blob: 859f9a92796db7a46a575b30a5a31bd5fc1dc78c [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <ctime>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <base/check.h>
#include <base/macros.h>
#include <metrics/metrics_library.h>
#include "metrics/timer.h"
#include "ml/util.h"
namespace ml {
// Performs UMA metrics logging for model loading (LoadBuiltinModel or
// LoadFlatBufferModel), CreateGraphExecutor and Execute. Metrics includes
// events(enumerators defined by RequestEventEnum), memory_usage, and cpu_time.
// RequestEventEnum is an enum class which defines different events for some
// specific actions, currently we reuse the enum classes defined in mojoms. The
// enum class generally contains an OK and several different Errors, besides,
// there should be a kMax which shares the value of the highest enumerator.
class RequestMetrics {
// Creates a RequestMetrics with the specified model and request names.
// Records UMA metrics named with the prefix
// "MachineLearningService.`model_name`.`request_name`."
RequestMetrics(const std::string& model_name,
const std::string& request_name);
RequestMetrics(const RequestMetrics&) = delete;
RequestMetrics& operator=(const RequestMetrics&) = delete;
// Logs (to UMA) the specified `event` associated with this request.
template <class RequestEventEnum>
void RecordRequestEvent(RequestEventEnum event);
// When you want to record metrics of some action, call Start func at the
// beginning of it.
void StartRecordingPerformanceMetrics();
// Send performance metrics(memory_usage, cpu_time) to UMA
// This would usually be called only if the action completes successfully.
void FinishRecordingPerformanceMetrics();
enum class Status {
kNotStarted = 0,
kRecording = 1,
kEventSent = 2,
kFinished = 3
MetricsLibrary metrics_library_;
const std::string name_base_;
std::clock_t initial_cpu_clock_;
int64_t initial_memory_;
// The `status_` serves as a safe guard to ensure the correct usage of the
// objects of this class, specifically,
// 1. `status_` is initialized to `kNotStarted` at construction.
// 2. `StartRecordingPerformanceMetrics()` must be called when
// `status_=kNotStarted`. And it sets `status_` to `kRecording`.
// 3. `RecordRequestEvent()` must be called when `status_=kRecording` or
// `status_=kFinished`, and it sets `status_` to `kEventSent`.
// 4. `FinishRecordingPerformanceMetrics()` must be called when
// `status_=kRecording` and it sets `status_` to `kEventFinished`.
Status status_;
// UMA metric names:
constexpr char kGlobalMetricsPrefix[] = "MachineLearningService.";
constexpr char kEventSuffix[] = ".Event";
constexpr char kTotalMemoryDeltaSuffix[] = ".TotalMemoryDeltaKb";
constexpr char kCpuTimeSuffix[] = ".CpuTimeMicrosec";
// UMA histogram ranges:
constexpr int kMemoryDeltaMinKb = 1; // 1 KB
constexpr int kMemoryDeltaMaxKb = 10000000; // 10 GB
constexpr int kMemoryDeltaBuckets = 100;
constexpr int kCpuTimeMinMicrosec = 1; // 1 μs
constexpr int kCpuTimeMaxMicrosec = 1800000000; // 30 min
constexpr int kCpuTimeBuckets = 100;
template <class RequestEventEnum>
void RequestMetrics::RecordRequestEvent(RequestEventEnum event) {
DCHECK(status_ == Status::kRecording || status_ == Status::kFinished);
name_base_ + kEventSuffix, static_cast<int>(event),
static_cast<int>(RequestEventEnum::kMaxValue) + 1);
status_ = Status::kEventSent;
// Records a generic model specification error event during a model loading
// (LoadBuiltinModel or LoadFlatBufferModel) request.
void RecordModelSpecificationErrorEvent();
} // namespace ml