blob: 25dd68dddf1bc619eb71217ee271ddbb4dbe0f62 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
option cc_enable_arenas = true;
// This file defines services that will be running in the guest container that
// will be used by the host.
package vm_tools.container;
option go_package = "chromiumos/vm_tools/container_proto";
// Request protobuf for launching an application in the container.
message LaunchApplicationRequest {
// Display scaling of the app windows.
enum DisplayScaling {
// Default scaling.
// Windows scaled. Used to scale up older app windows that don't show well
// with HiDPI display otherwise.
// The ID of the application to launch. This should correspond to an
// identifier for a .desktop file available in the container.
string desktop_file_id = 1;
// Files to pass as arguments when launching the application, if any, given
// as absolute paths within the container's filesystem.
repeated string files = 2;
// Display scaling requested.
DisplayScaling display_scaling = 3;
// Response protobuf for launching an application.
message LaunchApplicationResponse {
// If true, the requested application launched successfully.
bool success = 1;
// The failure_reason if the requested application could not be started.
string failure_reason = 2;
// Request proto for getting an application icon from the container.
message IconRequest {
// The IDs of the applications to get icons for. These should correspond to
// identifiers for .desktop files available in the container.
repeated string desktop_file_ids = 1;
// The size of the icon is icon_size by icon_size.
int32 icon_size = 2;
// The target scale of this icon. This is the scale at which this icon is
// designed to be used.
int32 scale = 3;
// One desktop file ID and the icon found for it.
message DesktopIcon {
enum Format {
PNG = 0;
SVG = 1;
string desktop_file_id = 1;
// Icon data as uninterpreted bytes.
bytes icon = 2;
// Interpretation hint for icon bytes
Format format = 3;
// Response proto for getting an application icon.
message IconResponse {
repeated DesktopIcon desktop_icons = 1;
// Request protobuf for launching a vshd instance.
message LaunchVshdRequest {
// The host port for vshd to connect to.
uint32 port = 1;
// Response protobuf for launching a vshd instance.
message LaunchVshdResponse {
// If true, the vshd launched successfully.
bool success = 1;
// The failure_reason if vshd could not be started.
string failure_reason = 2;
// Request to get information about a Linux package in the container.
// Only one of |file_path| or |package_name| needs to be set. If |file_path|
// is set, this will get information about a Linux package file, if
// |package_name| is set, it will try to resolve |package_name| into a package
// id and get information about a Linux package with that id. If both
// |file_path| and |package_id| are set, |file_path| will take precedence and
// |package_id| will be unused.
message LinuxPackageInfoRequest {
// Path to the package file (e.g. .deb) in the container's filesystem.
string file_path = 1;
// Name (not package_id) of package to look up. Used when |file_path| is
// empty.
string package_name = 2;
// Response sent back from a GetLinuxPackageInfo call.
message LinuxPackageInfoResponse {
// True if the file was successfully parsed and the other fields are valid.
bool success = 1;
// Contains a textual reason for the failure in case success is false.
string failure_reason = 2;
// The package identifier is in the form of a semicolon delimited string of
// the format: name;version;arch;data
// name, version and arch are as expected. data is somewhat variant and refers
// to the state of the package as well as potentially remote repository
// information.
string package_id = 3;
// The license associated with the package. So far only the value of
// 'unknown' has been observed for this field.
string license = 4;
// The description of the package, can be a multi-line text string.
string description = 5;
// The URL for the homepage of the project.
string project_url = 6;
// Size of the package file in bytes.
uint64 size = 7;
// Usually more of a title for a package, but sometimes less descriptive
// than that.
string summary = 8;
// Request protobuf for installing a Linux package.
// Only one of |file_path| or |package_id| needs to be set. If |file_path|
// is set, this will try installing a Linux package file at that path, if
// |package_id| is set, this will try and install a Linux package with that
// |package_id|. If both |file_path| and |package_id| are set, |file_path|
// will take precedence and |package_id| will be unused.
message InstallLinuxPackageRequest {
// Path to the package file (e.g. .deb) in the container's filesystem.
string file_path = 1;
// Package ID to install in the form "package_name;version;arch;data". Used
// when |file_path| is empty.
string package_id = 5;
// Command identifier to track installation progress.
string command_uuid = 6;
// Response sent back from a request to install a Linux package.
message InstallLinuxPackageResponse {
enum Status {
// Install process was successfully started, all further updates will be
// sent via the LinuxPackageProgress signal.
// Failed to startup for a general reason, specific details are given in
// failure_reason.
// Indicates another install (or other blocking operation) is already in
// process, this one will not be started.
Status status = 1;
// Contains a textual reason for the failure in case of a FAILED status.
string failure_reason = 2;
// Request to uninstall the package that owns the given .desktop file. This is
// safer than uninstalling by package_id, since packages can get upgraded and
// we'd have a stale package_id.
message UninstallPackageOwningFileRequest {
// Uninstall the package owning this .desktop file:
string desktop_file_id = 1;
// Response sent back from a request to uninstall a Linux package.
message UninstallPackageOwningFileResponse {
enum Status {
// Uninstall process was successfully started, all further updates will be
// sent via the UninstallPackageOwningFileProgress callbacks.
// Failed to startup for a general reason, specific details are given in
// failure_reason.
// Indicates another blocking operation (uninstall, install, etc) is already
// in progress, this one will not be started.
Status status = 1;
// Contains a textual reason for the failure in case of a FAILED status.
string failure_reason = 2;
// Request for debug information about container state.
message GetDebugInformationRequest {}
// Response for debug information about container state.
message GetDebugInformationResponse {
string debug_information = 1;
message ConnectChunnelRequest {
uint32 chunneld_port = 1;
uint32 target_tcp4_port = 2;
message ConnectChunnelResponse {
// If true, chunnel launched successfully.
bool success = 1;
// The failure_reason if chunnel could not be started.
string failure_reason = 2;
// Request protobuf for applying Ansible playbook.
message ApplyAnsiblePlaybookRequest {
// Ansible playbook to be applied.
string playbook = 1;
// Response sent back from a request to apply Ansible playbook.
message ApplyAnsiblePlaybookResponse {
enum Status {
// Application process was successfully started, all further updates will be
// sent via the ApplyAnsiblePlaybookProgress signal.
// Failed to start up for a general reason, specific details are given in
// failure_reason.
Status status = 1;
// Contains a textual reason for the failure in case of a FAILED status.
string failure_reason = 2;
// Request for the container to configure itself to allow sideloading android
// apps.
message ConfigureForArcSideloadRequest {}
// Response from the sideloading configuration.
message ConfigureForArcSideloadResponse {
enum Status {
// Status of the request.
Status status = 1;
// If status is FAILED, contains the reason the request failed.
string failure_reason = 2;
// Request to watch files and notify if there are changes.
message AddFileWatchRequest {
// Directory in container relative to $HOME to watch.
string path = 1;
message AddFileWatchResponse {
enum Status {
// The current status is unknown.
// Watch added successfully.
// Add watch failed.
// Add watch status.
Status status = 1;
// The failure_reason if the watcher could not be added.
string failure_reason = 2;
// Request to stop watching files.
message RemoveFileWatchRequest {
// Directory in container relative to $HOME to stop watching.
string path = 1;
message RemoveFileWatchResponse {
enum Status {
// The current status is unknown.
// Watch removed successfully.
// Remove watch failed.
// Remove watch status.
Status status = 1;
// The failure_reason if the watcher could not be removed.
string failure_reason = 2;
// Implemented by garcon inside of the container.
service Garcon {
// Called to launch an application in a container.
rpc LaunchApplication(LaunchApplicationRequest)
returns (LaunchApplicationResponse);
// Get an application icon from the container.
rpc GetIcon(IconRequest) returns (IconResponse);
// Launch a vshd instance that will connect back to the host.
rpc LaunchVshd(LaunchVshdRequest) returns (LaunchVshdResponse);
// Gets information about a Linux package file in the container.
rpc GetLinuxPackageInfo(LinuxPackageInfoRequest)
returns (LinuxPackageInfoResponse);
// Install a Linux package file in the container.
rpc InstallLinuxPackage(InstallLinuxPackageRequest)
returns (InstallLinuxPackageResponse);
// Uninstalls the package that owns the specified file. Results are in
// signals.
rpc UninstallPackageOwningFile(UninstallPackageOwningFileRequest)
returns (UninstallPackageOwningFileResponse);
// Get debug information about container state.
rpc GetDebugInformation(GetDebugInformationRequest)
returns (GetDebugInformationResponse);
// Connects to chunnel to forward traffic to localhost.
rpc ConnectChunnel(ConnectChunnelRequest) returns (ConnectChunnelResponse);
// Apply Ansible playbook to the container.
rpc ApplyAnsiblePlaybook(ApplyAnsiblePlaybookRequest)
returns (ApplyAnsiblePlaybookResponse);
// Configure the container to allow sideloading android apps.
rpc ConfigureForArcSideload(ConfigureForArcSideloadRequest)
returns (ConfigureForArcSideloadResponse);
// Watch files in the specified directory and notify if there are changes.
// This is used by FilesApp.
rpc AddFileWatch(AddFileWatchRequest) returns (AddFileWatchResponse);
// Stop watching files in the specified directory.
rpc RemoveFileWatch(RemoveFileWatchRequest) returns (RemoveFileWatchResponse);