blob: 708a999277e1be3014b78bc9d74a3bac146d45dc [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The ChromiumOS Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
group("all") {
deps = [
if (use.fuzzer) {
deps += [
if (use.test) {
deps += [ ":patchpanel_testrunner" ]
# Install the D-Bus config.
install_config("install_dbus_config") {
sources = [ "dbus/org.chromium.Patchpanel.conf" ]
install_path = "dbus_system_d"
# Install the init config.
install_config("install_init_config") {
sources = [ "init/patchpanel.conf" ]
install_path = "upstart"
# Install the seccomp config.
install_config("install_seccomp_policy") {
sources = [ "seccomp/iptables-seccomp-" + getenv("ARCH") + ".policy" ]
install_path = "seccomp_policy"
outputs = [ "iptables-seccomp.policy" ]
pkg_config("target_defaults") {
cflags = [
# TODO(chromium:1082873): Fix deprecated warnings and reenable.
pkg_deps = [
if (use.fuzzer) {
pkg_deps += [ "protobuf" ]
} else {
pkg_deps += [ "protobuf-lite" ]
proto_library("patchpanel_ipc_protos") {
proto_in_dir = "."
proto_out_dir = "include/patchpanel"
sources = [ "${proto_in_dir}/ipc.proto" ]
# Generate the D-Bus C++ binding.
generate_dbus_adaptors("patchpanel_dbus_adaptors") {
sources = [ "dbus_bindings/org.chromium.patchpanel.xml" ]
dbus_adaptors_out_dir = "include/patchpanel/dbus_adaptors"
dbus_service_config = "dbus_bindings/dbus-service-config.json"
source_set("util_sources") {
sources = [
configs += [
shared_library("libpatchpanel-util") {
deps = [ ":util_sources" ]
install_path = "lib"
static_library("libpatchpanel") {
sources = [
configs += [ ":target_defaults" ]
cflags = [ "-Wconversion" ]
defines = [ "USE_ARCVM=${use.arcvm}" ]
# Workaround for b/266863330: disable PCH when the user generates
# compilation database for an editor.
if (!use.compdb_only && !use.compilation_database) {
precompiled_header = "pch.h"
precompiled_source = "pch.h"
all_dependent_pkg_deps = [
deps = [
executable("patchpaneld") {
sources = [ "" ]
configs += [ ":target_defaults" ]
deps = [ ":libpatchpanel" ]
install_path = "bin"
if (use.fuzzer) {
pkg_config("fuzzing_config") {
pkg_deps = [ "libchrome-test" ]
executable("broadcast_forwarder_fuzzer") {
sources = [ "" ]
configs += [
deps = [ ":libpatchpanel" ]
executable("counters_service_fuzzer") {
sources = [ "" ]
configs += [
deps = [ ":libpatchpanel" ]
executable("datapath_fuzzer") {
sources = [ "" ]
configs += [
deps = [ ":libpatchpanel" ]
executable("dns_query_fuzzer") {
sources = [ "dns/" ]
configs += [
deps = [ ":libpatchpanel" ]
executable("dns_util_fuzzer") {
sources = [ "dns/" ]
configs += [
deps = [ ":libpatchpanel" ]
executable("firewall_fuzzer") {
sources = [ "" ]
configs += [
deps = [ ":libpatchpanel" ]
executable("multicast_forwarder_fuzzer") {
sources = [ "" ]
configs += [
deps = [ ":libpatchpanel" ]
executable("ndproxy_fuzzer") {
sources = [ "" ]
configs += [
deps = [ ":libpatchpanel" ]
executable("net_util_fuzzer") {
sources = [ "" ]
configs += [
deps = [ ":libpatchpanel" ]
if (use.test) {
pkg_config("test_config") {
pkg_deps = [ "libchrome-test" ]
executable("patchpanel_testrunner") {
run_test = true
sources = [
configs += [
# Workaround for b/266863330: disable PCH when the user generates
# compilation database for an editor.
if (!use.compdb_only && !use.compilation_database) {
precompiled_header = "pch_test.h"
precompiled_source = "pch_test.h"
defines = [ "UNIT_TEST" ]
deps = [