blob: 26e3cce7ae196fbe4c0175ef42d0bbd9d4fc75fc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "debugd/src/swap_tool.h"
#include <string>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include <base/files/file_util.h>
#include <base/strings/stringprintf.h>
#include <chromeos/dbus/debugd/dbus-constants.h>
#include "debugd/src/error_utils.h"
#include "debugd/src/process_with_output.h"
namespace debugd {
namespace {
// This script holds the bulk of the real logic.
const char kSwapHelperScript[] = "/usr/share/cros/init/";
// The path of the kstaled ratio file.
const char kMGLRUEnabledPath[] = "/sys/kernel/mm/lru_gen/enabled";
const char kSwapToolErrorString[] = "org.chromium.debugd.error.Swap";
base::FilePath kZramDevicePath("/sys/block/zram0");
constexpr base::TimeDelta kMaxIdleAge = base::Days(30);
std::string RunSwapHelper(const ProcessWithOutput::ArgList& arguments,
int* result) {
std::string stdout, stderr;
*result = ProcessWithOutput::RunProcessFromHelper(
kSwapHelperScript, arguments, nullptr, &stdout, &stderr);
return *result ? stderr : stdout;
} // namespace
std::string SwapTool::SwapEnable(int32_t size, bool change_now) const {
int result;
std::string output, buf;
buf = base::StringPrintf("%d", size);
output = RunSwapHelper({"enable", buf}, &result);
if (result != EXIT_SUCCESS)
return output;
if (change_now)
output = SwapStartStop(true);
return output;
std::string SwapTool::SwapDisable(bool change_now) const {
int result;
std::string output;
output = RunSwapHelper({"disable"}, &result);
if (result != EXIT_SUCCESS)
return output;
if (change_now)
output = SwapStartStop(false);
return output;
std::string SwapTool::SwapStartStop(bool on) const {
int result;
std::string output;
// We always turn off swap because the config might have changed.
// Also because the code doesn't like to turn on twice.
output = RunSwapHelper({"stop"}, &result);
if (result != EXIT_SUCCESS)
return output;
if (on)
output = RunSwapHelper({"start"}, &result);
return output;
std::string SwapTool::SwapStatus() const {
int result;
return RunSwapHelper({"status"}, &result);
std::string SwapTool::SwapSetParameter(const std::string& parameter_name,
int32_t parameter_value) const {
int result;
std::string buf;
buf = base::StringPrintf("%d", parameter_value);
return RunSwapHelper({"set_parameter", parameter_name, buf}, &result);
// static
bool SwapTool::WriteValueToFile(const base::FilePath& file,
const std::string& val,
std::string* msg) {
if (!base::WriteFile(file, val)) {
if (msg) {
*msg =
base::StringPrintf("ERROR: Failed to write %s to %s. Error %d (%s)",
val.c_str(), file.MaybeAsASCII().c_str(), errno,
return false;
if (msg) {
*msg = "SUCCESS";
return true;
// Zram writeback configuration.
std::string SwapTool::SwapZramEnableWriteback(uint32_t size_mb) const {
int result;
std::string buf;
// For now throw out values >32gb.
constexpr int kMaxSizeMb = 32 << 10;
if (size_mb == 0 || size_mb >= kMaxSizeMb) {
return "ERROR: Invalid size specified.";
std::string res = RunSwapHelper(
{"enable_zram_writeback", std::to_string(size_mb)}, &result);
if (result && res.empty()) {
res = "unknown error";
return std::string(result ? "ERROR: " : "SUCCESS: ").append(res);
std::string SwapTool::SwapZramSetWritebackLimit(uint32_t num_pages) const {
// Always make sure the writeback limit mode is enabled.
base::FilePath enable_file(kZramDevicePath.Append("writeback_limit_enable"));
std::string msg;
if (!WriteValueToFile(enable_file, "1", &msg)) {
return msg;
base::FilePath filepath(kZramDevicePath.Append("writeback_limit"));
std::string pages_str = std::to_string(num_pages);
// We ignore the return value of WriteValueToFile because |msg|
// contains the free form text response.
WriteValueToFile(filepath, pages_str, &msg);
return msg;
std::string SwapTool::SwapZramMarkIdle(uint32_t age_seconds) const {
const auto age = base::Seconds(age_seconds);
if (age > kMaxIdleAge) {
// Only allow marking pages as idle between 0sec and 30 days.
return base::StringPrintf("ERROR: Invalid age: %d", age_seconds);
base::FilePath filepath(kZramDevicePath.Append("idle"));
std::string age_str = std::to_string(age.InSeconds());
std::string msg;
// We ignore the return value of WriteValueToFile because |msg|
// contains the free form text response.
WriteValueToFile(filepath, age_str, &msg);
return msg;
std::string SwapTool::InitiateSwapZramWriteback(uint32_t mode) const {
base::FilePath filepath(kZramDevicePath.Append("writeback"));
std::string mode_str;
if (mode == WRITEBACK_IDLE) {
mode_str = "idle";
} else if (mode == WRITEBACK_HUGE) {
mode_str = "huge";
} else if (mode == WRITEBACK_HUGE_IDLE) {
mode_str = "huge_idle";
} else {
return "ERROR: Invalid mode";
std::string msg;
// We ignore the return value of WriteValueToFile because |msg|
// contains the free form text response.
WriteValueToFile(filepath, mode_str, &msg);
return msg;
bool SwapTool::KstaledSetRatio(brillo::ErrorPtr* error,
uint8_t kstaled_ratio) const {
std::string buf = std::to_string(kstaled_ratio > 0 ? 1 : 0);
errno = 0;
size_t res = base::WriteFile(base::FilePath(kMGLRUEnabledPath), buf.c_str(),
if (res != buf.size()) {
DEBUGD_ADD_ERROR(error, kSwapToolErrorString, strerror(errno));
return false;
return true;
} // namespace debugd