blob: 16bef3779a39f9c06f57eefcb6fd16f43af792f4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <deque>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <ostream>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <vector>
#include <base/memory/weak_ptr.h>
#include <gtest/gtest_prod.h> // for FRIEND_TEST
#include <metrics/metrics_library.h>
#include <net-base/ipv4_address.h>
#include <patchpanel/proto_bindings/patchpanel_service.pb.h>
#include "patchpanel/address_manager.h"
#include "patchpanel/datapath.h"
#include "patchpanel/dbus_client_notifier.h"
#include "patchpanel/forwarding_service.h"
#include "patchpanel/mac_address_generator.h"
#include "patchpanel/shill_client.h"
#include "patchpanel/subnet.h"
namespace patchpanel {
// Name of the ARC legacy management interface.
constexpr char kArc0Ifname[] = "arc0";
// Name of the veth interface (host facing) used with the ARC legacy management
// interface for ARC container.
constexpr char kVethArc0Ifname[] = "vetharc0";
// Name of the bridge used with the ARC legacy management interface.
constexpr char kArcbr0Ifname[] = "arcbr0";
class ArcService {
enum class ArcType {
// Helper class for storing some configuration data for an ArcDevice before
// the ArcDevice is created.
class ArcConfig {
ArcConfig(const MacAddress& mac_addr, std::unique_ptr<Subnet> ipv4_subnet);
ArcConfig(const ArcConfig&) = delete;
ArcConfig& operator=(const ArcConfig&) = delete;
~ArcConfig() = default;
MacAddress mac_addr() const { return mac_addr_; }
void set_mac_addr(const MacAddress& mac) { mac_addr_ = mac; }
// The static IPv4 subnet CIDR assigned to this ARC device.
const net_base::IPv4CIDR& ipv4_subnet() const {
return ipv4_subnet_->base_cidr();
// The static IPv4 CIDR address assigned to the ARC virtual interface on the
// host.
net_base::IPv4CIDR arc_ipv4_address() const {
return *ipv4_subnet_->CIDRAtOffset(2);
// The static IPv4 CIDR address assigned to the bridge associated to this
// device. This corresponds to the next hop for the Android network
// associated to the ARC virtual interface.
net_base::IPv4CIDR bridge_ipv4_address() const {
return *ipv4_subnet_->CIDRAtOffset(1);
void set_tap_ifname(const std::string& tap) { tap_ = tap; }
const std::string& tap_ifname() const { return tap_; }
// A random MAC address assigned to the ArcDevice for the guest facing
// interface.
MacAddress mac_addr_;
// The static IPv4 subnet allocated for the ArcDevice for the host and guest
// facing interfaces.
std::unique_ptr<Subnet> ipv4_subnet_;
// For ARCVM, the interface name of the TAP device associated the ArcDevice.
// Always empty for the ARC container.
std::string tap_;
// Represents the virtual interface setup both on the host and inside ARC
// created for every host Network exposed to ARC.
class ArcDevice {
// Technology of the underlying physical device of the virtual device.
enum class Technology {
ArcDevice(ArcType type,
std::optional<ArcDevice::Technology> technology,
std::optional<std::string_view> shill_device_ifname,
std::string_view arc_device_ifname,
const MacAddress& arc_device_mac_address,
const ArcConfig& arc_ipv4_subnet,
std::string_view bridge_ifname,
std::string_view guest_device_ifname);
// The type of this ARC device indicating it was created
ArcType type() const { return type_; }
// Technology of the underlying physical device of the virtual device, if it
// exists.
std::optional<Technology> technology() const { return technology_; }
// The interface name of the shill Device that this ARC device is bound to.
// This value is not defined for the "arc0" device used for VPN forwarding.
// b/273741099: this interface name reflects the kInterfaceProperty value of
// the shill Device to ensure that patchpanel can advertise it in its
// virtual NetworkDevice messages in the |phys_ifname| field. This allows
// ARC and dns-proxy to join shill Device information with patchpanel
// virtual NetworkDevice information without knowing explicitly about
// Cellular multiplexed interfaces.
const std::optional<std::string>& shill_device_ifname() const {
return shill_device_ifname_;
// The interface name of the virtual interface created on the host for this
// ARC device. For the container this corresponds to the half of the veth
// pair visible on the host. For ARC VM this corresponds to the tap device
// used by crosvm.
const std::string& arc_device_ifname() const { return arc_device_ifname_; }
// MAC address of the virtual interface created on the host for this ARC
// device.
const MacAddress& arc_device_mac_address() const {
return arc_device_mac_address_;
// The name of the bridge created for this ARC device and to which the
// virtual interface is attached to on the host.
const std::string& bridge_ifname() const { return bridge_ifname_; }
// The interface name of the virtual interface inside the ARC environment.
// For the container this corresponds to the other half of the veth pair.
// For ARC VM this corresponds to a virtio interface.
const std::string& guest_device_ifname() const {
return guest_device_ifname_;
// The static IPv4 subnet CIDR assigned to this ARC device.
const net_base::IPv4CIDR& arc_ipv4_subnet() const {
return arc_ipv4_subnet_;
// The static IPv4 CIDR address assigned to the ARC virtual interface.
const net_base::IPv4CIDR& arc_ipv4_address() const {
return arc_ipv4_address_;
// The static IPv4 CIDR address assigned to the bridge associated to this
// device. This corresponds to the next hop for the Android network
// associated to the ARC virtual interface.
const net_base::IPv4CIDR& bridge_ipv4_address() const {
return bridge_ipv4_address_;
// Converts this ArcDevice to a patchpanel proto NetworkDevice object
// passed as a pointer. It is necessary to support externally allocated
// objects to work well with probotuf repeated embedded message fields.
void ConvertToProto(NetworkDevice* output) const;
ArcType type_;
std::optional<Technology> technology_;
std::optional<std::string> shill_device_ifname_;
std::string arc_device_ifname_;
MacAddress arc_device_mac_address_;
net_base::IPv4CIDR arc_ipv4_subnet_;
net_base::IPv4CIDR arc_ipv4_address_;
net_base::IPv4CIDR bridge_ipv4_address_;
std::string bridge_ifname_;
std::string guest_device_ifname_;
enum class ArcDeviceEvent {
using ArcDeviceChangeHandler = base::RepeatingCallback<void(
const ShillClient::Device&, const ArcDevice&, ArcDeviceEvent)>;
// Returns for given interface name the host name of a ARC veth pair. Pairs of
// veth interfaces are only used for the ARC conhtainer.
static std::string ArcVethHostName(const ShillClient::Device& device);
// Returns the ARC bridge interface name for the given interface. Software
// bridges are used both for the ARC container and for ARCVM.
static std::string ArcBridgeName(const ShillClient::Device& device);
// All pointers are required, cannot be null, and are owned by the caller.
ArcService(ArcType arc_type,
Datapath* datapath,
AddressManager* addr_mgr,
ForwardingService* forwarding_service,
MetricsLibraryInterface* metrics,
DbusClientNotifier* dbus_client_notifier);
ArcService(const ArcService&) = delete;
ArcService& operator=(const ArcService&) = delete;
bool Start(uint32_t id);
void Stop(uint32_t id);
// Returns the IPv4 address of the "arc0" legacy management interface.
std::optional<net_base::IPv4Address> GetArc0IPv4Address() const;
// Returns the list of tap device ifnames that patchpanel has created for
// ARCVM. This list is empty for the ARC container.
std::vector<std::string> GetTapDevices() const;
// Returns a list of all patchpanel ARC Devices currently managed by this
// service and attached to a shill Device.
std::vector<const ArcDevice*> GetDevices() const;
// Returns true if the service has been started for ARC container or ARCVM.
bool IsStarted() const;
// Build and configure the ARC datapath for the upstream network interface
// |ifname| managed by Shill.
void AddDevice(const ShillClient::Device& shill_device);
// Teardown the ARC datapath associated with the upstream network interface
// |ifname|.
void RemoveDevice(const ShillClient::Device& shill_device);
// Starts the packet datapath on the host for the ARC device |arc_device|.
// If ARC is running in container mode, the veth interface
// |arc_device_ifname| is also created together with its counterpart inside
// the container. Otherwise if ARC is running in VM mode, the tap device must
// already exist.
void StartArcDeviceDatapath(const ArcDevice& arc_device);
// Stops the packet datapath on the host for the ARC device |arc_device|. If
// ARC is running in container mode, the veth interface |arc_device_ifname| is
// also destroyed.
void StopArcDeviceDatapath(const ArcDevice& arc_device);
// Notifies ArcService that the IP configuration of the physical shill Device
// |shill_device| changed.
void UpdateDeviceIPConfig(const ShillClient::Device& shill_device);
// Start/Stop forwarding multicast traffic to ARC when ARC power state
// changes.
// When power state changes into interactive, start forwarding IPv4 and IPv6
// multicast mDNS and SSDP traffic for all non-WiFi interfaces, and for WiFi
// interface only when Android WiFi multicast lock is held by any app in ARC.
// When power state changes into non-interactive, stop forwarding multicast
// traffic for all interfaces if enabled.
void NotifyAndroidInteractiveState(bool is_interactive);
// Start/Stop forwarding WiFi multicast traffic to and from ARC when Android
// WiFi multicast lock held status changes. Start forwarding IPv4 and IPv6
// multicast mDNS and SSDP traffic for WiFi interfaces only when
// device power state is interactive and Android WiFi multicast lock is held
// by any app in ARC, otherwise stop multicast forwarder for ARC WiFi
// interface.
void NotifyAndroidWifiMulticastLockChange(bool is_held);
// Returns true if MulticastForwarder and BroadcastForwarder are currently
// running on the ARC WiFi interface. This requires both:
// a) ARC is in an interactive state,
// b) The Android WiFi multicast lock is held by at least one App.
bool IsWiFiMulticastForwardingRunning();
// Creates ARC interface configuration for the the legacy "arc0" management
// interface used for VPN forwarding and ADB-over-TCP.
void AllocateArc0Config();
// Creates ARC interface configurations for all available IPv4 subnets which
// will be assigned to ARC Devices as they are added.
void AllocateAddressConfigs();
void RefreshMacAddressesInConfigs();
// Reserve a configuration for an interface.
std::unique_ptr<ArcConfig> AcquireConfig(ShillClient::Device::Type type);
// Returns a configuration to the pool.
void ReleaseConfig(ShillClient::Device::Type type,
std::unique_ptr<ArcConfig> config);
FRIEND_TEST(ArcServiceTest, NotStarted_AddDevice);
FRIEND_TEST(ArcServiceTest, NotStarted_AddRemoveDevice);
FRIEND_TEST(ArcServiceTest, VmImpl_ArcvmInterfaceMapping);
// Type of ARC environment.
ArcType arc_type_;
// Routing and iptables controller service, owned by Manager.
Datapath* datapath_;
// IPv4 prefix and address manager, owned by Manager.
AddressManager* addr_mgr_;
// Service for starting and stopping IPv6 and multicast forwarding between an
// ArcDevice and its upstream shill Device, owned by Manager.
ForwardingService* forwarding_service_;
// UMA metrics client, owned by Manager.
MetricsLibraryInterface* metrics_;
// Interface for notifying DBus client about ARC virtual device creation and
// removal events.
DbusClientNotifier* dbus_client_notifier_;
// A set of preallocated ARC interface configurations keyed by technology type
// and used for setting up ARCVM TAP devices at VM booting time.
std::map<ShillClient::Device::Type, std::deque<std::unique_ptr<ArcConfig>>>
// The list of all ARC static IPv4 and interface configurations. Also includes
// the ARC management interface arc0 for ARCVM.
std::vector<ArcConfig*> all_configs_;
// All ARC static IPv4 and interface configurations currently assigned to
// active ARC devices stored in |devices_|.
std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<ArcConfig>> assigned_configs_;
// The ARC Devices corresponding to the host upstream network interfaces,
// keyed by upstream interface name.
std::map<std::string, ArcDevice> devices_;
// ARCVM hardcodes its interface name as eth%d (starting from 0). This is a
// mapping of its TAP interface name to the interface name inside ARCVM.
std::map<std::string, std::string> arcvm_guest_ifnames_;
// The static IPv4 configuration for the "arc0" management ArcDevice. This
// configuration is always assigned if ARC is running.
std::unique_ptr<ArcConfig> arc0_config_;
// The "arc0" management ArcDevice associated with the virtual interface arc0
// used for legacy adb-over-tcp support and VPN forwarding. This ARC device is
// not associated with any given shill physical Device and is always created.
// This ARC device is defined iff ARC is running.
std::optional<ArcDevice> arc0_device_;
// The PID of the ARC container instance or the CID of ARCVM instance.
uint32_t id_;
// All shill Devices currently managed by shill, keyed by shill Device name.
std::map<std::string, ShillClient::Device> shill_devices_;
// Whether multicast lock is held by any app in ARC, used to decide whether
// to start/stop forwarding multicast traffic to ARC on WiFi.
bool is_android_wifi_multicast_lock_held_ = false;
// Whether device is interactive, used to decide whether to start/stop
// forwarding multicast traffic to ARC on all multicast enabled networks.
bool is_arc_interactive_ = true;
base::WeakPtrFactory<ArcService> weak_factory_{this};
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream,
const ArcService::ArcDevice& arc_device);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, ArcService::ArcType arc_type);
} // namespace patchpanel