blob: a82ef9f56cf26d218498804e8329d3a80fcbc107 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Unittests for gnlint."""
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import sys
import unittest
import gnlint
# Find chromite!
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)),
'..', '..', '..'))
# pylint: disable=wrong-import-position
from chromite.lib import commandline
from chromite.lib import cros_logging as logging
from chromite.lib import cros_test_lib
from chromite.lib import osutils
# pylint: enable=wrong-import-position
class LintTestCase(cros_test_lib.TestCase):
"""Helper for running linters."""
def _CheckLinter(self, functor, inputs, is_bad_input=True):
"""Make sure |functor| rejects or accepts every input in |inputs|."""
# First run a sanity check.
ret = functor(self.STUB_DATA)
self.assertEqual(ret, [])
# Then run through all the bad inputs.
for x in inputs:
ret = functor(x)
if is_bad_input:
self.assertNotEqual(ret, [])
self.assertEqual(ret, [])
class UtilityTests(cros_test_lib.MockTestCase):
"""Tests for utility funcs."""
def testFilterFiles(self):
"""Check filtering of files based on extension works."""
exp = [
files = [
extensions = set(('gn', 'gni'))
result = sorted(gnlint.FilterFiles(files, extensions))
self.assertEqual(result, exp)
def testGetParser(self):
"""Make sure it doesn't crash."""
parser = gnlint.GetParser()
self.assertTrue(isinstance(parser, commandline.ArgumentParser))
def testMain(self):
"""Make sure it doesn't crash."""
def testMainErrors(self):
"""Make sure outputting results doesn't crash."""
self.PatchObject(gnlint, 'CheckGnFile', return_value=[
gnlint.LintResult('LintFunc', '', 'msg!', logging.ERROR),
class FilesystemUtilityTests(cros_test_lib.MockTempDirTestCase):
"""Tests for utility funcs that access the filesystem."""
@unittest.skipIf(not os.path.exists(gnlint.GetGnPath()),
'Skipping since gn is not available:')
def testCheckGnFile(self):
"""Check CheckGnFile tails down correctly."""
content = '# gn file\n'
gnfile = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'asdf')
osutils.WriteFile(gnfile, content)
ret = gnlint.CheckGnFile(gnfile)
self.assertEqual(ret, [])
@unittest.skipIf(not os.path.exists(gnlint.GetGnPath()),
'Skipping since gn is not available:')
def testGnFileOption(self):
"""Check CheckGnFile processes file options correctly."""
static_library_with_visibility_flag = (
'static_library("a") {\n'
' cflags = [ "-fvisibility=default" ]\n'
gn_options = '#gnlint: disable=GnLintVisibilityFlags\n'
gnfile = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'asdf')
osutils.WriteFile(gnfile, static_library_with_visibility_flag)
ret = gnlint.CheckGnFile(gnfile)
self.assertEqual(len(ret), 1)
osutils.WriteFile(gnfile, gn_options+static_library_with_visibility_flag)
ret = gnlint.CheckGnFile(gnfile)
self.assertEqual(ret, [])
@unittest.skipIf(not os.path.exists(gnlint.GetGnPath()),
'Skipping since gn is not available:')
def testCheckFormatDetectError(self):
"""Check CheckGnFile detects non-standard format."""
content = 'executable("foo"){\n}\n' # no space after ')'
gnfile = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'asdf')
osutils.WriteFile(gnfile, content)
ret = gnlint.CheckGnFile(gnfile)
self.assertEqual(len(ret), 1)
def testFilterPaths(self):
"""Check filtering of files in subdirs."""
subfile = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'a/b/')
osutils.Touch(subfile, makedirs=True)
subdir = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'src')
for f in ('blah.gni', 'Makefile', ''):
osutils.Touch(os.path.join(subdir, f), makedirs=True)
exp = sorted([
os.path.join(subdir, 'blah.gni'),
paths = [
extensions = set(('gn', 'gni'))
result = sorted(gnlint.FilterPaths(paths, extensions))
self.assertEqual(result, exp)
def CreateTestData(flag_name, operator, value):
"""Creates a dictionary for testing simple assignment in a static_library."""
# static_library("my_static_library") {
# <flag_name> <operator> [ <value> ]
# }
# for example, when flag_name='cflags', operator='+=', value='"-lfoo"',
# the result stands for a gn file like this:
# static_library("my_static_library") {
# cflags += [ "-lfoo" ]
# }
if not isinstance(value, list):
value = [value]
value_list = []
for item in value:
value_list.append({'type': 'LITERAL', 'value': item})
return {
'child': [{
'child': [{
'child': [{
'type': 'LITERAL',
'value': '\"my_static_library\"'
'type': 'LIST'
}, {
'child': [{
'child': [{
'type': 'IDENTIFIER',
'value': flag_name
}, {
'child': value_list,
'type': 'LIST'
'type': 'BINARY',
'value': operator
'type': 'BLOCK'
'type': 'FUNCTION',
'value': 'static_library'
'type': 'BLOCK'
class GnLintTests(LintTestCase):
"""Tests of various gn linters."""
STUB_DATA = {'type': 'BLOCK'}
def testGnLintLibFlags(self):
"""Verify GnLintLibFlags catches bad inputs."""
self._CheckLinter(gnlint.GnLintLibFlags, [
CreateTestData('ldflags', '=', '-lfoo'),
CreateTestData('ldflags', '+=', '-lfoo'),
CreateTestData('ldflags', '-=', '-lfoo'),
def testGnLintVisibilityFlags(self):
"""Verify GnLintVisibilityFlags catches bad inputs."""
self._CheckLinter(gnlint.GnLintVisibilityFlags, [
CreateTestData('cflags', '=', '"-fvisibility"'),
CreateTestData('cflags', '+=', '"-fvisibility"'),
CreateTestData('cflags', '-=', '"-fvisibility=default"'),
CreateTestData('cflags_c', '-=', '"-fvisibility=hidden"'),
CreateTestData('cflags_cc', '-=', '"-fvisibility=internal"'),
def testGnLintDefineFlags(self):
"""Verify GnLintDefineFlags catches bad inputs."""
self._CheckLinter(gnlint.GnLintDefineFlags, [
CreateTestData('cflags', '=', '"-D_FLAG"'),
CreateTestData('cflags', '+=', '"-D_FLAG"'),
CreateTestData('cflags', '-=', '"-D_FLAG=1"'),
CreateTestData('cflags_c', '=', '"-D_FLAG=0"'),
CreateTestData('cflags_cc', '=', '"-D_FLAG=\"something\""'),
def testGnLintCommonTesting(self):
"""Verify GnLintCommonTesting catches bad inputs."""
self._CheckLinter(gnlint.GnLintCommonTesting, [
CreateTestData('libs', '=', '"gmock"'),
CreateTestData('libs', '=', '"gtest"'),
CreateTestData('libs', '=', ['"gmock"', '"gtest"'])
def testGnLintStaticSharedLibMixing(self):
"""Verify GnLintStaticSharedLibMixing catches bad inputs."""
# static_library("static_pie") {
# configs += [ "//common-mk:pie" ]
# }
# shared_library("shared") {
# deps = [ ":static_pie" ]
# }
self._CheckLinter(gnlint.GnLintStaticSharedLibMixing, [{
'child': [{
'child': [{
'child': [{
'type': 'LITERAL',
'value': '\"static_pie\"'
'type': 'LIST'
}, {
'child': [{
'child': [{
'type': 'IDENTIFIER',
'value': 'configs'
}, {
'child': [{
'type': 'LITERAL',
'value': '\"//common-mk:pie\"'
'type': 'LIST'
'type': 'BINARY',
'value': '+='
'type': 'BLOCK'
'type': 'FUNCTION',
'value': 'static_library'
}, {
'child': [{
'child': [{
'type': 'LITERAL',
'value': '\"shared\"'
'type': 'LIST'
}, {
'child': [{
'child': [{
'type': 'IDENTIFIER',
'value': 'deps'
}, {
'child': [{
'type': 'LITERAL',
'value': '\":static_pie\"'
'type': 'LIST'
'type': 'BINARY',
'value': '='
'type': 'BLOCK'
'type': 'FUNCTION',
'value': 'shared_library'
'type': 'BLOCK'
# Negative test case which makes linked library PIC. Should be accepted.
# static_library("static_pic") {
# configs += [ "//common-mk:pic" ]
# configs -= [ "//common-mk:pie" ]
# }
# shared_library("shared") {
# deps = [ ":static_pic" ]
# }
self._CheckLinter(gnlint.GnLintStaticSharedLibMixing, [{
'child': [{
'child': [{
'child': [{
'type': 'LITERAL',
'value': '\"static_pic\"'
'type': 'LIST'
}, {
'child': [{
'child': [{
'type': 'IDENTIFIER',
'value': 'configs'
}, {
'child': [{
'type': 'LITERAL',
'value': '\"//common-mk:pic\"'
'type': 'LIST'
'type': 'BINARY',
'value': '+='
}, {
'child': [{
'type': 'IDENTIFIER',
'value': 'configs'
}, {
'child': [{
'type': 'LITERAL',
'value': '\"//common-mk:pie\"'
'type': 'LIST'
'type': 'BINARY',
'value': '-='
'type': 'BLOCK'
'type': 'FUNCTION',
'value': 'static_library'
}, {
'child': [{
'child': [{
'type': 'LITERAL',
'value': '\"shared\"'
'type': 'LIST'
}, {
'child': [{
'child': [{
'type': 'IDENTIFIER',
'value': 'deps'
}, {
'child': [{
'type': 'LITERAL',
'value': '\":static_pic\"'
'type': 'LIST'
'type': 'BINARY',
'value': '='
'type': 'BLOCK'
'type': 'FUNCTION',
'value': 'shared_library'
'type': 'BLOCK'
}], is_bad_input=False)
def testGnLintSourceFileNames(self):
"""Verify GnLintSourceFileNames catches bad inputs."""
self._CheckLinter(gnlint.GnLintSourceFileNames, [
CreateTestData('sources', '=', 'foo_unittest.c'),
CreateTestData('sources', '=', ''),
CreateTestData('sources', '=', 'foo_unittest.h'),
def testGnLintPkgConfigs(self):
"""Verify GnLintPkgConfigs catches bad inputs."""
self._CheckLinter(gnlint.GnLintPkgConfigs, [
CreateTestData('libs', '=', 'z'),
CreateTestData('libs', '=', 'ssl'),
def testGnLintOrderingWithinTarget(self):
"""Verify GnLintOrderingWithinTarget catches bad inputs."""
# static_library("my_static_library") {
# configs = [ "foo" ]
# sources = [ "bar" ]
# }
self._CheckLinter(gnlint.GnLintOrderingWithinTarget, [{
'child': [{
'child': [{
'child': [{
'type': 'LITERAL',
'value': '\"my_static_library\"'
'type': 'LIST'
}, {
'child': [{
'child': [{
'type': 'IDENTIFIER',
'value': 'configs'
}, {
'child': ['foo'],
'type': 'LIST'
'type': 'BINARY',
'value': '='
}, {
'child': [{
'type': 'IDENTIFIER',
'value': 'sources'
}, {
'child': ['bar'],
'type': 'LIST'
'type': 'BINARY',
'value': '='
'type': 'BLOCK'
'type': 'FUNCTION',
'value': 'static_library'
'type': 'BLOCK'
# static_library("my_static_library") {
# sources = [ "foo" ]
# configs = [ "bar" ]
# }
self._CheckLinter(gnlint.GnLintOrderingWithinTarget, [{
'child': [{
'child': [{
'child': [{
'type': 'LITERAL',
'value': '\"my_static_library\"'
'type': 'LIST'
}, {
'child': [{
'child': [{
'type': 'IDENTIFIER',
'value': 'sources'
}, {
'child': ['foo'],
'type': 'LIST'
'type': 'BINARY',
'value': '='
}, {
'child': [{
'type': 'IDENTIFIER',
'value': 'configs'
}, {
'child': ['bar'],
'type': 'LIST'
'type': 'BINARY',
'value': '='
'type': 'BLOCK'
'type': 'FUNCTION',
'value': 'static_library'
'type': 'BLOCK'
}], is_bad_input=False)
if __name__ == '__main__':