blob: a36a40872c4b06285c5da80096f7b2b575adccc8 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <semaphore.h>
#include <list>
#include <memory>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "camera3_test/camera3_device_fixture.h"
namespace camera3_test {
const int32_t kNumberOfOutputStreamBuffers = 3;
const int32_t kPreviewOutputStreamIdx = 0;
const int32_t kRecordingOutputStreamIdx = 1;
// The still capture output stream can be at index 1 or 2, depending on whether
// there is video recording.
#define INCREASE_INDEX(idx) \
(idx) = (idx == number_of_capture_requests_ - 1) ? 0 : (idx) + 1
struct MetadataKeyValue {
int32_t key;
const void* data;
size_t data_count;
MetadataKeyValue(int32_t k, const void* d, size_t c)
: key(k), data(d), data_count(c) {}
class Camera3Service {
explicit Camera3Service(std::vector<int> cam_ids)
: cam_ids_(cam_ids), initialized_(false) {}
typedef base::Callback<void(int cam_id,
uint32_t frame_number,
ScopedCameraMetadata metadata,
cros::ScopedBufferHandle buffer)>
typedef base::Callback<void(
int cam_id, uint32_t frame_number, ScopedCameraMetadata metadata)>
typedef base::Callback<void(
int cam_id, uint32_t frame_number, ScopedCameraMetadata metadata)>
// Initialize service and corresponding devices and register processing
// still capture and recording result callback
int Initialize(
ProcessStillCaptureResultCallback still_capture_cb,
ProcessRecordingResultCallback recording_cb,
ProcessPreviewResultCallback preview_cb = ProcessPreviewResultCallback());
// Destroy service and corresponding devices
void Destroy();
// Start camera preview with given preview resolution |preview_resolution|
// Set the width of |still_capture_resolution| or |recording_resolution| to 0
// if taking still pictures or recording is not needed.
int StartPreview(int cam_id,
const ResolutionInfo& preview_resolution,
const ResolutionInfo& still_capture_resolution,
const ResolutionInfo& recording_resolution);
// Stop camera preview
void StopPreview(int cam_id);
// Start auto focus
void StartAutoFocus(int cam_id);
// Wait for auto focus done
int WaitForAutoFocusDone(int cam_id);
// Wait for AWB converged and lock AWB
int WaitForAWBConvergedAndLock(int cam_id);
// Start AE precapture
void StartAEPrecapture(int cam_id);
// Wait for AE stable
int WaitForAEStable(int cam_id);
// Start Face detection
void StartFaceDetection(int cam_id);
// Stop Face detection
void StopFaceDetection(int cam_id);
// Take still capture with settings |metadata|
void TakeStillCapture(int cam_id, const camera_metadata_t* metadata);
// Start recording
int StartRecording(int cam_id, const camera_metadata_t* metadata);
// Stop recording
void StopRecording(int cam_id);
// Wait for |num_frames| number of preview frames with |timeout_ms|
// milliseconds of timeout for each frame.
int WaitForPreviewFrames(int cam_id,
uint32_t num_frames,
uint32_t timeout_ms);
// Get device static information
const Camera3Device::StaticInfo* GetStaticInfo(int cam_id);
// Get device default request settings
const camera_metadata_t* ConstructDefaultRequestSettings(int cam_id,
int type);
std::vector<int> cam_ids_;
base::Lock lock_;
bool initialized_;
class Camera3DeviceService;
std::unordered_map<int, std::unique_ptr<Camera3DeviceService>>
class Camera3Service::Camera3DeviceService {
Camera3DeviceService(int cam_id,
ProcessStillCaptureResultCallback still_capture_cb,
ProcessRecordingResultCallback recording_cb,
ProcessPreviewResultCallback preview_cb)
: cam_id_(cam_id),
service_thread_("Camera3 Test Service Thread"),
recording_metadata_(nullptr) {}
int Initialize();
void Destroy();
// Start camera preview with given preview resolution |preview_resolution|
// Set the width of |still_capture_resolution| or |recording_resolution| to 0
// if taking still pictures or recording is not needed.
int StartPreview(const ResolutionInfo& preview_resolution,
const ResolutionInfo& still_capture_resolution,
const ResolutionInfo& recording_resolution);
// Stop camera preview
void StopPreview();
// Start auto focus
void StartAutoFocus();
// Wait for auto focus done
int WaitForAutoFocusDone();
// Wait for AWB converged and lock AWB
int WaitForAWBConvergedAndLock();
// Start AE precapture
void StartAEPrecapture();
// Wait for AE stable
int WaitForAEStable();
// Start Face Detection
void StartFaceDetection();
// Stopt Face Detection
void StopFaceDetection();
// Take still capture with settings |metadata|
void TakeStillCapture(const camera_metadata_t* metadata);
// Start recording
int StartRecording(const camera_metadata_t* metadata);
// Stop recording
void StopRecording();
// Wait for |num_frames| number of preview frames with |timeout_ms|
// milliseconds of timeout for each frame.
int WaitForPreviewFrames(uint32_t num_frames, uint32_t timeout_ms);
// Get static information
const Camera3Device::StaticInfo* GetStaticInfo() const;
// Get default request settings
const camera_metadata_t* ConstructDefaultRequestSettings(int type);
// Process result metadata and output buffers
void ProcessResultMetadataOutputBuffers(
uint32_t frame_number,
ScopedCameraMetadata metadata,
std::vector<cros::ScopedBufferHandle> buffers);
void StartPreviewOnServiceThread(ResolutionInfo preview_resolution,
ResolutionInfo still_capture_resolution,
ResolutionInfo recording_resolution,
int* result);
void StartAutoFocusOnServiceThread();
void StopPreviewOnServiceThread(base::Callback<void()> cb);
void AddMetadataListenerOnServiceThread(int32_t key,
std::unordered_set<int32_t> values,
base::Callback<void()> cb,
int32_t* result);
void DeleteMetadataListenerOnServiceThread(
int32_t key, std::unordered_set<int32_t> values);
void LockAWBOnServiceThread();
void StartAEPrecaptureOnServiceThread();
void StartFaceDetectionOnServiceThread();
void StopFaceDetectionOnServiceThread();
void TakeStillCaptureOnServiceThread(const camera_metadata_t* metadata,
base::Callback<void()> cb);
void StartRecordingOnServiceThread(const camera_metadata_t* metadata,
base::Callback<void(int)> cb);
void StopRecordingOnServiceThread(base::Callback<void()> cb);
// This function can be called by PrepareStillCaptureAndStartPreview() or
// ProcessResultMetadataOutputBuffers() to process one preview request.
// It will check whether there was a still capture request or preview
// repeating/one-shot setting changes and construct the capture request
// accordingly.
void ProcessPreviewRequestOnServiceThread();
void ProcessResultMetadataOutputBuffersOnServiceThread(
uint32_t frame_number,
ScopedCameraMetadata metadata,
std::vector<cros::ScopedBufferHandle> buffers);
int cam_id_;
Camera3Device cam_device_;
cros::CameraThread service_thread_;
ProcessStillCaptureResultCallback process_still_capture_result_cb_;
ProcessRecordingResultCallback process_recording_result_cb_;
ProcessPreviewResultCallback process_preview_result_cb_;
int32_t preview_state_;
base::Callback<void()> stop_preview_cb_;
std::vector<const camera3_stream_t*> streams_;
uint32_t number_of_capture_requests_;
// Keep |number_of_capture_requests_| number of capture request and a boolean
// indicating whether it is used (in the pipeline) or not
std::vector<std::pair<camera3_capture_request_t, bool>> capture_requests_;
// Keep track of two stream buffers for each capture request. The preview
// buffer is at index 0 while still capture one at index 1.
std::vector<std::vector<camera3_stream_buffer_t>> output_stream_buffers_;
// Number of capture requests that are being processed by HAL
size_t number_of_in_flight_requests_;
// Metadata for repeating preview requests
ScopedCameraMetadata repeating_preview_metadata_;
// Metadata for one-shot preview requests. It can be used to trigger AE
// precapture and auto focus.
ScopedCameraMetadata oneshot_preview_metadata_;
// Metadata for still capture requests
const camera_metadata_t* still_capture_metadata_;
base::Callback<void()> still_capture_cb_;
// Metadata for recording requests
const camera_metadata_t* recording_metadata_;
base::Callback<void()> stop_recording_cb_;
struct MetadataListener {
int32_t key;
std::unordered_set<int32_t> values;
base::Callback<void()> cb;
int32_t* result;
MetadataListener(int32_t k,
const std::unordered_set<int32_t>& v,
base::Callback<void()> c,
int32_t* r)
: key(k), values(v), cb(c), result(r) {}
std::list<MetadataListener> metadata_listener_list_;
sem_t preview_frame_sem_;
} // namespace camera3_test