blob: d85a03db9d0142b2fc1fa926fb6be13b1557cd3b [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef HERMES_SMDP_H_
#define HERMES_SMDP_H_
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <brillo/http/http_request.h>
#include <brillo/http/http_transport.h>
#include <google-lpa/lpa/smdx/smdp_client.h>
#include <google-lpa/lpa/smdx/smdp_client_factory.h>
#include "hermes/executor.h"
#include "hermes/logger.h"
namespace hermes {
class SmdpFactory : public lpa::smdp::SmdpClientFactory {
SmdpFactory(Logger* logger, Executor* executor);
std::unique_ptr<lpa::smdp::SmdpClient> NewSmdpClient(
std::string tls_certs_dir,
std::string smdp_addr,
const lpa::proto::EuiccSpecVersion& card_verison) override;
// Objects owned by the Daemon instance.
Logger* logger_;
Executor* executor_;
// Class to facilitate communication between the LPD and SM-DP+
// server. Responsible for opening, maintaining, and closing an
// HTTPS connection with the SM-DP+ server.
class Smdp : public lpa::smdp::SmdpClient {
using LpaCallback =
std::function<void(int code, std::string& http_resp, int err)>;
Smdp(std::string server_addr,
const std::string& certs_dir,
Logger* logger,
Executor* executor);
// lpa::smdp::SmdpClient override.
lpa::util::EuiccLog* logger() override;
// lpa::smdp::SmdpClient overrides.
lpa::util::Executor* executor() override;
void SendHttps(const std::string& path,
const std::string& request,
LpaCallback cb) override;
std::shared_ptr<brillo::http::Transport> server_transport_;
// Objects owned by the Daemon instance.
Logger* logger_;
Executor* executor_;
} // namespace hermes
#endif // HERMES_SMDP_H_