blob: db040181e9346d5ab816642aa04dd7f9fea2d414 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "lorgnette/image_readers/png_reader.h"
#include <optional>
#include <utility>
#include <dbus/lorgnette/dbus-constants.h>
#include "lorgnette/constants.h"
namespace lorgnette {
namespace {
// Wrapper for libpng functions that handles converting the setjmp based
// exceptions into safe, usable error codes. It is used like so:
// brillo::ErrorPtr* error = [...];
// png_struct* png = [...];
// png_info* info = [...];
// int result = LibpngErrorWrap(error, png_write_info, png, info);
template <typename Fn, typename... Args>
int LibpngErrorWrap(brillo::ErrorPtr* error,
const Fn& libpng_function,
png_struct* png,
Args... args) {
jmp_buf* buf = png_set_longjmp_fn(png, longjmp, sizeof(jmp_buf));
if (!buf) {
brillo::Error::AddTo(error, FROM_HERE, kDbusDomain, kManagerServiceError,
"Failed to initialize jmp_buf");
return -1;
int result = setjmp(*buf);
if (result != 0) {
// |libpng_function| failed and longjmp'ed here.
return result;
libpng_function(png, args...);
// Disable longjmp so that we don't inadvertently longjmp here from another
// libpng function.
png_set_longjmp_fn(png, nullptr, sizeof(jmp_buf));
return 0;
} // namespace
// static
std::unique_ptr<ImageReader> PngReader::Create(
brillo::ErrorPtr* error,
const ScanParameters& params,
const std::optional<int>& resolution,
base::ScopedFILE out_file) {
std::unique_ptr<PngReader> reader(new PngReader(params, std::move(out_file)));
if (!reader->ValidateParams(error) ||
!reader->Initialize(error, resolution)) {
return nullptr;
return reader;
PngReader::~PngReader() {
if (png_) {
// |png_| and |info_| should always have been created together.
png_destroy_write_struct(&png_, &info_);
bool PngReader::ReadRow(brillo::ErrorPtr* error, uint8_t* data) {
int ret = LibpngErrorWrap(error, png_write_row, png_, data);
if (ret != 0) {
brillo::Error::AddToPrintf(error, FROM_HERE, kDbusDomain,
"Writing PNG row failed with result %d", ret);
return false;
return true;
bool PngReader::Finalize(brillo::ErrorPtr* error) {
// Reset |valid_| so that no new rows can be added to the image, and the image
// cannot be finalized a second time.
valid_ = false;
int ret = LibpngErrorWrap(error, png_write_end, png_, info_);
if (ret != 0) {
error, FROM_HERE, kDbusDomain, kManagerServiceError,
"Finalizing PNG write failed with result %d", ret);
return false;
return true;
PngReader::PngReader(const ScanParameters& params, base::ScopedFILE out_file)
: ImageReader(params, std::move(out_file)) {}
bool PngReader::ValidateParams(brillo::ErrorPtr* error) {
if (!ImageReader::ValidateParams(error)) {
return false;
if (params_.depth != 1 && params_.depth != 8 && params_.depth != 16) {
brillo::Error::AddToPrintf(error, FROM_HERE, kDbusDomain,
"Invalid PNG scan bit depth %d", params_.depth);
return false;
return true;
bool PngReader::Initialize(brillo::ErrorPtr* error,
const std::optional<int>& resolution) {
png_ =
png_create_write_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
if (!png_) {
brillo::Error::AddTo(error, FROM_HERE, kDbusDomain, kManagerServiceError,
"Could not initialize PNG write struct");
return false;
info_ = png_create_info_struct(png_);
if (!info_) {
brillo::Error::AddTo(error, FROM_HERE, kDbusDomain, kManagerServiceError,
"Could not initialize PNG info struct");
png_destroy_write_struct(&png_, nullptr);
return false;
int width = params_.pixels_per_line;
int height = params_.lines;
int color_type =
params_.format == kGrayscale ? PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY : PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB;
png_set_IHDR(png_, info_, width, height, params_.depth, color_type,
if (resolution.has_value()) {
constexpr double inches_per_meter = 39.3701;
uint32_t png_resolution = resolution.value() * inches_per_meter;
png_set_pHYs(png_, info_, png_resolution, png_resolution,
png_init_io(png_, out_file_.get());
int ret = LibpngErrorWrap(error, png_write_info, png_, info_);
if (ret != 0) {
brillo::Error::AddToPrintf(error, FROM_HERE, kDbusDomain,
"Writing PNG info failed with result %d", ret);
png_destroy_write_struct(&png_, &info_);
return false;
// Sanity check to make sure that we're not consuming more data in
// png_write_row than we have available.
if (png_get_rowbytes(png_, info_) > params_.bytes_per_line) {
error, FROM_HERE, kDbusDomain, kManagerServiceError,
"PNG image row requires %zu bytes, but SANE is only providing %d "
png_get_rowbytes(png_, info_), params_.bytes_per_line);
png_destroy_write_struct(&png_, &info_);
return false;
// Setup output transformations within libpng so that image data from SANE
// can be converted to the correct endianness or values for PNG data.
switch (params_.depth) {
case 1:
// Inverts black and white pixels, since monocolor data from SANE has an
// inverted representation when compared to PNG.
case 16:
// Transpose byte order, since PNG is big-endian and SANE is endian-native
// i.e. little-endian.
valid_ = true;
return true;
} // namespace lorgnette