blob: 273c75659dba9e705e41a9b3f9f9e5d10208473d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Reads ARM identity information and checks for device compatibility.
#include "chromeos-config/libcros_config/identity.h"
#include <string>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
namespace brillo {
class CrosConfigIdentityArm : public CrosConfigIdentity {
// @return SKU ID value read via FDT
int GetSkuId() const { return sku_id_; }
// Initially, the SKU ID will be read from FDT but if user would like to
// have the identify with different SKU ID then you can overwrite it here.
void SetSkuId(const int sku_id) { sku_id_ = sku_id; }
// Read the compatible devices list from the device-tree compatible file.
// @dt_compatible_file: File to read - typically /proc/device-tree/compatible
// @sku_id_file: File containing SKU ID integer
bool ReadInfo(const base::FilePath& dt_compatible_file,
const base::FilePath& sku_id_file);
// Write out fake device-tree compatible file for testing purposes.
// @device_name: Device name to write to the compatible file
// @sku_id_file: File containing SKU ID integer
// @dt_compatible_file_out: Returns the file that was written
// @sku_id_file_out: File that the SKU ID integer was written into
// @return true if OK, false on error
bool Fake(const std::string& device_name,
int sku_id,
base::FilePath* dt_compatible_file_out,
base::FilePath* sku_id_file_out);
// Checks if the device_name exists in the compatible devices string.
// @return true if device is compatible
bool IsCompatible(const std::string& device_name) const;
// @return Compatible devices string read via ReadDtCompatible
const std::string& GetCompatibleDeviceString() const {
return compatible_devices_;
std::string compatible_devices_;
int sku_id_;
} // namespace brillo