blob: b233eb990c0c2b20c528950f9b19eb7f61f1a3e5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include <queue>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <base/compiler_specific.h>
#include <base/macros.h>
#include <base/memory/weak_ptr.h>
#include <base/time/time.h>
#include <base/timer/timer.h>
#include <dbus/exported_object.h>
#include <dbus/message.h>
#include "power_manager/common/power_constants.h"
#include "power_manager/powerd/policy/suspend_delay_observer.h"
#include "power_manager/powerd/system/display/display_watcher_observer.h"
#include "power_manager/powerd/system/suspend_configurator.h"
#include "power_manager/proto_bindings/suspend.pb.h"
namespace power_manager {
class Clock;
class PrefsInterface;
namespace system {
class DarkResumeInterface;
class DBusWrapperInterface;
class DisplayWatcherInterface;
class InputWatcher;
class WakeupSourceIdentifierInterface;
} // namespace system
namespace policy {
class ShutdownFromSuspendInterface;
class SuspendDelayController;
// Suspender is responsible for suspending the system.
// First, some terminology:
// - A "suspend request" refers to a request (either generated within powerd or
// originating from another process) for powerd to suspend the system. The
// request is complete after the system resumes successfully or the request is
// canceled (e.g. by user activity).
// - A "suspend attempt" refers to a single attempt by powerd to suspend the
// system by writing to /sys/power/state.
// A suspend request may result in multiple attempts: An attempt may fail and be
// retried after a brief delay, or the system may do a "dark resume" (i.e. wake
// without turning the display on), check the battery level, and then resuspend
// immediately.
// The typical flow in the simple case is as follows:
// - RequestSuspend() is called when suspending is desired.
// - StartRequest() does pre-suspend preparation and emits a SuspendImminent
// signal to announce the new suspend request to processes that have
// previously registered suspend delays via RegisterSuspendDelay().
// - OnReadyForSuspend() is called to announce that all processes have announced
// readiness via HandleSuspendReadiness().
// - Suspend() runs the powerd_suspend script to perform a suspend attempt.
// - After powerd_suspend returns successfully, FinishRequest() undoes the
// pre-suspend preparation and emits a SuspendDone signal.
// - If powerd_suspend reported failure, a timer is started to retry the suspend
// attempt.
// At any point before Suspend() has been called, user activity can cancel the
// current suspend attempt.
class Suspender : public SuspendDelayObserver,
public system::DisplayWatcherObserver {
// Information about dark resumes used for histograms.
// First value is wake reason; second is wake duration.
using DarkResumeInfo = std::pair<std::string, base::TimeDelta>;
// Interface for classes responsible for performing actions on behalf of
// Suspender. The general sequence when suspending is:
// - Suspender::StartRequest() calls PrepareToSuspend() and then notifies
// other processes that the system is about to suspend.
// - Suspender::Suspend() calls DoSuspend() to actually suspend the system.
// This may occur multiple times if the attempt fails and is retried or if
// the system wakes for dark resume and then resuspends.
// - After the suspend request is complete, Suspender::FinishRequest()
// calls UndoPrepareToSuspend().
class Delegate {
// Outcomes for a suspend attempt.
enum class SuspendResult {
// The system successfully suspended and resumed.
// The kernel reported a (possibly transient) error while suspending.
// The suspend attempt was canceled as a result of a wakeup event.
virtual ~Delegate() {}
// Returns a initial value for suspend-related IDs that's likely (but not
// guaranteed) to yield successive IDs that are unique across all of the
// powerd runs during the current boot session.
virtual int GetInitialSuspendId() = 0;
// Returns an initial value for the dark suspend IDs that's likely (but not
// guaranteed) to yield successive IDs that are unique across all of the
// powerd runs during the current boot session. Additionally, successive
// IDs generated from this value should not collide with successive IDs
// generated from the value returned by GetInitialSuspendId().
virtual int GetInitialDarkSuspendId() = 0;
// Is the lid currently closed? Returns false if the query fails or if
// the system doesn't have a lid.
virtual bool IsLidClosedForSuspend() = 0;
// Reads the current wakeup count from sysfs and stores it in
// |wakeup_count|. Returns true on success.
virtual bool ReadSuspendWakeupCount(uint64_t* wakeup_count) = 0;
// Sets state that persists across powerd restarts but not across system
// reboots to track whether a suspend requests's commencement was announced
// (the SuspendImminent signal was emitted) but its completion wasn't (the
// SuspendDone signal wasn't emitted).
virtual void SetSuspendAnnounced(bool announced) = 0;
// Gets the state previously set via SetSuspendAnnounced().
virtual bool GetSuspendAnnounced() = 0;
// Performs any work that needs to happen before other processes are
// informed that the system is about to suspend, including turning off the
// backlight and muting audio. Called by StartRequest().
virtual void PrepareToSuspend() = 0;
// Synchronously runs the powerd_suspend script to suspend the system for
// |duration|. If |wakeup_count_valid| is true, passes |wakeup_count| to the
// script so it can avoid suspending if additional wakeup events occur.
// Called by Suspend().
virtual SuspendResult DoSuspend(uint64_t wakeup_count,
bool wakeup_count_valid,
base::TimeDelta duration,
bool to_hibernate) = 0;
// Undoes the preparations performed by PrepareToSuspend(). Called by
// FinishRequest().
virtual void UndoPrepareToSuspend(bool success,
int num_suspend_attempts) = 0;
// Generates and reports metrics for wakeups in dark resume.
virtual void GenerateDarkResumeMetrics(
const std::vector<DarkResumeInfo>& dark_resume_wake_durations,
base::TimeDelta suspend_duration_) = 0;
// Shuts the system down in response to repeated failed suspend attempts.
virtual void ShutDownForFailedSuspend() = 0;
// Shuts the system down in response to the ShutdownFromSuspend determining
// the system should shut down.
virtual void ShutDownFromSuspend() = 0;
// Helper class providing functionality needed by tests.
class TestApi {
explicit TestApi(Suspender* suspender);
TestApi(const TestApi&) = delete;
TestApi& operator=(const TestApi&) = delete;
int suspend_id() const { return suspender_->suspend_request_id_; }
int dark_suspend_id() const { return suspender_->dark_suspend_id_; }
Clock* clock() const { return suspender_->clock_.get(); }
SuspendDelayController* suspend_delay_controller() const {
return suspender_->suspend_delay_controller_.get();
SuspendDelayController* dark_suspend_delay_controller() const {
return suspender_->dark_suspend_delay_controller_.get();
// Runs Suspender::HandleEvent(EVENT_READY_TO_RESUSPEND) if
// |resuspend_timer_| is running. Returns false otherwise.
bool TriggerResuspendTimeout();
void set_last_dark_resume_wake_reason(const std::string& wake_reason) {
suspender_->last_dark_resume_wake_reason_ = wake_reason;
std::string GetDefaultWakeReason() const;
Suspender* suspender_; // weak
Suspender(const Suspender&) = delete;
Suspender& operator=(const Suspender&) = delete;
~Suspender() override;
void Init(Delegate* delegate,
system::DBusWrapperInterface* dbus_wrapper,
system::DarkResumeInterface* dark_resume,
system::DisplayWatcherInterface* display_watcher,
system::WakeupSourceIdentifierInterface* wakeup_source_identifier,
policy::ShutdownFromSuspendInterface* shutdown_from_suspend,
PrefsInterface* prefs,
system::SuspendConfiguratorInterface* suspend_configurator);
// Starts the suspend process. Note that suspending happens
// asynchronously. The system will automatically resume after |duration| if it
// is non-zero.
void RequestSuspend(SuspendImminent::Reason reason,
base::TimeDelta duration,
SuspendFlavor flavor);
// Like RequestSuspend(), but aborts the suspend attempt immediately if
// the current wakeup count reported by the kernel exceeds
// |wakeup_count|. Autotests can pass an external wakeup count to ensure
// that machines in the test cluster don't sleep indefinitely (see
// TODO(chromeos-power): Delete this and add a std::optional<uint64_t> arg to
// RequestSuspend.
void RequestSuspendWithExternalWakeupCount(SuspendImminent::Reason reason,
uint64_t wakeup_count,
base::TimeDelta duration,
SuspendFlavor flavor);
// Handles events that may abort in-progress suspend attempts.
void HandleLidOpened();
void HandleUserActivity();
void HandleWakeNotification();
void HandleShutdown();
void HandleDisplayModeChange(DisplayMode mode);
// Handles the D-Bus name |name| becoming owned by |new_owner| instead of
// |old_owner|.
void HandleDBusNameOwnerChanged(const std::string& name,
const std::string& old_owner,
const std::string& new_owner);
// SuspendDelayObserver override:
void OnReadyForSuspend(SuspendDelayController* controller,
int suspend_id) override;
// DisplayWatcherObserver implementation
void OnDisplaysChanged(
const std::vector<system::DisplayInfo>& displays) override;
// States that Suspender can be in while the event loop is running.
enum class State {
// Nothing suspend-related is going on. The device isn't in dark resume in
// this state i.e. |dark_resume_->InDarkResume| has to be false.
IDLE = 0,
// powerd has announced a new suspend request to other processes and is
// waiting for clients that have registered suspend delays to report
// readiness.
// powerd is waiting to resuspend after waking into a dark resume.
// powerd is waiting to resuspend after a failed suspend attempt from normal
// or dark resume i.e.|dark_resume_->InDarkResume()| can be true in thi
// state.
// The system is shutting down. Suspend requests are ignored.
enum class Event {
// A suspend request was received.
// Clients that have registered suspend delays have all reported readiness
// (or timed out).
// User activity was reported.
// The system is ready to resuspend (after either a failed suspend attempt
// or a dark resume).
// The system is shutting down.
// A notification was created or updated.
// Display mode change was reported.
// New display observed by powerd.
// Converts |event| to a string.
static std::string EventToString(Event event);
// Called by Init() to export suspend-related D-Bus methods on
// |dbus_wrapper_|.
void ExportDBusMethods();
// D-Bus method handlers.
void RegisterSuspendDelay(
SuspendDelayController* controller,
dbus::MethodCall* method_call,
dbus::ExportedObject::ResponseSender response_sender);
void UnregisterSuspendDelay(
SuspendDelayController* controller,
dbus::MethodCall* method_call,
dbus::ExportedObject::ResponseSender response_sender);
void HandleSuspendReadiness(
SuspendDelayController* controller,
dbus::MethodCall* method_call,
dbus::ExportedObject::ResponseSender response_sender);
void RecordDarkResumeWakeReason(
dbus::MethodCall* method_call,
dbus::ExportedObject::ResponseSender response_sender);
// Performs actions and updates |state_| in response to |event|.
void HandleEvent(Event event);
// Helper method called by HandleEvent when in State::SUSPEND_DELAYS_NORMAL.
void HandleEventInWaitingForNormalSuspendDelays(Event event);
// Helper method called by HandleEvent when in
void HandleEventInDarkResumeOrRetrySuspend(Event event);
// Called by HandleEventInWaitingForNormalSuspendDelays or
// HandleEventInDarkResumeOrRetrySuspend to handle Event::USER_ACTIVITY or
// Event::WAKE_NOTIFICATION. Returns new value for |state_|.
State HandleWakeEventInSuspend(Event event);
// Starts a new suspend request, notifying clients that have registered delays
// that the system is about to suspend.
void StartRequest();
// Completes the current suspend request, undoing any work performed by
// StartRequest().
void FinishRequest(bool success, SuspendDone::WakeupType wakeup_type);
// Actually performs a suspend attempt and waits for the system to resume,
// returning a new value for |state_|.
State Suspend();
// Helper methods called by Suspend() to handle various suspend results.
State HandleNormalResume(Delegate::SuspendResult result);
State HandleDarkResume(Delegate::SuspendResult result);
// Helper method called by HandleNormalResume() or HandleDarkResume() in
// response to a failed or canceled suspend attempt.
State HandleUnsuccessfulSuspend(Delegate::SuspendResult result);
// Starts |resuspend_timer_| to send EVENT_READY_TO_RESUSPEND after |delay|.
void ScheduleResuspend(const base::TimeDelta& delay);
// Emits D-Bus signal announcing the end of a suspend request.
void EmitSuspendDoneSignal(int suspend_request_id,
const base::TimeDelta& suspend_duration,
SuspendDone::WakeupType wakeup_type);
// Emits a D-Bus signal announcing that the system will soon resuspend from
// dark resume. |dark_resume_id_| is used as the request ID.
void EmitDarkSuspendImminentSignal();
Delegate* delegate_ = nullptr; // weak
system::DBusWrapperInterface* dbus_wrapper_ = nullptr; // weak
system::DarkResumeInterface* dark_resume_ = nullptr; // weak
system::WakeupSourceIdentifierInterface* wakeup_source_identifier_ =
nullptr; // weak
policy::ShutdownFromSuspendInterface* shutdown_from_suspend_ =
nullptr; // weak
PrefsInterface* prefs_ = nullptr; // weak
std::unique_ptr<Clock> clock_;
std::unique_ptr<SuspendDelayController> suspend_delay_controller_;
std::unique_ptr<SuspendDelayController> dark_suspend_delay_controller_;
// Current state of the object, updated just before returning control to the
// event loop.
State state_ = State::IDLE;
// True if HandleEvent() is currently handling an event.
bool handling_event_ = false;
// True if HandleEvent() is currently processing |queued_events_|.
bool processing_queued_events_ = false;
// Unhandled events that were received while |handling_event_| was true.
std::queue<Event> queued_events_;
// Unique ID associated with the current suspend request.
int suspend_request_id_ = 0;
// Unique ID associated with the current dark suspend request.
int dark_suspend_id_ = 0;
// The reason that was supplied for the current suspend request.
SuspendImminent::Reason suspend_request_reason_ =
// An optional wakeup count supplied via
// RequestSuspendWithExternalWakeupCount().
bool suspend_request_supplied_wakeup_count_ = false;
uint64_t suspend_request_wakeup_count_ = 0;
base::TimeDelta suspend_duration_;
// Number of wakeup events received at the start of the current suspend
// attempt. Passed to the kernel to cancel an attempt if user activity is
// received while powerd's event loop isn't running.
uint64_t wakeup_count_ = 0;
bool wakeup_count_valid_ = false;
// The type of suspend requested.
SuspendFlavor suspend_request_flavor_ = SuspendFlavor::SUSPEND_DEFAULT;
// Boot time at which the suspend request started.
base::TimeTicks suspend_request_start_time_;
// Time to wait before retrying a failed suspend attempt.
base::TimeDelta retry_delay_;
// Maximum number of times to retry after a failed suspend attempt before
// giving up and shutting down the system.
int64_t max_retries_ = 0;
// Number of suspend attempts made in the current series. Up to |max_retries_|
// additional attempts are made after a failure, but this counter is reset
// after waking into dark resume.
int current_num_attempts_ = 0;
// Number of suspend attempts made in the first series after the
// RequestSuspend() call. |current_num_attempts_| is copied here when doing a
// dark resume.
int initial_num_attempts_ = 0;
// The boot time at which the system entered dark resume. Set by
// HandleDarkResume() when it sees a sucessful dark resume.
base::TimeTicks dark_resume_start_time_;
// Information about each wake that occurred during dark resume. This vector
// is cleared by StartRequest() and reported by FinishRequest().
// HandleDarkResume() pushes a new entry when it sees a successful dark
// resume, but the entry's wake reason and duration is updated by Suspend()
// when it commences the next dark suspend cycle.
std::vector<DarkResumeInfo> dark_resume_wake_durations_;
// Current set of displays in sorted (compared using operator<) order that
// suspender is aware of. Note that OnDisplaysChanged() assumes that this
// vector remains unchanged.
std::vector<system::DisplayInfo> displays_;
// The wake reason for the last dark resume.
std::string last_dark_resume_wake_reason_;
base::OneShotTimer resuspend_timer_;
// Whether the system is presenting or not.
DisplayMode display_mode_ = DisplayMode::NORMAL;
// Whether or not the system supports hibernate.
bool hibernate_available_;
// Keep this last.
base::WeakPtrFactory<Suspender> weak_ptr_factory_;
} // namespace policy
} // namespace power_manager