blob: 898cefbf7a9df4a2b2c0f8eaa5d00a8741aebf5f [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "debugd/src/log_tool.h"
#include <glob.h>
#include <grp.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <lzma.h>
#include <pwd.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <base/base64.h>
#include <base/check.h>
#include <base/check_op.h>
#include <base/files/file.h>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include <base/files/file_util.h>
#include <base/json/json_writer.h>
#include <base/logging.h>
#include <base/strings/string_split.h>
#include <base/strings/string_util.h>
#include <base/strings/stringprintf.h>
#include <base/strings/utf_string_conversion_utils.h>
#include <base/values.h>
#include <chromeos/dbus/service_constants.h>
#include <shill/dbus-proxies.h>
#include "debugd/src/bluetooth_utils.h"
#include "debugd/src/constants.h"
#include "debugd/src/perf_tool.h"
#include "debugd/src/process_with_output.h"
#include <brillo/files/safe_fd.h>
#include <brillo/files/file_util.h>
#include "brillo/key_value_store.h"
#include <brillo/osrelease_reader.h>
#include <brillo/cryptohome.h>
namespace debugd {
using std::string;
using Strings = std::vector<string>;
namespace {
const char kRoot[] = "root";
const char kShell[] = "/bin/sh";
constexpr char kLpAdmin[] = "lpadmin";
constexpr char kLpGroup[] = "lp";
constexpr char kLsbReleasePath[] = "/etc/lsb-release";
constexpr char kArcBugReportBackupFileName[] = "arc-bugreport.log";
constexpr char kArcBugReportBackupKey[] = "arc-bugreport-backup";
constexpr char kDaemonStoreBaseDir[] = "/run/daemon-store/debugd/";
// Minimum time in seconds needed to allow shill to test active connections.
const int kConnectionTesterTimeoutSeconds = 5;
// Default running perf for 2 seconds.
constexpr const int kPerfDurationSecs = 2;
// TODO(chinglinyu) Remove after crbug/934702 is fixed.
// The following description is added to 'perf-data' as a temporary solution
// before the update of feedback disclosure to users is done in crbug/934702.
constexpr const char kPerfDataDescription[] =
"perf-data contains performance profiling information about how much time "
"the system spends on various activities (program execution stack traces). "
"This might reveal some information about what system features and "
"resources are being used. The full detail of perf-data can be found in "
"the PerfDataProto protocol buffer message type in the chromium source "
#define CMD_KERNEL_MODULE_PARAMS(module_name) \
"cd /sys/module/" #module_name "/parameters 2>/dev/null && grep -sH ^ *"
using Log = LogTool::Log;
constexpr Log::LogType kCommand = Log::kCommand;
constexpr Log::LogType kFile = Log::kFile;
constexpr Log::LogType kGlob = Log::kGlob;
class ArcBugReportLog : public LogTool::Log {
: Log(kCommand,
"/usr/bin/nsenter -t1 -m /usr/sbin/android-sh -c "
10 * 1024 * 1024 /*10 MiB*/,
LogTool::Encoding::kUtf8) {}
virtual ~ArcBugReportLog() = default;
// * add a row to http://go/cros-feedback-audit and fill it out
// * email cros-telemetry@
// (Eventually we'll have a better process, but for now please do this.)
// clang-format off
const std::vector<Log> kCommandLogs {
// We need to enter init's mount namespace because it has /home/chronos
// mounted which is where the consent knob lives. We don't have that mount
// in our own mount namespace (by design).
{kCommand, "CLIENT_ID", "/usr/bin/nsenter -t1 -m /usr/bin/metrics_client -i",
kRoot, kDebugfsGroup},
// We consistently use UTC in feedback reports.
{kCommand, "LOGDATE", "/bin/date --utc; /bin/date"},
{kFile, "amdgpu_gem_info", "/sys/kernel/debug/dri/0/amdgpu_gem_info",
SandboxedProcess::kDefaultUser, kDebugfsGroup},
{kFile, "amdgpu_gtt_mm", "/sys/kernel/debug/dri/0/amdgpu_gtt_mm",
SandboxedProcess::kDefaultUser, kDebugfsGroup},
{kFile, "amdgpu_vram_mm", "/sys/kernel/debug/dri/0/amdgpu_vram_mm",
SandboxedProcess::kDefaultUser, kDebugfsGroup},
// We need to enter init's mount namespace to access /home/root. Also, we use
// neither ARC container's mount namespace (with android-sh) nor
// /opt/google/containers/android/rootfs/android-data/ so that we can get
// results even when the container is down.
{kCommand, "android_app_storage", "/usr/bin/nsenter -t1 -m "
"/bin/sh -c \"/usr/bin/du -h /home/root/*/android-data/data/\"",
kRoot, kDebugfsGroup},
{kCommand, "arcvm_console_output", "/usr/bin/vm_pstore_dump", "crosvm",
"crosvm", Log::kDefaultMaxBytes, LogTool::Encoding::kAutodetect,
true /* access_root_mount_ns */},
#endif // USE_ARCVM
{kCommand, "atmel_tp_deltas",
"/opt/google/touch/scripts/ tp d", kRoot, kRoot},
{kCommand, "atmel_tp_refs",
"/opt/google/touch/scripts/ tp r", kRoot, kRoot},
{kCommand, "atmel_ts_deltas",
"/opt/google/touch/scripts/ ts d", kRoot, kRoot},
{kCommand, "atmel_ts_refs",
"/opt/google/touch/scripts/ ts r", kRoot, kRoot},
{kFile, "atrus_logs", "/var/log/atrus.log"},
{kFile, "authpolicy", "/var/log/authpolicy.log"},
{kFile, "bio_crypto_init.LATEST",
{kFile, "bio_crypto_init.PREVIOUS",
{kFile, "bio_fw_updater.LATEST", "/var/log/biod/bio_fw_updater.LATEST"},
{kFile, "bio_fw_updater.PREVIOUS", "/var/log/biod/bio_fw_updater.PREVIOUS"},
{kFile, "biod.LATEST", "/var/log/biod/biod.LATEST"},
{kFile, "biod.PREVIOUS", "/var/log/biod/biod.PREVIOUS"},
{kFile, "bios_info", "/var/log/bios_info.txt"},
{kCommand, "bios_log", "cat /sys/firmware/log "
"/proc/device-tree/chosen/ap-console-buffer 2>/dev/null"},
{kFile, "bios_times", "/var/log/bios_times.txt"},
// Slow or non-responsive block devices could cause this command to stall. Use
// a timeout to prevent this command from blocking log fetching. This command
// is expected to take O(100ms) in the normal case.
{kCommand, "blkid", "timeout -s KILL 5s /sbin/blkid", kRoot, kRoot},
{kCommand, "bootstat_summary", "/usr/bin/bootstat_summary",
SandboxedProcess::kDefaultUser, SandboxedProcess::kDefaultGroup,
Log::kDefaultMaxBytes, LogTool::Encoding::kAutodetect,
true /* access_root_mount_ns */},
{kCommand, "bt_usb_disconnects",
SandboxedProcess::kDefaultUser, kDebugfsGroup},
{kFile, "buddyinfo", "/proc/buddyinfo"},
{kCommand, "cbi_info", "/usr/share/userfeedback/scripts/cbi_info", kRoot,
{kFile, "cheets_log", "/var/log/arc.log"},
{kFile, "chrome_system_log", "/var/log/chrome/chrome"},
{kFile, "chrome_system_log.PREVIOUS", "/var/log/chrome/chrome.PREVIOUS"},
{kCommand, "chromeos-pgmem", "/usr/bin/chromeos-pgmem", kRoot, kRoot},
{kFile, "clobber-state.log", "/var/log/clobber-state.log"},
{kFile, "clobber.log", "/var/log/clobber.log"},
// There might be more than one record, so grab them all.
// Plus, for <linux-3.19, it's named "console-ramoops", but for newer
// versions, it's named "console-ramoops-#".
{kGlob, "console-ramoops", "/sys/fs/pstore/console-ramoops*"},
{kFile, "cpuinfo", "/proc/cpuinfo"},
{kFile, "cr50_version", "/var/cache/cr50-version"},
{kFile, "cros_ec.log", "/var/log/cros_ec.log",
SandboxedProcess::kDefaultUser, SandboxedProcess::kDefaultGroup,
Log::kDefaultMaxBytes, LogTool::Encoding::kUtf8},
{kFile, "cros_ec.previous", "/var/log/cros_ec.previous",
SandboxedProcess::kDefaultUser, SandboxedProcess::kDefaultGroup,
Log::kDefaultMaxBytes, LogTool::Encoding::kUtf8},
{kFile, "cros_ec_panicinfo", "/sys/kernel/debug/cros_ec/panicinfo",
SandboxedProcess::kDefaultUser, kDebugfsGroup, Log::kDefaultMaxBytes,
{kCommand, "cros_ec_pdinfo",
"for port in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8; do "
"echo \"-----------\"; "
// stderr output just tells us it failed
"ectool usbpd \"${port}\" 2>/dev/null || break; "
"done", kRoot, kRoot},
{kFile, "cros_fp.log", "/var/log/cros_fp.log",
SandboxedProcess::kDefaultUser, SandboxedProcess::kDefaultGroup,
Log::kDefaultMaxBytes, LogTool::Encoding::kUtf8},
{kFile, "cros_fp.previous", "/var/log/cros_fp.previous",
SandboxedProcess::kDefaultUser, SandboxedProcess::kDefaultGroup,
Log::kDefaultMaxBytes, LogTool::Encoding::kUtf8},
{kCommand, "cros_fp_panicinfo", "ectool --name=cros_fp panicinfo",
kRoot, kRoot},
{kFile, "cros_ish.log", "/var/log/cros_ish.log",
SandboxedProcess::kDefaultUser, SandboxedProcess::kDefaultGroup,
Log::kDefaultMaxBytes, LogTool::Encoding::kUtf8},
{kFile, "cros_ish.previous", "/var/log/cros_ish.previous",
SandboxedProcess::kDefaultUser, SandboxedProcess::kDefaultGroup,
Log::kDefaultMaxBytes, LogTool::Encoding::kUtf8},
{kFile, "cros_scp.log", "/var/log/cros_scp.log",
SandboxedProcess::kDefaultUser, SandboxedProcess::kDefaultGroup,
64 * 1024, LogTool::Encoding::kUtf8},
{kFile, "cros_scp.previous", "/var/log/cros_scp.previous",
SandboxedProcess::kDefaultUser, SandboxedProcess::kDefaultGroup,
64 * 1024, LogTool::Encoding::kUtf8},
{kCommand, "cros_tp console", "/usr/sbin/ectool --name=cros_tp console",
kRoot, kRoot},
{kCommand, "cros_tp frame", "/usr/sbin/ectool --name=cros_tp tpframeget",
kRoot, kRoot},
{kFile, "cros_tp version", "/sys/class/chromeos/cros_tp/version"},
{kCommand, "crostini", "/usr/bin/cicerone_client --get_info"},
{kCommand, "crosvm.log", "nsenter -t1 -m /bin/sh -c 'tail -n+1"
" /run/daemon-store/crosvm/*/log/*.log.1"
" /run/daemon-store/crosvm/*/log/*.log'", kRoot, kRoot},
// dmesg: add full timestamps to dmesg to match other logs.
// 'dmesg' needs CAP_SYSLOG.
{kCommand, "dmesg", "TZ=UTC /bin/dmesg --raw --time-format iso",
kRoot, kRoot},
{kGlob, "drm_gem_objects", "/sys/kernel/debug/dri/?/gem",
SandboxedProcess::kDefaultUser, kDebugfsGroup},
{kGlob, "drm_state", "/sys/kernel/debug/dri/?/state",
SandboxedProcess::kDefaultUser, kDebugfsGroup},
{kFile, "drm_trace", "/sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/drm/trace",
SandboxedProcess::kDefaultUser, kDebugfsGroup},
// TODO(seanpaul): Once we've finished moving over to the upstream tracefs
// implementation, remove drm_trace_legacy. Tracked in
// b/163580546.
{kFile, "drm_trace_legacy", "/sys/kernel/debug/dri/trace",
SandboxedProcess::kDefaultUser, kDebugfsGroup},
{kFile, "ec_info", "/var/log/ec_info.txt"},
{kCommand, "edid-decode",
"for f in /sys/class/drm/card?-*/edid; do "
"echo \"----------- ${f}\"; "
// edid-decode's stderr output is redundant, so silence it.
"edid-decode --skip-hex-dump \"${f}\" 2>/dev/null; "
{kFile, "eventlog", "/var/log/eventlog.txt"},
{kCommand, "font_info", "/usr/share/userfeedback/scripts/font_info"},
{kGlob, "framebuffer", "/sys/kernel/debug/dri/?/framebuffer",
SandboxedProcess::kDefaultUser, kDebugfsGroup},
{kCommand, "fwupd_state",
"/usr/bin/fwupdmgr get-devices --json | sed '/\"Serial\" :/d'",
kRoot, kRoot},
{kFile, "hammerd", "/var/log/hammerd.log"},
{kCommand, "hardware_class", "/usr/bin/crossystem hwid"},
{kFile, "hardware_verification_report",
{kCommand, "hostname", "/bin/hostname"},
{kCommand, "i915_error_state",
"/usr/bin/xz -c /sys/kernel/debug/dri/0/i915_error_state 2>/dev/null",
SandboxedProcess::kDefaultUser, kDebugfsGroup, Log::kDefaultMaxBytes,
{kFile, "i915_gem_gtt", "/sys/kernel/debug/dri/0/i915_gem_gtt",
SandboxedProcess::kDefaultUser, kDebugfsGroup},
{kFile, "i915_gem_objects", "/sys/kernel/debug/dri/0/i915_gem_objects",
SandboxedProcess::kDefaultUser, kDebugfsGroup},
{kCommand, "ifconfig", "/bin/ifconfig -a"},
{kFile, "input_devices", "/proc/bus/input/devices"},
// Hardware capabilities of the wiphy device.
{kFile, "interrupts", "/proc/interrupts"},
{kCommand, "iw_list", "/usr/sbin/iw list"},
{kCommand, "iwlmvm_module_params", CMD_KERNEL_MODULE_PARAMS(iwlmvm)},
{kCommand, "iwlwifi_module_params", CMD_KERNEL_MODULE_PARAMS(iwlwifi)},
{kGlob, "kernel-crashes", "/var/spool/crash/kernel.*.kcrash",
SandboxedProcess::kDefaultUser, "crash-access"},
{kCommand, "lpstat", "/usr/bin/lpstat -l -r -v -a -p -o", kLpAdmin, kLpGroup},
{kCommand, "lsblk", "timeout -s KILL 5s lsblk -a", kRoot, kRoot,
Log::kDefaultMaxBytes, LogTool::Encoding::kAutodetect,
true /* access_root_mount_ns */},
{kCommand, "lsmod", "lsmod"},
{kCommand, "lsusb", "lsusb && lsusb -t"},
{kFile, "mali_memory", "/sys/kernel/debug/mali0/gpu_memory",
SandboxedProcess::kDefaultUser, kDebugfsGroup},
{kGlob, "memd clips", "/var/log/memd/memd.clip*"},
{kFile, "memd.parameters", "/var/log/memd/memd.parameters"},
{kFile, "meminfo", "/proc/meminfo"},
{kCommand, "memory_spd_info",
// mosys may use 'i2c-dev', which may not be loaded yet.
"modprobe i2c-dev 2>/dev/null && mosys -l memory spd print all 2>/dev/null",
kRoot, kDebugfsGroup},
// The sed command finds the EDID blob (starting the line after "value:") and
// replaces the serial number with all zeroes.
// The EDID is printed as a hex dump over several lines, each line containing
// the contents of 16 bytes. The first 16 bytes are broken down as follows:
// uint64_t fixed_pattern; // Always 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF 00.
// uint16_t manufacturer_id; // Manufacturer ID, encoded as PNP IDs.
// uint16_t product_code; // Manufacturer product code, little-endian.
// uint32_t serial_number; // Serial number, little-endian.
// Source:
// The subsequent substitution command looks for the fixed pattern followed by
// two 32-bit fields (manufacturer + product, serial number). It replaces the
// latter field with 8 bytes of zeroes.
// TODO( Remove the sed command once modetest itself can
// remove serial numbers.
{kCommand, "modetest",
"(modetest; modetest -M evdi; modetest -M udl) | "
"sed -E '/EDID/ {:a;n;/value:/!ba;n;"
kRoot, kRoot},
{kFile, "mount-encrypted", "/var/log/mount-encrypted.log"},
{kFile, "mountinfo", "/proc/1/mountinfo"},
{kCommand, "netlog",
"/usr/share/userfeedback/scripts/getmsgs /var/log/net.log",
SandboxedProcess::kDefaultUser, SandboxedProcess::kDefaultGroup,
Log::kDefaultMaxBytes, LogTool::Encoding::kUtf8},
{kFile, "nvmap_iovmm", "/sys/kernel/debug/nvmap/iovmm/allocations",
SandboxedProcess::kDefaultUser, kDebugfsGroup},
{kCommand, "oemdata", "/usr/share/cros/", kRoot, kRoot},
{kFile, "pagetypeinfo", "/proc/pagetypeinfo", kRoot},
{kCommand, "pchg_info", "/usr/share/userfeedback/scripts/pchg_info",
kRoot, kRoot},
{kFile, "platform_identity_customization_id",
{kFile, "platform_identity_model", "/run/chromeos-config/v1/name"},
{kFile, "platform_identity_name",
{kFile, "platform_identity_sku", "/run/chromeos-config/v1/identity/sku-id"},
{kFile, "platform_identity_whitelabel_tag",
{kCommand, "power_supply_info", "/usr/bin/power_supply_info"},
{kCommand, "power_supply_sysfs", "/usr/bin/print_sysfs_power_supply_data"},
{kFile, "powerd.LATEST", "/var/log/power_manager/powerd.LATEST"},
{kFile, "powerd.PREVIOUS", "/var/log/power_manager/powerd.PREVIOUS"},
{kFile, "powerd.out", "/var/log/powerd.out"},
{kFile, "powerwash_count", "/var/log/powerwash_count"},
{kCommand, "ps", "/bin/ps auxZ"},
{kGlob, "qcom_fw_info", "/sys/kernel/debug/qcom_socinfo/*/*",
SandboxedProcess::kDefaultUser, kDebugfsGroup},
{kCommand, "sensor_info", "/usr/share/userfeedback/scripts/sensor_info"},
// /proc/slabinfo is owned by root and has 0400 permission.
{kFile, "slabinfo", "/proc/slabinfo", kRoot, kRoot},
{kFile, "stateful_trim_data", "/var/lib/trim/stateful_trim_data"},
{kFile, "stateful_trim_state", "/var/lib/trim/stateful_trim_state"},
{kFile, "storage_info", "/var/log/storage_info.txt"},
{kCommand, "swap_info", "/usr/share/cros/init/ status 2>/dev/null",
SandboxedProcess::kDefaultUser, kDebugfsGroup},
{kCommand, "syslog",
"/usr/share/userfeedback/scripts/getmsgs /var/log/messages"},
{kCommand, "system_log_stats",
"echo 'BLOCK_SIZE=1024'; "
"find /var/log/ -type f -exec du --block-size=1024 {} + | sort -n -r",
kRoot, kRoot},
{kCommand, "threads", "/bin/ps -T axo pid,ppid,spid,pcpu,ni,stat,time,comm"},
{kFile, "tlsdate", "/var/log/tlsdate.log"},
{kCommand, "top memory",
"/usr/bin/top -o \"+%MEM\" -w128 -bcn 1 | head -n 57"},
{kCommand, "top thread", "/usr/bin/top -Hbc -w128 -n 1 | head -n 40"},
{kCommand, "touch_fw_version",
"grep -aE"
" -e 'synaptics: Touchpad model'"
" -e 'chromeos-[a-z]*-touch-[a-z]*-update'"
" /var/log/messages | tail -n 20"},
{kCommand, "tpm-firmware-updater", "/usr/share/userfeedback/scripts/getmsgs "
// TODO(jorgelo,mnissler): Don't run this as root.
// On TPM 1.2 devices this will likely require adding a new user to the 'tss'
// group.
// On TPM 2.0 devices 'get_version_info' uses D-Bus and therefore can run as
// any user.
{kCommand, "tpm_version", "/usr/sbin/tpm-manager get_version_info", kRoot,
// typecd logs average around 56K. VID/PIDs are obfuscated from the printed
// PD identity information.
{kFile, "typecd", "/var/log/typecd.log"},
{kFile, "ui_log", "/var/log/ui/ui.LATEST"},
{kCommand, "uname", "/bin/uname -a"},
{kCommand, "update_engine.log",
"cat $(ls -1tr /var/log/update_engine | tail -5 | sed"
" s.^./var/log/update_engine/.)"},
{kFile, "upstart", "/var/log/upstart.log"},
{kCommand, "uptime", "/usr/bin/cut -d' ' -f1 /proc/uptime"},
{kCommand, "usb4 devices", "/usr/libexec/debugd/helpers/usb4_devinfo_helper",
kRoot, kDebugfsGroup},
{kFile, "verified boot", "/var/log/debug_vboot_noisy.log"},
{kFile, "vmlog.1.LATEST", "/var/log/vmlog/vmlog.1.LATEST"},
{kFile, "vmlog.1.PREVIOUS", "/var/log/vmlog/vmlog.1.PREVIOUS"},
{kFile, "vmlog.LATEST", "/var/log/vmlog/vmlog.LATEST"},
{kFile, "vmlog.PREVIOUS", "/var/log/vmlog/vmlog.PREVIOUS"},
{kFile, "vmstat", "/proc/vmstat"},
{kFile, "vpd_2.0", "/var/log/vpd_2.0.txt"},
{kCommand, "zram block device stat names",
"echo read_ios read_merges read_sectors read_ticks write_ios "
"write_merges write_sectors write_ticks in_flight io_ticks "
"time_in_queue discard_ios dicard_merges discard_sectors discard_ticks "
"flush_ios flush_ticks"},
{kFile, "zram block device stat values", "/sys/block/zram0/stat"},
{kCommand, "zram new stats names",
"echo orig_size compr_size used_total limit used_max zero_pages migrated"},
{kFile, "zram new stats values", "/sys/block/zram0/mm_stat"},
// Stuff pulled out of the original list. These need access to the running X
// session, which we'd rather not give to debugd, or return info specific to
// the current session (in the setsid(2) sense), which is not useful for
// debugd
// {kCommand, "env", "set"},
// {kCommand, "setxkbmap", "/usr/bin/setxkbmap -print -query"},
// {kCommand, "xrandr", "/usr/bin/xrandr --verbose}
// clang-format on
const std::vector<Log> kCommandLogsVerbose{
// PCI config space accesses are limited without CAP_SYS_ADMIN.
{kCommand, "lspci_verbose", "/usr/sbin/lspci -vvvnn", kRoot, kRoot},
const std::vector<Log> kCommandLogsShort{
{kCommand, "lspci", "/usr/sbin/lspci"},
// Extra logs are logs such as netstat and logcat which should appear in
// chrome://system but not in feedback reports. Open sockets may have privacy
// implications, and logcat is already incorporated via arc-bugreport.
// clang-format off
const std::vector<Log> kExtraLogs {
{kCommand, "logcat",
"/usr/bin/nsenter -t1 -m /usr/sbin/android-sh -c '/system/bin/logcat -d'",
kRoot, kRoot, Log::kDefaultMaxBytes, LogTool::Encoding::kUtf8},
{kCommand, "mm-esim-status", "/usr/bin/modem esim status"},
{kCommand, "mm-status", "/usr/bin/modem status"},
#endif // USE_CELLULAR
// --processes requires root.
{kCommand, "netstat",
"/sbin/ss --all --query inet --numeric --processes", kRoot, kRoot},
{kCommand, "network-devices", "/usr/bin/connectivity show devices"},
{kCommand, "network-services", "/usr/bin/connectivity show services"},
{kCommand, "wifi_status_no_anonymize",
"/usr/bin/network_diag --wifi-internal --no-log"},
// clang-format on
// clang-format off
const std::vector<Log> kFeedbackLogs {
{kFile, "auth_failure", "/var/log/tcsd/auth_failure.permanent"},
{kCommand, "borealis_frames", "timeout -s KILL 5s /usr/bin/borealis-sh "
"-- /usr/bin/", kRoot, kRoot},
{kCommand, "borealis_xwindump", "timeout -s KILL 5s /usr/bin/borealis-sh "
"-- /usr/bin/", kRoot, kRoot},
{kGlob, "iwlwifi_firmware_version",
"/sys/kernel/debug/iwlwifi/*/iwlmvm/fw_ver", kRoot, kRoot},
{kCommand, "iwlwifi_sysasserts",
"croslog --show-cursor=false --identifier=kernel --priority=err"
" --grep='iwlwifi.*ADVANCED_SYSASSERT' | tail -n 3"},
{kCommand, "iwlwifi_sysasserts_count",
"croslog --show-cursor=false --identifier=kernel --priority=err"
" --grep='iwlwifi.*ADVANCED_SYSASSERT' | wc -l"},
{kCommand, "mm-esim-status", "/usr/bin/modem esim status_feedback"},
{kCommand, "mm-status", "/usr/bin/modem status-feedback"},
#endif // USE_CELLULAR
{kCommand, "network-devices",
"/usr/bin/connectivity show-feedback devices"},
{kCommand, "network-services",
"/usr/bin/connectivity show-feedback services"},
{kCommand, "shill_connection_diagnostic",
"croslog --show-cursor=false --identifier=shill"
" --grep='Connection issue:' | tail -n 3"},
{kCommand, "wifi_connection_attempts",
"croslog --show-cursor=false --identifier=kernel"
" --grep='(authenticate|associate) with' | wc -l"},
{kCommand, "wifi_connection_timeouts",
"croslog --show-cursor=false --identifier=kernel"
" --grep='(authentication|association).*timed out' | wc -l"},
{kCommand, "wifi_driver_errors",
"croslog --show-cursor=false --identifier=kernel --priority=err"
" --grep='(iwlwifi|mwifiex|ath10k)' | tail -n 3"},
{kCommand, "wifi_driver_errors_count",
"croslog --show-cursor=false --identifier=kernel --priority=err"
" --grep='(iwlwifi|mwifiex|ath10k)' | wc -l"},
{kCommand, "wifi_status",
"/usr/bin/network_diag --wifi-internal --no-log --anonymize"},
// clang-format on
// Fills |dictionary| with the contents of the logs in |logs|.
void GetLogsInDictionary(const std::vector<Log>& logs,
base::Value* dictionary) {
for (const Log& log : logs) {
dictionary->SetStringKey(log.GetName(), log.GetLogData());
// Serializes the |dictionary| into the file with the given |fd| in a JSON
// format.
void SerializeLogsAsJSON(const base::Value& dictionary,
const base::ScopedFD& fd) {
string logs_json;
dictionary, base::JSONWriter::OPTIONS_PRETTY_PRINT, &logs_json);
base::WriteFileDescriptor(fd.get(), logs_json);
bool GetNamedLogFrom(const string& name,
const std::vector<Log>& logs,
string* result) {
for (const Log& log : logs) {
if (name == log.GetName()) {
*result = log.GetLogData();
return true;
*result = "<invalid log name>";
return false;
void GetLogsFrom(const std::vector<Log>& logs, LogTool::LogMap* map) {
for (const Log& log : logs)
(*map)[log.GetName()] = log.GetLogData();
void GetLsbReleaseInfo(LogTool::LogMap* map) {
const base::FilePath lsb_release(kLsbReleasePath);
brillo::KeyValueStore store;
if (!store.Load(lsb_release)) {
// /etc/lsb-release might not be present (cros deploying a new
// configuration or no fields set at all). Just print a debug
// message and continue.
DLOG(INFO) << "Could not load fields from " << lsb_release.value();
} else {
for (const auto& key : store.GetKeys()) {
// The DEVICETYPE from /etc/lsb-release may not be correct on some
// unibuild devices, so filter it out.
if (key != "DEVICETYPE") {
std::string value;
store.GetString(key, &value);
(*map)[key] = value;
void GetOsReleaseInfo(LogTool::LogMap* map) {
brillo::OsReleaseReader reader;
for (const auto& key : reader.GetKeys()) {
std::string value;
reader.GetString(key, &value);
(*map)["os-release " + key] = value;
void PopulateDictionaryValue(const LogTool::LogMap& map,
base::Value* dictionary) {
for (const auto& kv : map) {
dictionary->SetStringKey(kv.first, kv.second);
bool CompressXzBuffer(const std::vector<uint8_t>& in_buffer,
std::vector<uint8_t>* out_buffer) {
size_t out_size = lzma_stream_buffer_bound(in_buffer.size());
size_t out_pos = 0;
lzma_ret ret = lzma_easy_buffer_encode(
in_buffer.size(), out_buffer->data(), &out_pos, out_size);
if (ret != LZMA_OK) {
return false;
return true;
void GetPerfData(LogTool::LogMap* map) {
// Run perf to collect system-wide performance profile when user triggers
// feedback report. Perf runs at sampling frequency of ~500 hz (499 is used
// to avoid sampling periodic system activities), with callstack in each
// sample (-g).
std::vector<std::string> perf_args = {
"perf", "record", "-a", "-g", "-F", "499",
std::vector<uint8_t> perf_data;
int32_t status;
debugd::PerfTool perf_tool;
if (!perf_tool.GetPerfOutput(kPerfDurationSecs, perf_args, &perf_data,
nullptr, &status, nullptr))
// XZ compress the profile data.
std::vector<uint8_t> perf_data_xz;
if (!CompressXzBuffer(perf_data, &perf_data_xz))
// Base64 encode the compressed data.
std::string perf_data_str(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(,
(*map)["perf-data"] = std::string(kPerfDataDescription) +
} // namespace
Log::Log(Log::LogType type,
std::string name,
std::string data,
std::string user,
std::string group,
int64_t max_bytes,
LogTool::Encoding encoding,
bool access_root_mount_ns)
: type_(type),
access_root_mount_ns_(access_root_mount_ns) {}
std::string Log::GetName() const {
return name_;
std::string Log::GetLogData() const {
// The reason this code uses a switch statement on a type enum rather than
// using inheritance/virtual dispatch is so that all of the Log objects can
// be constructed statically. Switching to heap allocated subclasses of Log
// makes the code that declares all of the log entries much more verbose
// and harder to understand.
std::string output;
switch (type_) {
case kCommand:
output = GetCommandLogData();
case kFile:
output = GetFileLogData();
case kGlob:
output = GetGlobLogData();
DCHECK(false) << "unknown log type";
return "<unknown log type>";
if (output.empty())
return "<empty>";
return LogTool::EncodeString(std::move(output), encoding_);
// TODO(ellyjones): sandbox.
std::string Log::GetCommandLogData() const {
DCHECK_EQ(type_, kCommand);
if (type_ != kCommand)
return "<log type mismatch>";
std::string tailed_cmdline =
base::StringPrintf("%s | tail -c %" PRId64, data_.c_str(), max_bytes_);
ProcessWithOutput p;
if (minijail_disabled_for_test_)
if (!user_.empty() && !group_.empty())
p.SandboxAs(user_, group_);
if (access_root_mount_ns_)
if (!p.Init())
return "<not available>";
p.AddStringOption("-c", tailed_cmdline);
if (p.Run())
return "<not available>";
std::string output;
return output;
// static
std::string Log::GetFileData(const base::FilePath& path,
int64_t max_bytes,
const std::string& user,
const std::string& group) {
uid_t old_euid = geteuid();
uid_t new_euid = UidForUser(user);
gid_t old_egid = getegid();
gid_t new_egid = GidForGroup(group);
if (new_euid == -1 || new_egid == -1) {
return "<not available>";
// Make sure to set group first, since if we set user first we lose root
// and therefore the ability to set our effective gid to arbitrary gids.
if (setegid(new_egid)) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to set effective group id to " << new_egid;
return "<not available>";
if (seteuid(new_euid)) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to set effective user id to " << new_euid;
if (setegid(old_egid))
PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to restore effective group id to " << old_egid;
return "<not available>";
std::string contents;
// Handle special files that don't properly report length/allow lseek.
if (base::FilePath("/dev").IsParent(path) ||
base::FilePath("/proc").IsParent(path) ||
base::FilePath("/sys").IsParent(path)) {
if (!base::ReadFileToString(path, &contents))
contents = "<not available>";
if (contents.size() > max_bytes)
contents.erase(0, contents.size() - max_bytes);
} else {
base::File file(path, base::File::FLAG_OPEN | base::File::FLAG_READ);
if (!file.IsValid()) {
contents = "<not available>";
} else {
int64_t length = file.GetLength();
if (length > max_bytes) {
file.Seek(base::File::FROM_END, -max_bytes);
length = max_bytes;
std::vector<char> buf(length);
int read = file.ReadAtCurrentPos(, buf.size());
if (read < 0) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Could not read from file " << path.value();
} else {
contents = std::string(buf.begin(), buf.begin() + read);
// Make sure we restore our old euid/egid before returning.
if (seteuid(old_euid))
PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to restore effective user id to " << old_euid;
if (setegid(old_egid))
PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to restore effective group id to " << old_egid;
return contents;
std::string Log::GetFileLogData() const {
DCHECK_EQ(type_, kFile);
if (type_ != kFile)
return "<log type mismatch>";
return GetFileData(base::FilePath(data_), max_bytes_, user_, group_);
std::string Log::GetGlobLogData() const {
DCHECK_EQ(type_, kGlob);
if (type_ != kGlob)
return "<log type mismatch>";
// NB: base::FileEnumerator requires a directory to walk, and a pattern to
// match against each result. Here we accept full paths with globs in them.
glob_t g;
// NB: Feel free to add GLOB_BRACE if a user comes up.
int gret = glob(data_.c_str(), 0, nullptr, &g);
if (gret == GLOB_NOMATCH) {
return "<no matches>";
} else if (gret) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "glob " << data_ << " failed";
return "<not available>";
// The results array will hold 2 entries per file: the filename, and the
// results of reading that file.
size_t output_size = 0;
std::vector<std::string> results;
results.reserve(g.gl_pathc * 2);
for (size_t pathc = 0; pathc < g.gl_pathc; ++pathc) {
const base::FilePath path(g.gl_pathv[pathc]);
std::string contents = GetFileData(path, max_bytes_, user_, group_);
// NB: The 3 represents the bytes we add in the output string below.
output_size += path.value().size() + contents.size() + 3;
// Combine the results into a single string. We have a header with the
// filename followed by that file's contents. Very basic format.
std::string output;
for (auto iter = results.begin(); iter != results.end(); ++iter) {
output += *iter + ":\n";
output += *iter + "\n";
return output;
void Log::DisableMinijailForTest() {
minijail_disabled_for_test_ = true;
// static
uid_t Log::UidForUser(const std::string& user) {
struct passwd entry;
struct passwd* result;
std::vector<char> buf(1024);
getpwnam_r(user.c_str(), &entry, &buf[0], buf.size(), &result);
if (!result) {
LOG(ERROR) << "User not found: " << user;
return -1;
return entry.pw_uid;
// static
gid_t Log::GidForGroup(const std::string& group) {
struct group entry;
struct group* result;
std::vector<char> buf(1024);
getgrnam_r(group.c_str(), &entry, &buf[0], buf.size(), &result);
if (!result) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Group not found: " << group;
return -1;
return entry.gr_gid;
scoped_refptr<dbus::Bus> bus,
std::unique_ptr<LogTool::Log> arc_bug_report_log,
const base::FilePath& daemon_store_base_dir)
: bus_(bus),
daemon_store_base_dir_(daemon_store_base_dir) {}
LogTool::LogTool(scoped_refptr<dbus::Bus> bus)
: LogTool(
base::FilePath(kDaemonStoreBaseDir)) {}
bool LogTool::IsUserHashValid(const std::string& userhash) {
return brillo::cryptohome::home::IsSanitizedUserName(userhash) &&
void LogTool::CreateConnectivityReport(bool wait_for_results) {
// Perform ConnectivityTrial to report connection state in feedback log.
auto shill = std::make_unique<org::chromium::flimflam::ManagerProxy>(bus_);
// Give the connection trial time to test the connection and log the results
// before collecting the logs for feedback.
// TODO(silberst): Replace the simple approach of a single timeout with a more
// coordinated effort.
if (shill && shill->CreateConnectivityReport(nullptr) && wait_for_results)
string LogTool::GetLog(const string& name) {
string result;
GetNamedLogFrom(name, kCommandLogs, &result) ||
GetNamedLogFrom(name, kCommandLogsShort, &result) ||
GetNamedLogFrom(name, kExtraLogs, &result) ||
GetNamedLogFrom(name, kFeedbackLogs, &result);
return result;
LogTool::LogMap LogTool::GetAllLogs() {
LogMap result;
GetLogsFrom(kCommandLogsShort, &result);
GetLogsFrom(kCommandLogs, &result);
GetLogsFrom(kExtraLogs, &result);
return result;
LogTool::LogMap LogTool::GetAllDebugLogs() {
LogMap result;
GetLogsFrom(kCommandLogsShort, &result);
GetLogsFrom(kCommandLogs, &result);
GetLogsFrom(kExtraLogs, &result);
result[arc_bug_report_log_->GetName()] = GetArcBugReport("", nullptr);
return result;
std::vector<std::string> GetTitlesFrom(const std::vector<Log>& logs) {
std::vector<std::string> result;
for (const Log& log : logs) {
return result;
std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> GetAllDebugTitlesForTest() {
std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> result;
return result;
void LogTool::GetBigFeedbackLogs(const base::ScopedFD& fd,
const std::string& username) {
LogMap map;
base::Value dictionary(base::Value::Type::DICTIONARY);
GetLogsInDictionary(kCommandLogsVerbose, &dictionary);
GetLogsInDictionary(kCommandLogs, &dictionary);
GetLogsInDictionary(kFeedbackLogs, &dictionary);
bool is_backup;
std::string arc_bug_report = GetArcBugReport(username, &is_backup);
(is_backup ? "true" : "false"));
dictionary.SetStringKey(arc_bug_report_log_->GetName(), arc_bug_report);
PopulateDictionaryValue(map, &dictionary);
SerializeLogsAsJSON(dictionary, fd);
std::string GetSanitizedUsername(
org::chromium::CryptohomeMiscInterfaceProxyInterface* cryptohome_proxy,
const std::string& username) {
if (username.empty()) {
return std::string();
user_data_auth::GetSanitizedUsernameRequest request;
user_data_auth::GetSanitizedUsernameReply reply;
brillo::ErrorPtr error;
if (!cryptohome_proxy->GetSanitizedUsername(request, &reply, &error)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to call GetSanitizedUsername, error: "
<< error->GetMessage();
return std::string();
return reply.sanitized_username();
std::string LogTool::GetArcBugReport(const std::string& username,
bool* is_backup) {
if (is_backup) {
*is_backup = true;
std::string userhash =
GetSanitizedUsername(cryptohome_proxy_.get(), username);
std::string contents;
if (userhash.empty() ||
arc_bug_report_backups_.find(userhash) == arc_bug_report_backups_.end() ||
&contents)) {
// If |userhash| was not empty, but was not found in the backup set
// or the file did not exist, attempt to delete the file.
if (!userhash.empty()) {
if (is_backup) {
*is_backup = false;
contents = arc_bug_report_log_->GetLogData();
return contents;
void LogTool::BackupArcBugReport(const std::string& username) {
DLOG(INFO) << "Backing up ARC bug report";
const std::string userhash =
GetSanitizedUsername(cryptohome_proxy_.get(), username);
if (!IsUserHashValid(userhash)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid userhash '" << userhash << "'";
brillo::SafeFD backupDir(
if (!backupDir.is_valid()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to open ARC bug report backup dir at "
<< daemon_store_base_dir_.Append(userhash).value();
brillo::SafeFD backupFile(
brillo::OpenOrRemakeFile(&backupDir, kArcBugReportBackupFileName).first);
if (!backupFile.is_valid()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to open ARC bug report file at "
<< daemon_store_base_dir_.Append(userhash)
const std::string logData = arc_bug_report_log_->GetLogData();
if (backupFile.Write(logData.c_str(), logData.length()) ==
brillo::SafeFD::Error::kNoError) {
} else {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to back up ARC bug report";
void LogTool::DeleteArcBugReportBackup(const std::string& username) {
DLOG(INFO) << "Deleting the ARC bug report backup";
const std::string userhash =
GetSanitizedUsername(cryptohome_proxy_.get(), username);
if (!IsUserHashValid(userhash)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid userhash '" << userhash << "'";
brillo::SafeFD backupDir(
if (!backupDir.is_valid()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to open ARC bug report backup dir at "
<< daemon_store_base_dir_.Append(userhash).value();
if (base::PathExists(daemon_store_base_dir_.Append(userhash).Append(
kArcBugReportBackupFileName)) &&
backupDir.Unlink(kArcBugReportBackupFileName) !=
brillo::SafeFD::Error::kNoError) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to delete ARC bug report backup at "
<< daemon_store_base_dir_.Append(userhash)
void LogTool::GetJournalLog(const base::ScopedFD& fd) {
Log journal(kCommand, "journal.export", "journalctl -n 10000 -o export",
"syslog", "syslog", 10 * 1024 * 1024, LogTool::Encoding::kBinary);
std::string output = journal.GetLogData();
base::WriteFileDescriptor(fd.get(), output);
// static
string LogTool::EncodeString(string value, LogTool::Encoding source_encoding) {
if (source_encoding == LogTool::Encoding::kBinary)
return value;
if (source_encoding == LogTool::Encoding::kAutodetect) {
if (base::IsStringUTF8(value))
return value;
source_encoding = LogTool::Encoding::kBase64;
if (source_encoding == LogTool::Encoding::kUtf8) {
string output;
const char* src =;
int32_t src_len = static_cast<int32_t>(value.length());
for (int32_t char_index = 0; char_index < src_len; char_index++) {
uint32_t code_point;
if (!base::ReadUnicodeCharacter(src, src_len, &char_index, &code_point) ||
!base::IsValidCharacter(code_point)) {
// Replace invalid characters with U+FFFD REPLACEMENT CHARACTER.
code_point = 0xFFFD;
base::WriteUnicodeCharacter(code_point, &output);
return output;
base::Base64Encode(value, &value);
return "<base64>: " + value;
} // namespace debugd