blob: 8004148ab21d53790339a08728468f132b3c0500 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This provides an API for performing typical filesystem related tasks while
// guaranteeing certain security properties are maintained. Specifically, checks
// are performed to disallow symbolic links, and exotic file objects. The goal
// behind these checks is to thwart attacks that rely on confusing system
// services to perform unintended file operations like ownership changes or
// copy-as-root attack primitives. To accomplish this these operations are
// written to avoid susceptibility to TOCTOU (time-of-check-time-of-use)
// attacks.
// To use this API start with the root path and work from there. For example:
// SafeFD fd(SafeDirFD::Root().MakeFile(PATH).first);
// if (!fd.is_valid()) {
// LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to open " << PATH;
// return false;
// }
// if (fd.WriteString(CONTENTS) != SafeFD::kNoError) {
// LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to write to " << PATH;
// return false;
// }
// auto read_result = fd.ReadString();
// if (!read_result.second != SafeFD::kNoError) {
// LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to read from " << PATH;
// return false;
// }
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include <base/files/scoped_file.h>
#include <base/logging.h>
#include <base/synchronization/lock.h>
#include <brillo/brillo_export.h>
#include <gtest/gtest_prod.h>
namespace brillo {
class SafeFDTest;
class SafeFD {
SafeFD(const SafeFD&) = delete;
SafeFD& operator=(const SafeFD&) = delete;
enum class Error {
kNoError = 0,
kNotInitialized, // Invalid operation on a SafeFD that was not initialized.
kIOError, // Check errno for specific cause.
kDoesNotExist, // The specified path does not exist.
kBoundaryDetected, // Detected a file system boundary during recursion.
kWrongType, // (e.g. got a directory and expected a file)
kExceededMaximum, // The maximum allowed read size was reached.
// Returns true if |err| denotes a failed operation.
BRILLO_EXPORT static bool IsError(SafeFD::Error err);
typedef std::pair<SafeFD, Error> SafeFDResult;
// 100 MiB
BRILLO_EXPORT static constexpr size_t kDefaultMaxRead = 100 << 20;
// One page is usually 4 KiB. This is the typical file size limit for
// psuedo-fs such as /proc or /sys.
BRILLO_EXPORT static constexpr size_t kDefaultPageSize = 4 << 10;
BRILLO_EXPORT static constexpr size_t kDefaultMaxPathDepth = 256;
// User read and write only.
BRILLO_EXPORT static constexpr size_t kDefaultFilePermissions = 0640;
// User read, write, and execute. Group read and execute.
BRILLO_EXPORT static constexpr size_t kDefaultDirPermissions = 0750;
// Get a SafeFD to the root path.
[[nodiscard]] BRILLO_EXPORT static SafeFDResult Root();
BRILLO_EXPORT static void SetRootPathForTesting(const char* new_root_path);
// Constructs an invalid fd;
BRILLO_EXPORT SafeFD() = default;
// Move-based constructor and assignment.
BRILLO_EXPORT SafeFD(SafeFD&&) = default;
BRILLO_EXPORT SafeFD& operator=(SafeFD&&) = default;
// Return the fd number.
[[nodiscard]] BRILLO_EXPORT int get() const;
// Check the validity of the file descriptor.
[[nodiscard]] BRILLO_EXPORT bool is_valid() const;
// Close the scoped file if one was open.
BRILLO_EXPORT void reset();
// Wrap |fd| with a SafeFD which will close the fd when this goes out of
// scope. This closes the original fd if one was open.
// This is named "Unsafe" because the recommended way to get a SafeFD
// instance is opening one from SafeFD::Root().
BRILLO_EXPORT void UnsafeReset(int fd);
// Writes |size| bytes from |data| replacing the contents of a file and
// returns kNoError on success. Note the file will be truncated to the
// size of the content.
// Intended use cases:
// * Making a file that contains exactly |data|.
// Parameters
// data - The buffer to write to the file.
// size - The number of bytes to write.
[[nodiscard]] BRILLO_EXPORT Error Replace(const char* data, size_t size);
// Writes |size| bytes from |data| to the file and returns kNoError on
// success. Note the file will **NOT** be truncated to the size of the
// content, and the data will be written to the current file cursor position.
// Intended use cases:
// * Writing to FIFOs, sockets, etc. where seek or truncate are not
// available.
// * To append to a file (e.g. opened with O_APPEND or
// lseek(fd.get(), 0, SEEK_END).
// Parameters
// data - The buffer to write to the file.
// size - The number of bytes to write.
[[nodiscard]] BRILLO_EXPORT Error Write(const char* data, size_t size);
// Read the contents of the file and return it as a string.
// Parameters
// size - The max number of bytes to read.
[[nodiscard]] BRILLO_EXPORT std::pair<std::vector<char>, Error> ReadContents(
size_t max_size = kDefaultMaxRead);
// Reads exactly |size| bytes into |data|.
// Parameters
// data - The buffer to read the file into.
// size - The number of bytes to read.
[[nodiscard]] BRILLO_EXPORT Error Read(char* data, size_t size);
// Reads at most |max_size| bytes into |data|.
// Parameters
// data - The buffer to read the file into.
// max_size - The maximum number of bytes to read (typically, the size of
// the buffer).
[[nodiscard]] BRILLO_EXPORT std::pair<size_t, Error> ReadUntilEnd(
char* data, size_t max_size);
// Copy the contents of this file to |destination|.
// Parameters
// destination - An open safe fd that will be written to with the contents of
// |this|.
// size - The max number of bytes to copy. If this amount is reached,
// Error::kExceededMaximum is returned.
[[nodiscard]] BRILLO_EXPORT Error
CopyContentsTo(SafeFD* destination, size_t max_size = kDefaultMaxRead);
// Open an existing file relative to this directory.
// Parameters
// path - The path to open relative to the current directory.
[[nodiscard]] BRILLO_EXPORT SafeFDResult
OpenExistingFile(const base::FilePath& path, int flags = O_RDWR | O_CLOEXEC);
// Open an existing directory relative to this directory.
// Parameters
// path - The path to open relative to the current directory.
[[nodiscard]] BRILLO_EXPORT SafeFDResult
OpenExistingDir(const base::FilePath& path, int flags = O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC);
// Open a file relative to this directory creating the parent directories and
// file if they don't already exist.
[[nodiscard]] BRILLO_EXPORT SafeFDResult
MakeFile(const base::FilePath& path,
mode_t permissions = kDefaultFilePermissions,
uid_t uid = getuid(),
gid_t gid = getgid(),
int flags = O_RDWR | O_CLOEXEC);
// Create the directories in the relative path with the given ownership and
// permissions and return a file descriptor to the result.
[[nodiscard]] BRILLO_EXPORT SafeFDResult
MakeDir(const base::FilePath& path,
mode_t permissions = kDefaultDirPermissions,
uid_t uid = getuid(),
gid_t gid = getgid(),
int flags = O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC);
// Hard link |fd| in the directory represented by |this| with the specified
// name |filename|. This requires CAP_DAC_READ_SEARCH.
// Parameters
// data - The buffer to write to the file.
// size - The number of bytes to write.
[[nodiscard]] BRILLO_EXPORT Error Link(const SafeFD& source_dir,
const std::string& source_name,
const std::string& destination_name);
// Deletes the child path named |name|.
// Parameters
// name - the name of the filesystem object to delete.
[[nodiscard]] BRILLO_EXPORT Error Unlink(const std::string& name);
// Deletes a child directory. It will return kBoundaryDetected if a file
// system boundary is reached during recursion.
// Parameters
// name - the name of the directory to delete.
// recursive - if true also unlink child paths.
// max_depth - limit on recursion depth to prevent fd exhaustion and stack
// overflows.
// keep_going - in recursive case continue deleting even in the face of
// errors. If all entries cannot be deleted, the last error encountered
// during recursion is returned.
[[nodiscard]] BRILLO_EXPORT Error
Rmdir(const std::string& name,
bool recursive = false,
size_t max_depth = kDefaultMaxPathDepth,
bool keep_going = true);
FRIEND_TEST(SafeFDTest, CopyContentsTo_PseudoFsLargeFallbackSuccess);
BRILLO_EXPORT static const char* RootPath;
base::ScopedFD fd_;
} // namespace brillo