blob: 3c1ee9db6912a529c782d63554a2f7c07febb7ca [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "debugd/src/helpers/modetest_helper_utils.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <base/strings/stringprintf.h>
#include <re2/re2.h>
namespace debugd {
namespace modetest_helper_utils {
namespace {
// Looks like " 1 EDID:"
constexpr char kEDIDPropertyRegex[] = R"(^\s+\d+ EDID:$)";
constexpr char kValueRegex[] = R"(^\s+value:$)";
// The EDID is printed as a hex dump over several lines, each line containing
// the contents of 16 bytes. The first 16 bytes are broken down as follows:
// uint64_t fixed_pattern; // Always 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF 00.
// uint16_t manufacturer_id; // Manufacturer ID, encoded as PNP IDs.
// uint16_t product_code; // Manufacturer product code, little-endian.
// uint32_t serial_number; // Serial number, little-endian.
// Source:
// The subsequent regex looks for the fixed pattern followed by two 32-bit
// fields (manufacturer + product, serial number).
constexpr char kEDIDSerialRegex[] = R"(^\s+(00f{12}00[0-9a-f]{8}[0-9a-f]{8}))";
// Blob value is a sequence of at least one hex digit.
constexpr char kBlobRegex[] = R"(^\s+[0-9a-f]+$)";
RE2 GetPropertyRegex(const std::string& property_name) {
constexpr char kEDIDPropertyRegex[] = R"(^\s+\d+ %s:$)";
std::string property_regex =
base::StringPrintf(kEDIDPropertyRegex, property_name.c_str());
return RE2(property_regex.c_str());
} // namespace
EDIDFilter::EDIDFilter() : saw_edid_property_(false), saw_value_(false) {}
void EDIDFilter::ProcessLine(std::string& line) {
if (!saw_edid_property_) {
saw_edid_property_ = RE2::FullMatch(line, kEDIDPropertyRegex);
} else if (!saw_value_) {
saw_value_ = RE2::FullMatch(line, kValueRegex);
} else {
re2::StringPiece s;
// The first line in the EDID blob value should have the serial number
// which we want to filter out.
if (RE2::PartialMatch(line, kEDIDSerialRegex, &s)) {
// Find the end of this match in |line|.
auto it = std::search(line.rbegin(), line.rend(), s.rbegin(), s.rend());
if (it != line.rend()) {
// Clear the serial number, which is the first 8 characters.
std::fill_n(it, 8, '0');
// Reset these since we don't want to look at anymore of the blob
// after we've looked at the first line. If we failed to find a
// valid EDID (i.e. the match fails) we want to reset the state machine
// as well.
saw_value_ = false;
saw_edid_property_ = false;
// BlobFilter will remove the blob value of the specified property.
BlobFilter::BlobFilter(const std::string& property_name)
: saw_property_(false),
property_pattern_(GetPropertyRegex(property_name)) {}
bool BlobFilter::ProcessLine(const std::string& line) {
if (!saw_property_) {
saw_property_ = RE2::FullMatch(line, property_pattern_);
} else if (!saw_value_) {
saw_value_ = RE2::FullMatch(line, kValueRegex);
} else {
// While scanning the property's value, return |false| for every line
// that looks like a blob, indicating the line should be skipped.
if (RE2::FullMatch(line, kBlobRegex)) {
return false;
} else {
// Upon finding the first non-blob line, reset the state machine.
saw_value_ = false;
saw_property_ = false;
return true;
} // namespace modetest_helper_utils
} // namespace debugd