blob: c92f5276a714db91b08a47854dc8579e37d826cd [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include <array>
#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
#include <cutils/native_handle.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <system/graphics.h>
#include "cros-camera/export.h"
// A V4L2 extension format which represents 32bit RGBX-8-8-8-8 format. This
// corresponds to DRM_FORMAT_XBGR8888 which is used as the underlying format for
#define V4L2_PIX_FMT_RGBX32 v4l2_fourcc('X', 'B', '2', '4')
// A private gralloc usage flag to force allocation of YUV420 buffer. This
// usage flag is only valid when allocating HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_YCbCr_420_888
// flexible YUV buffers.
const uint32_t GRALLOC_USAGE_FORCE_I420 = 0x10000000U;
namespace cros {
class GbmDevice;
// RAII class for handling the CPU memory mapping of a camera buffer. All the
// planes of the camera buffer is mapped when the ScopedMapping is constructed,
// and the address and size of each mapped plane can be accessed through
// ScopedMapping::plane().
class CROS_CAMERA_EXPORT ScopedMapping {
struct Plane {
// The address pointing to the start of the plane.
uint8_t* addr = nullptr;
// The byte stride of the plane.
size_t stride = 0;
// The size of the mapped memory region of the plane.
size_t size = 0;
explicit ScopedMapping(buffer_handle_t buffer);
ScopedMapping(const ScopedMapping& other) = delete;
ScopedMapping& operator=(const ScopedMapping& other) = delete;
ScopedMapping(ScopedMapping&& other);
ScopedMapping& operator=(ScopedMapping&& other);
uint32_t width() const;
uint32_t height() const;
uint32_t drm_format() const;
uint32_t v4l2_format() const;
uint32_t hal_pixel_format() const;
uint32_t num_planes() const;
Plane plane(int plane) const;
bool is_valid() const;
static constexpr size_t kMaxPlanes = 4;
void Invalidate();
std::array<Plane, kMaxPlanes> planes_;
buffer_handle_t buf_ = nullptr;
// Generic camera buffer manager. The class is for a camera HAL to map and
// unmap the buffer handles received in camera3_stream_buffer_t.
// The class is thread-safe.
// Example usage:
// #include <cros-camera/camera_buffer_manager.h>
// CameraBufferManager* manager = CameraBufferManager::GetInstance();
// if (!manager) {
// /* Error handling */
// }
// /* Register and use a buffer received from IPC */
// manager->Register(buffer_handle);
// void* addr;
// manager->Lock(buffer_handle, ..., &addr);
// /* Access the buffer mapped to |addr| */
// manager->Unlock(buffer_handle);
// manager->Deregister(buffer_handle);
// One can also allocate buffers directly from the camera buffer manager:
// /* Allocate locally and use a buffer */
// buffer_handle_t buffer_handle;
// uint32_t stride;
// manager->Allocate(..., &buffer_handle, &stride);
// void* addr;
// manager->Lock(buffer_handle, ..., &addr);
// /* Access the buffer mapped to |addr| */
// manager->Unlock(buffer_handle);
// manager->Free(buffer_handle);
struct CROS_CAMERA_EXPORT BufferHandleDeleter {
void operator()(buffer_handle_t* handle);
using ScopedBufferHandle =
std::unique_ptr<buffer_handle_t, BufferHandleDeleter>;
class CROS_CAMERA_EXPORT CameraBufferManager {
// Gets the singleton instance. Returns nullptr if any error occurrs during
// instance creation.
static CameraBufferManager* GetInstance();
virtual ~CameraBufferManager() {}
// Allocates a buffer for a frame.
// Args:
// |width|: The width of the frame.
// |height|: The height of the frame.
// |format|: The HAL pixel format of the frame.
// |usage|: The gralloc usage of the buffer.
// |out_buffer|: The handle to the allocated buffer.
// |out_stride|: The stride of the allocated buffer. |out_stride| is 0 for
// YUV buffers.
// Returns:
// 0 on success; corresponding error code on failure.
virtual int Allocate(size_t width,
size_t height,
uint32_t format,
uint32_t usage,
buffer_handle_t* out_buffer,
uint32_t* out_stride) = 0;
// Same as above, but returns a ScopedBufferHandle that deallocates the
// allocated buffer automatically.
// Args:
// |width|: The width of the frame.
// |height|: The height of the frame.
// |format|: The HAL pixel format of the frame.
// |usage|: The gralloc usage of the buffer.
// Returns:
// A ScopedBufferHandle with valid buffer handle on success, or a
// ScopedBufferHandle with nullptr on error.
static ScopedBufferHandle AllocateScopedBuffer(size_t width,
size_t height,
uint32_t format,
uint32_t usage);
// Frees |buffer| allocated with CameraBufferManager::Allocate().
// Args:
// |buffer|: The buffer to free.
// Returns:
// 0 on success; corresponding error code on failure.
virtual int Free(buffer_handle_t buffer) = 0;
// This method is analogous to the register() function in Android gralloc
// module. This method needs to be called for buffers that are not allocated
// with Allocate() before |buffer| can be mapped.
// Args:
// |buffer|: The buffer handle to register.
// Returns:
// 0 on success; corresponding error code on failure.
virtual int Register(buffer_handle_t buffer) = 0;
// This method is analogous to the unregister() function in Android gralloc
// module. After |buffer| is deregistered, calling Lock(), LockYCbCr(), or
// Unlock() on |buffer| will fail.
// Args:
// |buffer|: The buffer handle to deregister.
// Returns:
// 0 on success; corresponding error code on failure.
virtual int Deregister(buffer_handle_t buffer) = 0;
// This method is analogous to the lock() function in Android gralloc module.
// Here the buffer handle is mapped with the given args.
// This method always maps the entire buffer and |x|, |y|, |width|, |height|
// do not affect |out_addr|.
// Args:
// |buffer|: The buffer handle to map.
// |flags|: Currently omitted and is reserved for future use.
// |x|: Unused and has no effect.
// |y|: Unused and has no effect.
// |width|: Unused and has no effect.
// |height|: Unused and has no effect.
// |out_addr|: The mapped address pointing to the start of the buffer.
// Returns:
// 0 on success with |out_addr| set with the mapped address;
// -EINVAL on invalid buffer handle or invalid buffer format.
virtual int Lock(buffer_handle_t buffer,
uint32_t flags,
uint32_t x,
uint32_t y,
uint32_t width,
uint32_t height,
void** out_addr) = 0;
// This method is analogous to the lock_ycbcr() function in Android gralloc
// module. Here all the physical planes of the buffer handle are mapped with
// the given args.
// This method always maps the entire buffer and |x|, |y|, |width|, |height|
// do not affect |out_ycbcr|.
// Args:
// |buffer|: The buffer handle to map.
// |flags|: Currently omitted and is reserved for future use.
// |x|: Unused and has no effect.
// |y|: Unused and has no effect.
// |width|: Unused and has no effect.
// |height|: Unused and has no effect.
// |out_ycbcr|: The mapped addresses, plane strides and chroma offset.
// - |out_ycbcr.y| stores the mapped address to the start of the
// Y-plane.
// - |out_ycbcr.cb| stores the mapped address to the start of the
// Cb-plane.
// - || stores the mapped address to the start of the
// Cr-plane.
// - |out_ycbcr.ystride| stores the stride of the Y-plane.
// - |out_ycbcr.cstride| stores the stride of the chroma planes.
// - |out_ycbcr.chroma_step| stores the distance between two adjacent
// pixels on the chroma plane. The value is 1 for normal planar
// formats, and 2 for semi-planar formats.
// Returns:
// 0 on success with |out_ycbcr.y| set with the mapped buffer info;
// -EINVAL on invalid buffer handle or invalid buffer format.
virtual int LockYCbCr(buffer_handle_t buffer,
uint32_t flags,
uint32_t x,
uint32_t y,
uint32_t width,
uint32_t height,
struct android_ycbcr* out_ycbcr) = 0;
// This method is analogous to the unlock() function in Android gralloc
// module. Here the buffer is simply unmapped.
// Args:
// |buffer|: The buffer handle to unmap.
// Returns:
// 0 on success; -EINVAL on invalid buffer handle.
virtual int Unlock(buffer_handle_t buffer) = 0;
// Resolves the HAL pixel format |hal_format| to the actual DRM format, based
// on the gralloc usage flags set in |usage|.
// Args:
// |hal_format|: The HAL pixel format to query.
// |usage|: The gralloc usage of the buffer.
// Returns:
// The corresponding DRM format; 0 if no DRM format could be resolved to.
virtual uint32_t ResolveDrmFormat(uint32_t hal_format, uint32_t usage) = 0;
// Checks if |buffer| is a valid camera buffer handle.
// Args:
// |buffer|: The buffer handle to be verified.
// Returns:
// true if a buffer is valid, or false otherwise.
static bool IsValidBuffer(buffer_handle_t buffer);
// Get the width of the buffer handle.
// Args:
// |buffer|: The buffer handle to query.
// Returns:
// The width; 0 if |buffer| is invalid.
static uint32_t GetWidth(buffer_handle_t buffer);
// Get the height of the buffer handle.
// Args:
// |buffer|: The buffer handle to query.
// Returns:
// The height; 0 if |buffer| is invalid.
static uint32_t GetHeight(buffer_handle_t buffer);
// Get the number of physical planes associated with |buffer|.
// Args:
// |buffer|: The buffer handle to query.
// Returns:
// Number of planes on success; 0 if |buffer| is invalid or unrecognized
// pixel format.
static uint32_t GetNumPlanes(buffer_handle_t buffer);
// Gets the V4L2 pixel format for the buffer handle.
// Args:
// |buffer|: The buffer handle to query.
// Returns:
// The V4L2 pixel format; 0 on error.
static uint32_t GetV4L2PixelFormat(buffer_handle_t buffer);
// Gets the stride of the specified plane.
// Args:
// |buffer|: The buffer handle to query.
// |plane|: The plane to query.
// Returns:
// The stride of the specified plane; 0 on error.
static size_t GetPlaneStride(buffer_handle_t buffer, size_t plane);
// Gets the size of the specified plane.
// Args:
// |buffer|: The buffer handle to query.
// |plane|: The plane to query.
// Returns:
// The size of the specified plane; 0 on error.
static size_t GetPlaneSize(buffer_handle_t buffer, size_t plane);
// Gets the offset of the specified plane.
// Args:
// |buffer|: The buffer handle to query.
// |plane|: The plane to query.
// Returns:
// The offset of the specified plane; -1 on error.
static off_t GetPlaneOffset(buffer_handle_t buffer, size_t plane);
// Gets the plane fd of the buffer handle.
// Args:
// |buffer|: The buffer handle to query.
// Returns:
// The plane fd; -1 on error.
static int GetPlaneFd(buffer_handle_t buffer, size_t plane);
// Gets the Android HAL pixel format of the buffer handle.
// Args:
// |buffer|: The buffer handle to query.
// Returns:
// The HAL pixel format as defined in Android's system/graphics.h header;
// 0 on error.
static uint32_t GetHalPixelFormat(buffer_handle_t buffer);
// Gets the DRM pixel format of the buffer handle.
// Args:
// |buffer|: The buffer handle to query.
// Returns:
// The DRM pixel format as defined in drm_fourcc.h header; 0 on error.
static uint32_t GetDrmPixelFormat(buffer_handle_t buffer);
} // namespace cros