blob: 61bfe286ae37af11c16631b0f557ca4412530a1f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "power_manager/proto_bindings/policy.pb.h"
namespace power_manager {
namespace system {
// Important note: It is not final version of interface,
// blocked by b:125011171.
// Interface for classes to perform the actions requested by
// |policy::ChargeController|.
// All methods return true on success and false on failure.
class ChargeControllerHelperInterface {
virtual ~ChargeControllerHelperInterface() = default;
// Enables or disables peak shift.
virtual bool SetPeakShiftEnabled(bool enable) = 0;
// Sets the lower bound of the battery charge (as a percent in [0, 100])
// for using peak shift.
virtual bool SetPeakShiftBatteryPercentThreshold(int threshold) = 0;
// Configures when peak shift will be enabled on |week_day|.
// |config| contains space separated zero-leading hour and minute of
// start time, end time and charge start time,
// i.e. "00 30 09 45 20 00" means:
// - 00:30 is start time,
// - 09:45 is end time,
// - 20:00 is charge start time.
virtual bool SetPeakShiftDayConfig(PowerManagementPolicy::WeekDay week_day,
const std::string& config) = 0;
// Enables or disables boot on AC.
virtual bool SetBootOnAcEnabled(bool enable) = 0;
// Enables or disables charging USB devices from specific ports while the
// system is suspended or shut down.
virtual bool SetUsbPowerShareEnabled(bool enable) = 0;
// Enables or disables advanced battery charge mode.
virtual bool SetAdvancedBatteryChargeModeEnabled(bool enable) = 0;
// Configures when advanced battery charge mode will be enabled on |week_day|.
// |config| contains space separated zero-leading hour and minute of
// charge start time and charge duration,
// i.e. "09 15 02 30" means:
// - 09:15 is charge start time,
// - 02:30 is charge duration.
virtual bool SetAdvancedBatteryChargeModeDayConfig(
PowerManagementPolicy::WeekDay week_day, const std::string& config) = 0;
// Sets battery charge mode. When custom mode is selected then charge
// thresholds must be specified via |SetBatteryChargeCustomThresholds|.
virtual bool SetBatteryChargeMode(
PowerManagementPolicy::BatteryChargeMode::Mode mode) = 0;
// Configures charge thresholds for custom battery charge mode.
// Charging begins when battery level drops below |custom_charge_start|, and
// ceases when battery level is above |custom_charge_stop|.
virtual bool SetBatteryChargeCustomThresholds(int custom_charge_start,
int custom_charge_stop) = 0;
} // namespace system
} // namespace power_manager