blob: d211b422f3377f54c5b92f83b7f3205e8e5af7a3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <base/time/time.h>
#include "cros-camera/export.h"
namespace cros {
enum class JpegProcessType { kDecode, kEncode };
enum class JpegProcessMethod { kHardware, kSoftware };
enum class FaceAeFunction {
// Doesn't support ROI control.
// Supports ROI control, but doesn't enable face AE.
// Supports ROI control and enabled face AE.
// Supports ROI control and enabled face AE from app, but forcedly disabled by
// user.
// For SendEnumToUMA() usage.
kMaxValue = kForceDisabled,
enum class HdrnetStreamConfiguration {
kSingleYuvStream = 0,
kSingleYuvStreamWithBlob = 1,
kMultipleYuvStreams = 2,
kMultipleYuvStreamsWithBlob = 3,
kMultipleYuvStreamsOfDifferentAspectRatio = 4,
kMultipleYuvStreamsOfDifferentAspectRatioWithBlob = 5,
kMaxValue = kMultipleYuvStreamsOfDifferentAspectRatioWithBlob,
enum class HdrnetStreamType {
// HDRnet stream for YUV output.
// HDRnet stream for BLOB output.
enum class HdrnetProcessingType {
// Pre-processing of input YUV into linear RGB domain.
// Main HDRnet inferencing and rendering.
// Post-processing of HDRnet RGB output to final YUV output(s).
enum class HdrnetError {
kNoError = 0,
// Error during HDRnet stream manipulator initialization.
kInitializationError = 1,
// Error when waiting for buffer acquire fence.
kSyncWaitError = 2,
// Error when running HDRnet processor.
kHdrnetProcessorError = 3,
// Error in pre-processing input buffer to the HDRnet pipeline.
kPreprocessingError = 4,
// Error when running linear RGB pipeline.
kRgbPipelineError = 5,
// Error in post-processing the RGB buffer to produce the output buffers.
kPostprocessingError = 6,
// Error triggered by camera HAL.
kCameraHal3Error = 7,
kMaxValue = kCameraHal3Error,
class CROS_CAMERA_EXPORT CameraMetrics {
static std::unique_ptr<CameraMetrics> New();
virtual ~CameraMetrics() = default;
// Records the process time of JDA/JEA in microseconds.
virtual void SendJpegProcessLatency(JpegProcessType process_type,
JpegProcessMethod process_layer,
base::TimeDelta latency) = 0;
// Records the resolution of image that JDA/JEA process in pixels.
virtual void SendJpegResolution(JpegProcessType process_type,
JpegProcessMethod process_layer,
int width,
int height) = 0;
// Records the process time of ConfigureStreams().
virtual void SendConfigureStreamsLatency(base::TimeDelta latency) = 0;
// Records the resolution of streams that configured.
virtual void SendConfigureStreamResolution(int width,
int height,
int format) = 0;
// Records the type of the client that called OpenDevice().
virtual void SendOpenDeviceClientType(int client_type) = 0;
// Records the process time of OpenDevice().
virtual void SendOpenDeviceLatency(base::TimeDelta latency) = 0;
// Records the error type which triggers Notify().
virtual void SendError(int error_code) = 0;
// Records the camera facing of current session.
virtual void SendCameraFacing(int facing) = 0;
// Records the duration of the closing session.
virtual void SendSessionDuration(base::TimeDelta duration) = 0;
// Records the face AE function.
virtual void SendFaceAeFunction(FaceAeFunction function) = 0;
// Records the max number of detected faces in a camera session
virtual void SendFaceAeMaxDetectedFaces(int number) = 0;
// *** HDRnet metrics ***
// Records the stream configuration including the number of streams, the type
// of streams, and if the streams are of the same aspect ratio.
virtual void SendHdrnetStreamConfiguration(
HdrnetStreamConfiguration config) = 0;
// Records the maximum size (in width * height) of the HDRnet stream
// configured for |stream_type| output.
virtual void SendHdrnetMaxStreamSize(HdrnetStreamType stream_type,
int size) = 0;
// Records the number of concurrent HDRnet streams in a session.
virtual void SendHdrnetNumConcurrentStreams(int num_streams) = 0;
// Records the maximum number of output buffers a HDRnet stream produces (> 1
// means there are multiple streams with the same aspect ratio) in a session.
virtual void SendHdrnetMaxOutputBuffersRendered(int num_buffers) = 0;
// Records whether there's an error that can compromise the HDRnet feature,
// either causing frame drops or stops the pipeline from running completely,
// in a session.
virtual void SendHdrnetError(HdrnetError error) = 0;
// Records the number of HDRnet-rendered still capture shots taken in a
// session.
virtual void SendHdrnetNumStillShotsTaken(int num_shots) = 0;
// Records the average CPU latency in processing |processing_type| in a
// session.
virtual void SendHdrnetAvgLatency(HdrnetProcessingType processing_type,
int latency_us) = 0;
// *** Gcam AE metrics ***
// Records the average AE convergence latency in frame count per session.
virtual void SendGcamAeAvgConvergenceLatency(int latency_frames) = 0;
// Records the average HDR ratio per session.
virtual void SendGcamAeAvgHdrRatio(int hdr_ratio) = 0;
// Records the average total exposure time (TET) per session.
virtual void SendGcamAeAvgTet(int tet) = 0;
} // namespace cros