blob: 34b74e9126df57c2d453f647c0aec1fdda076668 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Utility class for analyzing sommelier buffer statistics."""
import argparse
from collections import defaultdict
import sys
class Action(object):
"""Hold data about sommelier buffer operations."""
__slots__ = ('type', 'bid', 'time')
def __init__(self, action_type, bid, time):
self.type = action_type = bid
self.time = time
class Stats:
"""For processing text files of sommelier data and printing their stats."""
def __init__(self):
self.surfaces = defaultdict(list)
self.bid_sid = {}
self.sid_bid = {}
def read(self, filename):
"""Read in a sommelier-timing output file for later processing.
Sample file:
Event, Type, Surface_ID, Buffer_ID, Time # header line 1
0 surface_attach 12 23 1612345678.987654321 # line 2
1 surface_commit 12 -1 1612345678.987654325 # lines 3, 4, ...
Run sommelier with the timing-filename option to generate an event log:
sommelier -X --glamor --trace-system \
--timing-filename=out.txt glxgears &
filename (string): The path to the buffer time data.
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
# Skip the header line.
for line in f:
[_, action_type, sid, bid, timestamp] = line.split()
except ValueError:
sid = int(sid)
bid = int(bid)
# use dictionary history to fill missing ids
if sid != -1 and bid != -1:
self.sid_bid[sid] = bid
self.bid_sid[bid] = sid
elif sid in self.sid_bid:
bid = self.sid_bid[sid]
elif bid in self.bid_sid:
sid = self.bid_sid[bid]
# convert string time into floating point time
time = float(timestamp)
self.surfaces[sid].append(Action(action_type, bid, time))
def add(self, durr, tot, err):
"""Kahan sum function to reduce floating point error.
durr (float): The elapsed time between two actions.
tot (float): The summed total of elapsed times.
err (float): The accumulated error.
tot (int): the new summed total of elapsed times.
err (int): the new accumulated error.
y = durr - err
t = tot + y
err = (t - tot) - y
tot = t
return tot, err
def add_acr(self, sid, time, acr, idx):
"""Update the sum/total, error, and count of each action type.
sid (int): the id of the surface to display stats for.
time (float): the time the current action to place.
acr (dict): A dicitionary containing numerical info on accumulated stats.
idx (dict): A dictionary containing the last index of an action
for action, pos in idx.items():
if pos is not None:
prev_time = self.surfaces[sid][pos].time
x = action[0] # use first letter of action type in key names
tot, err = self.add(time - prev_time, acr[x], acr[x + 'err'])
acr[x] = tot
acr[x + 'err'] = err
acr[x + '_count'] += 1
def print_stats(self, sid):
"""Print the average times between calls to a surface.
sid (int): the id of the surface to display stats for.
# to_attach - a dict used in calculating summed difference from any other
# call (a, c, r) to an "attach" call.
# a - attach, c - commit, r - release
# aerr - accumulated numerical error from summing differences.
# a_count - count of attach-attach differences so far.
to_attach = {
'a': 0, 'aerr': 0, 'a_count': 0,
'c': 0, 'cerr': 0, 'c_count': 0,
'r': 0, 'rerr': 0, 'r_count': 0,
to_commit = {
'a': 0, 'aerr': 0, 'a_count': 0,
'c': 0, 'cerr': 0, 'c_count': 0,
'r': 0, 'rerr': 0, 'r_count': 0,
to_release = {
'a': 0, 'aerr': 0, 'a_count': 0,
'c': 0, 'cerr': 0, 'c_count': 0,
'r': 0, 'rerr': 0, 'r_count': 0,
# idx stores the last index of an attach, commit, and release call.
idx = {'attach': None, 'commit': None, 'release': None}
# For every action, calculate summed difference based on its type.
# e.g. for a commit action, calculate time between it and the previous
# attach, commit, and release call using to_commit.
for i, action in enumerate(self.surfaces[sid]):
time = action.time
if action.type == 'attach':
self.add_acr(sid, time, to_attach, idx)
idx['attach'] = i
elif action.type == 'commit':
self.add_acr(sid, time, to_commit, idx)
idx['commit'] = i
elif action.type == 'release':
self.add_acr(sid, time, to_release, idx)
idx['release'] = i
print('attach-attach avg: ',
to_attach['a'] * 1000 / to_attach['a_count'], ' ms')
print('commit-attach avg: ',
to_attach['c'] * 1000 / to_attach['c_count'], ' ms')
print('release-attach avg: ',
to_attach['r'] * 1000 / to_attach['r_count'], ' ms')
print('commit-commit avg: ',
to_commit['c'] * 1000 / to_commit['c_count'], ' ms')
print('attach-commit avg: ',
to_commit['a'] * 1000 / to_commit['a_count'], ' ms')
print('release-commit avg: ',
to_commit['r'] * 1000 / to_commit['r_count'], ' ms')
print('release-release avg: ',
to_release['r'] * 1000 / to_release['r_count'], ' ms')
print('attach-release avg: ',
to_release['a'] * 1000 / to_release['a_count'], ' ms')
print('commit-release avg: ',
to_release['c'] * 1000 / to_release['c_count'], ' ms')
def main(args):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='Compute average of interprocess times')
help='the timing log file to process')
help='the id of the surface to compute averages on')
args = parser.parse_args()
log = args.file
sid = args.surface_id
stats = Stats()
# Print buffer stats for the sid with the most number of actions.
if not sid:
sid = next(iter(stats.surfaces.keys()))
for key in stats.surfaces:
if len(stats.surfaces[key]) > len(stats.surfaces[sid]):
sid = key
if __name__ == '__main__':