blob: 2929b7787eb5b4ebc81d67a98a97b1970f81cd77 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "patchpanel/datapath.h"
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <linux/if_tun.h>
#include <linux/sockios.h>
#include <net/if_arp.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <base/check.h>
#include <base/files/file_util.h>
#include <base/files/scoped_file.h>
#include <base/logging.h>
#include <base/posix/eintr_wrapper.h>
#include <base/strings/string_number_conversions.h>
#include <base/strings/string_split.h>
#include <base/strings/string_util.h>
#include <base/strings/stringprintf.h>
#include <brillo/userdb_utils.h>
#include "patchpanel/adb_proxy.h"
#include "patchpanel/arc_service.h"
#include "patchpanel/bpf/constants.h"
#include "patchpanel/dhcp_server_controller.h"
#include "patchpanel/iptables.h"
#include "patchpanel/net_util.h"
#include "patchpanel/routing_service.h"
namespace patchpanel {
namespace {
using net_base::IPv4Address;
using net_base::IPv4CIDR;
using net_base::IPv6Address;
using net_base::IPv6CIDR;
// TODO(hugobenichi) Consolidate this constant definition in a single place.
constexpr pid_t kTestPID = -2;
constexpr char kDefaultIfname[] = "vmtap%d";
constexpr net_base::IPv4Address kArcAddr(100, 115, 92, 2);
constexpr net_base::IPv4Address kLocalhostAddr(127, 0, 0, 1);
constexpr char kDefaultDnsPort[] = "53";
constexpr char kChronosUid[] = "chronos";
constexpr uint16_t kAdbServerPort = 5555;
// Constants used for dropping locally originated traffic bound to an incorrect
// source IPv4 address.
constexpr char kGuestIPv4Subnet[] = "";
// Interface name patterns matching all Cellular physical and virtual interfaces
// supported on ChromeOS.
constexpr std::array<const char*, 3> kCellularIfnamePrefixes{
{"wwan+", "mbimmux+", "qmapmux+"}};
// Same as |kCellularIfnamePrefixes| but for other network technologies.
constexpr std::array<const char*, 4> kOtherPhysicalIfnamePrefixes{
{"eth+", "wlan+", "mlan+", "usb+"}};
// Chains for tagging egress traffic in the OUTPUT and PREROUTING chains of the
// mangle table.
constexpr char kApplyLocalSourceMarkChain[] = "apply_local_source_mark";
constexpr char kSkipApplyVpnMarkChain[] = "skip_apply_vpn_mark";
constexpr char kApplyVpnMarkChain[] = "apply_vpn_mark";
// Chains for allowing host services to receive ingress traffic on a downstream
// interface configured with StartDownstreamNetwork.
constexpr char kAcceptDownstreamNetworkChain[] = "accept_downstream_network";
// Egress filter chain for dropping in the OUTPUT chain any local traffic
// incorrectly bound to a static IPv4 address used for ARC or Crostini.
constexpr char kDropGuestIpv4PrefixChain[] = "drop_guest_ipv4_prefix";
// Egress filter chain for preemptively dropping in the FORWARD chain any ARC or
// Crostini traffic that may not be correctly processed in SNAT.
constexpr char kDropGuestInvalidIpv4Chain[] = "drop_guest_invalid_ipv4";
// Egress nat chain for redirecting DNS queries from system services.
// TODO(b/162788331) Remove once dns-proxy has become fully operational.
constexpr char kRedirectDnsChain[] = "redirect_dns";
// OUTPUT filter chain to enforce source IP on egress IPv6 packets.
constexpr char kEnforceSourcePrefixChain[] = "enforce_ipv6_src_prefix";
// VPN egress filter chains for the filter OUTPUT and FORWARD chains.
constexpr char kVpnEgressFiltersChain[] = "vpn_egress_filters";
constexpr char kVpnAcceptChain[] = "vpn_accept";
constexpr char kVpnLockdownChain[] = "vpn_lockdown";
// OUTPUT filter chain to drop host-initiated connection to Bruschetta and
// FORWARD filter chain to drop external- and other-vm-initiated connection.
constexpr char kDropOutputToBruschettaChain[] = "drop_output_to_bruschetta";
constexpr char kDropForwardToBruschettaChain[] = "drop_forward_to_bruschetta";
// IPv4 nat PREROUTING chains for forwarding ingress traffic to different types
// of hosted guests with the corresponding hierarchy.
constexpr char kApplyAutoDNATToArcChain[] = "apply_auto_dnat_to_arc";
constexpr char kApplyAutoDNATToCrostiniChain[] = "apply_auto_dnat_to_crostini";
constexpr char kApplyAutoDNATToParallelsChain[] =
// nat PREROUTING chain for egress traffic from downstream guests.
constexpr char kRedirectDefaultDnsChain[] = "redirect_default_dns";
// nat OUTPUT chains for egress traffic from processes running on the host.
constexpr char kRedirectChromeDnsChain[] = "redirect_chrome_dns";
constexpr char kRedirectUserDnsChain[] = "redirect_user_dns";
// nat POSTROUTING chains for egress traffic from processes running on the host.
constexpr char kSNATChromeDnsChain[] = "snat_chrome_dns";
constexpr char kSNATUserDnsChain[] = "snat_user_dns";
// Chains for QoS.
// mangle OUTPUT and PREROUTING chains for applying fwmarks on both ingress and
// egress traffic for QoS.
// - qos_detect: Hold the rules for applying fwmarks. Jump rule to this chain is
// in qos_detect_static and installed dynamically.
// - qos_detect_static: Hold only the jump rule to qos_detect. Jump rules to
// this chain are in OUTPUT and PREROUTING chains and installed statically.
// The main purpose to have these two layers is for having static order of rules
// in the mangle table. Also see b/301566901.
constexpr char kQoSDetectChain[] = "qos_detect";
constexpr char kQoSDetectStaticChain[] = "qos_detect_static";
// mangle chain for holding the dynamic matching rules for DoH. Referenced in
// the qos_detect chain.
constexpr char kQoSDetectDoHChain[] = "qos_detect_doh";
// mangle POSTROUTING chain for applying DSCP fields based on fwmarks for egress
// traffic.
constexpr char kQoSApplyDSCPChain[] = "qos_apply_dscp";
// Maximum length of an iptables chain name.
constexpr int kIptablesMaxChainLength = 28;
IpFamily ConvertIpFamily(net_base::IPFamily family) {
return (family == net_base::IPFamily::kIPv4) ? IpFamily::kIPv4
: IpFamily::kIPv6;
TrafficSource DownstreamNetworkInfoTrafficSource(
const DownstreamNetworkInfo& info) {
switch (info.topology) {
case DownstreamNetworkTopology::kTethering:
return TrafficSource::kTetherDownstream;
// TODO(b/257880335): Distinguish between WiFi Direct and WiFi LOHS
case DownstreamNetworkTopology::kLocalOnly:
return TrafficSource::kWiFiDirect;
std::string AutoDNATTargetChainName(AutoDNATTarget auto_dnat_target) {
switch (auto_dnat_target) {
case AutoDNATTarget::kArc:
return kApplyAutoDNATToArcChain;
case AutoDNATTarget::kCrostini:
return kApplyAutoDNATToCrostiniChain;
case AutoDNATTarget::kParallels:
return kApplyAutoDNATToParallelsChain;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const DeviceMode tun_tap) {
switch (tun_tap) {
case DeviceMode::kTun:
return stream << "tun";
case DeviceMode::kTap:
return stream << "tap";
// Returns the conventional name for the PREROUTING mangle subchain
// pertaining to the downstream interface |int_ifname|.
std::string PreroutingSubChainName(const std::string& int_ifname) {
return "PREROUTING_" + int_ifname;
std::string EgressSubChainName(const std::string& ext_ifname) {
return "egress_" + ext_ifname;
} // namespace
Datapath::Datapath(System* system)
: Datapath(new MinijailedProcessRunner(), new Firewall(), system) {}
Datapath::Datapath(MinijailedProcessRunner* process_runner,
Firewall* firewall,
System* system)
: system_(system) {
void Datapath::Start() {
// Restart from a clean iptables state in case of an unordered shutdown.
// Enable IPv4 packet forwarding
if (!system_->SysNetSet(System::SysNet::kIPv4Forward, "1")) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to update net.ipv4.ip_forward."
<< " Guest connectivity will not work correctly.";
// Limit local port range: Android owns 47104-61000.
// TODO(garrick): The original history behind this tweak is gone. Some
// investigation is needed to see if it is still applicable.
if (!system_->SysNetSet(System::SysNet::kIPLocalPortRange, "32768 47103")) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to limit local port range. Some Android features or"
<< " apps may not work correctly.";
// Enable IPv6 packet forwarding and cross-interface proxying
if (!system_->SysNetSet(System::SysNet::kIPv6Forward, "1")) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to update net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding."
<< " IPv6 functionality may be broken.";
if (!system_->SysNetSet(System::SysNet::kIPv6ProxyNDP, "1")) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to update net.ipv6.conf.all.proxy_ndp."
<< " IPv6 functionality may be broken.";
// Creates all "stateless" iptables chains used by patchpanel and set up
// basic jump rules from the builtin chains. All chains that needs to carry
// some state when patchpanel restarts (for instance: chains for
// permission_broker rules, traffic accounting chains) are created separately.
static struct {
IpFamily family;
Iptables::Table table;
std::string chain;
} makeCommands[] = {
// Set up a mangle chain used in OUTPUT for applying the fwmark
// TrafficSource tag and tagging the local traffic that should be routed
// through a VPN.
{IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kMangle, kApplyLocalSourceMarkChain},
// Set up a mangle chain used in OUTPUT and PREROUTING to skip VPN fwmark
// tagging applied through "apply_vpn_mark" chain. This is used to protect
// DNS traffic that should go to the DNS proxy.
{IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kMangle, kSkipApplyVpnMarkChain},
// Sets up a mangle chain used in OUTPUT and PREROUTING for tagging "user"
// traffic that should be routed through a VPN.
{IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kMangle, kApplyVpnMarkChain},
// Set up mangle chains used in OUTPUT and PREROUTING for applying fwmarks
// for QoS.
{IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kMangle, kQoSDetectStaticChain},
{IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kMangle, kQoSDetectChain},
{IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kMangle, kQoSDetectDoHChain},
// Set up a mangle chain used in POSTROUTING for applying DSCP values for
// QoS. QoSService controls when to add the jump rules to this chain.
{IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kMangle, kQoSApplyDSCPChain},
// Set up nat chains for redirecting egress DNS queries to the DNS proxy
// instances.
{IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kNat, kRedirectDefaultDnsChain},
{IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kNat, kRedirectUserDnsChain},
{IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kNat, kRedirectChromeDnsChain},
// Set up nat chains for SNAT-ing egress DNS queries to the DNS proxy
// instances.
{IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kNat, kSNATChromeDnsChain},
// For the case of non-Chrome "user" DNS queries, there is already an IPv4
// SNAT rule with the ConnectNamespace. Only IPv6 USER SNAT is needed.
{IpFamily::kIPv6, Iptables::Table::kNat, kSNATUserDnsChain},
// b/178331695 Sets up a nat chain used in OUTPUT for redirecting DNS
// queries of system services. When a VPN is connected, a query routed
// through a physical network is redirected to the primary nameserver of
// that network.
{IpFamily::kIPv4, Iptables::Table::kNat, kRedirectDnsChain},
// Set up nat chains for redirecting ingress traffic to downstream guests.
// These chains are only created for IPv4 since downstream guests obtain
// their own addresses for IPv6.
{IpFamily::kIPv4, Iptables::Table::kNat, kIngressPortForwardingChain},
{IpFamily::kIPv4, Iptables::Table::kNat, kApplyAutoDNATToArcChain},
{IpFamily::kIPv4, Iptables::Table::kNat, kApplyAutoDNATToCrostiniChain},
{IpFamily::kIPv4, Iptables::Table::kNat, kApplyAutoDNATToParallelsChain},
// Create filter subchains for managing the egress firewall VPN rules.
{IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kFilter, kVpnEgressFiltersChain},
{IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kFilter, kVpnAcceptChain},
{IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kFilter, kVpnLockdownChain},
{IpFamily::kIPv4, Iptables::Table::kFilter, kDropGuestIpv4PrefixChain},
{IpFamily::kIPv4, Iptables::Table::kFilter, kDropGuestInvalidIpv4Chain},
// Create filter subchains for hosting permission_broker firewall rules
{IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kFilter, kIngressPortFirewallChain},
{IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kFilter, kEgressPortFirewallChain},
// Create filter subchain for ingress firewall rules on downstream
// networks (Tethering, LocalOnlyNetwork).
{IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kFilter,
// Create OUTPUT filter chain to enforce source IP on egress IPv6 packets.
{IpFamily::kIPv6, Iptables::Table::kFilter, kEnforceSourcePrefixChain},
// Create OUTPUT filter chain to drop host-to-bruschetta traffic.
{IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kFilter, kDropOutputToBruschettaChain},
{IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kFilter,
for (const auto& c : makeCommands) {
if (!AddChain(, c.table, c.chain)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create " << c.chain << " chain in " << c.table
<< " table";
// Create a FORWARD ACCEPT rule for connections already established.
if (process_runner_->iptables(
Iptables::Table::kFilter, Iptables::Command::kA, "FORWARD",
{"-m", "state", "--state", "ESTABLISHED,RELATED", "-j", "ACCEPT",
"-w"}) != 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to install forwarding rule for established"
<< " connections.";
// Add all static jump commands from builtin chains to chains created by
// patchpanel.
static struct {
IpFamily family;
Iptables::Table table;
std::string jump_from;
std::string jump_to;
std::optional<Iptables::Command> op;
} jumpCommands[] = {
{IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kMangle, "OUTPUT",
{IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kMangle, "OUTPUT",
{IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kMangle, "PREROUTING",
{IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kNat, "PREROUTING",
// "ingress_port_forwarding" must be traversed before
// the default "ingress_default_*" autoforwarding chains.
{IpFamily::kIPv4, Iptables::Table::kNat, "PREROUTING",
// ARC default ingress forwarding is always first, Crostini second, and
// Parallels VM last.
{IpFamily::kIPv4, Iptables::Table::kNat, "PREROUTING",
{IpFamily::kIPv4, Iptables::Table::kNat, "PREROUTING",
{IpFamily::kIPv4, Iptables::Table::kNat, "PREROUTING",
// Jump to chains to drop packets into Bruschetta. OUTPUT one needs to be
// after --state NEW,RELATED,ESTABLISHED rule, and FORWARD one needs to be
// before --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED rule.
{IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kFilter, "OUTPUT",
kDropOutputToBruschettaChain, Iptables::Command::kI},
{IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kFilter, "FORWARD",
// When VPN lockdown is enabled, a REJECT rule must stop
// any egress traffic tagged with the |kFwmarkRouteOnVpn| intent mark.
// This REJECT rule is added to |kVpnLockdownChain|. In addition, when VPN
// lockdown is enabled and a VPN is connected, an ACCEPT rule protects the
// traffic tagged with the VPN routing mark from being reject by the VPN
// lockdown rule. This ACCEPT rule is added to |kVpnAcceptChain|.
// Therefore, egress traffic must:
// - traverse kVpnAcceptChain before kVpnLockdownChain,
// - traverse kVpnLockdownChain before other ACCEPT rules in OUTPUT and
// Finally, egress VPN filter rules must be inserted in front of the
// OUTPUT chain to override basic rules set outside patchpanel.
{IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kFilter, "OUTPUT",
kVpnEgressFiltersChain, Iptables::Command::kI},
{IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kFilter, "FORWARD",
kVpnEgressFiltersChain, Iptables::Command::kI},
{IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kFilter, kVpnEgressFiltersChain,
{IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kFilter, kVpnEgressFiltersChain,
// b/196898241: To ensure that the drop chains drop_guest_ipv4_prefix and
// drop_guest_invalid_ipv4 chain are traversed before vpn_accept and
// vpn_lockdown, they are inserted last in front of the OUTPUT chain and
// FORWARD chains respectively.
{IpFamily::kIPv4, Iptables::Table::kFilter, "OUTPUT",
kDropGuestIpv4PrefixChain, Iptables::Command::kI},
{IpFamily::kIPv4, Iptables::Table::kFilter, "FORWARD",
kDropGuestInvalidIpv4Chain, Iptables::Command::kI},
// Attach ingress and egress firewall chains for permission_broker rules.
{IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kFilter, "INPUT",
{IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kFilter, "OUTPUT",
for (const auto& c : jumpCommands) {
auto op = c.op.value_or(Iptables::Command::kA);
if (!ModifyJumpRule(, c.table, op, c.jump_from, c.jump_to,
/*iif=*/"", /*oif=*/"")) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create jump rule from " << c.jump_from << " to "
<< c.jump_to << " in " << c.table << " table";
// Create a FORWARD ACCEPT rule for ICMP6.
if (process_runner_->ip6tables(
Iptables::Table::kFilter, Iptables::Command::kA, "FORWARD",
{"-p", "ipv6-icmp", "-j", "ACCEPT", "-w"}) != 0)
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to install forwarding rule for ICMP6";
// chromium:898210: Drop any locally originated traffic that would exit a
// physical interface with a source IPv4 address from the subnet of IPs used
// for VMs, containers, and connected namespaces. This is needed to prevent
// packets leaking with an incorrect src IP when a local process binds to the
// wrong interface.
std::vector<std::string> prefixes;
prefixes.insert(prefixes.end(), kCellularIfnamePrefixes.begin(),
prefixes.insert(prefixes.end(), kOtherPhysicalIfnamePrefixes.begin(),
for (const auto& oif : prefixes) {
if (!AddSourceIPv4DropRule(oif, kGuestIPv4Subnet)) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to set up IPv4 drop rule for src ip "
<< kGuestIPv4Subnet << " exiting " << oif;
// chromium:1050579: INVALID packets cannot be tracked by conntrack therefore
// need to be explicitly dropped as SNAT cannot be applied to them.
// b/196898241: To ensure that the INVALID DROP rule is traversed before
// vpn_accept and vpn_lockdown, insert it in front of the FORWARD chain last.
std::string snatMark =
kFwmarkLegacySNAT.ToString() + "/" + kFwmarkLegacySNAT.ToString();
if (process_runner_->iptables(
Iptables::Table::kFilter, Iptables::Command::kI,
{"-m", "mark", "--mark", snatMark, "-m", "state", "--state",
"INVALID", "-j", "DROP", "-w"}) != 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to install FORWARD rule to drop INVALID packets";
// b/196899048: IPv4 TCP packets with TCP flags FIN,PSH coming from downstream
// guests need to be dropped explicitly because SNAT will not apply to them
// but the --state INVALID rule above will also not match for these packets.
// crbug/1241756: Make sure that only egress FINPSH packets are dropped.
for (const auto& oif : kCellularIfnamePrefixes) {
if (process_runner_->iptables(
Iptables::Table::kFilter, Iptables::Command::kI,
{"-s", kGuestIPv4Subnet, "-p", "tcp", "--tcp-flags", "FIN,PSH",
"FIN,PSH", "-o", oif, "-j", "DROP", "-w"}) != 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to install FORWARD rule to drop TCP FIN,PSH "
"packets egressing "
<< oif << " interfaces";
// Set static SNAT rules for any traffic originated from a guest (ARC,
// Crostini, ...) or a connected namespace.
// For IPv6, the SNAT rule is expected to only be triggered when static IPv6
// is used (without SLAAC). See AddDownstreamInterfaceRules for the method
// that sets up the SNAT mark.
if (process_runner_->iptables(
Iptables::Table::kNat, Iptables::Command::kA, "POSTROUTING",
{"-m", "mark", "--mark", snatMark, "-j", "MASQUERADE", "-w"}) != 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to install SNAT mark rules.";
if (process_runner_->ip6tables(
Iptables::Table::kNat, Iptables::Command::kA, "POSTROUTING",
{"-m", "mark", "--mark", snatMark, "-j", "MASQUERADE", "-w"}) != 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to install SNAT mark rules.";
// Applies the routing tag saved in conntrack for any established connection
// for sockets created in the host network namespace.
if (!ModifyConnmarkRestore(IpFamily::kDual, "OUTPUT", Iptables::Command::kA,
/*iif=*/"", kFwmarkRoutingMask)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to add OUTPUT CONNMARK restore rule";
// Add a rule for skipping apply_local_source_mark if the packet already has a
// source mark (e.g., packets from a wireguard socket in the kernel).
// TODO(b/190683881): This will also skip setting VPN policy bits on the
// packet. Currently this rule will only be triggered for wireguard sockets so
// it has no side effect now. We may need to revisit this later.
IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kMangle, Iptables::Command::kA,
{"-m", "mark", "!", "--mark", "0x0/" + kFwmarkAllSourcesMask.ToString(),
"-j", "RETURN", "-w"});
// Create rules for tagging local sources with the source tag and the vpn
// policy tag.
for (const auto& source : kLocalSourceTypes) {
if (!ModifyFwmarkLocalSourceTag(Iptables::Command::kA, source)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create fwmark tagging rule for uid " << source
<< " in " << kApplyLocalSourceMarkChain;
// Finally add a catch-all rule for tagging any remaining local sources with
// the SYSTEM source tag
if (!ModifyFwmarkDefaultLocalSourceTag(Iptables::Command::kA,
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to set up rule tagging traffic with default source";
// Set up jump chains to the DNS nat chains for egress traffic from local
// processes running on the host.
if (!ModifyRedirectDnsJumpRule(IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Command::kA,
/*ifname=*/"", kRedirectChromeDnsChain)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to add jump rule for chrome DNS redirection";
if (!ModifyRedirectDnsJumpRule(IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Command::kA,
/*ifname=*/"", kRedirectUserDnsChain,
kFwmarkRouteOnVpn, kFwmarkVpnMask,
/*redirect_on_mark=*/true)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to add jump rule for user DNS redirection";
if (!ModifyRedirectDnsJumpRule(
IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Command::kA, "POSTROUTING", /*ifname=*/"",
kSNATChromeDnsChain, Fwmark::FromSource(TrafficSource::kChrome),
kFwmarkAllSourcesMask, /*redirect_on_mark=*/true)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to add jump rule for chrome DNS SNAT";
if (!ModifyRedirectDnsJumpRule(IpFamily::kIPv6, Iptables::Command::kA,
"POSTROUTING", /*ifname=*/"",
kSNATUserDnsChain, kFwmarkRouteOnVpn,
kFwmarkVpnMask, /*redirect_on_mark=*/true)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to add jump rule for user DNS SNAT";
// All local outgoing DNS traffic eligible to VPN routing should skip the VPN
// routing chain and instead go through DNS proxy.
if (!ModifyFwmarkSkipVpnJumpRule("OUTPUT", Iptables::Command::kA,
kChronosUid)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to add jump rule to skip VPN mark chain in mangle "
<< "OUTPUT chain";
// All local outgoing traffic eligible to VPN routing should traverse the VPN
// marking chain.
if (!ModifyFwmarkVpnJumpRule("OUTPUT", Iptables::Command::kA,
kFwmarkRouteOnVpn, kFwmarkVpnMask)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to add jump rule to VPN chain in mangle OUTPUT chain";
// Add default IPv6 DROP rules to OUTPUT for any shill managed network
// interface configured with StartSourceIPv6PrefixEnforcement. These rules
// DROP any packet with global unicast or unique local source addresses that
// did not match the specific prefix configured with
// StartSourceIPv6PrefixEnforcement.
if (!ModifyIptables(IpFamily::kIPv6, Iptables::Table::kFilter,
Iptables::Command::kA, kEnforceSourcePrefixChain,
{"-s", "2000::/3", "-j", "DROP", "-w"})) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Fail to add 2000::/3 DROP rule in "
<< kEnforceSourcePrefixChain;
if (!ModifyIptables(IpFamily::kIPv6, Iptables::Table::kFilter,
Iptables::Command::kA, kEnforceSourcePrefixChain,
{"-s", "fc00::/7", "-j", "DROP", "-w"})) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Fail to add fc00::/7 DROP rule in "
<< kEnforceSourcePrefixChain;
void Datapath::Stop() {
// Restore original local port range.
// TODO(garrick): The original history behind this tweak is gone. Some
// investigation is needed to see if it is still applicable.
if (!system_->SysNetSet(System::SysNet::kIPLocalPortRange, "32768 61000")) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to restore local port range";
// Disable packet forwarding
if (!system_->SysNetSet(System::SysNet::kIPv6Forward, "0"))
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to restore net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding.";
if (!system_->SysNetSet(System::SysNet::kIPv4Forward, "0"))
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to restore net.ipv4.ip_forward.";
void Datapath::ResetIptables() {
// If they exists, remove jump rules from built-in chains to custom chains
// for any built-in chains that is not explicitly flushed.
ModifyJumpRule(IpFamily::kIPv4, Iptables::Table::kFilter,
Iptables::Command::kD, "OUTPUT", kDropGuestIpv4PrefixChain,
/*iif=*/"", /*oif=*/"",
ModifyJumpRule(IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kFilter,
Iptables::Command::kD, "INPUT", kIngressPortFirewallChain,
/*iif=*/"", /*oif=*/"",
ModifyJumpRule(IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kFilter,
Iptables::Command::kD, "OUTPUT", kEgressPortFirewallChain,
/*iif=*/"", /*oif=*/"",
ModifyJumpRule(IpFamily::kIPv4, Iptables::Table::kNat, Iptables::Command::kD,
"PREROUTING", kIngressPortForwardingChain, /*iif=*/"",
/*oif=*/"", /*log_failures=*/false);
ModifyJumpRule(IpFamily::kIPv4, Iptables::Table::kNat, Iptables::Command::kD,
"PREROUTING", kApplyAutoDNATToArcChain, /*iif=*/"", /*oif=*/"",
ModifyJumpRule(IpFamily::kIPv4, Iptables::Table::kNat, Iptables::Command::kD,
"PREROUTING", kApplyAutoDNATToCrostiniChain, /*iif=*/"",
/*oif=*/"", /*log_failures=*/false);
ModifyJumpRule(IpFamily::kIPv4, Iptables::Table::kNat, Iptables::Command::kD,
"PREROUTING", kApplyAutoDNATToParallelsChain, /*iif=*/"",
/*oif=*/"", /*log_failures=*/false);
ModifyJumpRule(IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kNat, Iptables::Command::kD,
"PREROUTING", kRedirectDefaultDnsChain, /*iif=*/"", /*oif=*/"",
ModifyFwmarkSkipVpnJumpRule("OUTPUT", Iptables::Command::kD, kChronosUid,
ModifyJumpRule(IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kFilter,
Iptables::Command::kD, "OUTPUT", kVpnEgressFiltersChain,
/*iif=*/"", /*oif=*/"",
// Flush chains used for routing and fwmark tagging. Also delete additional
// chains made by patchpanel. Chains used by permission broker (nat
// PREROUTING, filter INPUT) and chains used for traffic counters (mangle
// {rx,tx}_{<iface>, vpn}) are not flushed.
// If there is any jump rule between from a chain to another chain that must
// be removed, the first chain must be flushed first.
// The "ingress_port_forwarding" chain is not flushed since it must hold port
// forwarding rules requested by permission_broker.
static struct {
IpFamily family;
Iptables::Table table;
std::string chain;
bool should_delete;
} resetOps[] = {
{IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kFilter, "FORWARD", false},
{IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kMangle, "FORWARD", false},
{IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kMangle, "INPUT", false},
{IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kMangle, "OUTPUT", false},
{IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kMangle, "POSTROUTING", false},
{IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kMangle, "PREROUTING", false},
{IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kMangle, kApplyLocalSourceMarkChain,
{IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kMangle, kApplyVpnMarkChain, true},
{IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kMangle, kSkipApplyVpnMarkChain, true},
{IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kMangle, kQoSDetectStaticChain, true},
{IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kMangle, kQoSDetectChain, true},
{IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kMangle, kQoSDetectDoHChain, true},
{IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kMangle, kQoSApplyDSCPChain, true},
{IpFamily::kIPv4, Iptables::Table::kFilter, kDropGuestIpv4PrefixChain,
{IpFamily::kIPv4, Iptables::Table::kFilter, kDropGuestInvalidIpv4Chain,
{IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kFilter, kVpnEgressFiltersChain, true},
{IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kFilter, kVpnAcceptChain, true},
{IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kFilter, kVpnLockdownChain, true},
{IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kFilter, kAcceptDownstreamNetworkChain,
{IpFamily::kIPv6, Iptables::Table::kFilter, kEnforceSourcePrefixChain,
{IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kNat, "OUTPUT", false},
{IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kNat, "POSTROUTING", false},
{IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kNat, kRedirectDefaultDnsChain, true},
{IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kNat, kRedirectChromeDnsChain, true},
{IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kNat, kRedirectUserDnsChain, true},
{IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kNat, kSNATChromeDnsChain, true},
{IpFamily::kIPv6, Iptables::Table::kNat, kSNATUserDnsChain, true},
{IpFamily::kIPv4, Iptables::Table::kNat, kRedirectDnsChain, true},
{IpFamily::kIPv4, Iptables::Table::kNat, kApplyAutoDNATToArcChain, true},
{IpFamily::kIPv4, Iptables::Table::kNat, kApplyAutoDNATToCrostiniChain,
{IpFamily::kIPv4, Iptables::Table::kNat, kApplyAutoDNATToParallelsChain,
for (const auto& op : resetOps) {
// Chains to delete are custom chains and will not exist the first time
// patchpanel starts after boot. Skip flushing and delete these chains if
// they do not exist to avoid logging spurious error messages.
if (op.should_delete &&
!ModifyChain(, op.table, Iptables::Command::kL, op.chain,
/*log_failures=*/false)) {
if (!FlushChain(, op.table, op.chain)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to flush " << op.chain << " chain in table "
<< op.table;
if (op.should_delete && !RemoveChain(, op.table, op.chain)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to delete " << op.chain << " chain in table "
<< op.table;
bool Datapath::NetnsAttachName(const std::string& netns_name, pid_t netns_pid) {
// Try first to delete any netns with name |netns_name| in case patchpanel
// did not exit cleanly.
if (process_runner_->ip_netns_delete(netns_name, /*log_failures=*/false) == 0)
LOG(INFO) << "Deleted left over network namespace name " << netns_name;
if (netns_pid == ConnectedNamespace::kNewNetnsPid)
return process_runner_->ip_netns_add(netns_name) == 0;
return process_runner_->ip_netns_attach(netns_name, netns_pid) == 0;
bool Datapath::NetnsDeleteName(const std::string& netns_name) {
return process_runner_->ip_netns_delete(netns_name) == 0;
bool Datapath::AddBridge(const std::string& ifname, const IPv4CIDR& cidr) {
base::ScopedFD control_fd(socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM | SOCK_CLOEXEC, 0));
if (!control_fd.is_valid() ||
system_->Ioctl(control_fd.get(), SIOCBRADDBR, ifname.c_str()) != 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create bridge " << ifname;
return false;
// Configure the persistent Chrome OS bridge interface with static IP.
if (process_runner_->ip("addr", "add",
{cidr.ToString(), "brd",
cidr.GetBroadcast().ToString(), "dev", ifname}) !=
0) {
return false;
if (process_runner_->ip("link", "set", {ifname, "up"}) != 0) {
return false;
return true;
void Datapath::RemoveBridge(const std::string& ifname) {
process_runner_->ip("link", "set", {ifname, "down"});
base::ScopedFD control_fd(socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM | SOCK_CLOEXEC, 0));
if (!control_fd.is_valid() ||
system_->Ioctl(control_fd.get(), SIOCBRDELBR, ifname.c_str()) != 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to destroy bridge " << ifname;
bool Datapath::AddToBridge(const std::string& br_ifname,
const std::string& ifname) {
struct ifreq ifr;
memset(&ifr, 0, sizeof(ifr));
strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, br_ifname.c_str(), sizeof(ifr.ifr_name));
ifr.ifr_ifindex = system_->IfNametoindex(ifname);
base::ScopedFD control_fd(socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM | SOCK_CLOEXEC, 0));
if (!control_fd.is_valid() ||
system_->Ioctl(control_fd.get(), SIOCBRADDIF, &ifr) != 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to add " << ifname << " to bridge " << br_ifname;
return false;
return true;
std::string Datapath::AddTunTap(
const std::string& name,
const std::optional<MacAddress>& mac_addr,
const std::optional<net_base::IPv4CIDR>& ipv4_cidr,
const std::string& user,
DeviceMode dev_mode) {
base::ScopedFD dev = system_->OpenTunDev();
if (!dev.is_valid()) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to open tun device";
return "";
struct ifreq ifr;
memset(&ifr, 0, sizeof(ifr));
strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, name.empty() ? kDefaultIfname : name.c_str(),
switch (dev_mode) {
case DeviceMode::kTun:
ifr.ifr_flags = IFF_TUN | IFF_NO_PI;
case DeviceMode::kTap:
ifr.ifr_flags = IFF_TAP | IFF_NO_PI;
// If a template was given as the name, ifr_name will be updated with the
// actual interface name.
if (system_->Ioctl(dev.get(), TUNSETIFF, &ifr) != 0) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create " << dev_mode << " interface " << name;
return "";
const char* ifname = ifr.ifr_name;
if (system_->Ioctl(dev.get(), TUNSETPERSIST, 1) != 0) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to persist " << dev_mode << " interface " << ifname;
return "";
if (!user.empty()) {
uid_t uid = 0;
if (!brillo::userdb::GetUserInfo(user, &uid, nullptr)) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Unable to look up UID for " << user;
RemoveTunTap(ifname, dev_mode);
return "";
if (system_->Ioctl(dev.get(), TUNSETOWNER, uid) != 0) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to set owner " << uid << " of " << dev_mode
<< " interface " << ifname;
RemoveTunTap(ifname, dev_mode);
return "";
// Create control socket for configuring the interface.
base::ScopedFD sock(socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM | SOCK_CLOEXEC, 0));
if (!sock.is_valid()) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create control socket for " << dev_mode
<< " interface " << ifname;
RemoveTunTap(ifname, dev_mode);
return "";
if (ipv4_cidr) {
struct sockaddr_in* addr =
reinterpret_cast<struct sockaddr_in*>(&ifr.ifr_addr);
addr->sin_family = AF_INET;
addr->sin_addr = ipv4_cidr->address().ToInAddr();
if (system_->Ioctl(sock.get(), SIOCSIFADDR, &ifr) != 0) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to set ip address for " << dev_mode
<< " interface " << ifname << " {" << ipv4_cidr->ToString()
<< "}";
RemoveTunTap(ifname, dev_mode);
return "";
struct sockaddr_in* netmask =
reinterpret_cast<struct sockaddr_in*>(&ifr.ifr_netmask);
netmask->sin_family = AF_INET;
netmask->sin_addr = ipv4_cidr->ToNetmask().ToInAddr();
if (system_->Ioctl(sock.get(), SIOCSIFNETMASK, &ifr) != 0) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to set netmask for " << dev_mode << " interface "
<< ifname << " {" << ipv4_cidr->ToString() << "}";
RemoveTunTap(ifname, dev_mode);
return "";
if (mac_addr) {
struct sockaddr* hwaddr = &ifr.ifr_hwaddr;
hwaddr->sa_family = ARPHRD_ETHER;
memcpy(&hwaddr->sa_data, mac_addr.operator->(), sizeof(MacAddress));
if (system_->Ioctl(sock.get(), SIOCSIFHWADDR, &ifr) != 0) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to set mac address for " << dev_mode
<< " interface " << ifname << " {"
<< MacAddressToString(*mac_addr) << "}";
RemoveTunTap(ifname, dev_mode);
return "";
if (system_->Ioctl(sock.get(), SIOCGIFFLAGS, &ifr) != 0) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get flags for " << dev_mode << " interface "
<< ifname;
RemoveTunTap(ifname, dev_mode);
return "";
ifr.ifr_flags |= (IFF_UP | IFF_RUNNING);
if (system_->Ioctl(sock.get(), SIOCSIFFLAGS, &ifr) != 0) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to enable " << dev_mode << " interface " << ifname;
RemoveTunTap(ifname, dev_mode);
return "";
return ifname;
void Datapath::RemoveTunTap(const std::string& ifname, DeviceMode dev_mode) {
const std::string dev_mode_str =
(dev_mode == DeviceMode::kTun) ? "tun" : "tap";
process_runner_->ip("tuntap", "del", {ifname, "mode", dev_mode_str},
bool Datapath::ConnectVethPair(pid_t netns_pid,
const std::string& netns_name,
const std::string& veth_ifname,
const std::string& peer_ifname,
const MacAddress& remote_mac_addr,
const IPv4CIDR& remote_ipv4_cidr,
const std::optional<IPv6CIDR>& remote_ipv6_cidr,
bool remote_multicast_flag) {
// Set up the virtual pair across the current namespace and |netns_name|.
if (!AddVirtualInterfacePair(netns_name, veth_ifname, peer_ifname)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create veth pair " << veth_ifname << ","
<< peer_ifname;
return false;
// Configure the remote veth in namespace |netns_name|.
auto ns = ScopedNS::EnterNetworkNS(netns_name);
if (!ns && netns_pid != kTestPID) {
<< "Cannot create virtual link -- invalid container namespace?";
return false;
if (!ConfigureInterface(peer_ifname, remote_mac_addr, remote_ipv4_cidr,
remote_ipv6_cidr, /*up=*/true,
remote_multicast_flag)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to configure interface " << peer_ifname;
return false;
if (!ToggleInterface(veth_ifname, /*up=*/true)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to bring up interface " << veth_ifname;
return false;
return true;
void Datapath::RestartIPv6() {
if (!system_->SysNetSet(System::SysNet::kIPv6Disable, "1")) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to disable IPv6";
if (!system_->SysNetSet(System::SysNet::kIPv6Disable, "0")) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to re-enable IPv6";
bool Datapath::AddVirtualInterfacePair(const std::string& netns_name,
const std::string& veth_ifname,
const std::string& peer_ifname) {
return process_runner_->ip("link", "add",
{veth_ifname, "type", "veth", "peer", "name",
peer_ifname, "netns", netns_name}) == 0;
bool Datapath::ToggleInterface(const std::string& ifname, bool up) {
const std::string link = up ? "up" : "down";
return process_runner_->ip("link", "set", {ifname, link}) == 0;
bool Datapath::ConfigureInterface(const std::string& ifname,
std::optional<MacAddress> mac_addr,
const IPv4CIDR& ipv4_cidr,
const std::optional<IPv6CIDR>& ipv6_cidr,
bool up,
bool enable_multicast) {
if (process_runner_->ip(
"addr", "add",
{ipv4_cidr.ToString(), "brd", ipv4_cidr.GetBroadcast().ToString(),
"dev", ifname}) != 0) {
return false;
if (ipv6_cidr &&
process_runner_->ip("addr", "add",
{ipv6_cidr->ToString(), "dev", ifname}) != 0) {
return false;
std::vector<std::string> iplink_args{
up ? "up" : "down",
if (mac_addr) {
{"addr", MacAddressToString(*mac_addr)});
{"multicast", enable_multicast ? "on" : "off"});
return process_runner_->ip("link", "set", iplink_args) == 0;
void Datapath::RemoveInterface(const std::string& ifname) {
process_runner_->ip("link", "delete", {ifname}, /*as_patchpanel_user=*/false,
bool Datapath::AddSourceIPv4DropRule(const std::string& oif,
const std::string& src_ip) {
return process_runner_->iptables(
Iptables::Table::kFilter, Iptables::Command::kI,
{"-o", oif, "-s", src_ip, "-j", "DROP", "-w"}) == 0;
bool Datapath::StartRoutingNamespace(const ConnectedNamespace& nsinfo) {
// Veth interface configuration and client routing configuration:
// - attach a name to the client namespace (or create a new named namespace
// if no client is specified).
// - create veth pair across the current namespace and the client namespace.
// - configure IPv4 address on remote veth inside client namespace.
// - configure IPv4 address on local veth inside host namespace.
// - add a default IPv4 /0 route sending traffic to that remote veth.
if (!NetnsAttachName(nsinfo.netns_name, {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to attach name " << nsinfo.netns_name
<< " to namespace pid " <<;
return false;
if (!ConnectVethPair(, nsinfo.netns_name, nsinfo.host_ifname, nsinfo.peer_ifname,
nsinfo.peer_mac_addr, nsinfo.peer_ipv4_cidr,
? std::make_optional(nsinfo.static_ipv6_config->peer_cidr)
: std::nullopt,
/*enable_multicast=*/false)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create veth pair for"
" namespace pid "
return false;
if (!ConfigureInterface(
nsinfo.host_ifname, nsinfo.host_mac_addr, nsinfo.host_ipv4_cidr,
? std::make_optional(nsinfo.static_ipv6_config->host_cidr)
: std::nullopt,
/*enable_multicast=*/false)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot configure host interface " << nsinfo.host_ifname;
return false;
auto ns = ScopedNS::EnterNetworkNS(nsinfo.netns_name);
if (!ns && != kTestPID) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid namespace pid " <<;
return false;
if (!AddIPv4Route(nsinfo.host_ipv4_cidr.address(), /*subnet_cidr=*/{})) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to add default /0 route to " << nsinfo.host_ifname
<< " inside namespace pid " <<;
return false;
if (nsinfo.static_ipv6_config &&
/*subnet_cidr=*/{})) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to add IPv6 default /0 route to "
<< nsinfo.host_ifname << " inside namespace pid "
return false;
// Host namespace routing configuration
// - ingress: route added automatically by kernel when adding the device's
// address with prefix.
// - egress: - allow forwarding for traffic outgoing |host_ifname|.
// - add SNAT mark 0x1/0x1 for traffic outgoing |host_ifname|.
// Note that by default unsolicited ingress traffic is not forwarded to the
// client namespace unless the client specifically set port forwarding
// through permission_broker DBus APIs.
if (!nsinfo.outbound_ifname.empty()) {
if (!nsinfo.current_outbound_device) {
LOG(ERROR) << __func__ << ": No shill Device known for ConnectNamespace "
<< nsinfo;
return false;
StartRoutingDevice(*nsinfo.current_outbound_device, nsinfo.host_ifname,
nsinfo.source, nsinfo.static_ipv6_config.has_value());
} else if (!nsinfo.route_on_vpn) {
StartRoutingDeviceAsSystem(nsinfo.host_ifname, nsinfo.source,
} else {
nsinfo.host_ifname, nsinfo.source, nsinfo.host_ipv4_cidr.address(),
? std::make_optional(nsinfo.static_ipv6_config->host_cidr.address())
: std::nullopt,
? std::make_optional(nsinfo.static_ipv6_config->peer_cidr.address())
: std::nullopt);
return true;
void Datapath::StopRoutingNamespace(const ConnectedNamespace& nsinfo) {
StopRoutingDevice(nsinfo.host_ifname, nsinfo.source);
bool Datapath::ModifyChromeDnsRedirect(IpFamily family,
const DnsRedirectionRule& rule,
Iptables::Command op) {
// Validate nameservers.
for (const auto& nameserver : rule.nameservers) {
if (ConvertIpFamily(nameserver.GetFamily()) != family) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid nameserver address: " << nameserver
<< ", the expected family is "
<< (family == IpFamily::kIPv4 ? "IPv4" : "IPv6");
return false;
bool success = true;
for (const auto& protocol : {"udp", "tcp"}) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < rule.nameservers.size(); i++) {
std::vector<std::string> args{
"--dport", // input destination port
// If there are multiple destination IPs, forward to them in a round robin
// fashion with statistics module.
if (rule.nameservers.size() > 1) {
std::initializer_list<std::string> statistic_args = {
"-m", "statistic",
"--mode", "nth",
"--every", std::to_string(rule.nameservers.size() - i),
"--packet", "0",
args.insert(args.end(), statistic_args);
args.insert(args.end(), {
if (!ModifyIptables(family, Iptables::Table::kNat, op,
kRedirectChromeDnsChain, args)) {
success = false;
if (!ModifyDnsProxyMasquerade(family, op, kSNATChromeDnsChain)) {
success = false;
return success;
bool Datapath::ModifyDnsProxyDNAT(IpFamily family,
const DnsRedirectionRule& rule,
Iptables::Command op,
const std::string& ifname,
const std::string& chain) {
bool success = true;
for (const auto& protocol : {"udp", "tcp"}) {
std::vector<std::string> args;
if (!ifname.empty()) {
args.insert(args.end(), {"-i", ifname});
{"-p", protocol, "--dport", kDefaultDnsPort, "-j", "DNAT",
"--to-destination", rule.proxy_address.ToString(), "-w"});
if (!ModifyIptables(family, Iptables::Table::kNat, op, chain, args)) {
success = false;
return success;
bool Datapath::ModifyDnsProxyMasquerade(IpFamily family,
Iptables::Command op,
const std::string& chain) {
bool success = true;
for (const auto& protocol : {"udp", "tcp"}) {
std::vector<std::string> args = {
"-p", protocol, "--dport", kDefaultDnsPort, "-j", "MASQUERADE", "-w"};
if (!ModifyIptables(family, Iptables::Table::kNat, op, chain, args)) {
success = false;
return success;
bool Datapath::StartDnsRedirection(const DnsRedirectionRule& rule) {
const IpFamily family = ConvertIpFamily(rule.proxy_address.GetFamily());
switch (rule.type) {
case patchpanel::SetDnsRedirectionRuleRequest::DEFAULT: {
if (!ModifyDnsProxyDNAT(family, rule, Iptables::Command::kA,
rule.input_ifname, kRedirectDefaultDnsChain)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to add DNS DNAT rule for " << rule.input_ifname;
return false;
return true;
case patchpanel::SetDnsRedirectionRuleRequest::ARC: {
return true;
case patchpanel::SetDnsRedirectionRuleRequest::USER: {
// Start protecting DNS traffic from VPN fwmark tagging.
if (!ModifyDnsRedirectionSkipVpnRule(family, Iptables::Command::kA)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to add VPN skip rule for DNS proxy";
return false;
// Add DNS redirect rules for chrome traffic.
if (!ModifyChromeDnsRedirect(family, rule, Iptables::Command::kA)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to add chrome DNS DNAT rule";
return false;
// Add DNS redirect rule for user traffic.
if (!ModifyDnsProxyDNAT(family, rule, Iptables::Command::kA,
/*ifname=*/"", kRedirectUserDnsChain)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to add user DNS DNAT rule";
return false;
// Add MASQUERADE rule for user traffic.
if (family == IpFamily::kIPv6 &&
!ModifyDnsProxyMasquerade(family, Iptables::Command::kA,
kSNATUserDnsChain)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to add user DNS MASQUERADE rule";
return false;
return true;
case patchpanel::SetDnsRedirectionRuleRequest::EXCLUDE_DESTINATION: {
if (!ModifyDnsExcludeDestinationRule(family, rule, Iptables::Command::kI,
kRedirectChromeDnsChain)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to add Chrome DNS exclude rule";
return false;
if (!ModifyDnsExcludeDestinationRule(family, rule, Iptables::Command::kI,
kRedirectUserDnsChain)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to add user DNS exclude rule";
return false;
return true;
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid DNS proxy type " << rule;
return false;
void Datapath::StopDnsRedirection(const DnsRedirectionRule& rule) {
const IpFamily family = ConvertIpFamily(rule.proxy_address.GetFamily());
// Whenever the client that requested the rule closes the fd, the requested
// rule will be deleted. There is a delay between fd closing time and rule
// removal time. This prevents deletion of the rules by flushing the chains.
switch (rule.type) {
case patchpanel::SetDnsRedirectionRuleRequest::DEFAULT: {
ModifyDnsProxyDNAT(family, rule, Iptables::Command::kD, rule.input_ifname,
case patchpanel::SetDnsRedirectionRuleRequest::ARC: {
case patchpanel::SetDnsRedirectionRuleRequest::USER: {
ModifyChromeDnsRedirect(family, rule, Iptables::Command::kD);
ModifyDnsProxyDNAT(family, rule, Iptables::Command::kD, /*ifname=*/"",
ModifyDnsRedirectionSkipVpnRule(family, Iptables::Command::kD);
if (family == IpFamily::kIPv6) {
ModifyDnsProxyMasquerade(family, Iptables::Command::kD,
case patchpanel::SetDnsRedirectionRuleRequest::EXCLUDE_DESTINATION: {
ModifyDnsExcludeDestinationRule(family, rule, Iptables::Command::kD,
ModifyDnsExcludeDestinationRule(family, rule, Iptables::Command::kD,
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid DNS proxy type " << rule;
void Datapath::AddDownstreamInterfaceRules(const std::string& int_ifname,
TrafficSource source,
bool static_ipv6) {
if (source != TrafficSource::kBruschettaVM) {
if (!ModifyJumpRule(IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kFilter,
Iptables::Command::kA, "FORWARD", "ACCEPT", /*iif=*/"",
int_ifname)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to enable IP forwarding from " << int_ifname;
if (!ModifyJumpRule(IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kFilter,
Iptables::Command::kA, "FORWARD", "ACCEPT", int_ifname,
/*oif=*/"")) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to enable IP forwarding to " << int_ifname;
if (source == TrafficSource::kBruschettaVM) {
if (!ModifyIsolatedGuestDropRule(Iptables::Command::kA, int_ifname)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Fail to setup Bruschetta traffic block rule on "
<< int_ifname;
std::string subchain = PreroutingSubChainName(int_ifname);
// This can fail if patchpanel did not stopped correctly or failed to cleanup
// the chain when |int_ifname| was previously deleted.
if (!AddChain(IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kMangle, subchain))
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create mangle chain " << subchain;
// Make sure the chain is empty if patchpanel did not cleaned correctly that
// chain before.
if (!FlushChain(IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kMangle, subchain)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Could not flush " << subchain;
if (!ModifyJumpRule(IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kMangle,
Iptables::Command::kA, "PREROUTING", subchain, int_ifname,
/*oif=*/"")) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Could not add jump rule from mangle PREROUTING to "
<< subchain;
// IPv4 traffic from all downstream interfaces should be tagged to go through
// SNAT.
if (!ModifyFwmark(IpFamily::kIPv4, subchain, Iptables::Command::kA, "", "", 0,
kFwmarkLegacySNAT, kFwmarkLegacySNAT)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to add fwmark SNAT tagging rule for " << int_ifname;
// IPv6 traffic from all downstream interfaces should be tagged to go through
// SNAT if NAT66 is used (see ConnectNamespace |static_ipv6|).
if (static_ipv6 &&
!ModifyFwmark(IpFamily::kIPv6, subchain, Iptables::Command::kA, "", "", 0,
kFwmarkLegacySNAT, kFwmarkLegacySNAT)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to add fwmark SNAT tagging rule for " << int_ifname;
if (!ModifyFwmarkSourceTag(subchain, Iptables::Command::kA, source)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to add fwmark tagging rule for source " << source
<< " in " << subchain;
void Datapath::StartRoutingDevice(const ShillClient::Device& shill_device,
const std::string& int_ifname,
TrafficSource source,
bool static_ipv6) {
const std::string& ext_ifname = shill_device.ifname;
AddDownstreamInterfaceRules(int_ifname, source, static_ipv6);
// If |ext_ifname| is not null, mark egress traffic with the
// fwmark routing tag corresponding to |ext_ifname|.
int ifindex = system_->IfNametoindex(ext_ifname);
if (ifindex == 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to retrieve interface index of " << ext_ifname;
auto routing_mark = Fwmark::FromIfIndex(ifindex);
if (!routing_mark.has_value()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to compute fwmark value of interface " << ext_ifname
<< " with index " << ifindex;
std::string subchain = PreroutingSubChainName(int_ifname);
if (!ModifyFwmarkRoutingTag(subchain, Iptables::Command::kA,
routing_mark.value())) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to add fwmark routing tag for " << ext_ifname << "<-"
<< int_ifname << " in " << subchain;
void Datapath::StartRoutingDeviceAsSystem(const std::string& int_ifname,
TrafficSource source,
bool static_ipv6) {
AddDownstreamInterfaceRules(int_ifname, source, static_ipv6);
// Set up a CONNMARK restore rule in PREROUTING to apply any fwmark routing
// tag saved for the current connection, and rely on implicit routing to the
// default physical network otherwise.
std::string subchain = PreroutingSubChainName(int_ifname);
if (!ModifyConnmarkRestore(IpFamily::kDual, subchain, Iptables::Command::kA,
/*iif=*/"", kFwmarkRoutingMask)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to add CONNMARK restore rule in " << subchain;
void Datapath::StartRoutingDeviceAsUser(
const std::string& int_ifname,
TrafficSource source,
const IPv4Address& int_ipv4_addr,
std::optional<net_base::IPv4Address> peer_ipv4_addr,
std::optional<IPv6Address> int_ipv6_addr,
std::optional<net_base::IPv6Address> peer_ipv6_addr) {
AddDownstreamInterfaceRules(int_ifname, source, peer_ipv6_addr.has_value());
// Set up a CONNMARK restore rule in PREROUTING to apply any fwmark routing
// tag saved for the current connection, and rely on implicit routing to the
// default logical network otherwise.
std::string subchain = PreroutingSubChainName(int_ifname);
if (!ModifyConnmarkRestore(IpFamily::kDual, subchain, Iptables::Command::kA,
/*iif=*/"", kFwmarkRoutingMask)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to add CONNMARK restore rule in " << subchain;
// Explicitly bypass VPN fwmark tagging rules on returning traffic of a
// connected namespace. This allows the return traffic to reach the local
// source. Connected namespace interface can be identified by checking if
// the value of |peer_ipv4_addr| or |peer_ipv6_addr| is not empty.
if (peer_ipv4_addr &&
Iptables::Table::kMangle, Iptables::Command::kA, subchain,
{"-s", peer_ipv4_addr->ToString(), "-d", int_ipv4_addr.ToString(),
"-j", "ACCEPT", "-w"}) != 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to add connected namespace IPv4 VPN bypass rule";
if (peer_ipv6_addr && int_ipv6_addr &&
Iptables::Table::kMangle, Iptables::Command::kA, subchain,
{"-s", peer_ipv6_addr->ToString(), "-d", int_ipv6_addr->ToString(),
"-j", "ACCEPT", "-w"}) != 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to add connected namespace IPv6 VPN bypass rule";
// The jump rule below should not be applied for traffic from a
// ConnectNamespace traffic that needs DNS to go to the VPN
// (ConnectNamespace of the DNS default instance).
if (!peer_ipv4_addr &&
!ModifyJumpRule(IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kMangle,
Iptables::Command::kA, subchain, kSkipApplyVpnMarkChain,
/*iif=*/"", /*oif=*/"")) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to add jump rule to DNS proxy VPN chain for "
<< int_ifname;
// Forwarded traffic from downstream interfaces routed to the logical
// default network is eligible to be routed through a VPN.
if (!ModifyFwmarkVpnJumpRule(subchain, Iptables::Command::kA, {}, {}))
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to add jump rule to VPN chain for " << int_ifname;
void Datapath::StopRoutingDevice(const std::string& int_ifname,
TrafficSource source) {
if (source != TrafficSource::kBruschettaVM) {
ModifyJumpRule(IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kFilter,
Iptables::Command::kD, "FORWARD", "ACCEPT", /*iif=*/"",
ModifyJumpRule(IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kFilter,
Iptables::Command::kD, "FORWARD", "ACCEPT", int_ifname,
if (source == TrafficSource::kBruschettaVM) {
ModifyIsolatedGuestDropRule(Iptables::Command::kD, int_ifname);
std::string subchain = PreroutingSubChainName(int_ifname);
ModifyJumpRule(IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kMangle,
Iptables::Command::kD, "PREROUTING", subchain, int_ifname,
FlushChain(IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kMangle, subchain);
RemoveChain(IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kMangle, subchain);
void Datapath::AddInboundIPv4DNAT(AutoDNATTarget auto_dnat_target,
const ShillClient::Device& shill_device,
const IPv4Address& ipv4_addr) {
const std::string ipv4_addr_str = ipv4_addr.ToString();
const std::string chain = AutoDNATTargetChainName(auto_dnat_target);
// Direct ingress IP traffic to existing sockets.
bool success = true;
if (process_runner_->iptables(Iptables::Table::kNat, Iptables::Command::kA,
{"-i", shill_device.ifname, "-m", "socket",
"--nowildcard", "-j", "ACCEPT", "-w"}) != 0) {
success = false;
// Direct ingress TCP & UDP traffic to ARC interface for new connections.
if (process_runner_->iptables(
Iptables::Table::kNat, Iptables::Command::kA, chain,
{"-i", shill_device.ifname, "-p", "tcp", "-j", "DNAT",
"--to-destination", ipv4_addr_str, "-w"}) != 0) {
success = false;
if (process_runner_->iptables(
Iptables::Table::kNat, Iptables::Command::kA, chain,
{"-i", shill_device.ifname, "-p", "udp", "-j", "DNAT",
"--to-destination", ipv4_addr_str, "-w"}) != 0) {
success = false;
if (!success) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to configure ingress DNAT rules on "
<< shill_device.ifname << " to " << ipv4_addr_str;
RemoveInboundIPv4DNAT(auto_dnat_target, shill_device, ipv4_addr);
void Datapath::RemoveInboundIPv4DNAT(AutoDNATTarget auto_dnat_target,
const ShillClient::Device& shill_device,
const IPv4Address& ipv4_addr) {
const std::string ipv4_addr_str = ipv4_addr.ToString();
const std::string chain = AutoDNATTargetChainName(auto_dnat_target);
process_runner_->iptables(Iptables::Table::kNat, Iptables::Command::kD, chain,
{"-i", shill_device.ifname, "-p", "udp", "-j",
"DNAT", "--to-destination", ipv4_addr_str, "-w"});
process_runner_->iptables(Iptables::Table::kNat, Iptables::Command::kD, chain,
{"-i", shill_device.ifname, "-p", "tcp", "-j",
"DNAT", "--to-destination", ipv4_addr_str, "-w"});
process_runner_->iptables(Iptables::Table::kNat, Iptables::Command::kD, chain,
{"-i", shill_device.ifname, "-m", "socket",
"--nowildcard", "-j", "ACCEPT", "-w"});
bool Datapath::AddRedirectDnsRule(const ShillClient::Device& shill_device,
const std::string dns_ipv4_addr) {
const std::string& ifname = shill_device.ifname;
bool success = true;
success &= RemoveRedirectDnsRule(shill_device);
// Use Insert operation to ensure that the new DNS address is used first.
success &= ModifyRedirectDnsDNATRule(Iptables::Command::kI, "tcp", ifname,
success &= ModifyRedirectDnsDNATRule(Iptables::Command::kI, "udp", ifname,
physical_dns_addresses_[ifname] = dns_ipv4_addr;
return success;
bool Datapath::RemoveRedirectDnsRule(const ShillClient::Device& shill_device) {
const std::string& ifname = shill_device.ifname;
const auto it = physical_dns_addresses_.find(ifname);
if (it == physical_dns_addresses_.end())
return true;
bool success = true;
success &= ModifyRedirectDnsDNATRule(Iptables::Command::kD, "tcp", ifname,
success &= ModifyRedirectDnsDNATRule(Iptables::Command::kD, "udp", ifname,
return success;
bool Datapath::ModifyRedirectDnsDNATRule(Iptables::Command op,
const std::string& protocol,
const std::string& ifname,
const std::string& dns_ipv4_addr) {
std::vector<std::string> args = {
"-p", protocol, "--dport", "53", "-o", ifname,
"-j", "DNAT", "--to-destination", dns_ipv4_addr, "-w"};
return ModifyIptables(IpFamily::kIPv4, Iptables::Table::kNat, op,
kRedirectDnsChain, args);
bool Datapath::ModifyRedirectDnsJumpRule(IpFamily family,
Iptables::Command op,
const std::string& chain,
const std::string& ifname,
const std::string& target_chain,
Fwmark mark,
Fwmark mask,
bool redirect_on_mark) {
std::vector<std::string> args;
if (!ifname.empty()) {
args.insert(args.end(), {"-i", ifname});
if (mark.Value() != 0 && mask.Value() != 0) {
args.insert(args.end(), {"-m", "mark"});
if (!redirect_on_mark) {
{"--mark", mark.ToString() + "/" + mask.ToString()});
args.insert(args.end(), {"-j", target_chain, "-w"});
return ModifyIptables(family, Iptables::Table::kNat, op, chain, args);
bool Datapath::ModifyDnsRedirectionSkipVpnRule(IpFamily family,
Iptables::Command op) {
bool success = true;
for (const auto& protocol : {"udp", "tcp"}) {
std::vector<std::string> args = {
"-p", protocol, "--dport", kDefaultDnsPort, "-j", "ACCEPT", "-w",
if (!ModifyIptables(family, Iptables::Table::kMangle, op,
kSkipApplyVpnMarkChain, args)) {
success = false;
return success;
bool Datapath::ModifyDnsExcludeDestinationRule(IpFamily family,
const DnsRedirectionRule& rule,
Iptables::Command op,
const std::string& chain) {
bool success = true;
for (const auto& protocol : {"udp", "tcp"}) {
std::vector<std::string> args = {
if (!ModifyIptables(family, Iptables::Table::kNat, op, chain, args)) {
success = false;
return success;
bool Datapath::MaskInterfaceFlags(const std::string& ifname,
uint16_t on,
uint16_t off) {
base::ScopedFD sock(socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM | SOCK_CLOEXEC, 0));
if (!sock.is_valid()) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create control socket";
return false;
ifreq ifr;
snprintf(ifr.ifr_name, IFNAMSIZ, "%s", ifname.c_str());
if (system_->Ioctl(sock.get(), SIOCGIFFLAGS, &ifr) < 0) {
PLOG(WARNING) << "ioctl() failed to get interface flag on " << ifname;
return false;
ifr.ifr_flags |= on;
ifr.ifr_flags &= ~off;
if (system_->Ioctl(sock.get(), SIOCSIFFLAGS, &ifr) < 0) {
PLOG(WARNING) << "ioctl() failed to set flag 0x" << std::hex << on
<< " unset flag 0x" << std::hex << off << " on " << ifname;
return false;
return true;
bool Datapath::AddIPv6HostRoute(
const std::string& ifname,
const net_base::IPv6CIDR& ipv6_cidr,
const std::optional<net_base::IPv6Address>& src_addr) {
if (src_addr) {
return process_runner_->ip6("route", "replace",
{ipv6_cidr.ToString(), "dev", ifname, "src",
src_addr->ToString()}) == 0;
} else {
return process_runner_->ip6("route", "replace",
{ipv6_cidr.ToString(), "dev", ifname}) == 0;
void Datapath::RemoveIPv6HostRoute(const net_base::IPv6CIDR& ipv6_cidr) {
process_runner_->ip6("route", "del", {ipv6_cidr.ToString()});
bool Datapath::AddIPv6NeighborProxy(const std::string& ifname,
const net_base::IPv6Address& ipv6_addr) {
return process_runner_->ip6("neighbor", "add",
{"proxy", ipv6_addr.ToString(), "dev", ifname}) ==
void Datapath::RemoveIPv6NeighborProxy(const std::string& ifname,
const net_base::IPv6Address& ipv6_addr) {
process_runner_->ip6("neighbor", "del",
{"proxy", ipv6_addr.ToString(), "dev", ifname});
bool Datapath::AddIPv6Address(const std::string& ifname,
const std::string& ipv6_addr) {
return process_runner_->ip6("addr", "add", {ipv6_addr, "dev", ifname}) == 0;
void Datapath::RemoveIPv6Address(const std::string& ifname,
const std::string& ipv6_addr) {
process_runner_->ip6("addr", "del", {ipv6_addr, "dev", ifname});
void Datapath::StartConnectionPinning(const ShillClient::Device& shill_device) {
const std::string& ext_ifname = shill_device.ifname;
int ifindex = system_->IfNametoindex(ext_ifname);
if (ifindex == 0) {
// Can happen if the interface has already been removed (b/183679000).
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to set up connection pinning on " << ext_ifname;
std::string subchain = "POSTROUTING_" + ext_ifname;
// This can fail if patchpanel did not stopped correctly or failed to cleanup
// the chain when |ext_ifname| was previously deleted.
if (!AddChain(IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kMangle, subchain)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create mangle chain " << subchain;
// Make sure the chain is empty if patchpanel did not cleaned correctly that
// chain before.
if (!FlushChain(IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kMangle, subchain)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Could not flush " << subchain;
if (!ModifyJumpRule(IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kMangle,
Iptables::Command::kA, "POSTROUTING", subchain,
/*iif=*/"", ext_ifname)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Could not add jump rule from mangle POSTROUTING to "
<< subchain;
auto routing_mark = Fwmark::FromIfIndex(ifindex);
if (!routing_mark.has_value()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to compute fwmark value of interface " << ext_ifname
<< " with index " << ifindex;
LOG(INFO) << "Start connection pinning on " << ext_ifname
<< " fwmark=" << routing_mark.value().ToString();
// Set in CONNMARK the routing tag associated with |ext_ifname|.
if (!ModifyConnmarkSet(IpFamily::kDual, subchain, Iptables::Command::kA,
routing_mark.value(), kFwmarkRoutingMask)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Could not start connection pinning on " << ext_ifname;
// Save in CONNMARK the source tag for egress traffic of this connection.
if (!ModifyConnmarkSave(IpFamily::kDual, subchain, Iptables::Command::kA,
kFwmarkAllSourcesMask)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to add POSTROUTING CONNMARK rule for saving fwmark "
"source tag on "
<< ext_ifname;
// Restore from CONNMARK the source tag for ingress traffic of this connection
// (returned traffic).
if (!ModifyConnmarkRestore(IpFamily::kDual, "PREROUTING",
Iptables::Command::kA, ext_ifname,
kFwmarkAllSourcesMask)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Could not setup fwmark source tagging rule for return "
"traffic received on "
<< ext_ifname;
void Datapath::StopConnectionPinning(const ShillClient::Device& shill_device) {
const std::string& ext_ifname = shill_device.ifname;
std::string subchain = "POSTROUTING_" + ext_ifname;
ModifyJumpRule(IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kMangle,
Iptables::Command::kD, "POSTROUTING", subchain, /*iif=*/"",
FlushChain(IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kMangle, subchain);
RemoveChain(IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kMangle, subchain);
if (!ModifyConnmarkRestore(IpFamily::kDual, "PREROUTING",
Iptables::Command::kD, ext_ifname,
kFwmarkAllSourcesMask)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Could not remove fwmark source tagging rule for return "
"traffic received on "
<< ext_ifname;
void Datapath::StartVpnRouting(const ShillClient::Device& vpn_device) {
const std::string& vpn_ifname = vpn_device.ifname;
int ifindex = system_->IfNametoindex(vpn_ifname);
if (ifindex == 0) {
// Can happen if the interface has already been removed (b/183679000).
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to start VPN routing on " << vpn_ifname;
auto routing_mark = Fwmark::FromIfIndex(ifindex);
if (!routing_mark.has_value()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to compute fwmark value of interface " << vpn_ifname
<< " with index " << ifindex;
LOG(INFO) << "Start VPN routing on " << vpn_ifname
<< " fwmark=" << routing_mark.value().ToString();
if (!ModifyJumpRule(IpFamily::kIPv4, Iptables::Table::kNat,
Iptables::Command::kA, "POSTROUTING", "MASQUERADE",
/*iif=*/"", vpn_ifname)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Could not set up SNAT for traffic outgoing " << vpn_ifname;
// Any traffic that already has a routing tag applied is accepted.
if (!ModifyIptables(
IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kMangle, Iptables::Command::kA,
{"-m", "mark", "!", "--mark", "0x0/" + kFwmarkRoutingMask.ToString(),
"-j", "ACCEPT", "-w"})) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to add ACCEPT rule to VPN tagging chain for marked "
// Otherwise, any new traffic from a new connection gets marked with the
// VPN routing tag.
if (!ModifyFwmarkRoutingTag(kApplyVpnMarkChain, Iptables::Command::kA,
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to set up VPN set-mark rule for " << vpn_ifname;
// When the VPN client runs on the host, also route arcbr0 to that VPN so
// that ARC can access the VPN network through arc0.
if (vpn_ifname != kArcbr0Ifname) {
StartRoutingDevice(vpn_device, kArcbr0Ifname, TrafficSource::kArc);
if (!ModifyRedirectDnsJumpRule(
IpFamily::kIPv4, Iptables::Command::kA, "OUTPUT",
/*ifname=*/"", kRedirectDnsChain, kFwmarkRouteOnVpn, kFwmarkVpnMask,
/*redirect_on_mark=*/false)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to set jump rule to " << kRedirectDnsChain;
// All traffic with the VPN routing tag are explicitly accepted in the filter
// table. This prevents the VPN lockdown chain to reject that traffic when VPN
// lockdown is enabled.
if (!ModifyIptables(IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kFilter,
Iptables::Command::kA, kVpnAcceptChain,
{"-m", "mark", "--mark",
routing_mark.value().ToString() + "/" +
"-j", "ACCEPT", "-w"})) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to set filter rule for accepting VPN marked traffic";
void Datapath::StopVpnRouting(const ShillClient::Device& vpn_device) {
const std::string& vpn_ifname = vpn_device.ifname;
LOG(INFO) << "Stop VPN routing on " << vpn_ifname;
if (!FlushChain(IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kFilter, kVpnAcceptChain)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Could not flush " << kVpnAcceptChain;
if (vpn_ifname != kArcbr0Ifname) {
StopRoutingDevice(kArcbr0Ifname, kArc);
if (!FlushChain(IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kMangle,
kApplyVpnMarkChain)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Could not flush " << kApplyVpnMarkChain;
if (!ModifyJumpRule(IpFamily::kIPv4, Iptables::Table::kNat,
Iptables::Command::kD, "POSTROUTING", "MASQUERADE",
/*iif=*/"", vpn_ifname)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Could not stop SNAT for traffic outgoing " << vpn_ifname;
if (!ModifyRedirectDnsJumpRule(
IpFamily::kIPv4, Iptables::Command::kD, "OUTPUT",
/*ifname=*/"", kRedirectDnsChain, kFwmarkRouteOnVpn, kFwmarkVpnMask,
/*redirect_on_mark=*/false)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to remove jump rule to " << kRedirectDnsChain;
void Datapath::SetVpnLockdown(bool enable_vpn_lockdown) {
if (enable_vpn_lockdown) {
if (!ModifyIptables(
IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kFilter, Iptables::Command::kA,
{"-m", "mark", "--mark",
kFwmarkRouteOnVpn.ToString() + "/" + kFwmarkVpnMask.ToString(),
"-j", "REJECT", "-w"})) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to start VPN lockdown mode";
} else {
if (!FlushChain(IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kFilter,
kVpnLockdownChain)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to stop VPN lockdown mode";
void Datapath::StartSourceIPv6PrefixEnforcement(
const ShillClient::Device& shill_device) {
VLOG(2) << __func__ << ": " << shill_device;
std::string subchain = EgressSubChainName(shill_device.ifname);
if (!AddChain(IpFamily::kIPv6, Iptables::Table::kFilter, subchain)) {
LOG(ERROR) << __func__ << ": Failed to create chain " << subchain;
if (!ModifyJumpRule(IpFamily::kIPv6, Iptables::Table::kFilter,
Iptables::Command::kI, "OUTPUT", subchain,
/*iif=*/"", /*oif=*/shill_device.ifname)) {
LOG(ERROR) << __func__ << ": Failed to add jump rule from OUTPUT to "
<< subchain;
// By default, immediately start jumping to "enforce_ipv6_src_prefix" to drop
// traffic until the prefix RETURN rule is installed.
UpdateSourceEnforcementIPv6Prefix(shill_device, std::nullopt);
void Datapath::StopSourceIPv6PrefixEnforcement(
const ShillClient::Device& shill_device) {
VLOG(2) << __func__ << ": " << shill_device;
std::string subchain = EgressSubChainName(shill_device.ifname);
if (!FlushChain(IpFamily::kIPv6, Iptables::Table::kFilter, subchain)) {
LOG(ERROR) << __func__ << ": Failed to flush " << subchain;
if (!ModifyJumpRule(IpFamily::kIPv6, Iptables::Table::kFilter,
Iptables::Command::kD, "OUTPUT", subchain,
/*iif=*/"", /*oif=*/shill_device.ifname)) {
LOG(ERROR) << __func__ << ": Failed to remove jump rule from OUTPUT to "
<< subchain;
if (!RemoveChain(IpFamily::kIPv6, Iptables::Table::kFilter, subchain)) {
LOG(ERROR) << __func__ << ": Failed to remove chain " << subchain;
void Datapath::UpdateSourceEnforcementIPv6Prefix(
const ShillClient::Device& shill_device,
const std::optional<net_base::IPv6CIDR>& prefix) {
VLOG(2) << __func__ << ": " << shill_device << ", {"
<< (prefix ? prefix->ToString() : "") << "}";
std::string subchain = EgressSubChainName(shill_device.ifname);
if (!FlushChain(IpFamily::kIPv6, Iptables::Table::kFilter, subchain)) {
LOG(ERROR) << __func__ << ": Failed to flush " << subchain;
if (prefix) {
if (!ModifyIptables(IpFamily::kIPv6, Iptables::Table::kFilter,
Iptables::Command::kA, subchain,
{"-s", prefix->ToString(), "-j", "RETURN", "-w"})) {
LOG(ERROR) << __func__
<< ": Failed to add " + prefix->ToString() + " RETURN rule in "
<< subchain;
if (!ModifyJumpRule(IpFamily::kIPv6, Iptables::Table::kFilter,
Iptables::Command::kA, subchain,
/*iif=*/"", /*oif=*/"")) {
LOG(ERROR) << __func__ << ": Failed to add jump rule from " << subchain
<< " to " << kEnforceSourcePrefixChain;
bool Datapath::StartDownstreamNetwork(const DownstreamNetworkInfo& info) {
if (info.topology == DownstreamNetworkTopology::kLocalOnly) {
LOG(ERROR) << __func__ << " " << info << ": LocalOnly is not supported";
return false;
if (!info.upstream_device) {
LOG(ERROR) << __func__ << " " << info << ": no upstream Device defined";
return false;
// TODO(b/239559602) Clarify which service, shill or networking, is in charge
// of IFF_UP and MAC address configuration.
if (!ConfigureInterface(info.downstream_ifname, /*mac_addr=*/std::nullopt,
/*enable_multicast=*/true)) {
LOG(ERROR) << __func__ << " " << info
<< ": Cannot configure downstream interface "
<< info.downstream_ifname;
return false;
// Ensure any prior tethering iptables setup that might not have been
// properly torn down is removed.
if (!FlushChain(IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kFilter,
kAcceptDownstreamNetworkChain)) {
LOG(ERROR) << __func__ << " " << info << ": Failed to flush "
<< kAcceptDownstreamNetworkChain;
// Accept DHCP traffic if DHCP is used.
if (info.enable_ipv4_dhcp &&
!ModifyIptables(IpFamily::kIPv4, Iptables::Table::kFilter,
Iptables::Command::kI, kAcceptDownstreamNetworkChain,
{"-p", "udp", "--dport", "67", "--sport", "68", "-j",
"ACCEPT", "-w"})) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create ACCEPT rule for DHCP traffic on "
<< kAcceptDownstreamNetworkChain;
return false;
if (!ModifyJumpRule(IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kFilter,
Iptables::Command::kI, "INPUT",
/*iif=*/info.downstream_ifname, /*oif=*/"")) {
LOG(ERROR) << __func__ << " " << info
<< ": Failed to create jump rule from INPUT to "
<< kAcceptDownstreamNetworkChain << " for ingress traffic on "
<< info.downstream_ifname;
return false;
// int_ipv4_addr is not necessary if route_on_vpn == false
const auto source = DownstreamNetworkInfoTrafficSource(info);
StartRoutingDevice(*info.upstream_device, info.downstream_ifname, source);
return true;
void Datapath::StopDownstreamNetwork(const DownstreamNetworkInfo& info) {
if (info.topology == DownstreamNetworkTopology::kLocalOnly) {
LOG(ERROR) << __func__ << " " << info << ": LocalOnly is not supported";
// Skip unconfiguring the downstream interface: shill will either destroy it
// or flip it back to client mode and restart a Network on top.
FlushChain(IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kFilter,
ModifyJumpRule(IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kFilter,
Iptables::Command::kD, "INPUT", kAcceptDownstreamNetworkChain,
/*iif=*/info.downstream_ifname, /*oif=*/"");
bool Datapath::ModifyConnmarkSet(IpFamily family,
const std::string& chain,
Iptables::Command op,
Fwmark mark,
Fwmark mask) {
return ModifyIptables(family, Iptables::Table::kMangle, op, chain,
{"-j", "CONNMARK", "--set-mark",
mark.ToString() + "/" + mask.ToString(), "-w"});
bool Datapath::ModifyConnmarkRestore(IpFamily family,
const std::string& chain,
Iptables::Command op,
const std::string& iif,
Fwmark mask) {
std::vector<std::string> args;
if (!iif.empty()) {
args.insert(args.end(), {"-i", iif});
args.insert(args.end(), {"-j", "CONNMARK", "--restore-mark", "--mask",
mask.ToString(), "-w"});
return ModifyIptables(family, Iptables::Table::kMangle, op, chain, args);
bool Datapath::ModifyConnmarkSave(IpFamily family,
const std::string& chain,
Iptables::Command op,
Fwmark mask) {
std::vector<std::string> args = {"-j", "CONNMARK", "--save-mark",
"--mask", mask.ToString(), "-w"};
return ModifyIptables(family, Iptables::Table::kMangle, op, chain, args);
bool Datapath::ModifyFwmarkRoutingTag(const std::string& chain,
Iptables::Command op,
Fwmark routing_mark) {
return ModifyFwmark(IpFamily::kDual, chain, op, /*int_ifname=*/"",
/*uid_name=*/"", /*classid=*/0, routing_mark,
bool Datapath::ModifyFwmarkSourceTag(const std::string& chain,
Iptables::Command op,
TrafficSource source) {
return ModifyFwmark(IpFamily::kDual, chain, op, /*iif=*/"", /*uid_name=*/"",
/*classid=*/0, Fwmark::FromSource(source),
bool Datapath::ModifyFwmarkDefaultLocalSourceTag(Iptables::Command op,
TrafficSource source) {
std::vector<std::string> args = {"-m",
"0x0/" + kFwmarkAllSourcesMask.ToString(),
Fwmark::FromSource(source).ToString() + "/" +
return ModifyIptables(IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kMangle,
Iptables::Command::kA, kApplyLocalSourceMarkChain,
bool Datapath::ModifyFwmarkLocalSourceTag(Iptables::Command op,
const LocalSourceSpecs& source) {
if (std::string(source.uid_name).empty() && source.classid == 0)
return false;
Fwmark mark = Fwmark::FromSource(source.source_type);
if (source.is_on_vpn)
mark = mark | kFwmarkRouteOnVpn;
return ModifyFwmark(IpFamily::kDual, kApplyLocalSourceMarkChain, op,
/*iif=*/"", source.uid_name, source.classid, mark,
bool Datapath::ModifyFwmark(IpFamily family,
const std::string& chain,
Iptables::Command op,
const std::string& iif,
const std::string& uid_name,
uint32_t classid,
Fwmark mark,
Fwmark mask,
bool log_failures) {
std::vector<std::string> args;
if (!iif.empty()) {
args.insert(args.end(), {"-i", iif});
if (!uid_name.empty()) {
args.insert(args.end(), {"-m", "owner", "--uid-owner", uid_name});
if (classid != 0) {
args.insert(args.end(), {"-m", "cgroup", "--cgroup",
base::StringPrintf("0x%08x", classid)});
{"-j", "MARK", "--set-mark",
base::StrCat({mark.ToString(), "/", mask.ToString()}), "-w"});
return ModifyIptables(family, Iptables::Table::kMangle, op, chain, args,
bool Datapath::ModifyJumpRule(IpFamily family,
Iptables::Table table,
Iptables::Command op,
const std::string& chain,
const std::string& target,
const std::string& iif,
const std::string& oif,
bool log_failures) {
std::vector<std::string> args;
if (!iif.empty()) {
args.insert(args.end(), {"-i", iif});
if (!oif.empty()) {
args.insert(args.end(), {"-o", oif});
args.insert(args.end(), {"-j", target, "-w"});
return ModifyIptables(family, table, op, chain, args, log_failures);
bool Datapath::ModifyFwmarkVpnJumpRule(const std::string& chain,
Iptables::Command op,
Fwmark mark,
Fwmark mask) {
std::vector<std::string> args;
if (mark.Value() != 0 && mask.Value() != 0) {
{"-m", "mark", "--mark",
base::StrCat({mark.ToString(), "/", mask.ToString()})});
args.insert(args.end(), {"-j", kApplyVpnMarkChain, "-w"});
return ModifyIptables(IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kMangle, op, chain,
bool Datapath::ModifyFwmarkSkipVpnJumpRule(const std::string& chain,
Iptables::Command op,
const std::string& uid,
bool log_failures) {
std::vector<std::string> args;
if (!uid.empty()) {
args.insert(args.end(), {"-m", "owner", "!", "--uid-owner", uid});
args.insert(args.end(), {"-j", kSkipApplyVpnMarkChain, "-w"});
return ModifyIptables(IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kMangle, op, chain,
args, log_failures);
bool Datapath::CheckChain(IpFamily family,
Iptables::Table table,
const std::string& name) {
return ModifyChain(family, table, Iptables::Command::kC, name,
bool Datapath::AddChain(IpFamily family,
Iptables::Table table,
const std::string& chain) {
DCHECK(chain.size() <= kIptablesMaxChainLength)
<< "chain name " << chain << " is longer than "
<< kIptablesMaxChainLength;
return ModifyChain(family, table, Iptables::Command::kN, chain);
bool Datapath::RemoveChain(IpFamily family,
Iptables::Table table,
const std::string& chain) {
return ModifyChain(family, table, Iptables::Command::kX, chain);
bool Datapath::FlushChain(IpFamily family,
Iptables::Table table,
const std::string& chain) {
return ModifyChain(family, table, Iptables::Command::kF, chain);
bool Datapath::ModifyChain(IpFamily family,
Iptables::Table table,
Iptables::Command command,
std::string_view chain,
bool log_failures) {
return ModifyIptables(family, table, command, chain, {"-w"}, log_failures);
bool Datapath::ModifyIptables(IpFamily family,
Iptables::Table table,
Iptables::Command command,
std::string_view chain,
const std::vector<std::string>& argv,
bool log_failures,
std::optional<base::TimeDelta> timeout) {
bool success = true;
if (family == IpFamily::kIPv4 || family == IpFamily::kDual) {
success &= process_runner_->iptables(table, command, chain, argv,
log_failures, timeout) == 0;
if (family == IpFamily::kIPv6 || family == IpFamily::kDual) {
success &= process_runner_->ip6tables(table, command, chain, argv,
log_failures, timeout) == 0;
return success;
std::string Datapath::DumpIptables(IpFamily family, Iptables::Table table) {
std::string result;
std::vector<std::string> argv = {"-x", "-v", "-n", "-w"};
switch (family) {
case IpFamily::kIPv4:
if (process_runner_->iptables(
table, Iptables::Command::kL, /*chain=*/"", argv,
/*log_failures=*/true, /*timeout=*/std::nullopt, &result) != 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Could not dump iptables " << table;
case IpFamily::kIPv6:
if (process_runner_->ip6tables(
table, Iptables::Command::kL, /*chain=*/"", argv,
/*log_failures=*/true, /*timeout=*/std::nullopt, &result) != 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Could not dump ip6tables " << table;
case IpFamily::kDual:
LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot dump iptables and ip6tables at the same time";
return result;
bool Datapath::AddIPv4RouteToTable(const std::string& ifname,
const net_base::IPv4CIDR& ipv4_cidr,
int table_id) {
return process_runner_->ip("route", "add",
{ipv4_cidr.ToString(), "dev", ifname, "table",
base::NumberToString(table_id)}) == 0;
void Datapath::DeleteIPv4RouteFromTable(const std::string& ifname,
const net_base::IPv4CIDR& ipv4_cidr,
int table_id) {
process_runner_->ip("route", "del",
{ipv4_cidr.ToString(), "dev", ifname, "table",
bool Datapath::AddIPv4Route(const IPv4Address& gateway_addr,
const IPv4CIDR& subnet_cidr) {
struct rtentry route;
memset(&route, 0, sizeof(route));
SetSockaddrIn(&route.rt_gateway, gateway_addr);
SetSockaddrIn(&route.rt_dst, subnet_cidr.GetPrefixCIDR().address());
SetSockaddrIn(&route.rt_genmask, subnet_cidr.ToNetmask());
route.rt_flags = RTF_UP | RTF_GATEWAY;
return ModifyIPv4Rtentry(SIOCADDRT, &route);
bool Datapath::DeleteIPv4Route(const IPv4Address& gateway_addr,
const IPv4CIDR& subnet_cidr) {
struct rtentry route;
memset(&route, 0, sizeof(route));
SetSockaddrIn(&route.rt_gateway, gateway_addr);
SetSockaddrIn(&route.rt_dst, subnet_cidr.GetPrefixCIDR().address());
SetSockaddrIn(&route.rt_genmask, subnet_cidr.ToNetmask());
route.rt_flags = RTF_UP | RTF_GATEWAY;
return ModifyIPv4Rtentry(SIOCDELRT, &route);
bool Datapath::AddIPv6Route(const IPv6Address& gateway_addr,
const IPv6CIDR& subnet_cidr) {
struct in6_rtmsg route;
memset(&route, 0, sizeof(route));
route.rtmsg_gateway = gateway_addr.ToIn6Addr();
route.rtmsg_dst = subnet_cidr.GetPrefixCIDR().address().ToIn6Addr();
route.rtmsg_dst_len = static_cast<uint16_t>(subnet_cidr.prefix_length());
route.rtmsg_flags = RTF_UP | RTF_GATEWAY;
return ModifyIPv6Rtentry(SIOCADDRT, &route);
bool Datapath::DeleteIPv6Route(const IPv6Address& gateway_addr,
const IPv6CIDR& subnet_cidr) {
struct in6_rtmsg route;
memset(&route, 0, sizeof(route));
route.rtmsg_gateway = gateway_addr.ToIn6Addr();
route.rtmsg_dst = subnet_cidr.GetPrefixCIDR().address().ToIn6Addr();
route.rtmsg_dst_len = static_cast<uint16_t>(subnet_cidr.prefix_length());
route.rtmsg_flags = RTF_UP | RTF_GATEWAY;
return ModifyIPv6Rtentry(SIOCDELRT, &route);
bool Datapath::ModifyIPv4Rtentry(ioctl_req_t op, struct rtentry* route) {
if (op != SIOCADDRT && op != SIOCDELRT) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid operation " << op << " for rtentry " << *route;
return false;
base::ScopedFD fd(socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM | SOCK_CLOEXEC, 0));
if (!fd.is_valid()) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create socket for adding rtentry " << *route;
return false;
if (HANDLE_EINTR(system_->Ioctl(fd.get(), op, route)) != 0) {
// b/190119762: Ignore "No such process" errors when deleting a struct
// rtentry if some other prior or concurrent operation already resulted in
// this route being deleted.
if (op == SIOCDELRT && errno == ESRCH) {
return true;
std::string opname = op == SIOCADDRT ? "add" : "delete";
PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to " << opname << " rtentry " << *route;
return false;
return true;
bool Datapath::ModifyIPv6Rtentry(ioctl_req_t op, struct in6_rtmsg* route) {
if (op != SIOCADDRT && op != SIOCDELRT) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid operation " << op << " for rtentry " << *route;
return false;
base::ScopedFD fd(socket(AF_INET6, SOCK_DGRAM | SOCK_CLOEXEC, 0));
if (!fd.is_valid()) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create socket for adding rtentry " << *route;
return false;
if (HANDLE_EINTR(system_->Ioctl(fd.get(), op, route)) != 0) {
// b/190119762: Ignore "No such process" errors when deleting a struct
// rtentry if some other prior or concurrent operation already resulted in
// this route being deleted.
if (op == SIOCDELRT && errno == ESRCH) {
return true;
std::string opname = op == SIOCADDRT ? "add" : "delete";
PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to " << opname << " rtentry " << *route;
return false;
return true;
bool Datapath::AddAdbPortForwardRule(const std::string& ifname) {
return firewall_->AddIpv4ForwardRule(patchpanel::ModifyPortRuleRequest::TCP,
kArcAddr, kAdbServerPort, ifname,
kLocalhostAddr, kAdbProxyTcpListenPort);
void Datapath::DeleteAdbPortForwardRule(const std::string& ifname) {
kArcAddr, kAdbServerPort, ifname,
kLocalhostAddr, kAdbProxyTcpListenPort);
bool Datapath::AddAdbPortAccessRule(const std::string& ifname) {
return firewall_->AddAcceptRules(patchpanel::ModifyPortRuleRequest::TCP,
kAdbProxyTcpListenPort, ifname);
void Datapath::DeleteAdbPortAccessRule(const std::string& ifname) {
kAdbProxyTcpListenPort, ifname);
bool Datapath::SetConntrackHelpers(const bool enable_helpers) {
return system_->SysNetSet(System::SysNet::kConntrackHelper,
enable_helpers ? "1" : "0");
bool Datapath::SetRouteLocalnet(const std::string& ifname, const bool enable) {
return system_->SysNetSet(System::SysNet::kIPv4RouteLocalnet,
enable ? "1" : "0", ifname);
bool Datapath::ModprobeAll(const std::vector<std::string>& modules) {
return process_runner_->modprobe_all(modules) == 0;
bool Datapath::ModifyPortRule(
const patchpanel::ModifyPortRuleRequest& request) {
switch (request.proto()) {
case patchpanel::ModifyPortRuleRequest::TCP:
case patchpanel::ModifyPortRuleRequest::UDP:
LOG(ERROR) << "Unknown protocol " << request.proto();
return false;
if (request.input_dst_port() > UINT16_MAX) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid matching destination port "
<< request.input_dst_port();
return false;
if (request.dst_port() > UINT16_MAX) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid forwarding destination port " << request.dst_port();
return false;
const auto input_dst_ip =
if (!request.input_dst_ip().empty() && !input_dst_ip) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid input destination ip: " << request.input_dst_ip();
return false;
const auto dst_ip = net_base::IPv4Address::CreateFromString(request.dst_ip());
if (request.type() == patchpanel::ModifyPortRuleRequest::FORWARDING &&
!dst_ip) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid forwarding destination address: "
<< request.dst_ip();
return false;
uint16_t input_dst_port = static_cast<uint16_t>(request.input_dst_port());
uint16_t dst_port = static_cast<uint16_t>(request.dst_port());
switch (request.op()) {
case patchpanel::ModifyPortRuleRequest::CREATE:
switch (request.type()) {
case patchpanel::ModifyPortRuleRequest::ACCESS: {
return firewall_->AddAcceptRules(request.proto(), input_dst_port,
case patchpanel::ModifyPortRuleRequest::LOCKDOWN:
return firewall_->AddLoopbackLockdownRules(request.proto(),
case patchpanel::ModifyPortRuleRequest::FORWARDING:
return firewall_->AddIpv4ForwardRule(
request.proto(), input_dst_ip, input_dst_port,
request.input_ifname(), *dst_ip, dst_port);
LOG(ERROR) << "Unknown port rule type " << request.type();
return false;
case patchpanel::ModifyPortRuleRequest::DELETE:
switch (request.type()) {
case patchpanel::ModifyPortRuleRequest::ACCESS:
return firewall_->DeleteAcceptRules(request.proto(), input_dst_port,
case patchpanel::ModifyPortRuleRequest::LOCKDOWN:
return firewall_->DeleteLoopbackLockdownRules(request.proto(),
case patchpanel::ModifyPortRuleRequest::FORWARDING:
return firewall_->DeleteIpv4ForwardRule(
request.proto(), input_dst_ip, input_dst_port,
request.input_ifname(), *dst_ip, dst_port);
LOG(ERROR) << "Unknown port rule type " << request.type();
return false;
LOG(ERROR) << "Unknown operation " << request.op();
return false;
void Datapath::SetupQoSDetectChain() {
const auto install_rule = [this](IpFamily family,
const std::vector<std::string>& args) {
ModifyIptables(family, Iptables::Table::kMangle, Iptables::Command::kA,
kQoSDetectChain, args);
const std::string qos_mask = kFwmarkQoSCategoryMask.ToString();
const std::string default_mark = QoSFwmarkWithMask(QoSCategory::kDefault);
const std::string network_control_mark =
const std::string multimedia_conferencing_mark =
// Reset the QoS-related bits in fwmark. Some sockets will set their own
// fwmarks when sending packets, while this is not compatible with the rules
// here. See b/303216552 for an example. Note that the matcher part in this
// rule (`--mark 0x0/0xe0`) is not a must, just for checking how many packets
// have their own fwmarks.
{"-m", "mark", "!", "--mark", default_mark, "-j", "MARK",
"--set-xmark", default_mark, "-w"});
// Skip QoS detection if DSCP value is already set.
{"-m", "dscp", "!", "--dscp", "0", "-j", "RETURN", "-w"});
// Restore the QoS bits from the conntrack mark to the fwmark of a packet.
// This is used by connections detected by ARC++ socket monitor and WebRTC
// detector. This will override the original fwmark on the packet (if the
// sender sets it) by intention.
install_rule(IpFamily::kDual, {"-j", "CONNMARK", "--restore-mark", "--nfmask",
qos_mask, "--ctmask", qos_mask, "-w"});
// If the value restored from the conntrack mark is not 0, skip the following
// detection.
install_rule(IpFamily::kDual, {"-m", "mark", "!", "--mark", default_mark,
"-j", "RETURN", "-w"});
// Marking the first packet in the TCP handshake (SYN bit set and the ACK,RST
// and FIN bits cleared). We only care about the TCP connection initiated from
// the device now.
install_rule(IpFamily::kDual, {"-p", "tcp", "--syn", "-j", "MARK",
"--set-xmark", network_control_mark, "-w"});
// Marking ICMP packets.
install_rule(IpFamily::kIPv4, {"-p", "icmp", "-j", "MARK", "--set-xmark",
network_control_mark, "-w"});
install_rule(IpFamily::kIPv6, {"-p", "icmpv6", "-j", "MARK", "--set-xmark",
network_control_mark, "-w"});
// Marking DNS packets. 853 for DoT for Android is ignored here since it won't
// happen when dns-proxy is on.
install_rule(IpFamily::kDual, {"-p", "udp", "--dport", "53", "-j", "MARK",
"--set-xmark", network_control_mark, "-w"});
install_rule(IpFamily::kDual, {"-p", "tcp", "--dport", "53", "-j", "MARK",
"--set-xmark", network_control_mark, "-w"});
// Add a jump rule to the DoH detection chain. Rules in this chain will be
// installed dynamically in UpdateDoHProvidersForQoS().
install_rule(IpFamily::kDual, {"-j", kQoSDetectDoHChain, "-w"});
// Rules for WebRTC detection. Notes:
// - In short, this is implemented by detecting the client hello packet in a
// WebRTC connection, and mark the whole connection on success. See the
// WebRTC detection section in go/cros-wifi-qos-dd for more details.
// - The BPF program will only be installed on 5.8+ kernels, where CAP_BPF is
// available. We check if the existence of the program instead of the kernel
// version here.
// - Marking the whole connection is implemented by saving the mark into
// connmark. To avoid saving the mark for unrelated connections, we check if
// the packet already have a mark at first.
if (system_->IsEbpfEnabled()) {
install_rule(IpFamily::kDual, {"-m", "mark", "!", "--mark", default_mark,
"-j", "RETURN", "-w"});
{"-m", "bpf", "--object-pinned", kWebRTCMatcherPinPath, "-j",
"MARK", "--set-xmark", multimedia_conferencing_mark, "-w"});
install_rule(IpFamily::kDual, {"-j", "CONNMARK", "--save-mark", "--nfmask",
qos_mask, "--ctmask", qos_mask, "-w"});
void Datapath::SetupQoSApplyDSCPChain() {
// From QoS categories to DSCP values. See go/cros-qos-dscp-classes-1p for the
// mapping.
constexpr struct {
QoSCategory category;
std::string_view dscp;
} kDSCPApplyRules[] = {
{QoSCategory::kRealTimeInteractive, "32"},
{QoSCategory::kMultimediaConferencing, "34"},
{QoSCategory::kNetworkControl, "48"},
{QoSCategory::kWebRTC, "34"},
for (const auto& rule : kDSCPApplyRules) {
ModifyIptables(IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kMangle,
Iptables::Command::kA, kQoSApplyDSCPChain,
{"-m", "mark", "--mark", QoSFwmarkWithMask(rule.category),
"-j", "DSCP", "--set-dscp", std::string(rule.dscp), "-w"});
void Datapath::EnableQoSDetection() {
void Datapath::DisableQoSDetection() {
void Datapath::EnableQoSApplyingDSCP(std::string_view ifname) {
LOG(INFO) << "Enable QoS DSCP application on " << ifname;
ModifyQoSApplyDSCPJumpRule(Iptables::Command::kA, ifname);
void Datapath::DisableQoSApplyingDSCP(std::string_view ifname) {
LOG(INFO) << "Disable QoS DSCP application on " << ifname;
ModifyQoSApplyDSCPJumpRule(Iptables::Command::kD, ifname);
void Datapath::ModifyQoSDetectJumpRule(Iptables::Command command) {
ModifyIptables(IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kMangle, command,
kQoSDetectStaticChain, {"-j", kQoSDetectChain, "-w"});
void Datapath::ModifyQoSApplyDSCPJumpRule(Iptables::Command command,
std::string_view ifname) {
ModifyIptables(IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kMangle, command,
{"-o", std::string(ifname), "-j", kQoSApplyDSCPChain, "-w"});
void Datapath::UpdateDoHProvidersForQoS(
IpFamily family, const std::vector<net_base::IPAddress>& doh_provider_ips) {
// Clear all the rules for the previous DoH providers.
FlushChain(family, Iptables::Table::kMangle, kQoSDetectDoHChain);
if (doh_provider_ips.empty()) {
// Get the string format of the IP addresses.
std::vector<std::string> ip_strs;
for (const auto& ip : doh_provider_ips) {
// Mark all the TCP and UDP traffic to the 443 port of the DoH servers. This
// may have false positives if the server is also used for non-DNS HTTPS
// traffic.
for (std::string_view protocol : {"udp", "tcp"}) {
ModifyIptables(family, Iptables::Table::kMangle, Iptables::Command::kA,
{"-p", std::string(protocol), "--dport", "443", "-d",
base::JoinString(ip_strs, ","), "-j", "MARK", "--set-xmark",
QoSFwmarkWithMask(QoSCategory::kNetworkControl), "-w"});
bool Datapath::ModifyIsolatedGuestDropRule(Iptables::Command command,
std::string_view ifname) {
bool success = true;
success &= ModifyIptables(IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kFilter, command,
{"-o", std::string(ifname), "-j", "DROP", "-w"});
success &= ModifyIptables(IpFamily::kDual, Iptables::Table::kFilter, command,
{"-m", "state", "--state", "NEW", "-o",
std::string(ifname), "-j", "DROP", "-w"});
return success;
bool Datapath::ModifyClatAcceptRules(Iptables::Command command,
const std::string& ifname) {
bool success = true;
success &= ModifyJumpRule(IpFamily::kIPv6, Iptables::Table::kFilter, command,
"FORWARD", "ACCEPT", /*iif=*/ifname, /*oif=*/"");
success &= ModifyJumpRule(IpFamily::kIPv6, Iptables::Table::kFilter, command,
"FORWARD", "ACCEPT", /*iif=*/"", /*oif=*/ifname);
return success;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream,
const ConnectedNamespace& nsinfo) {
stream << "{ pid: " <<
<< ", source: " << TrafficSourceName(nsinfo.source);
if (!nsinfo.outbound_ifname.empty()) {
stream << ", outbound_ifname: " << nsinfo.outbound_ifname;
stream << ", route_on_vpn: " << nsinfo.route_on_vpn
<< ", host_ifname: " << nsinfo.host_ifname
<< ", peer_ifname: " << nsinfo.peer_ifname
<< ", peer_ipv4_subnet: " << nsinfo.peer_ipv4_subnet->base_cidr();
if (nsinfo.static_ipv6_config.has_value()) {
stream << ", static_ipv6_subnet: "
<< nsinfo.static_ipv6_config->host_cidr.GetPrefixCIDR();
stream << '}';
return stream;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const DnsRedirectionRule& rule) {
stream << "{ type: "
<< SetDnsRedirectionRuleRequest::RuleType_Name(rule.type);
if (!rule.input_ifname.empty()) {
stream << ", input_ifname: " << rule.input_ifname;
stream << ", proxy_address: " << rule.proxy_address;
if (!rule.nameservers.empty()) {
stream << ", nameserver(s): ";
for (const auto& nameserver : rule.nameservers) {
stream << nameserver << ",";
stream << " }";
return stream;
} // namespace patchpanel