blob: 9ccafd82cb0f86a6db32d2ba57a04b1103708c23 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <base/macros.h>
#include <dbus-c++/dbus.h>
#include "dbus_adaptors/org.freedesktop.ModemManager.Modem.h"
#include "dbus_adaptors/org.freedesktop.ModemManager.Modem.Cdma.h" // NOLINT
#include "dbus_adaptors/org.freedesktop.ModemManager.Modem.Simple.h"
typedef std::map<std::string, DBus::Variant> PropertyMap;
class DummyModem : public org::freedesktop::ModemManager::Modem_adaptor,
public org::freedesktop::ModemManager::Modem::Simple_adaptor,
public org::freedesktop::ModemManager::Modem::Cdma_adaptor,
public DBus::IntrospectableAdaptor,
public DBus::ObjectAdaptor {
DummyModem(DBus::Connection& connection, // NOLINT - refs.
const DBus::Path& path);
// DBUS Methods: Modem
void Enable(const bool& enable, DBus::Error& error); // NOLINT - refs.
void Connect(const std::string& number,
DBus::Error& error); // NOLINT - refs.
void Disconnect(DBus::Error& error); // NOLINT - refs.
void FactoryReset(const std::string& code,
DBus::Error& error); // NOLINT - refs.
DBus::Struct<uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t> GetIP4Config(
DBus::Error& error); // NOLINT - refs.
DBus::Struct<std::string, std::string, std::string> GetInfo(
DBus::Error& error); // NOLINT - refs.
void Reset(DBus::Error& error); // NOLINT - refs.
// DBUS Methods: ModemSimple
void Connect(const PropertyMap& properties,
DBus::Error& error); // NOLINT - refs.
PropertyMap GetStatus(DBus::Error& error); // NOLINT - refs.
// DBUS Methods: ModemCdma
uint32_t GetSignalQuality(DBus::Error& error); // NOLINT - refs.
std::string GetEsn(DBus::Error& error); // NOLINT - refs.
DBus::Struct<uint32_t, std::string, uint32_t> GetServingSystem(
DBus::Error& error); // NOLINT - refs.
void GetRegistrationState(uint32_t& cdma_1x_state, // NOLINT - refs.
uint32_t& evdo_state, // NOLINT - refs.
DBus::Error& error); // NOLINT - refs.
uint32_t Activate(const std::string& carrier,
DBus::Error& error); // NOLINT - refs.
void ActivateManual(const PropertyMap& properties,
DBus::Error& error); // NOLINT - refs.
void ActivateManualDebug(const std::map<std::string, std::string>& properties,
DBus::Error& error); // NOLINT - refs.