blob: 35f1986aaa9feb5cd622e900673c117be0dd904a [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Migrated from aosp/frameworks/native/services/sensorservice/Fusion.cpp
#include "iioservice/daemon/fusion.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <base/notreached.h>
#include "iioservice/include/common.h"
namespace iioservice {
namespace {
* gyroVAR gives the measured variance of the gyro's output per
* Hz (or variance at 1 Hz). This is an "intrinsic" parameter of the gyro,
* which is independent of the sampling frequency.
* The variance of gyro's output at a given sampling period can be
* calculated as:
* variance(T) = gyroVAR / T
* The variance of the INTEGRATED OUTPUT at a given sampling period can be
* calculated as:
* variance_integrate_output(T) = gyroVAR * T
constexpr float gyroVAR = 1e-7; // (rad/s)^2 / Hz
// TODO(gwendal): Check if we should use 1e-8 or 1e-12.
constexpr float biasVAR = 1e-12; // (rad/s)^2 / s (guessed)
* Standard deviations of accelerometer and magnetometer
constexpr float accSTDEV = 0.05f; // m/s^2 (measured 0.08 / CDD 0.05)
constexpr float magSTDEV = 0.1f; // uT (measured 0.7 / CDD 0.05)
constexpr float SYMMETRY_TOLERANCE = 1e-10f;
* Accelerometer updates will not be performed near free fall to avoid
* ill-conditioning and div by zeros.
* Threshold: 10% of g, in m/s^2
constexpr float NOMINAL_GRAVITY = 9.81f;
constexpr float FREE_FALL_THRESHOLD = 0.1f * (NOMINAL_GRAVITY);
constexpr float SQRT_3 = 1.732f;
constexpr float WVEC_EPS = 1e-4f / SQRT_3;
template <typename TYPE, size_t C, size_t R>
static android::mat<TYPE, R, R> scaleCovariance(
const android::mat<TYPE, C, R>& A, const android::mat<TYPE, C, C>& P) {
// A*P*transpose(A);
android::mat<TYPE, R, R> APAt;
for (size_t r = 0; r < R; r++) {
for (size_t j = r; j < R; j++) {
double apat(0);
for (size_t c = 0; c < C; c++) {
double v(A[c][r] * P[c][c] * 0.5);
for (size_t k = c + 1; k < C; k++)
v += A[k][r] * P[c][k];
apat += 2 * v * A[c][j];
APAt[j][r] = apat;
APAt[r][j] = apat;
return APAt;
template <typename TYPE, typename OTHER_TYPE>
static android::mat<TYPE, 3, 3> crossMatrix(const android::vec<TYPE, 3>& p,
OTHER_TYPE diag) {
android::mat<TYPE, 3, 3> r;
r[0][0] = diag;
r[1][1] = diag;
r[2][2] = diag;
r[0][1] = p.z;
r[1][0] = -p.z;
r[0][2] = -p.y;
r[2][0] = p.y;
r[1][2] = p.x;
r[2][1] = -p.x;
return r;
typedef android::mat<float, 3, 4> mat34_t;
mat34_t GetF(const android::vec4_t& q) {
mat34_t F;
// This is used to compute the derivative of q
// F = | []x |
// | |
F[0].x = q.w;
F[1].x = -q.z;
F[2].x = q.y;
F[0].y = q.z;
F[1].y = q.w;
F[2].y = -q.x;
F[0].z = -q.y;
F[1].z = q.x;
F[2].z = q.w;
F[0].w = -q.x;
F[1].w = -q.y;
F[2].w = -q.z;
return F;
android::vec3_t GetOrthogonal(const android::vec3_t& v) {
android::vec3_t w;
if (fabsf(v[0]) <= fabsf(v[1]) && fabsf(v[0]) <= fabsf(v[2])) {
w[0] = 0.f;
w[1] = v[2];
w[2] = -v[1];
} else if (fabsf(v[1]) <= fabsf(v[2])) {
w[0] = v[2];
w[1] = 0.f;
w[2] = -v[0];
} else {
w[0] = v[1];
w[1] = -v[0];
w[2] = 0.f;
return normalize(w);
} // namespace
Fusion::Fusion() {
Phi_[0][1] = 0;
Phi_[1][1] = 1;
Ba_.x = 0;
Ba_.y = 0;
Ba_.z = 1;
Bm_.x = 0;
Bm_.y = 1;
Bm_.z = 0;
x0_ = 0;
x1_ = 0;
void Fusion::Init() {
gyro_rate_ = 0;
init_count_[0] = 0;
init_count_[1] = 0;
init_count_[2] = 0;
init_data_ = 0;
void Fusion::HandleAccel(const android::vec3_t& a, float dT) {
const float l = length(a);
// Ignore accelerometer data if we're close to free-fall
if (!CheckInitComplete(cros::mojom::DeviceType::ACCEL, a, dT))
const float l_inv = 1.0f / l;
android::vec3_t m;
m = GetRotationMatrix() * Bm_;
Update(m, Bm_, magSTDEV);
android::vec3_t unityA = a * l_inv;
const float d = sqrtf(fabsf(l - NOMINAL_GRAVITY));
const float p = l_inv * accSTDEV * expf(d);
Update(unityA, Ba_, p);
void Fusion::HandleGyro(const android::vec3_t& w, float dT) {
if (!CheckInitComplete(cros::mojom::DeviceType::ANGLVEL, w, dT))
Predict(w, dT);
android::mat33_t Fusion::GetRotationMatrix() const {
return quatToMatrix(x0_);
bool Fusion::HasEstimate() const {
return init_types_.find(cros::mojom::DeviceType::ACCEL) !=
init_types_.end() &&
init_types_.find(cros::mojom::DeviceType::ANGLVEL) !=
bool Fusion::CheckInitComplete(cros::mojom::DeviceType type,
const android::vec3_t& d,
float dT) {
if (HasEstimate())
return true;
switch (type) {
case cros::mojom::DeviceType::ACCEL:
init_data_[0] += d * (1 / length(d));
case cros::mojom::DeviceType::ANGLVEL:
gyro_rate_ = dT;
init_data_[2] += d * dT;
// TODO(gwendal): Check if we should collect at least 64 samples.
NOTREACHED() << "Invalid type: " << type;
if (HasEstimate()) {
// Average all the values we collected so far
init_data_[0] *= 1.0f / init_count_[0];
init_data_[2] *= 1.0f / init_count_[2];
// calculate the MRPs from the data collection, this gives us
// a rough estimate of our initial state
android::mat33_t R;
android::vec3_t up(init_data_[0]);
android::vec3_t east = GetOrthogonal(up);
android::vec3_t north(cross_product(up, east));
R << east << north << up;
const android::vec4_t q = matrixToQuat(R);
InitFusion(q, gyro_rate_);
return false;
void Fusion::InitFusion(const android::vec4_t& q, float dT) {
// initial estimate: E{ x(t0) }
x0_ = q;
x1_ = 0;
// process noise covariance matrix: G.Q.Gt, with
// G = | -1 0 | Q = | q00 q10 |
// | 0 1 | | q01 q11 |
// q00 = sv^2.dt + 1/^2.dt^3
// q10 = q01 = 1/^2.dt^2
// q11 = su^2.dt
const float dT2 = dT * dT;
const float dT3 = dT2 * dT;
// variance of integrated output at 1/dT Hz (random drift)
const float q00 = gyroVAR * dT + 0.33333f * biasVAR * dT3;
// variance of drift rate ramp
const float q11 = biasVAR * dT;
const float q10 = 0.5f * biasVAR * dT2;
const float q01 = q10;
GQGt_[0][0] = q00; // rad^2
GQGt_[1][0] = -q10;
GQGt_[0][1] = -q01;
GQGt_[1][1] = q11; // (rad/s)^2
// initial covariance: Var{ x(t0) }
// TODO(chenghaoyang): initialize P correctly
P_ = 0;
void Fusion::CheckState() {
// P_ needs to stay positive semidefinite or the fusion diverges. When we
// detect divergence, we reset the fusion.
// TODO(braun): Instead, find the reason for the divergence and fix it.
if (!isPositiveSemidefinite(P_[0][0], SYMMETRY_TOLERANCE) ||
!isPositiveSemidefinite(P_[1][1], SYMMETRY_TOLERANCE)) {
LOGF(WARNING) << "Sensor fusion diverged; resetting state.";
P_ = 0;
void Fusion::Update(const android::vec3_t& z,
const android::vec3_t& Bi,
float sigma) {
android::vec4_t q(x0_);
// measured vector in body space: h(p) = A(p)*Bi
const android::mat33_t A(quatToMatrix(q));
const android::vec3_t Bb(A * Bi);
// Sensitivity matrix H = dh(p)/dp
// H = [ L 0 ]
const android::mat33_t L(crossMatrix(Bb, 0));
// gain...
// K = P_*Ht / [H*P_*Ht + R]
android::vec<android::mat33_t, 2> K;
const android::mat33_t R(sigma * sigma);
const android::mat33_t S(scaleCovariance(L, P_[0][0]) + R);
const android::mat33_t Si(invert(S));
const android::mat33_t LtSi(transpose(L) * Si);
K[0] = P_[0][0] * LtSi;
K[1] = transpose(P_[1][0]) * LtSi;
// update...
// P_ = (I-K*H) * P_
// P_ -= K*H*P_
// | K0 | * | L 0 | * P_ = | K0*L 0 | * | P_00 P_10 | = | K0*L*P_00
// K0*L*P_10 | | K1 | | K1*L 0 | | P_01 P_11 | |
// K1*L*P_00 K1*L*P_10 | Note: the Joseph form is numerically more stable and
// given by:
// P_ = (I-KH) * P_ * (I-KH)' + K*R*R'
const android::mat33_t K0L(K[0] * L);
const android::mat33_t K1L(K[1] * L);
P_[0][0] -= K0L * P_[0][0];
P_[1][1] -= K1L * P_[1][0];
P_[1][0] -= K0L * P_[1][0];
P_[0][1] = transpose(P_[1][0]);
const android::vec3_t e(z - Bb);
const android::vec3_t dq(K[0] * e);
q += GetF(q) * (0.5f * dq);
x0_ = normalize_quat(q);
void Fusion::Predict(const android::vec3_t& w, float dT) {
const android::vec4_t q = x0_;
const android::vec3_t b = x1_;
android::vec3_t we = w - b;
if (length(we) < WVEC_EPS)
we = (we[0] > 0.f) ? WVEC_EPS : -WVEC_EPS;
// q(k+1) = O(we)*q(k)
// --------------------
// O(w) = | cos(0.5*||w||*dT)*I33 - [psi]x psi |
// | -psi' cos(0.5*||w||*dT) |
// psi = sin(0.5*||w||*dT)*w / ||w||
// P(k+1) = Phi(k)*P(k)*Phi(k)' + G*Q(k)*G'
// ----------------------------------------
// G = | -I33 0 |
// | 0 I33 |
// Phi = | Phi00 Phi10 |
// | 0 1 |
// Phi00 = I33
// - [w]x * sin(||w||*dt)/||w||
// + [w]x^2 * (1-cos(||w||*dT))/||w||^2
// Phi10 = [w]x * (1 - cos(||w||*dt))/||w||^2
// - [w]x^2 * (||w||*dT - sin(||w||*dt))/||w||^3
// - I33*dT
const android::mat33_t I33(1);
const android::mat33_t I33dT(dT);
const android::mat33_t wx(crossMatrix(we, 0));
const android::mat33_t wx2(wx * wx);
const float lwedT = length(we) * dT;
const float hlwedT = 0.5f * lwedT;
const float ilwe = 1.f / length(we);
const float k0 = (1 - cosf(lwedT)) * (ilwe * ilwe);
const float k1 = sinf(lwedT);
const float k2 = cosf(hlwedT);
const android::vec3_t psi(sinf(hlwedT) * ilwe * we);
const android::mat33_t O33(crossMatrix(-psi, k2));
android::mat44_t O;
O[0].xyz = O33[0];
O[0].w = -psi.x;
O[1].xyz = O33[1];
O[1].w = -psi.y;
O[2].xyz = O33[2];
O[2].w = -psi.z;
O[3].xyz = psi;
O[3].w = k2;
Phi_[0][0] = I33 - wx * (k1 * ilwe) + wx2 * k0;
Phi_[1][0] = wx * k0 - I33dT - wx2 * (ilwe * ilwe * ilwe) * (lwedT - k1);
x0_ = O * q;
if (x0_.w < 0)
x0_ = -x0_;
P_ = Phi_ * P_ * transpose(Phi_) + GQGt_;
} // namespace iioservice