blob: cb902d6417dc1dfe26a18eecc72297090e55ec0a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ml_benchmark/memory_sampler.h"
#include <base/test/task_environment.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
namespace ml_benchmark {
class PeakMemorySamplerTest : public ::testing::Test {
PeakMemorySamplerTest() = default;
base::test::TaskEnvironment task_environment_{
base::TimeDelta sampling_interval_ = base::Seconds(1);
TEST_F(PeakMemorySamplerTest, BasicFunctions) {
scoped_refptr<PeakMemorySampler> sampler = new PeakMemorySampler();
// No samples should mean zero
EXPECT_EQ(sampler->GetMaxSample(), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(sampler->sample_counter_, 0);
const int64_t initial_peak = sampler->GetMaxSample();
// StartSampling causes a sample, plus the interval is two samples.
EXPECT_EQ(sampler->sample_counter_, 2);
task_environment_.FastForwardBy(sampling_interval_ * 2);
// Allocate 100MB
const int hundred_mb_bytes = 1024 * 1024 * 100;
char* allocate = new char[hundred_mb_bytes];
// Zero it out and read so the compiler doesn't optimize the variable away.
memset(allocate, 0, hundred_mb_bytes);
EXPECT_EQ(allocate[hundred_mb_bytes - 1], 0);
const int64_t higher_peak = sampler->GetMaxSample();
EXPECT_GT(higher_peak, initial_peak);
// Free the memory and make sure the peak doesn't drop
delete[] allocate;
EXPECT_EQ(higher_peak, sampler->GetMaxSample());
// Stop sampling, allocate a bunch more memory
EXPECT_EQ(sampler->sample_counter_, 6);
// Allocate 200MB
const int two_hundred_mb_bytes = 1024 * 1024 * 200;
allocate = new char[two_hundred_mb_bytes];
// Zero it out and read so the compiler doesn't optimize the variable away.
memset(allocate, 0, two_hundred_mb_bytes);
EXPECT_EQ(allocate[two_hundred_mb_bytes - 1], 0);
// We're not sampling so the peak should stay the same.
task_environment_.FastForwardBy(sampling_interval_ * 2);
EXPECT_EQ(higher_peak, sampler->GetMaxSample());
EXPECT_EQ(sampler->sample_counter_, 6);
// Start sampling again and check it grows
EXPECT_GT(sampler->GetMaxSample(), higher_peak);
// StartSampling causes a sample, plus the interval is two samples.
EXPECT_EQ(sampler->sample_counter_, 8);
delete[] allocate;
TEST_F(PeakMemorySamplerTest, LifeCycle) {
scoped_refptr<PeakMemorySampler> sampler = new PeakMemorySampler();
EXPECT_GT(sampler->GetMaxSample(), 0);
// At this point another task has been scheduled in t+1, so
// delete the object and move forward in time. We expect this
// to 'just work' and not crash due to some dangling pointer.
task_environment_.FastForwardBy(sampling_interval_ * 2);
} // namespace ml_benchmark