blob: e3d97c6bc0930f09c3120c9ba2ad0381ba2eec01 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "tpm_manager/server/tpm_initializer.h"
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <base/macros.h>
#include <trunks/trunks_factory.h>
#include "tpm_manager/common/typedefs.h"
#include "tpm_manager/server/local_data_store.h"
#include "tpm_manager/server/openssl_crypto_util.h"
#include "tpm_manager/server/openssl_crypto_util_impl.h"
#include "tpm_manager/server/tpm_status.h"
namespace tpm_manager {
// This class initializes a Tpm2.0 chip by taking ownership. Example use of
// this class is:
// LocalDataStore data_store;
// Tpm2StatusImpl status;
// OwnershipTakenCallBack callback;
// Tpm2InitializerImpl initializer(&data_store, &status, callback);
// initializer.InitializeTpm(&already_owned);
// If the tpm is unowned, InitializeTpm injects random owner, endorsement and
// lockout passwords, intializes the SRK with empty authorization, and persists
// the passwords to disk until all the owner dependencies are satisfied.
// The ownership taken callback must be provided when the tpm initializer is
// constructed and stay alive during the entire lifetime of the tpm initializer.
class Tpm2InitializerImpl : public TpmInitializer {
// Does not take ownership of arguments.
Tpm2InitializerImpl(const trunks::TrunksFactory& factory,
LocalDataStore* local_data_store,
TpmStatus* tpm_status);
// Does not take ownership of arguments.
Tpm2InitializerImpl(const trunks::TrunksFactory& factory,
OpensslCryptoUtil* openssl_util,
LocalDataStore* local_data_store,
TpmStatus* tpm_status);
Tpm2InitializerImpl(const Tpm2InitializerImpl&) = delete;
Tpm2InitializerImpl& operator=(const Tpm2InitializerImpl&) = delete;
~Tpm2InitializerImpl() override = default;
// TpmInitializer methods.
bool InitializeTpm(bool* already_owned) override;
bool PreInitializeTpm() override;
bool EnsurePersistentOwnerDelegate() override;
void VerifiedBootHelper() override;
DictionaryAttackResetStatus ResetDictionaryAttackLock() override;
TpmInitializerStatus DisableDictionaryAttackMitigation() override;
void PruneStoredPasswords() override;
// Seeds the onboard Tpm random number generator with random bytes from
// Openssl, if the Tpm RNG has not been seeded yet. Returns true on success.
bool SeedTpmRng();
// Gets random bytes of length |num_bytes| and populates the string at
// |random_data|. Returns true on success.
bool GetTpmRandomData(size_t num_bytes, std::string* random_data);
const trunks::TrunksFactory& trunks_factory_;
OpensslCryptoUtilImpl default_openssl_util_;
OpensslCryptoUtil* openssl_util_;
LocalDataStore* local_data_store_;
TpmStatus* tpm_status_;
} // namespace tpm_manager