blob: 5807e3a2dd0be7557239eae1d56376e15d6eb974 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <base/callback.h>
#include <base/check.h>
#include <base/macros.h>
#include <base/memory/ptr_util.h>
#include <base/memory/weak_ptr.h>
#include <base/optional.h>
#include <base/synchronization/lock.h>
#include <base/threading/thread_task_runner_handle.h>
#include <base/threading/thread.h>
#include "tpm_manager/common/typedefs.h"
#include "tpm_manager/server/local_data_store.h"
#include "tpm_manager/server/passive_timer.h"
#include "tpm_manager/server/tpm_allowlist.h"
#include "tpm_manager/server/tpm_initializer.h"
#include "tpm_manager/server/tpm_manager_metrics.h"
#include "tpm_manager/server/tpm_nvram.h"
#include "tpm_manager/server/tpm_nvram_interface.h"
#include "tpm_manager/server/tpm_ownership_interface.h"
#include "tpm_manager/server/tpm_status.h"
#if USE_TPM2
#include "tpm_manager/server/tpm2_initializer_impl.h"
#include "tpm_manager/server/tpm2_nvram_impl.h"
#include "tpm_manager/server/tpm2_status_impl.h"
#include "trunks/trunks_factory.h"
#include "trunks/trunks_factory_impl.h"
#if USE_TPM1
#include "tpm_manager/server/tpm_initializer_impl.h"
#include "tpm_manager/server/tpm_nvram_impl.h"
#include "tpm_manager/server/tpm_status_impl.h"
namespace tpm_manager {
// This class implements the core tpm_manager service. All Tpm access is
// asynchronous, except for the initial setup in Initialize().
// Usage:
// std::unique_ptr<TpmManagerService> tpm_manager = new TpmManagerService();
// CHECK(tpm_manager->Initialize());
// tpm_manager->GetTpmStatus(...);
// This class runs a worker thread and delegates all calls to it. This keeps the
// public methods non-blocking while allowing complex implementation details
// with dependencies on the TPM, network, and filesystem to be coded in a more
// readable way. It also serves to serialize method execution which reduces
// complexity with TPM state.
// Tasks that run on the worker thread are bound with base::Unretained which is
// safe because the thread is owned by this class (so it is guaranteed not to
// process a task after destruction). Weak pointers are used to post replies
// back to the main thread.
class TpmManagerService : public TpmNvramInterface,
public TpmOwnershipInterface {
// If |wait_for_ownership| is set, TPM initialization will be postponed until
// an explicit TakeOwnership request is received. If |perform_preinit| is
// additionally set, TPM pre-initialization will be performed in case TPM
// initialization is postponed.
// This instance doesn't take the ownership of |local_data_store|, and it must
// be initialized and remain valid for the lifetime of this instance.
explicit TpmManagerService(bool wait_for_ownership,
bool perform_preinit,
LocalDataStore* local_data_store);
// If |wait_for_ownership| is set, TPM initialization will be postponed until
// an explicit TakeOwnership request is received. If |perform_preinit| is
// additionally set, TPM pre-initialization will be performed in case TPM
// initialization is postponed.
// Does not take ownership of |local_data_store|, |tpm_status|,
// |tpm_initializer|, |tpm_nvram|, or |tpm_manager_metrics|.
TpmManagerService(bool wait_for_ownership,
bool perform_preinit,
LocalDataStore* local_data_store,
TpmStatus* tpm_status,
TpmInitializer* tpm_initializer,
TpmNvram* tpm_nvram,
TpmManagerMetrics* tpm_manager_metrics);
TpmManagerService(const TpmManagerService&) = delete;
TpmManagerService& operator=(const TpmManagerService&) = delete;
~TpmManagerService() override;
// Performs initialization tasks. This method must be called before calling
// any other method in this class. Returns true on success.
bool Initialize();
void ReportVersionFingerprint();
// TpmOwnershipInterface methods.
void GetTpmStatus(const GetTpmStatusRequest& request,
GetTpmStatusCallback callback) override;
void GetTpmNonsensitiveStatus(
const GetTpmNonsensitiveStatusRequest& request,
GetTpmNonsensitiveStatusCallback callback) override;
void GetVersionInfo(const GetVersionInfoRequest& request,
GetVersionInfoCallback callback) override;
void GetSupportedFeatures(const GetSupportedFeaturesRequest& request,
GetSupportedFeaturesCallback callback) override;
void GetDictionaryAttackInfo(
const GetDictionaryAttackInfoRequest& request,
GetDictionaryAttackInfoCallback callback) override;
void GetRoVerificationStatus(
const GetRoVerificationStatusRequest& request,
GetRoVerificationStatusCallback callback) override;
void ResetDictionaryAttackLock(
const ResetDictionaryAttackLockRequest& request,
ResetDictionaryAttackLockCallback callback) override;
void TakeOwnership(const TakeOwnershipRequest& request,
TakeOwnershipCallback callback) override;
void RemoveOwnerDependency(const RemoveOwnerDependencyRequest& request,
RemoveOwnerDependencyCallback callback) override;
void ClearStoredOwnerPassword(
const ClearStoredOwnerPasswordRequest& request,
ClearStoredOwnerPasswordCallback callback) override;
// TpmNvramInterface methods.
void DefineSpace(const DefineSpaceRequest& request,
DefineSpaceCallback callback) override;
void DestroySpace(const DestroySpaceRequest& request,
DestroySpaceCallback callback) override;
void WriteSpace(const WriteSpaceRequest& request,
WriteSpaceCallback callback) override;
void ReadSpace(const ReadSpaceRequest& request,
ReadSpaceCallback callback) override;
void LockSpace(const LockSpaceRequest& request,
LockSpaceCallback callback) override;
void ListSpaces(const ListSpacesRequest& request,
ListSpacesCallback callback) override;
void GetSpaceInfo(const GetSpaceInfoRequest& request,
GetSpaceInfoCallback callback) override;
inline void SetOwnershipTakenCallback(OwnershipTakenCallBack callback) {
ownership_taken_callback_ = callback;
void set_dictionary_attack_reset_timer_for_testing(
const PassiveTimer& timer) {
dictionary_attack_timer_ = timer;
void set_tpm_allowlist_for_testing(TpmAllowlist* allowlist) {
tpm_allowlist_ = allowlist;
void MarkTpmStatusCacheDirty();
#if USE_TPM2
// Testing can inject a |TrunksFactory| before calling |Initialize|.
void SetTrunksFactoryForTesting(
std::unique_ptr<trunks::TrunksFactory> trunks_factory) {
// Only allows injection before initialization, otherwise resetting old
// |trunks_factory_| will make its references become dangling pointers.
CHECK(!tpm_status_ && !tpm_initializer_ && !tpm_nvram_);
trunks_factory_ = std::move(trunks_factory);
// A relay callback which allows the use of weak pointer semantics for a reply
// to TaskRunner::PostTaskAndReply.
template <typename ReplyProtobufType>
void TaskRelayCallback(
const base::OnceCallback<void(const ReplyProtobufType&)> callback,
const std::shared_ptr<ReplyProtobufType>& reply);
// This templated method posts the provided |TaskType| to the background
// thread with the provided |RequestProtobufType|. When |TaskType| finishes
// executing, the |ReplyCallbackType| is called with the |ReplyProtobufType|.
template <typename ReplyProtobufType,
typename RequestProtobufType,
typename ReplyCallbackType,
typename TaskType>
void PostTaskToWorkerThread(const RequestProtobufType& request,
ReplyCallbackType callback,
TaskType task);
// This templated method posts the provided |TaskType| to the background
// thread . When |TaskType| finishes executing, the |ReplyCallbackType| is
// called with the |ReplyProtobufType|.
template <typename ReplyProtobufType,
typename ReplyCallbackType,
typename TaskType>
void PostTaskToWorkerThreadWithoutRequest(ReplyCallbackType callback,
TaskType task);
// Synchronously initializes the TPM according to the current configuration.
// If an initialization process was interrupted it will be continued. If the
// TPM is already initialized or cannot yet be initialized, this method has no
// effect.
void InitializeTask(const std::shared_ptr<GetTpmStatusReply>& result);
void ReportSecretStatus(const LocalData& local_data);
// Updating TPM status cache and calling all pending GetTpmStatus callback.
void UpdateTpmStatusCallback(const GetTpmStatusReply& reply);
// Calling the callback which is registered by SetOwnershipTakenCallback if it
// exists.
void NotifyTpmIsOwned();
// Blocking implementation of GetTpmStatus that can be executed on the
// background worker thread.
void GetTpmStatusTask(const GetTpmStatusRequest& request,
const std::shared_ptr<GetTpmStatusReply>& result);
// Blocking implementation of GetVersionInfo that can be executed on the
// background worker thread.
void GetVersionInfoTask(const GetVersionInfoRequest& request,
const std::shared_ptr<GetVersionInfoReply>& result);
// Blocking implementation of GetSupportedFeatures that can be executed on the
// background worker thread.
void GetSupportedFeaturesTask(
const GetSupportedFeaturesRequest& request,
const std::shared_ptr<GetSupportedFeaturesReply>& result);
// Blocking implementation of GetDictionaryAttackInfo that can be executed on
// the background worker thread.
void GetDictionaryAttackInfoTask(
const GetDictionaryAttackInfoRequest& request,
const std::shared_ptr<GetDictionaryAttackInfoReply>& result);
// Blocking implementation of GetRoVerificationStatus that can be executed on
// the background worker thread.
void GetRoVerificationStatusTask(
const GetRoVerificationStatusRequest& request,
const std::shared_ptr<GetRoVerificationStatusReply>& result);
// Blocking implementation of ResetDictionaryAttackLock that can be executed
// on the background worker thread.
void ResetDictionaryAttackLockTask(
const ResetDictionaryAttackLockRequest& request,
const std::shared_ptr<ResetDictionaryAttackLockReply>& result);
// Blocking implementation of TakeOwnership that can be executed on the
// background worker thread.
void TakeOwnershipTask(const TakeOwnershipRequest& request,
const std::shared_ptr<TakeOwnershipReply>& result);
// Blocking implementation of RemoveOwnerDependency that can be executed on
// the background worker thread.
void RemoveOwnerDependencyTask(
const RemoveOwnerDependencyRequest& request,
const std::shared_ptr<RemoveOwnerDependencyReply>& result);
// Removes a |owner_dependency| from the list of owner dependencies in
// |local_data|. If |owner_dependency| is not present in |local_data|,
// this method does nothing.
static void RemoveOwnerDependencyFromLocalData(
const std::string& owner_dependency, LocalData* local_data);
// Blocking implementation of ClearStoredOwnerPassword that can be executed
// on the background worker thread.
void ClearStoredOwnerPasswordTask(
const ClearStoredOwnerPasswordRequest& request,
const std::shared_ptr<ClearStoredOwnerPasswordReply>& result);
// Blocking implementation of DefineSpace that can be executed on the
// background worker thread.
void DefineSpaceTask(const DefineSpaceRequest& request,
const std::shared_ptr<DefineSpaceReply>& result);
// Blocking implementation of DestroySpace that can be executed on the
// background worker thread.
void DestroySpaceTask(const DestroySpaceRequest& request,
const std::shared_ptr<DestroySpaceReply>& result);
// Blocking implementation of WriteSpace that can be executed on the
// background worker thread.
void WriteSpaceTask(const WriteSpaceRequest& request,
const std::shared_ptr<WriteSpaceReply>& result);
// Blocking implementation of ReadSpace that can be executed on the
// background worker thread.
void ReadSpaceTask(const ReadSpaceRequest& request,
const std::shared_ptr<ReadSpaceReply>& result);
// Blocking implementation of LockSpace that can be executed on the
// background worker thread.
void LockSpaceTask(const LockSpaceRequest& request,
const std::shared_ptr<LockSpaceReply>& result);
// Blocking implementation of ListSpaces that can be executed on the
// background worker thread.
void ListSpacesTask(const ListSpacesRequest& request,
const std::shared_ptr<ListSpacesReply>& result);
// Blocking implementation of GetSpaceInfo that can be executed on the
// background worker thread.
void GetSpaceInfoTask(const GetSpaceInfoRequest& request,
const std::shared_ptr<GetSpaceInfoReply>& result);
// Gets the owner password from local storage. Returns an empty string if the
// owner password is not available.
std::string GetOwnerPassword();
// Resets DA counter if the DA information query indicates the counter is not
// zero; returns true iff the DA counter is confirmed to be reset or no need
// for reset.
bool ResetDictionaryAttackCounterIfNeeded();
// Disables DA mitigation mechanism by TPM if it is enabled.
void DisableDictionaryAttackMitigationIfNeeded();
// This task performs the DA reset and posts itself with the delay determined
// by |dictionary_attack_timer_|.
void PeriodicResetDictionaryAttackCounterTask();
// This timer determines if the periodic DA reset should be triggered. Upon
// any source of DA reset this timer should be reset.
PassiveTimer dictionary_attack_timer_;
// Shutdown to be run on the worker thread.
void ShutdownTask();
LocalDataStore* local_data_store_;
TpmStatus* tpm_status_ = nullptr;
TpmInitializer* tpm_initializer_ = nullptr;
TpmNvram* tpm_nvram_ = nullptr;
TpmAllowlist* tpm_allowlist_ = nullptr;
TpmManagerMetrics default_tpm_manager_metrics_;
TpmManagerMetrics* tpm_manager_metrics_{nullptr};
// Cache of TPM version info, base::nullopt if cache doesn't exist.
base::Optional<GetVersionInfoReply> version_info_cache_;
// Cache of TPM supported features, base::nullopt if cache doesn't exist.
base::Optional<GetSupportedFeaturesReply> supported_features_cache_;
// Cache of TPM status.
GetTpmStatusReply get_tpm_status_cache_;
// Callback to return the pending GetTpmStatus requests.
std::vector<GetTpmStatusCallback> get_tpm_status_waiting_callbacks_;
// If |update_tpm_status_pending_| is true, which means there is a tpm status
// update pending.
bool update_tpm_status_pending_;
// If |update_tpm_status_cache_dirty_| is true, we can't use the data in
// |get_tpm_status_cache_|.
bool update_tpm_status_cache_dirty_;
// Lock for |version_info_cache_|, which might be accessed from both the main
// and worker threads.
base::Lock version_info_cache_lock_;
// Lock for |supported_features_cache_|, which might be accessed from both the
// main and worker threads.
base::Lock supported_features_cache_lock_;
// base::Thread subclass so we can implement CleanUp.
class ServiceWorkerThread : public base::Thread {
explicit ServiceWorkerThread(const std::string& name,
TpmManagerService* service)
: base::Thread(name), service_(service) {
ServiceWorkerThread(const ServiceWorkerThread&) = delete;
ServiceWorkerThread& operator=(const ServiceWorkerThread&) = delete;
~ServiceWorkerThread() override { Stop(); }
void CleanUp() override { service_->ShutdownTask(); }
TpmManagerService* const service_;
#if USE_TPM2
std::unique_ptr<trunks::TrunksFactory> trunks_factory_;
std::unique_ptr<TpmStatus> default_tpm_status_;
std::unique_ptr<TpmInitializer> default_tpm_initializer_;
std::unique_ptr<TpmNvram> default_tpm_nvram_;
std::unique_ptr<TpmAllowlist> default_tpm_allowlist_;
// Whether to clear the stored owner password automatically upon removing all
// dependencies.
bool auto_clear_stored_owner_password_ = false;
// Whether to wait for an explicit call to 'TakeOwnership' before initializing
// the TPM. Normally tracks the --wait_for_ownership command line option.
bool wait_for_ownership_;
// Whether to perform pre-initialization (where available) if initialization
// itself needs to wait for 'TakeOwnership' first.
bool perform_preinit_;
// Whether the TPM is allowed to use or not.
bool tpm_allowed_ = false;
// Origin task runner to run the task on origin thread.
scoped_refptr<base::TaskRunner> origin_task_runner_;
// Background thread to allow processing of potentially lengthy TPM requests
// in the background.
std::unique_ptr<ServiceWorkerThread> worker_thread_;
// Declared last so any weak pointers are destroyed first.
base::WeakPtrFactory<TpmManagerService> weak_factory_{this};
// Function that's called after TPM ownership is taken by tpm_initializer_.
// It's value should be set by SetOwnershipTakenCallback() before being used.
OwnershipTakenCallBack ownership_taken_callback_;
} // namespace tpm_manager