blob: cf97ecc742fe15304d7ea3f994a2b530b1e2eb04 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file is copied from chromium repo:
// //components/assist_ranker/proto/ranker_example.proto
// Contains features required for AssistRanker model inference and training.
syntax = "proto2";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
package assist_ranker;
message StringList {
repeated bytes string_value = 1;
// A repeated list of float values.
message FloatList {
repeated float float_value = 1;
// Generic message that can contain a variety of data types.
message Feature {
oneof feature_type {
// Bool values are used for scalar features.
bool bool_value = 1;
// Float and int values can be used for scalar and bucketized features.
float float_value = 2;
int32 int32_value = 3;
// String values are used for one-hot features.
bytes string_value = 4;
// String list are used for sparse features.
StringList string_list = 5;
// Float lists represent vectorial features.
FloatList float_list = 6;
// RankerExample protos contain a set of features to be used as input for
// AssistRanker inference, and optionally a target for training.
message RankerExample {
// Input features for the ranker model. This is the only field that is
// required for inference.
map<string, Feature> features = 1;
// This field represents the ground truth that the ranker is
// expected to predict, and is typically derived from user feedback. It is
// used for training only and is not required for inference.
// NOTE: this field will not be logged. If you want to log an outcome, add it
// to the features field before calling LogExample.
// TODO(chrome-ranker-team) Add a metadata field to log metrics that are not
// used as model input.
optional Feature target = 2;