blob: f1a7ee2a2479bb0c4a9449b742ee431f2a22ca0a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/containers/span.h>
#include <base/synchronization/lock.h>
#include <camera/camera_metadata.h>
#include <hardware/camera3.h>
#include "cros-camera/common.h"
#include "cros-camera/common_types.h"
#include "cros-camera/export.h"
#include "cros-camera/camera_face_detection.h"
namespace cros {
// Utility function to produce a debug string for the given camera3_stream_t
// |stream|.
inline std::string GetDebugString(const camera3_stream_t* stream) {
return base::StringPrintf(
"stream=%p, type=%d, size=%ux%u, format=%d, usage=%u, max_buffers=%u",
stream, stream->stream_type, stream->width, stream->height,
stream->format, stream->usage, stream->max_buffers);
inline bool HaveSameAspectRatio(const camera3_stream_t* s1,
const camera3_stream_t* s2) {
return (s1->width * s2->height == s1->height * s2->width);
template <typename T>
inline Rect<float> NormalizeRect(const Rect<T>& rect, const Size& size) {
return Rect<float>(
static_cast<float>(rect.left) / static_cast<float>(size.width),
static_cast<float>( / static_cast<float>(size.height),
static_cast<float>(rect.width) / static_cast<float>(size.width),
static_cast<float>(rect.height) / static_cast<float>(size.height));
template <typename T>
inline Rect<T> ClampRect(const Rect<T>& rect, const Rect<T>& bound) {
const T left = std::clamp(rect.left, bound.left, bound.right());
const T top = std::clamp(,, bound.bottom());
const T right = std::clamp(rect.right(), bound.left, bound.right());
const T bottom = std::clamp(rect.bottom(),, bound.bottom());
return Rect<T>(left, top, right - left + 1, bottom - top + 1);
// Returns the maximum centering crop window within |size| with the specified
// aspect ratio.
Rect<uint32_t> GetCenteringFullCrop(Size size,
uint32_t aspect_ratio_x,
uint32_t aspect_ratio_y);
// A container for passing metadata across different StreamManipulator instances
// to allow different feature implementations to communicate with one another.
struct FeatureMetadata {
// |hdr_ratio| produced by GcamAeStreamManipulator and consumed by
// HdrNetStreamManipulator for HDRnet output frame rendering.
std::optional<float> hdr_ratio;
// The face rectangles detected by the FaceDetectionStreamManipulator when
// CrOS face detector is enabled. The coordinates of the rectangles are
// normalized with respect to the active sensor array size. The face ROIs are
// consumed by GcamAeStreamManipulator as input metadata.
std::optional<std::vector<human_sensing::CrosFace>> faces;
// A helper class to make it easy to modify camera3_stream_configuration_t.
// The class is not thread-safe. The user of this class needs to ensure that the
// method calls are serialized and also that the class instance remains valid
// when the data members are being referenced externally.
class CROS_CAMERA_EXPORT Camera3StreamConfiguration {
// Default constructor creates an invalid instance.
Camera3StreamConfiguration() = default;
explicit Camera3StreamConfiguration(
const camera3_stream_configuration_t& stream_list);
~Camera3StreamConfiguration() = default;
Camera3StreamConfiguration(Camera3StreamConfiguration&& other) = default;
Camera3StreamConfiguration& operator=(Camera3StreamConfiguration&& other) =
Camera3StreamConfiguration(const Camera3StreamConfiguration& other) = delete;
Camera3StreamConfiguration& operator=(
const Camera3StreamConfiguration& other) = delete;
// Gets the stream configuration in a span.
base::span<camera3_stream_t* const> GetStreams() const;
// Sets the stream configuration to |streams|.
bool SetStreams(base::span<camera3_stream_t* const> streams);
// Appends |stream| to the stream configuration.
bool AppendStream(camera3_stream_t* stream);
// Locks the internal data and get the camera3_stream_configuration_t that can
// be consumed by the Android HAL3 API.
camera3_stream_configuration_t* Lock();
// Unlocks the instance for further modification.
void Unlock();
bool is_valid() const { return !streams_.empty(); }
uint32_t num_streams() const { return streams_.size(); }
uint32_t operation_mode() const { return operation_mode_; }
bool IsLocked() const;
std::vector<camera3_stream_t*> streams_;
uint32_t operation_mode_ = 0;
const camera_metadata_t* session_parameters_ = nullptr;
std::optional<camera3_stream_configuration_t> raw_configuration_;
// A helper class to make it easy to modify camera3_capture_request_t and
// camera3_capture_result_t objects.
// The class is not thread-safe. The user of this class needs to ensure that the
// method calls are serialized and also that the class instance remains valid
// when the data members are being referenced externally.
class CROS_CAMERA_EXPORT Camera3CaptureDescriptor {
enum class Type {
kInvalidType = -1,
// Default constructor creates an invalid instance.
Camera3CaptureDescriptor() = default;
explicit Camera3CaptureDescriptor(const camera3_capture_request_t& request);
explicit Camera3CaptureDescriptor(const camera3_capture_result_t& result);
Camera3CaptureDescriptor(Camera3CaptureDescriptor&& other);
Camera3CaptureDescriptor& operator=(Camera3CaptureDescriptor&& other);
Camera3CaptureDescriptor(const Camera3CaptureDescriptor& other) = delete;
Camera3CaptureDescriptor& operator=(const Camera3CaptureDescriptor& other) =
// Metadata getter and setter. The templated methods only support the six data
// types defined for Android camera_metadata_entry_t: uint8_t, int32_t, float,
// double, int64_t, camera_metadata_rational_t.
// Gets the metadata associated with |tag| as span. Returns empty span if
// there's no metadata associated with |tag|.
template <typename T>
base::span<const T> GetMetadata(uint32_t tag) const;
// Updates, and creates if not exist, the metadata associated with |tag| with
// |values|. Returns true if the metadata is successfully updated; false
// otherwise.
template <typename T>
bool UpdateMetadata(uint32_t tag, base::span<const T> values) {
if (IsLocked()) {
LOGF(ERROR) << "Cannot update metadata when locked";
return false;
auto ret = metadata_.update(tag,, values.size());
return ret == 0;
// Appends |metadata| to |metadata_|. Returns true if |metadata| is
// successfully appended; false otherwise.
bool AppendMetadata(const camera_metadata_t* metadata);
// Deletes the metadata associated with |tag|. Returns true if the metadata is
// successfully deleted; false otherwise.
bool DeleteMetadata(uint32_t tag);
// Sets the existing metadata by copying the contents from |metadata|.
// Returns true if the metadata are set successfully; false otherwise.
bool SetMetadata(const camera_metadata_t* metadata);
// Getter and setter for the input buffer.
const camera3_stream_buffer_t* GetInputBuffer() const;
void SetInputBuffer(const camera3_stream_buffer_t& input_buffer);
void ResetInputBuffer();
// Getter and setter for the output buffers.
base::span<const camera3_stream_buffer_t> GetOutputBuffers() const;
void SetOutputBuffers(
base::span<const camera3_stream_buffer_t> output_buffers);
void AppendOutputBuffer(const camera3_stream_buffer_t& buffer);
// Locks the internal data and get the raw camera3_capture_request_t /
// camera3_capture_result_t that can be consumed by the Android HAL3 API.
camera3_capture_request_t* LockForRequest();
camera3_capture_result_t* LockForResult();
camera3_capture_request_t* GetLockedRequest();
camera3_capture_result_t* GetLockedResult();
// Unlocks the descriptor for further modification.
void Unlock();
bool is_valid() const { return type_ != Type::kInvalidType; }
uint32_t frame_number() const { return frame_number_; }
bool has_metadata() const { return !metadata_.isEmpty(); }
uint32_t num_output_buffers() const { return output_buffers_.size(); }
uint32_t partial_result() const { return partial_result_; }
FeatureMetadata& feature_metadata() { return feature_metadata_; }
void Invalidate();
bool IsLocked() const;
Type type_ = Type::kInvalidType;
// Flattened data for both kCaptureRequest and kCaptureResult.
uint32_t frame_number_ = 0;
android::CameraMetadata metadata_;
std::unique_ptr<camera3_stream_buffer_t> input_buffer_;
std::vector<camera3_stream_buffer_t> output_buffers_;
// For kCaptureResult only.
uint32_t partial_result_ = 0;
// The physical camera info are not being active used at the moment, so we
// just use these fields to keep track of the original values.
uint32_t num_physcam_metadata_ = 0;
const char** physcam_ids_ = nullptr;
const camera_metadata_t** physcam_metadata_ = nullptr;
FeatureMetadata feature_metadata_;
union RawDescriptor {
camera3_capture_request_t raw_request;
camera3_capture_result_t raw_result;
std::optional<RawDescriptor> raw_descriptor_;
template <>
CROS_CAMERA_EXPORT base::span<const uint8_t>
Camera3CaptureDescriptor::GetMetadata(uint32_t tag) const;
template <>
CROS_CAMERA_EXPORT base::span<const int32_t>
Camera3CaptureDescriptor::GetMetadata(uint32_t tag) const;
template <>
CROS_CAMERA_EXPORT base::span<const float>
Camera3CaptureDescriptor::GetMetadata(uint32_t tag) const;
template <>
CROS_CAMERA_EXPORT base::span<const double>
Camera3CaptureDescriptor::GetMetadata(uint32_t tag) const;
template <>
CROS_CAMERA_EXPORT base::span<const int64_t>
Camera3CaptureDescriptor::GetMetadata(uint32_t tag) const;
template <>
CROS_CAMERA_EXPORT base::span<const camera_metadata_rational_t>
Camera3CaptureDescriptor::GetMetadata(uint32_t tag) const;
} // namespace cros