blob: 00875f338dd18254454c243c5bcdf3dc6e2c9e0e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "missive/proto/record.pb.h"
#include "missive/proto/record_constants.pb.h"
#include "missive/util/status.h"
#include "missive/util/statusor.h"
namespace reporting {
// Interface for Upload by StorageModule.
// Must be implemented by an object returned by |StartUpload| callback (see
// below). Every time on of the StorageQueue's starts an upload (by timer or
// immediately after Write) it uses this interface to hand available records
// over to the actual uploader. StorageQueue takes ownership of it and
// automatically discards after |Completed| returns.
class UploaderInterface {
// using AsyncStartUploaderCb =
// base::RepeatingCallback<StatusOr<std::unique_ptr<UploaderInterface>>(
// Priority priority,
// bool need_encryption_key)>;
// Asynchronous callback that instantiates uploader.
// To start upload, call |AsyncStartUploaderCb| on a thread pool. Once
// uploader is instantiated, |AsyncStartUploaderCb| calls its parameter
// passing uploader instance (or error Status). Set |need_encryption_key| if
// key is needed (initially or periodically).
using UploaderInterfaceResultCb =
// Callback type for asynchronous UploadInterface provider. |priority|
// identifies which queue is going to upload the data.
// TODO(b/183666933): |priority| is only used by tests, remove it if possible.
using AsyncStartUploaderCb = base::RepeatingCallback<void(
Priority priority, bool need_encryption_key, UploaderInterfaceResultCb)>;
UploaderInterface(const UploaderInterface& other) = delete;
const UploaderInterface& operator=(const UploaderInterface& other) = delete;
virtual ~UploaderInterface();
// Unserializes every record and hands ownership over for processing (e.g.
// to add to the network message). Expects |processed_cb| to be called after
// the record or error status has been processed, with true if next record
// needs to be delivered and false if the Uploader should stop.
virtual void ProcessRecord(EncryptedRecord record,
base::OnceCallback<void(bool)> processed_cb) = 0;
// Makes a note of a gap [start, start + count). Expects |processed_cb| to
// be called after the record or error status has been processed, with true
// if next record needs to be delivered and false if the Uploader should
// stop.
virtual void ProcessGap(SequencingInformation start,
uint64_t count,
base::OnceCallback<void(bool)> processed_cb) = 0;
// Finalizes the upload (e.g. sends the message to server and gets
// response). Called always, regardless of whether there were errors.
virtual void Completed(Status final_status) = 0;
} // namespace reporting