blob: 43e9fbea3fadf1d993a9f4af2bc209c1e3ab6649 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <base/files/scoped_temp_dir.h>
#include <memory>
#include <gmock/gmock.h>
#include "pciguard/sysfs_utils.h"
using base::CreateDirectory;
using base::CreateSymbolicLink;
using base::FilePath;
using base::WriteFile;
namespace pciguard {
namespace {
constexpr char kMockTestDevice1[] =
constexpr char kMockTestDevice2[] =
constexpr char kMockPciDevice[] = "/sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:04:00.0";
constexpr char kBusThunderboltPath[] = "/sys/bus/thunderbolt";
} // namespace
class SysfsUtilsTest : public ::testing::Test {
void SetUp() override {
// Create a "fake root"
auto root_path = root_dir_.GetPath();
root_ = root_path.value();
// Create SysfsUtils and make it use the fake root.
utils_ = std::make_unique<SysfsUtils>(root_path);
// Setup fake sysfs in the fake root
// Create thunderbolt dev 1
auto dev = FilePath(root_ + kMockTestDevice1);
ASSERT_TRUE(WriteFile(dev.Append("authorized"), "0"));
ASSERT_TRUE(CreateSymbolicLink(FilePath(root_ + kBusThunderboltPath),
dev, FilePath(root_ + "/sys/bus/thunderbolt/devices/0-1")));
// Create thunderbolt dev 2
dev = FilePath(root_ + kMockTestDevice2);
ASSERT_TRUE(WriteFile(dev.Append("authorized"), "0"));
ASSERT_TRUE(CreateSymbolicLink(FilePath(root_ + kBusThunderboltPath),
dev, FilePath(root_ + "/sys/bus/thunderbolt/devices/0-2")));
// Create PCI dev
dev = base::FilePath(root_ + kMockPciDevice);
ASSERT_TRUE(WriteFile(dev.Append("untrusted"), "1"));
ASSERT_TRUE(WriteFile(dev.Append("remove"), "0"));
ASSERT_TRUE(base::WriteFile(utils_->pci_lockdown_path_, "1"));
std::string root_;
base::ScopedTempDir root_dir_;
std::unique_ptr<SysfsUtils> utils_;
TEST_F(SysfsUtilsTest, CheckAuthorizeThunderboltDev) {
// Set authorized to 0 for device 1
auto dev1 = FilePath(root_ + kMockTestDevice1);
auto file1 = dev1.Append("authorized");
ASSERT_TRUE(WriteFile(file1, "0"));
// This should set it to "1"
// Verify
std::string data = "0";
ASSERT_TRUE(ReadFileToString(file1, &data));
EXPECT_EQ(data, "1");
// Set authorized to 0 to device 2
auto dev2 = FilePath(root_ + kMockTestDevice2);
auto file2 = dev2.Append("authorized");
ASSERT_TRUE(WriteFile(file2, "0"));
// This should set it to "1"
// Verify
data = "0";
ASSERT_TRUE(ReadFileToString(file2, &data));
EXPECT_EQ(data, "1");
TEST_F(SysfsUtilsTest, CheckDenyNewDevices) {
// Intialize lockdown with "0"
ASSERT_TRUE(base::WriteFile(utils_->pci_lockdown_path_, "0"));
// This should set it to "1"
// Verify
std::string data = "0";
ASSERT_TRUE(ReadFileToString(utils_->pci_lockdown_path_, &data));
EXPECT_EQ(data, "1");
TEST_F(SysfsUtilsTest, CheckAuthorizeAllDevices) {
// Intialize lockdown with "1""
ASSERT_TRUE(WriteFile(utils_->pci_lockdown_path_, "1"));
// Intialize rescan with "1""
ASSERT_TRUE(WriteFile(utils_->pci_rescan_path_, "0"));
// Set authorized to 0 for device 1
auto file1 = FilePath(root_ + kMockTestDevice1 + "/authorized");
ASSERT_TRUE(WriteFile(file1, "0"));
// Set authorized to 0 for device 2
auto file2 = FilePath(root_ + kMockTestDevice2 + "/authorized");
ASSERT_TRUE(WriteFile(file1, "0"));
// Verify lockdown = 0
std::string data = "1";
ASSERT_TRUE(ReadFileToString(utils_->pci_lockdown_path_, &data));
EXPECT_EQ(data, "0");
// Verify rescan = 1
data = "0";
ASSERT_TRUE(ReadFileToString(utils_->pci_rescan_path_, &data));
EXPECT_EQ(data, "1");
// Verify file 1 is authorized
data = "0";
ASSERT_TRUE(ReadFileToString(file1, &data));
EXPECT_EQ(data, "1");
// Verify file 2 is authorized
data = "0";
ASSERT_TRUE(ReadFileToString(file2, &data));
EXPECT_EQ(data, "1");
TEST_F(SysfsUtilsTest, CheckDeauthorizeAllDevices) {
// Intialize lockdown with "0"
ASSERT_TRUE(base::WriteFile(utils_->pci_lockdown_path_, "0"));
auto remove = FilePath(root_ + kMockPciDevice + "/remove");
ASSERT_TRUE(base::WriteFile(remove, "0"));
// Set authorized to 1 for device 1
auto file1 = FilePath(root_ + kMockTestDevice1 + "/authorized");
ASSERT_TRUE(WriteFile(file1, "1"));
// Set authorized to 1 for device 2
auto file2 = FilePath(root_ + kMockTestDevice2 + "/authorized");
ASSERT_TRUE(WriteFile(file2, "1"));
// Verify
std::string data = "0";
ASSERT_TRUE(ReadFileToString(utils_->pci_lockdown_path_, &data));
EXPECT_EQ(data, "1");
data = "0";
ASSERT_TRUE(ReadFileToString(remove, &data));
EXPECT_EQ(data, "1");
// Verify file 1 is deauthorized
data = "1";
ASSERT_TRUE(ReadFileToString(file1, &data));
EXPECT_EQ(data, "0");
// Verify file 2 is deauthorized
data = "1";
ASSERT_TRUE(ReadFileToString(file2, &data));
EXPECT_EQ(data, "0");
} // namespace pciguard