blob: b7d13062f9ccbc9cb228f1c52ec48c9dbfc1cf2e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <optional>
#include <brillo/secure_blob.h>
#include <crypto/scoped_openssl_types.h>
#include <libhwsec-foundation/crypto/elliptic_curve.h>
#include <openssl/bn.h>
#include <openssl/ec.h>
#include "cryptohome/cryptorecovery/recovery_crypto.h"
namespace cryptohome {
namespace cryptorecovery {
// Implements the recovery crypto backend fully in software, without talking to
// the TPM. Should only be used when real-TPM-based backends aren't available.
class RecoveryCryptoFakeTpmBackendImpl final : public RecoveryCryptoTpmBackend {
RecoveryCryptoFakeTpmBackendImpl(const RecoveryCryptoFakeTpmBackendImpl&) =
RecoveryCryptoFakeTpmBackendImpl& operator=(
const RecoveryCryptoFakeTpmBackendImpl&) = delete;
~RecoveryCryptoFakeTpmBackendImpl() override;
// Generate key_auth_value. key auth value is not required for fake TPM
// and therefore, an empty SecureBlob will be returned.
brillo::SecureBlob GenerateKeyAuthValue() override;
// Returns the raw ECC private key (without any encryption). auth_value will
// not be used as it's to seal the private key on TPM1 modules when ECC
// operations are not supported.
bool EncryptEccPrivateKey(
const hwsec_foundation::EllipticCurve& ec,
const crypto::ScopedEC_KEY& own_key_pair,
const std::optional<brillo::SecureBlob>& /*auth_value*/,
brillo::SecureBlob* encrypted_own_priv_key) override;
// Performs the scalar multiplication of the raw private key and the
// supplied point in software. auth_value will not be used as it's to seal
// the private key on TPM1 modules when ECC operations are not supported.
crypto::ScopedEC_POINT GenerateDiffieHellmanSharedSecret(
const hwsec_foundation::EllipticCurve& ec,
const brillo::SecureBlob& encrypted_own_priv_key,
const std::optional<brillo::SecureBlob>& /*auth_value*/,
const EC_POINT& others_pub_point) override;
// Generate RSA key pair from tpm modules. Return true if the key generation
// from TPM modules is successful.
// TODO(b:196191918): implement the function for testing
bool GenerateRsaKeyPair(
brillo::SecureBlob* /*encrypted_rsa_private_key*/,
brillo::SecureBlob* /*rsa_public_key_spki_der*/) override;
// Sign the request payload with the provided RSA private key. Return true if
// the signing operation is successful.
// TODO(b:196191918): implement the function for testing
bool SignRequestPayload(
const brillo::SecureBlob& /*encrypted_rsa_private_key*/,
const brillo::SecureBlob& /*request_payload*/,
brillo::SecureBlob* /*signature*/) override;
} // namespace cryptorecovery
} // namespace cryptohome