blob: bf4fa0f1a6da4c1e0efac76d051a6141e10ebe02 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include <base/files/file_util.h>
#include <base/strings/string_util.h>
#include "installer/cgpt_manager.h"
#include "installer/chromeos_install_config.h"
#include "installer/chromeos_legacy.h"
#include "installer/chromeos_postinst.h"
#include "installer/chromeos_setimage.h"
#include "installer/inst_util.h"
#include "installer/slow_boot_notify.h"
using std::string;
namespace {
const char kStatefulMount[] = "/mnt/stateful_partition";
} // namespace
bool ConfigureInstall(const string& install_dev,
const string& install_dir,
BiosType bios_type,
InstallConfig* install_config) {
Partition root = Partition(install_dev, install_dir);
string slot;
switch (root.number()) {
slot = "A";
slot = "B";
LOG(ERROR) << "Not a valid target partition number: " << root.number();
return false;
string kernel_dev = MakePartitionDev(root.base_device(), root.number() - 1);
string boot_dev = MakePartitionDev(root.base_device(), PART_NUM_EFI_SYSTEM);
// if we don't know the bios type, detect it. Errors are logged
// by the detect method.
if (bios_type == kBiosTypeUnknown && !DetectBiosType(&bios_type)) {
return false;
// Put the actual values on the result structure
install_config->slot = slot;
install_config->root = root;
install_config->kernel = Partition(kernel_dev);
install_config->boot = Partition(boot_dev);
install_config->bios_type = bios_type;
return true;
bool DetectBiosType(BiosType* bios_type) {
// Look up the current kernel command line
string kernel_cmd_line;
if (!base::ReadFileToString(base::FilePath("/proc/cmdline"),
&kernel_cmd_line)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Can't read kernel commandline options";
return false;
return KernelConfigToBiosType(kernel_cmd_line, bios_type);
bool KernelConfigToBiosType(const string& kernel_config, BiosType* type) {
if (kernel_config.find("cros_secure") != string::npos) {
*type = kBiosTypeSecure;
return true;
if (kernel_config.find("cros_legacy") != string::npos) {
#ifdef __arm__
// The Arm platform only uses U-Boot, but may set cros_legacy to mean
// U-Boot without our secure boot modifications.
*type = kBiosTypeUBoot;
*type = kBiosTypeLegacy;
return true;
if (kernel_config.find("cros_efi") != string::npos) {
*type = kBiosTypeEFI;
return true;
// No recognized bios type was found
LOG(ERROR) << "No recognized cros_XXX bios option on kernel command line.";
return false;
namespace {
// Run the cr50 script with the given args. Returns zero on success, exit code
// on failure.
// script_name the script in /usr/share/cros to run
// script_arg the args to run the script with
int RunCr50Script(const string& install_dir,
const string& script_name,
const string& script_arg) {
string script = install_dir + "/usr/share/cros/" + script_name;
if (access(script.c_str(), X_OK)) {
// The script is not there, means no cr50 present either, nothing to do.
return 0;
return RunCommand({script, script_arg});
// Updates firmware. We must activate new firmware only after new kernel is
// actived (installed and made bootable), otherwise new firmware with all old
// kernels may lead to recovery screen (due to new key).
// TODO(hungte) Replace the shell execution by native code (
// Note that this returns an exit code, not bool success/failure.
int FirmwareUpdate(const string& install_dir, bool is_update) {
int result;
string command = install_dir + "/usr/sbin/chromeos-firmwareupdate";
if (access(command.c_str(), X_OK) != 0) {
LOG(INFO) << "No firmware updates available.";
return true;
string mode;
if (is_update) {
// Background auto update by Update Engine.
mode = "autoupdate";
} else {
// Recovery image, or from command "chromeos-install".
mode = "recovery";
result = RunCommand({command, "--mode=" + mode});
// Next step after postinst may take a lot of time (eg, disk wiping)
// and people may confuse that as 'firmware update takes a long wait',
// we explicitly prompt here.
if (result == 0) {
LOG(INFO) << "Firmware update completed.";
} else if (result == 3) {
LOG(INFO) << "Firmware can't be updated. Booted from RW Firmware B"
" with error code: "
<< result;
} else if (result == 4) {
LOG(INFO) << "RO Firmware needs update, but is really marked RO."
" with error code: "
<< result;
} else {
LOG(INFO) << "Firmware update failed with error code: " << result;
return result;
// Fix the unencrypted permission. The permission on this file have been
// deployed with wrong values (0766 for the permission) and/or the wrong
// uid:gid.
void FixUnencryptedPermission() {
string unencrypted_dir = string(kStatefulMount) + "/unencrypted";
LOG(INFO) << "Checking permission of " << unencrypted_dir;
struct stat unencrypted_stat;
const mode_t target_mode =
S_IFDIR | S_IRWXU | (S_IRGRP | S_IXGRP) | (S_IROTH | S_IXOTH); // 040755
if (stat(unencrypted_dir.c_str(), &unencrypted_stat) != 0) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Couldn't check the current permission, ignored";
} else if (unencrypted_stat.st_uid == 0 && unencrypted_stat.st_gid == 0 &&
unencrypted_stat.st_mode == target_mode) {
LOG(INFO) << "Permission is ok.";
} else {
bool ok = true;
// chmod(2) only takes the last four octal digits, so we flip the IFDIR bit.
if (chmod(unencrypted_dir.c_str(), target_mode ^ S_IFDIR) != 0) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "chmod failed";
ok = false;
if (chown(unencrypted_dir.c_str(), 0, 0) != 0) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "chown failed";
ok = false;
if (ok)
LOG(INFO) << "Permission changed successfully.";
// Do board specific post install stuff, if available.
bool RunBoardPostInstall(const string& install_dir) {
int result;
string script = install_dir + "/usr/sbin/board-postinst";
if (access(script.c_str(), X_OK)) {
return true;
result = RunCommand({script, install_dir});
if (result)
LOG(ERROR) << "Board post install failed, result: " << result;
LOG(INFO) << "Board post install succeeded.";
return result == 0;
// Do post install stuff.
// Install kernel, set up the proper bootable partition in
// GPT table, update firmware if necessary and possible.
// install_config defines the root, kernel and boot partitions.
bool ChromeosChrootPostinst(const InstallConfig& install_config,
int* exit_code) {
// Extract External ENVs
bool is_factory_install = getenv("IS_FACTORY_INSTALL");
bool is_recovery_install = getenv("IS_RECOVERY_INSTALL");
bool is_install = getenv("IS_INSTALL");
bool is_update = !is_factory_install && !is_recovery_install && !is_install;
// TODO(dgarrett): Remove when chromium:216338 is fixed.
// If this FS was mounted read-write, we can't do deltas from it. Mark the
// FS as such
Touch(install_config.root.mount() + "/.nodelta"); // Ignore Error on purpse
LOG(INFO) << "Set boot target to " << install_config.root.device()
<< ": Partition " << install_config.root.number() << ", Slot "
<< install_config.slot;
if (!SetImage(install_config)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "SetImage failed.";
return false;
// This cache file might be invalidated, and will be recreated on next boot.
// Error ignored, since we don't care if it didn't exist to start with.
string network_driver_cache = "/var/lib/preload-network-drivers";
LOG(INFO) << "Clearing network driver boot cache: " << network_driver_cache;
LOG(INFO) << "Syncing filesystems before changing boot order...";
LOG(INFO) << "Updating Partition Table Attributes using CgptManager...";
CgptManager cgpt_manager;
int result = cgpt_manager.Initialize(install_config.root.base_device());
if (result != kCgptSuccess) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to initialize CgptManager().";
return false;
result = cgpt_manager.SetHighestPriority(install_config.kernel.number());
if (result != kCgptSuccess) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to set highest priority for kernel: "
<< install_config.kernel.number();
return false;
// If it's not an update, pre-mark the first boot as successful
// since we can't fall back on the old install.
bool new_kern_successful = !is_update;
result = cgpt_manager.SetSuccessful(install_config.kernel.number(),
if (result != kCgptSuccess) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to set successful to " << new_kern_successful
<< " for kernel: " << install_config.kernel.number();
return false;
int numTries = 6;
result =
cgpt_manager.SetNumTriesLeft(install_config.kernel.number(), numTries);
if (result != kCgptSuccess) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to set NumTriesLeft to " << numTries
<< " for kernel: " << install_config.kernel.number();
return false;
LOG(INFO) << "Updated kernel " << install_config.kernel.number()
<< " with Successful: " << new_kern_successful
<< " and NumTriesLeft: " << numTries;
// At this point in the script, the new partition has been marked bootable
// and a reboot will boot into it. Thus, it's important that any future
// errors in this script do not cause this script to return failure unless
// in factory mode.
// We have a new image, making the ureadahead pack files
// out-of-date. Delete the files so that ureadahead will
// regenerate them on the next reboot.
// WARNING: This doesn't work with upgrade from USB, rather than full
// install/recovery. We don't have support for it as it'll increase the
// complexity here, and only developers do upgrade from USB.
if (!RemovePackFiles("/var/lib/ureadahead")) {
LOG(ERROR) << "RemovePackFiles Failed.";
// Create a file indicating that the install is completed. The file
// will be used in /sbin/chromeos_startup to run tasks on the next boot.
// See comments above about removing ureadahead files.
string install_completed = string(kStatefulMount) + "/.install_completed";
if (!Touch(install_completed)) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Touch(" << install_completed.c_str() << ") failed.";
// If present, remove firmware checking completion file to force a disk
// firmware check at reboot.
string disk_fw_check_complete =
string(kStatefulMount) +
if (!is_factory_install &&
!RunBoardPostInstall(install_config.root.mount())) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to perform board specific post install script.";
return false;
// In postinst in future, we may provide an option (ex, --update_firmware).
string firmware_tag_file =
(install_config.root.mount() + "/root/.force_update_firmware");
bool attempt_firmware_update =
(!is_factory_install && (access(firmware_tag_file.c_str(), 0) == 0));
// In factory process, firmware is either pre-flashed or assigned by
// mini-omaha server, and we don't want to try updates inside postinst.
if (attempt_firmware_update) {
base::FilePath fspm_main;
if (CreateTemporaryFile(&fspm_main))
*exit_code = FirmwareUpdate(install_config.root.mount(), is_update);
if (*exit_code == 0) {
base::FilePath fspm_next;
if (CreateTemporaryFile(&fspm_next))
if (SlowBootNotifyRequired(fspm_main, fspm_next)) {
base::FilePath slow_boot_req_file(string(kStatefulMount) +
if (WriteFile(slow_boot_req_file, "1", 1) != 1)
PLOG(ERROR) << "Unable to write to file:"
<< slow_boot_req_file.value();
} else {
// Note: This will only rollback the ChromeOS verified boot target.
// The assumption is that systems running firmware autoupdate
// are not running legacy (non-ChromeOS) firmware. If the firmware
// updater crashes or writes corrupt data rather than gracefully
// failing, we'll probably need to recover with a recovery image.
LOG(INFO) << "Rolling back update due to failure installing required "
<< "firmware.";
// In all these checks below, we continue even if there's a failure
// so as to cleanup as much as possible.
new_kern_successful = false;
bool rollback_successful = true;
result = cgpt_manager.SetSuccessful(install_config.kernel.number(),
if (result != kCgptSuccess) {
rollback_successful = false;
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to set successful to " << new_kern_successful
<< " for kernel: " << install_config.kernel.number();
numTries = 0;
result = cgpt_manager.SetNumTriesLeft(install_config.kernel.number(),
if (result != kCgptSuccess) {
rollback_successful = false;
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to set NumTriesLeft to " << numTries
<< " for kernel: " << install_config.kernel.number();
int priority = 0;
result =
cgpt_manager.SetPriority(install_config.kernel.number(), priority);
if (result != kCgptSuccess) {
rollback_successful = false;
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to set Priority to " << priority
<< " for kernel: " << install_config.kernel.number();
if (rollback_successful)
LOG(INFO) << "Successfully updated GPT with all settings to rollback.";
return false;
// Don't modify Cr50 in factory.
if (!is_factory_install) {
// Check the device state to determine if the board id should be set.
if (RunCr50Script(install_config.root.mount(), "",
"check_device")) {
LOG(INFO) << "Skip setting board id";
} else {
// Set the board id with unknown phase.
result = RunCr50Script(install_config.root.mount(),
"", "unknown");
// cr50 set board id failure is not a reason to interrupt installation.
if (result)
LOG(ERROR) << "ignored: cr50-set-board-id failure: " << result;
result = RunCr50Script(install_config.root.mount(), "",
// cr50 update failure is not a reason for interrupting installation.
if (result)
LOG(WARNING) << "ignored: cr50-update failure: " << result;
LOG(INFO) << "cr50 setup complete.";
if (cgpt_manager.Finalize()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to write GPT changes back.";
return false;
printf("ChromeosChrootPostinst complete\n");
return true;
} // namespace
bool RunPostInstall(const string& install_dev,
const string& install_dir,
BiosType bios_type,
int* exit_code) {
InstallConfig install_config;
if (!ConfigureInstall(install_dev, install_dir, bios_type, &install_config)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Configure failed.";
return false;
// Log how we are configured.
LOG(INFO) << "PostInstall Configured: " << install_config.slot.c_str() << ", "
<< install_config.root.device() << ", "
<< install_config.kernel.device() << ", "
<< install_config.boot.device();
string uname;
if (GetKernelInfo(&uname)) {
LOG(INFO) << "Current Kernel Info: " << uname.c_str();
string lsb_contents;
// If we can read the lsb-release we are updating TO, log it
if (base::ReadFileToString(
&lsb_contents)) {
LOG(INFO) << "lsb-release inside the new rootfs:\n" << lsb_contents.c_str();
if (!ChromeosChrootPostinst(install_config, exit_code)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "PostInstall Failed.";
return false;
LOG(INFO) << "Syncing filesystem at end of postinst...";
// Sync doesn't appear to sync out cgpt changes, so
// let them flush themselves. (chromium-os:35992)
// If we are installing to a ChromeOS Bios, we are done.
if (install_config.bios_type == kBiosTypeSecure)
return true;
if (!base::CreateDirectory(base::FilePath(install_config.boot.mount()))) {
return false;
if (RunCommand({"/bin/mount", install_config.boot.device(),
install_config.boot.mount()}) != 0) {
return false;
bool success = true;
switch (install_config.bios_type) {
case kBiosTypeUnknown:
case kBiosTypeSecure:
LOG(ERROR) << "Unexpected BiosType: " << install_config.bios_type;
success = false;
case kBiosTypeUBoot:
// The Arm platform only uses U-Boot, but may set cros_legacy to mean
// U-Boot without secure boot modifications. This may need handling.
if (!RunLegacyUBootPostInstall(install_config)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Legacy PostInstall failed.";
success = false;
case kBiosTypeLegacy:
if (!RunLegacyPostInstall(install_config)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Legacy PostInstall failed.";
success = false;
case kBiosTypeEFI:
if (!RunEfiPostInstall(install_config)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "EFI PostInstall failed.";
success = false;
if (RunCommand({"/bin/umount", install_config.boot.device()}) != 0)
success = false;
return success;