| #!/bin/sh |
| |
| # Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. |
| # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| # found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| # This script should be called daily to clean up log files. |
| |
| CLEANUP_PAUSED_FILE="/var/lib/cleanup_logs_paused" |
| STATEFUL="/mnt/stateful_partition" |
| # Threshold for additional histogram reporting (in 1KB blocks), 1GB in total. |
| SHADOW="/home/.shadow" |
| |
| # Paths for the CRX cache. Shared with installer/crx-import.conf |
| UNVALIDATED_CRX_CACHE=${STATEFUL}/unencrypted/import_extensions |
| VALIDATED_CRX_CACHE=/var/cache/external_cache |
| |
| # Get the percentage of space used on the stateful partition. |
| get_stateful_usage_percent() { |
| local stateful_space="$(df -P ${STATEFUL} | grep -m 1 ${STATEFUL})" |
| # Remove everything after and including the "%" |
| stateful_space="${stateful_space%%%*}" |
| # Remove all fields except the last one. |
| stateful_space="${stateful_space##* }" |
| echo $stateful_space |
| } |
| |
| # Get the free space on the stateful partition, in 1KB blocks. |
| get_stateful_free_space_blocks() { |
| df -P ${STATEFUL} | grep -m 1 ${STATEFUL} | awk '{print $4}' |
| } |
| |
| report_additional_statistics() { |
| # Number of users on device. |
| local user_count="$(find $SHADOW -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d | wc -l)" |
| metrics_client -s Platform.DiskUsage.UsersOnDevice "${user_count}" |
| |
| # Handle case when there are no users on device. |
| if [ "${user_count}" -le 0 ]; then |
| return 0 |
| fi |
| |
| local users_category=${user_count}Users |
| if [ "${user_count}" -eq 1 ]; then |
| users_category=1User |
| fi |
| if [ "${user_count}" -ge 7 ]; then |
| users_category=7OrMoreUsers |
| fi |
| |
| local stats |
| local sum_and_max_prog='{ sum += $1; |
| if (max < $1) max = $1; |
| } |
| END { print sum, max }' |
| # All pass-through directories. |
| for dir in Cache Downloads GCache; do |
| # Calculate sum and maximum over all user_count for each directory. |
| stats=$(du -sk $SHADOW/*/vault/user/$dir 2> /dev/null | |
| awk "${sum_and_max_prog}") |
| metrics_client Platform.DiskUsage.${dir}_Max.${users_category} \ |
| ${stats##* } $METRICS_ARGS |
| # Since disk usage is several orders higher that number of users, it is safe |
| # to use integer division here. |
| metrics_client Platform.DiskUsage.${dir}_Avg.${users_category} \ |
| $(( ${stats%% *} / ${user_count} )) $METRICS_ARGS |
| done |
| |
| # Report days since the least frequently used account signed in. |
| # It is split over user_count, and is reported upon low disk space to provide |
| # input information for cleanup tuning. |
| |
| local least_used_days=$(cryptohome --action=dump_last_activity | |
| awk '$2 > max {max = $2} END {print max}') |
| |
| metrics_client Platform.DiskUsage.LeastUsedAccountDays.${users_category} \ |
| ${least_used_days} $METRICS_ARGS |
| } |
| |
| remove_old_dated_files() { |
| find "$1" -name "$2" -mtime +${NUM_DAYS_TO_PRESERVE} -exec rm '{}' ';' |
| } |
| |
| rotate_file() { |
| local file="$1" |
| if [ ! -f "${file}" ]; then |
| # Avoid creating an empty file if it does not exist to begin with |
| return |
| fi |
| local basename="${file%%.*}" |
| local extension="${file#*.}" |
| if [ "${basename}" = "${extension}" ]; then |
| extension="" |
| else |
| extension=".${extension}" |
| fi |
| echo Rotating "${file}" |
| for i in $(seq ${NUM_DAYS_TO_PRESERVE} -1 2); do |
| mv -f "${basename}.$((i - 1))${extension}" "${basename}.$i${extension}" |
| done |
| mv -f "${basename}${extension}" "${basename}.1${extension}" |
| touch "${basename}${extension}" |
| } |
| |
| rotate_logs() { |
| echo Rotating rsyslogd logs |
| for x in messages secure net.log faillog session_manager; do |
| rotate_file "/var/log/${x}" |
| done |
| chown syslog /var/log/messages /var/log/secure /var/log/net.log |
| sudo pkill -HUP rsyslogd |
| } |
| |
| # Wipe the unencyrpted CRX cache if it still exists. |
| wipe_crx_cache() { |
| # If we are on removable media or we haven't imported the crx cache, |
| # don't wipe. |
| local root_dev="$(basename "$(rootdev -s -d)")" |
| local removable="$(cat "/sys/block/${root_dev}/removable")" || : |
| local disk_percent="$(get_stateful_usage_percent)" || : |
| [ -z "${disk_percent}" ] && disk_percent=0 |
| if [ ${removable:-0} -eq 0 ] && [ -d "${UNVALIDATED_CRX_CACHE}" ] && \ |
| [ -f "${VALIDATED_CRX_CACHE}/.initialized" ] && \ |
| [ ${disk_percent} -gt 25 ]; then |
| echo "Wiping unvalidated crx cache as it has already been imported." |
| fi |
| } |
| |
| if [ -r "${CLEANUP_PAUSED_FILE}" ]; then |
| echo "Exiting early because ${CLEANUP_PAUSED_FILE} exists." |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| |
| # Remove old chrome logs (not logged in) |
| remove_old_dated_files /var/log/chrome "chrome_*-*" |
| |
| # Remove old chrome logs (logged in) |
| remove_old_dated_files /home/chronos/user/log "chrome_*-*" |
| |
| # Remove old miscellaneous UI logs |
| remove_old_dated_files /var/log/ui "ui.*-*" |
| |
| # Remove old update engine logs |
| remove_old_dated_files /var/log/update_engine "update_engine.*-*" |
| |
| # Remove old power manager logs |
| remove_old_dated_files /var/log/power_manager "power*" |
| |
| # Rotate other logs |
| rotate_logs |
| |
| # Report disk usage statistics |
| METRICS_ARGS="0 1073741824 50" |
| metrics_client Platform.DiskUsageVar \ |
| $(du -sxk /var/ | awk '{print $1}') $METRICS_ARGS |
| metrics_client Platform.DiskUsageChronos \ |
| $(du -sxk /home/chronos | awk '{print $1}') $METRICS_ARGS |
| |
| # Report overall stateful usage. |
| metrics_client -e Platform.StatefulUsage "$(get_stateful_usage_percent)" 101 |
| |
| NUMBER_OF_USERS=$(ls /home/user/ | wc -l) |
| metrics_client Platform.DiskUsage.NumUserHomeDirectories \ |
| $NUMBER_OF_USERS 1 50 50 |
| |
| WEEKLY_USERS_ACTIVE=$(cryptohome --action=dump_last_activity | |
| awk '$2 <= 7 {++count} END {print count}') |
| metrics_client -s Login.UsersActiveWeekly ${WEEKLY_USERS_ACTIVE} |
| |
| if [ $NUMBER_OF_USERS -gt 0 ] ; then |
| metrics_client -s Login.UsersActiveWeekly.Percent \ |
| else |
| metrics_client -s Login.UsersActiveWeekly.Percent 0 |
| fi |
| |
| # Report days since the least frequently used account signed in. |
| # It is reported every time to measure effect of autodeletion feature. |
| DAYS_SINCE_LFU_ACCOUNT_SIGNIN=$(cryptohome --action=dump_last_activity | |
| awk '$2 > max {max = $2} END {print max}') |
| |
| # Check if there are any users. |
| if [ "${DAYS_SINCE_LFU_ACCOUNT_SIGNIN}" != "" ]; then |
| metrics_client Login.LeastUsedAccountDays \ |
| fi |
| |
| # Report additional metrics if we are low on free space. |
| if [ "$(get_stateful_free_space_blocks)" -le \ |
| report_additional_statistics |
| fi |
| |
| wipe_crx_cache |