blob: 767e6de241b0626dc0984bfb37fa51c46ec86536 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "common/metadata_logger.h"
#include "common/reloadable_config_file.h"
#include "common/stream_manipulator.h"
#include "cros-camera/camera_face_detection.h"
#include "cros-camera/common_types.h"
namespace cros {
// A wrapper for the FaceSSD-based CrOS face detector.
class FaceDetectionStreamManipulator : public StreamManipulator {
// By default the config is loaded from the feature config file path specified
// in the feature profile. For testing or debugging, the feature config can be
// overridden by the override config file below. The file should contain a
// JSON map for the options defined below.
static constexpr const char kOverrideFaceDetectionConfigFile[] =
struct Options {
// Uses CrOS face detector for face detection instead of the vendor one.
bool enable = true;
// Controls the duty cycle of CrOS face detector. The face detector will run
// every |fd_frame_interval| frames.
int fd_frame_interval = 10;
// Whether to log per-frame metadata using MetadataLogger.
bool log_frame_metadata = false;
// Whether to forcibly add face rectangles to result metadata.
bool debug = false;
explicit FaceDetectionStreamManipulator(base::FilePath config_file_path);
~FaceDetectionStreamManipulator() override = default;
// Implementations of StreamManipulator.
bool Initialize(const camera_metadata_t* static_info,
CaptureResultCallback result_callback) override;
bool ConfigureStreams(Camera3StreamConfiguration* stream_config) override;
bool OnConfiguredStreams(Camera3StreamConfiguration* stream_config) override;
bool ConstructDefaultRequestSettings(
android::CameraMetadata* default_request_settings, int type) override;
bool ProcessCaptureRequest(Camera3CaptureDescriptor* request) override;
bool ProcessCaptureResult(Camera3CaptureDescriptor* result) override;
bool Notify(camera3_notify_msg_t* msg) override;
bool Flush() override;
struct FrameInfo {
int frame_number = -1;
uint8_t face_detect_mode;
void RecordClientRequestSettings(Camera3CaptureDescriptor* request);
void RestoreClientRequestSettings(Camera3CaptureDescriptor* result);
void SetFaceDetectionMode(Camera3CaptureDescriptor* request);
void SetResultAeMetadata(Camera3CaptureDescriptor* result);
FrameInfo& GetOrCreateFrameInfoEntry(int frame_number);
void OnOptionsUpdated(const base::Value& json_values);
// Face detector settings.
std::unique_ptr<FaceDetector> face_detector_;
ReloadableConfigFile config_;
Options options_;
Size active_array_dimension_;
uint8_t active_face_detect_mode_ = ANDROID_STATISTICS_FACE_DETECT_MODE_OFF;
// The YUV stream to run the face detector on.
const camera3_stream_t* yuv_stream_ = nullptr;
// Protects |latest_faces_| and |frame_info_| since they can be accessed on
// different threads.
base::Lock lock_;
// The latest face ROIs detected by the CrOS face detector.
std::vector<human_sensing::CrosFace> latest_faces_ GUARDED_BY(lock_);
// Ring buffer for the per-frame face detection metadata.
static constexpr size_t kFrameInfoRingBufferSize = 12;
std::array<FrameInfo, kFrameInfoRingBufferSize> frame_info_ GUARDED_BY(lock_);
// Metadata logger for tests and debugging.
MetadataLogger metadata_logger_;
} // namespace cros