blob: fd4191c15099d9693da4c75b31aceb586a5ced28 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The ChromiumOS Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
declare_args() {
# Set this to false if you'd like to disable -Werror.
enable_werror = true
# Set this to false if you want to disable Large File Support (LFS).
enable_lfs = true
if (use.pigweed) {
# TODO(b/267537074) - This will fix this workaround.
# Pigweed defaults to use CXX17 standard, update pw variable
# to match platform2 CXX20 standard.
dir_pigweed = "//third_party/pigweed"
pw_toolchain_CXX_STANDARD = pw_toolchain_STANDARD.CXX20
_cflags_no_exceptions = [
config("no_exceptions") {
cflags_cc = _cflags_no_exceptions
cflags_c = _cflags_no_exceptions
_gcc_cflags = [ "-Wno-psabi" ]
config("gcc_cflags_c") {
cflags_c = _gcc_cflags
config("gcc_cflags_cc") {
cflags_cc = _gcc_cflags
# Note: DO NOT USE THIS. Use brillo/brillo_export.h instead to export symbols.
# Symbol visibility is set to be internal by default. Add this to your target's
# configs to make its symbols visible.
# Setting "-fvisibility=default" directly in your target's cflags doesn't work
# because it will be overwritten by the "-fvisibility=internal" in the
# compiler_defaults' cflags.
config("visibility_default") {
# gnlint: disable=GnLintVisibilityFlags
cflags = [ "-fvisibility=default" ]
config("compiler_defaults") {
defines = []
libs = []
include_dirs = [
cflags = [
# We use C99 array designators in C++ code. Our compilers support this
# extension since C++ has no equivalent yet (as of C++20).
cflags_c = [ "-std=gnu17" ] + external_cppflags + external_cxxflags
cc_version = "-std=gnu++20"
cflags_cc = [ cc_version ] + external_cppflags + external_cxxflags
ldflags = external_ldflags + [
if (link_stdcppfs) {
libs += [ "stdc++fs" ]
if (enable_werror) {
cflags += [
# TODO(b/217226507): reduce the scope of this error suppression or
# fix each case.
# TODO(b/217226507): some lambda capturing (specifically tests with
# gmock) implicitly capture this, but in C++20 it should to be
# explicit. However, this feature is not available until C++20, so
# updating the code requires C++20 enabled.
# For transition, suppress the error, and once C++20 is stabilized
# we can clean up the cases.
if (use.cros_host) {
defines += [ "NDEBUG" ]
if (use.cros_debug) {
# Initialize stack variables with values that will likely transform
# logic bugs into crashes.
cflags += [ "-ftrivial-auto-var-init=pattern" ]
if (enable_lfs) {
defines += [
# Enable support for new LFS funcs (ftello/etc...).
# Enable support for 64bit variants (off64_t/fseeko64/etc...).
# Default to 64bit variants (off_t is defined as off64_t).
# We only rely on `enable_exceptions` arg to control no_exceptions flags
# (see and ignore if the given external flags contain these
# flags. As removing non-existing flags causes error on GN, we add them before
# its removal to unconditionally remove them.
cflags_cc += _cflags_no_exceptions
cflags_c += _cflags_no_exceptions
cflags_cc -= _cflags_no_exceptions
cflags_c -= _cflags_no_exceptions
if (!use.cros_host) {
include_dirs += [ "${sysroot}/usr/include" ]
cflags += [ "--sysroot=${sysroot}" ]
ldflags += [ "--sysroot=${sysroot}" ]
if (use.profiling) {
cflags += [
ldflags += [
if (use.tcmalloc) {
libs += [ "tcmalloc" ]
config("lto_experiment") {
# TODO(b/286954353): This is under experiment still. Please do not
# use this in production yet until we evaluate more.
if (use.lto_experiment) {
cflags = [ "-flto" ]
if (use.function_elimination_experiment) {
cflags += [
ldflags = [ "-Wl,--gc-sections" ]
# Generates position independent executable.
# This is a default config for executables and static libraries.
config("pie") {
cflags = [ "-fPIE" ]
# ldflags are not pushed to dependents, so applying ldflags to source sets or
# static libraries will be a no-op. You can just remove "pie" config from an
# executable to make the executable not position independent.
ldflags = [ "-pie" ]
# Use thin archive. It makes sense only for static libraries.
# This is a default config for static libraries.
# Remove this and add ":nouse_thin_archive" to unuse thin archive.
config("use_thin_archive") {
arflags = [ "rcsT" ]
# Don't use thin archive. It makes sense only for static libraries.
config("nouse_thin_archive") {
arflags = [ "rcs" ]
# Generates position independent code.
# This is a default config for shared libraries.
config("pic") {
cflags = [ "-fPIC" ]
# This config should be at the top in the configs list, especially before
# the config for libchrome-${libbase-ver} to avoid weird heap-buffer-overflow
# error from happening when ASAN is enabled.
# TODO( Remove this note after library order issue is resolved.
config("test") {
# Don't worry about overlinking,'s --as-needed will
# deal with that.
# TODO( Consider use {gtest,gmock}-config --ldflags.
# '--ldflags' is not used here. It adds, e.g., -L/usr/lib64,
# so the test executable will be linked against host libraries if exists.
# Specifically, libchrome for host is linked. For host, it is built with
# -DNDEBUG, but the target built without, which causes a link error.
# cf) BaseInitLoggingImpl definition in
# chromiumos/platform/libchrome/base/logging.h
# gtest-config and gmock-config are not installed by gtest-1.8.1.
ldflags = [
# Allow unit tests of a shared library to link against the depended .so
# under the output directory, instead of the ones installed in the system
# dir. -rpath and -rpath-link has higher priority than the system library
# directory.
# gnlint: disable=GnLintCommonTesting
libs = [