blob: 5b50bf4f497335f07180a60d8bccba623c742273 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// TODO(garnold) Much of the functionality in this module was adapted from the
// update engine's connection_manager. We need to make sure to deprecate use of
// connection manager when the time comes.
#include <string>
#include <base/time/time.h>
#include "update_engine/clock_interface.h"
#include "update_engine/dbus_wrapper_interface.h"
#include "update_engine/update_manager/generic_variables.h"
#include "update_engine/update_manager/shill_provider.h"
using chromeos_update_engine::ClockInterface;
using chromeos_update_engine::DBusWrapperInterface;
namespace chromeos_update_manager {
// ShillProvider concrete implementation.
class RealShillProvider : public ShillProvider {
RealShillProvider(DBusWrapperInterface* dbus, ClockInterface* clock)
: dbus_(dbus), clock_(clock) {}
~RealShillProvider() override;
// Initializes the provider and returns whether it succeeded.
bool Init();
Variable<bool>* var_is_connected() override {
return &var_is_connected_;
Variable<ConnectionType>* var_conn_type() override {
return &var_conn_type_;
Variable<ConnectionTethering>* var_conn_tethering() override {
return &var_conn_tethering_;
Variable<base::Time>* var_conn_last_changed() override {
return &var_conn_last_changed_;
// Helper methods for converting shill strings into symbolic values.
static ConnectionType ParseConnectionType(const char* type_str);
static ConnectionTethering ParseConnectionTethering(
const char* tethering_str);
// Return a DBus proxy for a given |path| and |interface| within shill.
DBusGProxy* GetProxy(const char* path, const char* interface);
// Issues a GetProperties call through a given |proxy|, storing the result to
// |*result_p|. Returns true on success.
bool GetProperties(DBusGProxy* proxy, GHashTable** result_p);
// Process a default connection value, update last change time as needed.
bool ProcessDefaultService(GValue* value);
// A handler for manager PropertyChanged signal, and a static version.
void HandlePropertyChanged(DBusGProxy* proxy, const char* name,
GValue* value);
static void HandlePropertyChangedStatic(DBusGProxy* proxy, const char* name,
GValue* value, void* data);
// The current default service path, if connected.
std::string default_service_path_;
// The DBus interface (mockable), connection, and a shill manager proxy.
DBusWrapperInterface* const dbus_;
DBusGConnection* connection_ = nullptr;
DBusGProxy* manager_proxy_ = nullptr;
// A clock abstraction (mockable).
ClockInterface* const clock_;
// The provider's variables.
AsyncCopyVariable<bool> var_is_connected_{"is_connected"};
AsyncCopyVariable<ConnectionType> var_conn_type_{"conn_type"};
AsyncCopyVariable<ConnectionTethering> var_conn_tethering_{"conn_tethering"};
AsyncCopyVariable<base::Time> var_conn_last_changed_{"conn_last_changed"};
} // namespace chromeos_update_manager