blob: b667002f8ca3cdd0ba0673d90c25c8425a4d1dfe [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include <atomic>
#include <deque>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <queue>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <hardware/camera3.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <base/synchronization/lock.h>
#include <camera/camera_metadata.h>
#include <system/camera_metadata.h>
#include "common/utils/common_types.h"
#include "cros-camera/camera_buffer_manager.h"
namespace cros {
namespace tests {
class ZslBufferManagerTest;
class ZslHelperTest;
} // namespace tests
struct ZslBuffer {
explicit ZslBuffer(uint32_t frame_number,
const camera3_stream_buffer_t& buffer);
// The frame number associated with this buffer.
uint32_t frame_number;
// Metadata of this buffer.
android::CameraMetadata metadata;
// The underlying stream buffer for this buffer.
camera3_stream_buffer_t buffer;
// Whether all metadata have been returned.
bool metadata_ready;
// Whether the buffer has been returned.
bool buffer_ready;
// Whether buffer is selected for reprocessing. selected is false by default,
// and true when the buffer is selected. All buffers that are not selected
// are freed when popped out.
bool selected;
class ZslBufferManager {
virtual ~ZslBufferManager();
// Initializes a ZSL buffer manager with a pool size of |pool_size| and
// output stream set to |output_stream|.
virtual bool Initialize(size_t pool_size,
const camera3_stream_t* output_stream);
// Releases all previously-allocated buffers.
void Reset();
// Gets a buffer from the buffer pool.
virtual buffer_handle_t* GetBuffer();
// Releases a buffer to the buffer pool.
virtual bool ReleaseBuffer(buffer_handle_t buffer_to_release);
friend class tests::ZslBufferManagerTest;
// Set the CameraBufferManager used for testing. Should be called before
// ZslBufferManager::Initialize().
void SetCameraBufferManagerForTesting(CameraBufferManager* buffer_manager);
// Whether manager is initialized. True if all buffers in buffer pool have
// been successfully allocated.
std::atomic<bool> initialized_;
// The buffer manager that allocates and frees the buffer handles.
CameraBufferManager* buffer_manager_;
// The buffer pool that stores all the buffers previously allocated. The size
// of the vector is constant to ensure all buffer_handle_t* stay constant.
std::vector<buffer_handle_t> buffer_pool_;
// Stores all the free buffers available for use.
std::queue<buffer_handle_t*> free_buffers_;
// A mapping from buffer_handle_t to the buffer_handle_t* pointing to the
// corresponding entry in |buffer_pool_|.
std::map<buffer_handle_t, buffer_handle_t*> buffer_to_buffer_pointer_map_;
// The lock that protects all buffer pool structures (|buffer_pool_|,
// |free_buffers_|, |buffer_to_buffer_pointer_map_|.
base::Lock buffer_pool_lock_;
// The ZSL output stream.
const camera3_stream_t* output_stream_;
class ZslHelper {
static const int kZslSyncWaitTimeoutMs = 3;
static const int64_t kZslDefaultLookbackNs = 420'000'000; // 420ms
static const int64_t kZslLookbackLengthNs = 150'000'000; // 150ms
enum {
enum {
enum SelectionStrategy { LAST_SUBMITTED, CLOSEST, CLOSEST_3A };
using ZslBufferIterator = std::deque<ZslBuffer>::iterator;
// Updates the static metadata of the camera device if we can attempt to
// enable our in-house ZSL solution for it. It checks whether or not the
// device already supports ZSL, and checks for private processing capability
// if not.
static bool TryAddEnableZslKey(android::CameraMetadata* metadata);
// Initialize static metadata and ZSL ring buffer.
explicit ZslHelper(const camera_metadata_t* static_info);
// Attaches the ZSL bidirectional stream to the stream configuration.
bool AttachZslStream(camera3_stream_configuration_t* stream_list,
std::vector<camera3_stream_t*>* streams);
// Resets the states of ZSL and releases all buffers from prior sessions.
// Should be called during ConfigureStreams().
bool Initialize(const camera3_stream_configuration_t* stream_list);
// Processes a capture request by either attaching a RAW output buffer (for
// queueing the ZSL ring buffer) or transforming the request by adding a RAW
// input stream.
bool ProcessZslCaptureRequest(
camera3_capture_request_t* request,
std::vector<camera3_stream_buffer_t>* output_buffers,
internal::ScopedCameraMetadata* settings,
SelectionStrategy strategy = CLOSEST_3A);
// Merges ZSL metadata and mark buffer as ready to be submitted.
void ProcessZslCaptureResult(
const camera3_capture_result_t* result,
const camera3_stream_buffer_t** attached_output,
const camera3_stream_buffer_t** transformed_input);
friend class tests::ZslHelperTest;
// Whether we can enable ZSL with the list of streams being configured.
bool CanEnableZsl(std::vector<camera3_stream_t*>* streams);
// Whether ZSL is enabled for this capture request.
// Note that this function deletes the ANDROID_CONTROL_ENABLE_ZSL if
// delete_entry is true.
bool IsZslRequested(camera_metadata_t* settings);
// Whether this buffer belongs to an attached ZSL request.
bool IsAttachedZslBuffer(const camera3_stream_buffer_t* buffer);
// Whether this buffer belongs to a transformed ZSL request.
bool IsTransformedZslBuffer(const camera3_stream_buffer_t* buffer);
// See if the oldest buffers can be released back to buffer pool.
void TryReleaseBuffer();
// Attaches ZSL output buffer into the request.
void AttachRequest(camera3_capture_request_t* request,
std::vector<camera3_stream_buffer_t>* output_buffers);
// Transforms a simple capture request into a reprocessing request.
bool TransformRequest(camera3_capture_request_t* request,
internal::ScopedCameraMetadata* settings,
SelectionStrategy strategy = CLOSEST_3A);
// Wait for the release fence on an attached ZSL output buffer. This function
// is called after the attached buffer for |frame_number| is returned. After
// |release_fence| is signalled, we'll mark the corresponding ZSL buffer as
// ready.
void WaitAttachedFrame(uint32_t frame_number, int release_fence);
void WaitAttachedFrameOnFenceSyncThread(uint32_t frame_number,
int release_fence);
// Releases this stream buffer and the buffer handle underneath.
void ReleaseStreamBuffer(camera3_stream_buffer_t buffer);
void ReleaseStreamBufferOnFenceSyncThread(camera3_stream_buffer_t buffer);
// Whether capability is supported.
bool IsCapabilitySupported(const camera_metadata_t* static_info,
uint8_t capability);
// Determines the size of the RAW stream for private reprocessing.
bool SelectZslStreamSize(const camera_metadata_t* static_info,
uint32_t* bi_width,
uint32_t* bi_height,
int64_t* min_frame_duration);
// Selects the best ZSL buffer for reprocessing from the ZSL ring buffer.
ZslBufferIterator SelectZslBuffer(SelectionStrategy strategy);
// Gets the current timestamp with the source from |timestamp_source_|.
int64_t GetCurrentTimestamp();
// Whether this buffer is 3A-converged (AE, AF, AWB).
bool Is3AConverged(const android::CameraMetadata& android_metadata);
// Sets the ZslBufferManager used for testing. Should be called before
// ZslHelper::Initialize().
void SetZslBufferManagerForTesting(
std::unique_ptr<ZslBufferManager> zsl_buffer_manager);
// Overrides the current timestamp for testing.
void OverrideCurrentTimestampForTesting(int64_t timestamp);
// The actual ZSL stream.
std::unique_ptr<camera3_stream_t> bi_stream_;
int64_t bi_stream_min_frame_duration_;
uint32_t bi_stream_max_buffers_;
// The duration of time ZSL should go back to find a raw buffer to be sent for
// private reprocessing. It's currently configured in chromeos-config but
// might be moved to CameraConfig in the future.
int64_t zsl_lookback_ns_;
// Manages the buffer used for ZSL, essentially a buffer pool.
std::unique_ptr<ZslBufferManager> zsl_buffer_manager_;
// ZSL ring buffer stores the buffer handles, their status (e.g., processed,
// chosen) and their corresponding metadata.
std::deque<ZslBuffer> ring_buffer_;
// Lock to protect |ring_buffer_|.
base::Lock ring_buffer_lock_;
// A thread that asynchornously waits for release fences and releases buffers
// to ZSL Buffer Manager.
base::Thread fence_sync_thread_;
int32_t partial_result_count_;
int32_t max_num_input_streams_;
camera_metadata_enum_android_sensor_info_timestamp_source_t timestamp_source_;
// Overridden timestamp for testing.
int64_t override_current_timestamp_for_testing_;
} // namespace cros