blob: 13c3341c6dc1588d00309fd5130aa06f076ca281 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/time/time.h>
#include "update_engine/hardware_interface.h"
namespace chromeos_update_engine {
// Implements a fake hardware interface used for testing.
class FakeHardware : public HardwareInterface {
// Value used to signal that the powerwash_count file is not present. When
// this value is used in SetPowerwashCount(), GetPowerwashCount() will return
// false.
static const int kPowerwashCountNotSet = -1;
: kernel_device_("/dev/sdz4"),
kernel_devices_({"/dev/sdz2", "/dev/sdz4"}),
hardware_class_("Fake HWID BLAH-1234"),
firmware_version_("Fake Firmware v1.0.1"),
ec_version_("Fake EC v1.0a"),
powerwash_count_(kPowerwashCountNotSet) {}
// HardwareInterface methods.
std::string BootKernelDevice() const override { return kernel_device_; }
std::string BootDevice() const override { return boot_device_; }
bool IsBootDeviceRemovable() const override {
return is_boot_device_removable_;
std::vector<std::string> GetKernelDevices() const override {
return kernel_devices_;
bool IsKernelBootable(const std::string& kernel_device,
bool* bootable) const override {
auto i = is_bootable_.find(kernel_device);
*bootable = (i != is_bootable_.end()) ? i->second : true;
return true;
bool MarkKernelUnbootable(const std::string& kernel_device) override {
is_bootable_[kernel_device] = false;
return true;
bool IsOfficialBuild() const override { return is_official_build_; }
bool IsNormalBootMode() const override { return is_normal_boot_mode_; }
bool IsOOBEComplete(base::Time* out_time_of_oobe) const override {
if (out_time_of_oobe != nullptr)
*out_time_of_oobe = oobe_timestamp_;
return is_oobe_complete_;
std::string GetHardwareClass() const override { return hardware_class_; }
std::string GetFirmwareVersion() const override { return firmware_version_; }
std::string GetECVersion() const override { return ec_version_; }
int GetPowerwashCount() const override { return powerwash_count_; }
// Setters
void SetBootDevice(const std::string& boot_device) {
boot_device_ = boot_device;
void SetIsBootDeviceRemovable(bool is_boot_device_removable) {
is_boot_device_removable_ = is_boot_device_removable;
void SetIsOfficialBuild(bool is_official_build) {
is_official_build_ = is_official_build;
void SetIsNormalBootMode(bool is_normal_boot_mode) {
is_normal_boot_mode_ = is_normal_boot_mode;
// Sets the IsOOBEComplete to True with the given timestamp.
void SetIsOOBEComplete(base::Time oobe_timestamp) {
is_oobe_complete_ = true;
oobe_timestamp_ = oobe_timestamp;
// Sets the IsOOBEComplete to False.
void UnsetIsOOBEComplete() {
is_oobe_complete_ = false;
void SetHardwareClass(std::string hardware_class) {
hardware_class_ = hardware_class;
void SetFirmwareVersion(std::string firmware_version) {
firmware_version_ = firmware_version;
void SetECVersion(std::string ec_version) {
ec_version_ = ec_version;
void SetPowerwashCount(int powerwash_count) {
powerwash_count_ = powerwash_count;
std::string kernel_device_;
std::string boot_device_;
bool is_boot_device_removable_;
std::vector<std::string> kernel_devices_;
std::map<std::string, bool> is_bootable_;
bool is_official_build_;
bool is_normal_boot_mode_;
bool is_oobe_complete_;
base::Time oobe_timestamp_;
std::string hardware_class_;
std::string firmware_version_;
std::string ec_version_;
int powerwash_count_;
} // namespace chromeos_update_engine