blob: 02b8c458cbb8fe48ab27d28ec6d1b7feacb6cee6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "power_manager/powerd/system/suspend_configurator.h"
#include <vector>
#include <base/check.h>
#include <base/files/file_util.h>
#include <base/logging.h>
#include <base/strings/string_split.h>
#include <base/strings/string_util.h>
#include "power_manager/common/power_constants.h"
#include "power_manager/common/prefs.h"
#include "power_manager/common/util.h"
namespace power_manager {
namespace system {
namespace {
// Path to write to configure system suspend mode.
static constexpr char kSuspendModePath[] = "/sys/power/mem_sleep";
// Path to read to figure out the hibernation resume device.
// This file is absent on kernels without hibernation support.
static constexpr char kSnapshotDevicePath[] = "/dev/snapshot";
// suspend to idle (S0iX) suspend mode
static constexpr char kSuspendModeFreeze[] = "s2idle";
// shallow/standby(S1) suspend mode
static constexpr char kSuspendModeShallow[] = "shallow";
// deep sleep(S3) suspend mode
static constexpr char kSuspendModeDeep[] = "deep";
// Last resume result as reported by ChromeOS EC.
static constexpr char kECLastResumeResultPath[] =
// Bit that is set in |kECLastResumeResultPath| when EC times out waiting for AP
// s0ix transition after suspend. Please look at
// Documentation/ABI/testing/debugfs-cros-ec kernel documentation for more info.
static constexpr unsigned kECResumeResultHangBit = 1 << 31;
} // namespace
// Static.
const base::FilePath SuspendConfigurator::kConsoleSuspendPath(
void SuspendConfigurator::Init(PrefsInterface* prefs) {
prefs_ = prefs;
// TODO( Move powerd_suspend script here eventually.
void SuspendConfigurator::PrepareForSuspend(
const base::TimeDelta& suspend_duration) {
base::FilePath suspend_mode_path = base::FilePath(kSuspendModePath);
if (!base::PathExists(GetPrefixedFilePath(suspend_mode_path))) {
LOG(INFO) << "File " << kSuspendModePath
<< " does not exist. Not configuring suspend mode";
} else if (base::WriteFile(GetPrefixedFilePath(suspend_mode_path),
suspend_mode_.size()) != suspend_mode_.size()) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to write " << suspend_mode_ << " to "
<< kSuspendModePath;
} else {
LOG(INFO) << "Suspend mode configured to " << suspend_mode_;
// Do this at the end so that system spends close to |suspend_duration| in
// suspend.
if (!alarm_) {
LOG(ERROR) << "System doesn't support CLOCK_REALTIME_ALARM.";
if (suspend_duration != base::TimeDelta()) {
alarm_->Start(FROM_HERE, suspend_duration, base::DoNothing());
bool SuspendConfigurator::UndoPrepareForSuspend() {
base::FilePath resume_result_path =
unsigned resume_result = 0;
if (base::PathExists(resume_result_path) &&
util::ReadHexUint32File(resume_result_path, &resume_result) &&
resume_result & kECResumeResultHangBit) {
// EC woke the system due to SLP_S0 transition timeout.
LOG(INFO) << "Suspend failure. EC woke the system due to a timeout when "
"watching for SLP_S0 transitions";
return false;
return true;
bool SuspendConfigurator::IsHibernateAvailable() {
if (hibernate_availability_known_) {
return hibernate_available_;
base::FilePath snapshot_device_path =
// Use the existence of the snapshot device as evidence that the kernel
// is capable of doing suspend to disk.
if (base::PathExists(snapshot_device_path)) {
LOG(INFO) << "Hibernate is available";
hibernate_available_ = true;
} else {
LOG(INFO) << "Hibernate is not available on this machine";
hibernate_available_ = false;
hibernate_availability_known_ = true;
return hibernate_available_;
void SuspendConfigurator::ConfigureConsoleForSuspend() {
bool pref_val = true;
bool enable_console = true;
// Limit disabling console for S0iX to x86 (b/175428322).
#if defined(__x86_64__)
if (IsSerialConsoleEnabled()) {
// If S0iX is enabled, default to disabling console (b/63737106).
if (prefs_->GetBool(kSuspendToIdlePref, &pref_val) && pref_val)
enable_console = false;
// Overwrite the default if the pref is set.
if (prefs_->GetBool(kEnableConsoleDuringSuspendPref, &pref_val))
enable_console = pref_val;
const char console_suspend_val = enable_console ? 'N' : 'Y';
base::FilePath console_suspend_path =
if (base::WriteFile(console_suspend_path, &console_suspend_val, 1) != 1) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to write " << console_suspend_val << " to "
<< console_suspend_path.value();
LOG(INFO) << "Console during suspend is "
<< (enable_console ? "enabled" : "disabled");
void SuspendConfigurator::ReadSuspendMode() {
bool pref_val = true;
// If s2idle is enabled, we write "freeze" to "/sys/power/state". Let us also
// write "s2idle" to "/sys/power/mem_sleep" just to be safe.
if (prefs_->GetBool(kSuspendToIdlePref, &pref_val) && pref_val) {
suspend_mode_ = kSuspendModeFreeze;
} else if (prefs_->GetString(kSuspendModePref, &suspend_mode_)) {
if (suspend_mode_ != kSuspendModeDeep &&
suspend_mode_ != kSuspendModeShallow &&
suspend_mode_ != kSuspendModeFreeze) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Invalid suspend mode pref : " << suspend_mode_;
suspend_mode_ = kSuspendModeDeep;
} else {
suspend_mode_ = kSuspendModeDeep;
base::FilePath SuspendConfigurator::GetPrefixedFilePath(
const base::FilePath& file_path) const {
if (prefix_path_for_testing_.empty())
return file_path;
return prefix_path_for_testing_.Append(file_path.value().substr(1));
bool SuspendConfigurator::IsSerialConsoleEnabled() {
std::string contents;
if (!base::ReadFileToString(base::FilePath("/proc/consoles"), &contents)) {
return false;
std::vector<std::string> consoles = base::SplitString(
contents, "\n", base::TRIM_WHITESPACE, base::SPLIT_WANT_NONEMPTY);
bool rc = false;
for (const std::string& con : consoles) {
if (base::StartsWith(con, "tty", base::CompareCase::SENSITIVE)) {
rc = true;
return rc;
} // namespace system
} // namespace power_manager