blob: e4af5e209976e7b16b06bbd166cf688b953fec77 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include "wilco_dtc_supportd.pb.h" // NOLINT(build/include_directory)
namespace diagnostics {
class DpslThreadContext;
// Interface of the class that allows to make outgoing requests to the
// gRPC server ran by the wilco_dtc_supportd daemon (the interface is defined at
// grpc/wilco_dtc_supportd.proto).
// On construction, starts a gRPC client that connects to the wilco_dtc_supportd
// daemon on the specified URI. When a request is made, DPSL sends it and
// immediately returns; after the response arrives, the DPSL puts a task into
// the event loop that invokes the specified callback.
// Obtain an instance of this class via the Create() method.
// auto thread_context = DpslThreadContext::Create(...);
// auto requester = DpslRequester::Create(thread_context.get(), ...);
// if (!requester) {
// ... // Handle error
// }
// requester->GetProcData(
// ...,
// [](std::unique_ptr<grpc_api::GetProcDataResponse> response){
// ... // custom logic
// });
// thread_context->RunEventLoop();
// NOTE ON THREADING MODEL: This class is generally thread-safe, except that it
// must be created and destroyed on the same thread. The response callbacks are
// always executed on the thread on which this class was created (even when the
// request was made from a different thread).
// NOTE ON REQUESTS SEQUENCE: Parallel requests are allowed: i.e., it's OK to
// start a new request before the result of the previous one arrives. DPSL
// does NOT guarantee any particular ordering for the responses arrival in that
// case.
// 1. An instance of DpslThreadContext must exist on the current thread during
// the whole lifetime of this object.
class DpslRequester {
// Specifies predefined options for the URI which should be used for the
// created gRPC client for making requests.
enum class GrpcClientUri {
// A Unix domain socket at the predefined constant path. This option is
// available only when running OUTSIDE a VM.
// Only one client with this URI may run at a time; breaking this
// requirement will lead to unspecified behavior.
kLocalDomainSocket = 0,
// A vsock URI for communicating across the VM boundary. This option is
// available only when running INSIDE a VM.
kVmVsock = 1,
// Request-specific callback types. These callbacks are called by DPSL when a
// response arrives to the corresponding request.
// NOTE ON THREADING: The callbacks are always called by DPSL on the thread on
// which the class was created.
// When the request fails, DPSL calls the callback with |response| being null.
using SendMessageToUiCallback = std::function<void(
std::unique_ptr<grpc_api::SendMessageToUiResponse> response)>;
using GetProcDataCallback = std::function<void(
std::unique_ptr<grpc_api::GetProcDataResponse> response)>;
using GetSysfsDataCallback = std::function<void(
std::unique_ptr<grpc_api::GetSysfsDataResponse> response)>;
using PerformWebRequestCallback = std::function<void(
std::unique_ptr<grpc_api::PerformWebRequestResponse> response)>;
using GetEcTelemetryRequestCallback = std::function<void(
std::unique_ptr<grpc_api::GetEcTelemetryResponse> response)>;
using GetAvailableRoutinesCallback = std::function<void(
std::unique_ptr<grpc_api::GetAvailableRoutinesResponse> response)>;
using RunRoutineCallback = std::function<void(
std::unique_ptr<grpc_api::RunRoutineResponse> response)>;
using GetRoutineUpdateCallback = std::function<void(
std::unique_ptr<grpc_api::GetRoutineUpdateResponse> response)>;
using GetOsVersionCallback = std::function<void(
std::unique_ptr<grpc_api::GetOsVersionResponse> response)>;
using GetConfigurationDataCallback = std::function<void(
std::unique_ptr<grpc_api::GetConfigurationDataResponse> response)>;
using GetVpdFieldCallback = std::function<void(
std::unique_ptr<grpc_api::GetVpdFieldResponse> response)>;
using GetDriveSystemDataCallback = std::function<void(
std::unique_ptr<grpc_api::GetDriveSystemDataResponse> response)>;
using RequestBluetoothDataNotificationCallback = std::function<void(
using GetStatefulPartitionAvailableCapacityCallback = std::function<void(
// Factory method that returns an instance of the real implementation of this
// interface.
// Returns a null pointer when the construction fails (for example, when the
// specified URI is unavailable).
// |thread_context| is passed as an unowned pointer; it must outlive the
// created DpslRequester instance.
static std::unique_ptr<DpslRequester> Create(
DpslThreadContext* thread_context, GrpcClientUri grpc_client_uri);
virtual ~DpslRequester() = default;
// Methods of the WilcoDtcSupportd gRPC interface.
// NOTE ON THREADING: These methods are allowed to be called from any thread
// (even from ones without a DpslThreadContext instance). However, the
// callbacks will always be called by DPSL on the thread on which the class
// was created.
virtual void SendMessageToUi(
std::unique_ptr<grpc_api::SendMessageToUiRequest> request,
SendMessageToUiCallback callback) = 0;
virtual void GetProcData(
std::unique_ptr<grpc_api::GetProcDataRequest> request,
GetProcDataCallback callback) = 0;
virtual void GetSysfsData(
std::unique_ptr<grpc_api::GetSysfsDataRequest> request,
GetSysfsDataCallback callback) = 0;
virtual void PerformWebRequest(
std::unique_ptr<grpc_api::PerformWebRequestParameter> request,
PerformWebRequestCallback callback) = 0;
virtual void GetEcTelemetry(
std::unique_ptr<grpc_api::GetEcTelemetryRequest> request,
GetEcTelemetryRequestCallback callback) = 0;
virtual void GetAvailableRoutines(
std::unique_ptr<grpc_api::GetAvailableRoutinesRequest> request,
GetAvailableRoutinesCallback callback) = 0;
virtual void RunRoutine(std::unique_ptr<grpc_api::RunRoutineRequest> request,
RunRoutineCallback callback) = 0;
virtual void GetRoutineUpdate(
std::unique_ptr<grpc_api::GetRoutineUpdateRequest> request,
GetRoutineUpdateCallback callback) = 0;
virtual void GetOsVersion(
std::unique_ptr<grpc_api::GetOsVersionRequest> request,
GetOsVersionCallback callback) = 0;
virtual void GetConfigurationData(
std::unique_ptr<grpc_api::GetConfigurationDataRequest> request,
GetConfigurationDataCallback callback) = 0;
virtual void GetVpdField(
std::unique_ptr<grpc_api::GetVpdFieldRequest> request,
GetVpdFieldCallback callback) = 0;
virtual void GetDriveSystemData(
std::unique_ptr<grpc_api::GetDriveSystemDataRequest> request,
GetDriveSystemDataCallback callback) = 0;
virtual void RequestBluetoothDataNotification(
RequestBluetoothDataNotificationCallback callback) = 0;
virtual void GetStatefulPartitionAvailableCapacity(
GetStatefulPartitionAvailableCapacityCallback callback) = 0;
} // namespace diagnostics