request);
// Teardowns the minimal Datapath setup created with
// StartTetheringUpstreamNetwork().
void StopTetheringUpstreamNetwork(
// const std::string& upstream_ifname);
const ShillClient::Device& upstream_network);
// patchpanel::System shared for all subsystems.
System* system_;
// UMA metrics client.
MetricsLibraryInterface* metrics_;
// The client of the Manager.
DbusClientNotifier* dbus_client_notifier_;
// Shill Dbus client.
std::unique_ptr<ShillClient> shill_client_;
// rtnetlink client.
std::unique_ptr<RTNLClient> rtnl_client_;
// High level routing and iptables controller service.
std::unique_ptr<Datapath> datapath_;
// Routing service.
std::unique_ptr<RoutingService> routing_svc_;
// ARC++/ARCVM service.
std::unique_ptr<ArcService> arc_svc_;
// Crostini and other VM service.
std::unique_ptr<CrostiniService> cros_svc_;
// adb connection forwarder service.
std::unique_ptr<SubprocessController> adb_proxy_;
// IPv4 and IPv6 Multicast forwarder service.
std::unique_ptr<SubprocessController> mcast_proxy_;
// IPv6 neighbor discovery forwarder process handler.
std::unique_ptr<SubprocessController> nd_proxy_;
// IPv6 address provisioning / ndp forwarding service.
std::unique_ptr<GuestIPv6Service> ipv6_svc_;
// CLAT service.
std::unique_ptr<ClatService> clat_svc_;
// Traffic counter service.
std::unique_ptr<CountersService> counters_svc_;
// Multicast packet counter service.
std::unique_ptr<MulticastCountersService> multicast_counters_svc_;
// L2 neighbor monitor service.
std::unique_ptr<NetworkMonitorService> network_monitor_svc_;
// QoS service.
std::unique_ptr<QoSService> qos_svc_;
// The DHCP server controllers, keyed by its downstream interface.
std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<DHCPServerController>>
// IPv4 prefix and address manager.
AddressManager addr_mgr_;
// All namespaces currently connected through patchpanel ConnectNamespace
// API, keyed by file descriptors committed by clients when calling
// ConnectNamespace.
std::map<int, ConnectedNamespace> connected_namespaces_;
int connected_namespaces_next_id_{0};
// DNS proxy's IPv4 and IPv6 addresses keyed by its guest interface.
std::map<std::string, net_base::IPv4Address> dns_proxy_ipv4_addrs_;
std::map<std::string, net_base::IPv6Address> dns_proxy_ipv6_addrs_;
// All external network interfaces currently managed by patchpanel through
// the CreateTetheredNetwork or CreateLocalOnlyNetwork DBus APIs, keyed by the
// file descriptors committed by the DBus clients.
std::map<int, DownstreamNetworkInfo> downstream_networks_;
// All rules currently created through patchpanel RedirectDns
// API, keyed by file descriptors committed by clients when calling the
// API.
std::map<int, DnsRedirectionRule> dns_redirection_rules_;
// For each fd (process) committed through a patchpanel's DBus API, keep
// track of the FileDescriptorWatcher::Controller object associated with it.
std::map<int, std::unique_ptr<base::FileDescriptorWatcher::Controller>>
// Fetches and reports multicast packet count to UMA metrics.
std::unique_ptr<MulticastMetrics> multicast_metrics_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<Manager> weak_factory_{this};
} // namespace patchpanel