blob: e62aa932dcadb193bd0060f06b54dfd9dde4b0da [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
found in the LICENSE file.
<node name="/org/chromium/ImageLoader"
<interface name="org.chromium.ImageLoaderInterface">
<method name="RegisterComponent">
Registers a component with ImageLoader. ImageLoader will verify
the integrity and Google signature of the component and, if and
only if valid, copy the component into its internal storage.
<arg name="name" type="s" direction="in">
The name of the component.
<arg name="version" type="s" direction="in">
The version of the component.
<arg name="component_folder_abs_path" type="s" direction="in">
The absolute path to the current component folder that ImageLoader
will verify and copy the component from.
<arg name="success" type="b" direction="out">
The result of the component registration (success or failure).
<method name="GetComponentVersion">
Returns the currently registered version of the given component.
<arg name="name" type="s" direction="in">
The name of the component.
<arg name="version" type="s" direction="out">
The returned version of the component.
<method name="LoadComponent">
Loads the component, if and only if the component verifies the
signature check, and returns the mount point.
<arg name="name" type="s" direction="in">
The name of the component.
<arg name="mount_point" type="s" direction="out">
The mount point of the verified and mounted component.
<method name="LoadComponentAtPath">
Loads the component at the given path, if and only if the component
verifies the signature check, and returns the mount point.
<arg name="name" type="s" direction="in">
The name of the component.
<arg name="absolute_path" type="s" direction="in">
The absolute path where the component is located.
<arg name="mount_point" type="s" direction="out">
The mount point of the verified and mounted component.
<method name="LoadDlcImage">
Loads a DLC module image.
<arg name="id" type="s" direction="in">
The ID of the DLC module.
<arg name="package" type="s" direction="in">
The package ID of the DLC module.
<arg name="a_or_b" type="s" direction="in">
Whether to load image A or image B ({"Dlc-A", "Dlc-B"}). Each DLC module
has two images (A and B) which corresponds to the two rootfs partitions
(Root-A and Root-B). e.g. If current active roofs partition is Root-A,
then "Dlc-A" should be passed in.
<arg name="mount_point" type="s" direction="out">
The mount point of the verified and mounted image. When successful,
|mount_point| is "/run/imageloader/|id|". Otherwise it is empty.
<method name="RemoveComponent">
Remove all versions of a component if removable.
<arg name="name" type="s" direction="in">
The name of the component.
<arg name="success" type="b" direction="out">
The result of the component removal (success or failure).
<method name="GetComponentMetadata">
Get the metadata for a registered component.
<arg name="name" type="s" direction="in">
The name of the component.
<arg name="metadata" type="a{ss}" direction="out">
The metadata associated with this component.
<method name="UnmountComponent">
Unmount all mount points of a component.
<arg name="name" type="s" direction="in">
The name of the component.
<arg name="success" type="b" direction="out">
The result of the component unmount (success or failure).
<method name="UnloadDlcImage">
Unmounts a DLC image.
<arg name="id" type="s" direction="in">
ID of the DLC.
<arg name="package" type="s" direction="in">
Package ID of the DLC.
<arg name="success" type="b" direction="out">
The result of the Dlc unmount (success or failure).