blob: a9d54783921bda3397b5559ce8ec3a841d233830 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include <vector>
#include <cutils/native_handle.h>
#include "gpu/egl/egl_context.h"
#include "gpu/gles/texture_2d.h"
namespace cros {
// SharedImage holds the different "handles" of a buffer object and is used to
// shared the same buffer across different components (mainly between CPU and
// GPU) without needing to explicitly copying the buffer content.
class SharedImage {
// Creates a SharedImage from the give buffer handle |buffer|. |buffer| will
// be bound to the texture target |texture_target| if |separate_yuv_textures|
// is false. If |separate_yuv_textures| is true, then |buffer| will be bound
// to the Texture2D texture target, since TextureExternalOES doesn't work if
// we need to write to the underlying DMA-buf.
static SharedImage CreateFromBuffer(buffer_handle_t buffer,
Texture2D::Target texture_target,
bool separate_yuv_textures = false);
// Creates a SharedImage with the given GL format |gl_format| and dimension
// |width| x |height|. The SharedImage image is a pure container of some GPU
// textures and no DMA-buf buffer will be associated.
static SharedImage CreateFromGpuTexture(GLenum gl_format,
int width,
int height);
// Default constructor creates an invalid SharedImage.
SharedImage() = default;
SharedImage(const SharedImage& other) = delete;
SharedImage& operator=(const SharedImage& other) = delete;
SharedImage& operator=(SharedImage&& other);
const buffer_handle_t& buffer() const { return buffer_; }
const Texture2D& texture() const;
const Texture2D& y_texture() const;
const Texture2D& uv_texture() const;
void SetDestructionCallback(base::OnceClosure callback);
// Creates a SharedImage from the given |buffer|, |egl_images| and |textures|.
// |buffer| and |egl_images| can be invalid, in which case the SharedImage is
// simply a container for |textures|.
// Does not take ownership of |buffer|. The caller must make sure that
// |buffer| out-lives the SharedImage it's bound to.
// Takes ownership of |egl_images| and |textures|.
SharedImage(buffer_handle_t buffer,
std::vector<EglImage> egl_images,
std::vector<Texture2D> textures);
void Invalidate();
buffer_handle_t buffer_ = nullptr;
std::vector<EglImage> egl_images_;
std::vector<Texture2D> textures_;
base::OnceClosure destruction_callback_;
} // namespace cros